No, seriously, every day I hear more and more frustration, mostly about the news and about all those OTHER morons. So I think the momentum (symbolized p for panic) is slowing. That’s mostly good, but unfortunately too late, after $2 trillion of money forcibly extracted from us is being hurriedly flushed down the national toilet by the various chimps in suits whom we refer to as “congressmen and senators.” Not sure if this little analysis has been repeatedly linked here, but if so, visualize drugs falling out of my ass.

Birthdays today include a remarkably shitty Secretary of State; his partner in crime; a Mormon president whom I actually knew; Mr. Fuck That Shit himself; the alter ego of Mel Lewis; one of the two people who started the whole BPA scare; one of my favorite living philosophers; and of course, Joe Biden’s speechwriter.

Now to the news.


CNN asks itself, “Why do people hate us so much?”


CNN asks itself again, “Why do people hate us so much?”


This goes along with all those “Christmas baby” stories.


Is this why comments are a bit light this morning?


I mean, look, I favor hunting down Yankees fans, but this might be pushing the boundaries of the constitution just a weeeeeee bit.


Women and minorities hardest hit.


I love how this is exactly the same story I read in 2016, but with the names swapped.


Old Guy Music: I’m not sure why I waited so long to break this out again. It’s timely. It’s a masterpiece.