Any marriage performed on June 5 of this year is doomed.  Sorry for the late notice, but cancelling everything and rescheduling is probably going to be cheaper in the long run.  And next time you schedule, make sure the moon isn’t aligned with the earth, the sun, and Venus retrograde, okay?  And your wedding planner really should have checked that for you, she owes you at least a partial refund.

Beyond that this is a bad week to be in command, with Jupiter retrograde-Saturn retrograde-Luna indicating debacles of the governmental kind and an interlocking Mars-Sol through that Saturn retrograde extending that disaster (literally, “bad stars”) to military events as well.

The cards back up the advice with one of the married couples of the Major Arcana drawn reversed.

Gemini:  7 of Coins reversed – Cause for anxiety regarding money

Cancer:  The Hierophant reversed – Society, good understanding, concord, overkindness, weakness

Leo:  8 of Swords – Bad news, violent chagrin, crisis, censure, power in trammels, conflict, calumny, sickness.

Virgo:  The High Priestess reversed – Passion, moral or physical ardor, conceit, surface knowledge.

Libra:  3 of Coins – Trade, skilled labor, nobility, aristocracy, renown, glory.

Scorpio:  Page of Coins reversed –  Prodigality, dissipation, liberality, luxury, unfavorable news.

Sagittarius:  Justice – Equity, rightness, probity, executive, triumph of the deserving side in law

Capricorn:  9 of Wands reversed -Obstacles, adversity, calamity.

Aquarius:  Page of Swords –  Authority, overseeing, secret service, vigilance, spying, examination

Pisces:  4 of Cups reversed – Novelty, presage, new instruction, new relations.

Aries:  King of Swords – Power, command, authority, militant intelligence, law, offices of the crown

Taurus:  The Hanged Man reversed – Selfishness, the crowd, body politic.