I was somewhat amused this evening when I drove over to the grocery in this whiter-than-white neighborhood. There were a half dozen very earnest-looking protesters at the corner, all wearing masks, all whiter-than-white, and all waving hand-made signs with variants of “Black Lives Matter” or “End Racism!” scrawled on white cardboard with a Sharpie. In a large sense, this was a nice thing- they were all waving their signs at passing traffic, and… that’s it. The definition of “peaceful protest,” albeit amazingly ironic, misguided, and stupid.

So with that Yin mentioned, here’s an example of misguided, stupid, and destructive. Note that what’s not mentioned is the actual leading causes of death in black teens. If Hyphenated Babs cared more about black youth than she cared about racial scolding for fame and profit, the talk might go quite differently:

Look, there’s racism. There will always be racism. That’s just not going to change as long as humans are humans. Trying to somehow end it will make things worse for everyone. What will make a difference in your life is what you do about it. Be inspired by Frederick Douglass, not by Al Sharpton. If you excel as a human and as a student, you’ll have a much easier life ahead of you. That’s reality.

Don’t throw shit at anyone with a gun, and always remember that it’s far more likely that the real threat with a gun will be another black male youth. That’s reality.

Cops are scum, but unless you’re a knucklehead, they’re not a major danger to you. That’s reality.

Be polite, don’t hang with destructive people, and your chances of remaining alive and out of jail will be extremely high.

Now let’s see the Yang: SP got a “Message from the CEO” or somesuch title from one of the companies she buys from. Fuck, she thought, another stupid piece of political theater. NO! It was a completely non-political statement on exactly what was going on with them, their supply chain, and being able to service customers. For any of you out there who like baking or would like to like it, our highest praise for Breadtopia for doing the thing they do well, staying out of politics, and not making us hate them like so many other businesses have done over the past few weeks. Show them your support by spending a few bucks there- the products and merch are absolutely first-rate.

Birthdays today include the bane of PChem students; the bane of Richard Nixon; the bane of Albert Einstein; arguably the best flat-picker of all time; Donald Trump’s life insurance policy; and a guy whose last words were, “Mind if I crash here?”

On to the news.


As publicity stunts go, this one was successful.


It’s a good thing that our government has recognized that there’s a critical shortage of stupidity, and has stepped in to drop aid. NPR is a gift from the Coalemus of our tax dollars.


Speaking of doing everything possible to piss off your audience just to (impotently) try to tamp down the cries of the howler monkeys…


I was arrested in something like this- of course, our protest was about hundreds of thousands of people being blown up and incinerated, and we being forced to participate at the point of a gun. 


H/T to the Pope for this little gem. And for this little follow-up. Minnesota howler monkeys.


Chicago howler monkeys. No-one in any of the arts worlds has the balls to stand up to this shit, refuse to apologize, and mock it for the idiocy that it is.


Old Guy Music is a sad and wonderful song from today’s Birthday Boy.