Unnnnnngggggghhhhhh. Typing is hard. Too much effort and noise. Long dinner last night with too many courses, too much food, far too much alcohol. OK, not TOO much alcohol but… OK too much. We’re all in a food coma right now and I’m afraid that the morning links might show it. Not just the humans, but the dogs that were here.

If I see any birthday cake, I’m gonna hurl. Fortunately, great birthdays today are thinner than usual, but let’s not forget the coiner of a famous stock phrase in biology; a guy who was famous for his lips moving; the greatest TV dad ever (and whom my father tried to pattern his parenting after, but his kids were not Beaver and Wally); the reason why all politicians should ski more; the guy who made air filters famous; a perfect example of Trump picking his enemies wisely (and I love Wikipedia’s bland description of “American attorney and pundit”); and of course, The Bus.

And also, of course, the news:


A follow-up to everyone’s favorite story.


The inevitable result of legalized weed.


Louisiana is near Florida, after all.


“…and just before he died, we told him that Trump had been impeached.”


News of the Weird.


News of the Weirder. 


I can’t roll my eyes as well as SP does, but this bit of PR hype to sell a stupid book almost worked. So stunning! So brave! What a cunte.


Old Guy Music honors an Old Guy whom I must have, no exaggeration, seen a hundred times in concert. For years and years, we’d go to any show he’d play in Baltimore, DC, and Philly. And every one of them was a total delight. Talked with him numerous times as well, and HE was a total delight. We even saw him in Salt Lake City right around the time of this video. This is as good as music gets.