The alignment responsible for the panic is breaking up.  However it adds the Earth for this week adding the meaning of “discord/destruction at home.”  So you’ve got that going for you.  That particular bit of celestial shit should break up by Cinqo de Drinko, which should make that celebration even better.

What’s sad about all this nonsense is that Jupiter in Capricorn is auspicious for court viziers and the like, so I can only assume that all officially recognized schmaht guise will be rewarded, or at least none of them beaten about the shins.  Mars and Saturn (being in Aquarius as they are) continue to warn of destruction by water.  The moon being together with Venus in Gemini is a sign of infidelity, and this is reinforced by Mercury being Aries.  It’s still good to be a bull though (a little Taurus humor there to lighten the mood.)

So yeah, the skies continue to rain crap-flavored starlight down.  Maybe the cards have a bit more sympathy?

Taurus:  3 of Coins – Trade, skilled labor, nobility, aristocracy, renown, glory

Gemini:  Knight of Wands reversed – Rupture, division, interruption, discord

Cancer:  King of Coins reversed – Vice, weakness, ugliness, perversity, corruption, peril

Leo:  Blank card – Choose your own prediction

Virgo:  5 of Cups reversed -News, alliances, affinity, consanguinity, ancestry, return, false projects.

Libra:  2 of Wands reversed –  Surprise, wonder, enchantment, emotion, trouble, fear.

Scorpio:  Ace of Wands – Creation, invention, enterprise, principle, beginning, source, birth, family, origin, virility, money, fortune.

Sagittarius:  King of Swords reversed – Cruelty, perversity, barbarity, perfidy, evil intention.

Capricorn:  Queen of Coins – Opulence, generosity, magnificence, security, liberty, whining about predictions made

Aquarius:  7 of Coins – Money, business, barter, altercation, quarrels, innocence, ingenuity, purgation, wise investment

Pisces:  10 of Cups reversed – Repose of the false heart, indignation, violence

Aries:  6 of Wands reversed – Apprehension, fear, treachery, disloyalty, indefinite delay.  Lol.  At least that last one is pretty much guaranteed.