I really like the day care I send my kids to. Not only are they staying open until someone makes them close, they’re working with the church next door to expand K-5 care starting next week until school resumes. Anyone who already does before or after care from school with them, plus the children of “essential” personnel who are basically drafted until the state of emergency ends — medical, first-responders, cops. How great is that? Mrs. L and I have also decided to try to order takeout or delivery dinner from local restaurants about every other night as long as we can. First, because we want those restaurants to still be there when this ends, and second, because that means fewer trips to the shit-show grocery stores.

Oh, and it appears Mrs. L and I are expecting another shit-lord or -lady. November 6, or thereabouts. A perfect little tax deduction. I was not allowed to attend the ultrasound because coronavirus.

Looks like Winston’s Mom owes Paul Krugman a blowjob after his election night ’16 tweet finally comes to pass. Maybe he’s a time-traveler

I don’t think this is the Fleet Week NYC was hoping for.

My main concern regarding coronavirus and Snowbirds is that they won’t go home. Go Home! Stop descending on the grocery store like a pack of wolves!

South Korea’s coronavirus case count falls by an order of magnitude without shutdowns or curfews. Also note that 60% of cases came from one locus of infection. American data, such that we have, indicates a similar pattern of non-casual transmission.

Update: Now with image on home page!