By now, you’ve passed through this enough times that you should have your panicking schedules and techniques down pat.  Act accordingly.

MERCURY RETROGRADE doesn’t figure into any constructions this week, but it is in Pisces, which is one of the more piggeldy signs in which to higgeldy.  You might need to panic a bit more than usual.

What’s interesting is what signs actually are there.  The first is a generic good luck Sun-Moon-Earth, but the other is the far more significant Mars-Jupiter-Saturn.  This can mean “an end to war,” but that usually involves Venus being present in a relevant way, which it isn’t.  The other major interpretation is “a decisive battle,” which considering that whole “Taliban truce” thingy that is supposed to happen this week is kind of interesting…

Welcome Pisces, to your month in the sun!  Sorry that it’s going to start out in MERCURY RETROGRADE, but that just means you’ll get an extra dose of luck once it gets its celestial head out of its orbital ass.  Beyond that, the skies are pretty simple:  Venus in Aries means good lovin’ for those lucky enough to get some.  The moon in Aquarius is all sorts of water aspects all over the place.  And then Capricorn — in addition to the Jupiter-Saturn power twin combo, you pick up Mars this week.  If you’ve got a good plan to crush your enemies, this is probably the best time to execute it.

Interesting draw this week — a mix of some of the best and worst cards available, and a complete flip suitwise from last week.  Which makes sense for MERCURY RETROGRADE.  Of particular note is Aquarius drawing the Queen of Coins for the second week in a row.  Some signs have all the luck.

Pisces:  King of Cups reversed – Dishonest, double-dealing man, roguery, exaction, injustice, vice, scandal, pillage, considerable loss

Aries:  The Star – Loss, theft, privation, abandonment, hope, bright prospects

Taurus:  3 of Wands reversed – The end of troubles, suspension or cessation of adversity, toil and disappointment.

Gemini:  The Emperor reversed – Benevolence, compassion, credit, confusion to enemies, obstruction, immaturity.

Cancer:  The Hanged Man reversed – Selfishness, the crowd, body politic

Leo:  2 of Wands – Riches, fortune, magnificence, physical suffering, disease, chagrin, sadness, mortification

Virgo:  4 of Wands – country life, haven of refuge, repose, concord, harmony, prosperity, peace

Libra:  8 of Cups reversed – Great joy, happiness, feasting

Scorpio:  Knight of Wands – Departure, absence, flight, emigration, A dark young man, change of residence

Sagittarius:  2 of Swords reversed – Imposture, falsehood, duplicity, disloyalty, misdirected vengeance

Capricorn:  3 of Cups – The conclusion of any matter in plenty, perfection and merriment, happy issue, victory, fulfilment, solace, healing

Aquarius: Queen of Coins – Opulence, generosity, magnificence, security, liberty