This COVID $#!&* is getting old.  In fact, I’m beginning to see why so many of you like Fall more than Spring.  Well, at least we have each oth-Hey, hey; get back here!!  SMDH…  People are getting antsy, but, not enough, IFYKWIM—too many people begging for government salvation, and too few begging for impeachments, recalls, and jail time.  Maybe we can laugh at some of our betters.  Let’s see:


Laugh?  I want to throw the guy a party!  Oh….

Now, I won’t laugh at the salespeople—I want them as friends.  The others, though?  A-ha-ha-ha, bitches.

In the multiple choice version of Laugh-In, ‘All of the Above’ in the correct answer.

As it turns out,  not everyone was loving it.

A blonde, mulleted man was seen lurking nearby.  Hehehehehe…”kinkajou”.

You obviously meant, “about-face mask.  Alright, fine—don’t laugh!

I don’t even know where to begin with this bullshit.  Yeah, you can argue that it’s what she gets, by virtue of being a cop.  Still the utilitarian arguments, along with the, “You don’t understand, but, you’re still guilty” attitude, kinda explains why they all deserve gales of derisive laughter.

Possible vacation spot detected.  Prague!   I was talking about Prague….

“Honestly, officer—we were just minding our own business…”  Not saying it’s necessarily right.  But, I understand.


Nah—no music this week.  It’s the Queen Mum’s birthday today (as I mentioned last week), and I couldn’t find anything relevant to it, that I liked enough to share.  So, post your own, ya bums.  Probably won’t have a Night Shift next weekend, due to an anniversary vacation stay-cation (I hate myself for even writing that).  Then again, I might—don’t really know, yet.  So you may have to entertain yourselves.  But, is that really any different than any other week?  See ya!