I’ve spent almost all my brain power this week trapping a gremlin that lives in one of my tools.  I’ve got the little fucker cornered, now I just need to get the approval for the parts to crush it.  Which is kind of unfortunate (the expended mental effort, not the long-overdue replacement of a faulty linear encoder) because there is something really interesting going on in the skies this week.  To wit:

There is a giant honking arrow pointing at Capricorn.  And Saturn is the point of it.

Someone’s gonna die.

Sloop or one of the AM lynxers can generate a list of candidates born under the sign of the sea goat.  If I had the time and better maps I might even be able to pin down the exact birthday of our soon to be dearly departed, but that really would be a lot of work and then after I got that right you’d all want me to pick lottery numbers and then where would I be?  So have fun setting up some sort of gambling instrument.

Anyway, the Super Bowl will undoubtedly provide enough commenting fodder, so I’ll just draw a few cards and get to drinking.

Aquarius:  Knight of Cups – Arrival, approach, messenger, advances, proposition, demeanor, invitation, incitement

Pisces : Page of Coins reversed – Prodigality, dissipation, liberality, luxury, unfavorable news

Aries:  King of Cups – Fair man, man of business, law, or divinity; responsible, equity, art and science,  creative intelligence.

Taurus:  5 of Cups – Loss but something remains over, inheritance, patrimony, transmission

Gemini:  Page of Swords reversed – A weaselly person working against you, unforeseen, unprepared state, sickness

Cancer:  7 of Coins –  money, business, barter, altercation, quarrels, innocence, ingenuity, purgation

Leo:  Knight of Swords – Skill, bravery, capacity, defense, address, enmity, wrath, war, destruction, opposition, resistance, ruin

Virgo:  The Star – Loss, theft, privation, abandonment, hope and bright prospects

Libra:  Queen of Wands –  A dark woman, countrywoman, friendly, chaste, loving, honorable, Love of money, certain success in business

Scorpio:  King of Coins reversed – Vice, weakness, ugliness, perversity, corruption, peril

Sagittarius:  8 of Swords – Bad news, violent chagrin, crisis, censure, power in trammels, conflict, calumny, sickness

Capricorn:  10 of Coins reversed – Chance, fatality, loss, robbery, games of hazard, gift, dowry, pension