With so many things out there to set us all off, we could focus on something important.  Something like jack boot thugs called in to beat up communists…nah.  Lets phone it in.

This is my review of Chihuahua Mexican Lager.

Trader Joe’s was called to account this week via a Change.org petition requesting they change certain product names the petitioners consider racist.  Product names like Trader José, Trader Ming, and Arabian Joe.

As of this writing fewer than 5000 people have signed this petition.  I want to stress how easy clicking “I support ____“ on a Change.org petition is. You sign up with an email, even a throwaway email, and click. In spite of the ease in which one can support an online petition, and exposure by corporate media, fewer than 5000 people support this.

Oddly enough, my Trader Jose product says Joe although others say José.  What I find offensive is they didn’t account for MY desire to be the focus of their marketing.  When I buy something I want to be pandered to.  I want these people to butter me up.  I know its a meaningless tactic, an emotional appeal designed to trigger a small release of dopamine in my brain—but that tactic works!  Thats why they they sell “Texas Package” pickup trucks.  They want Sloopy to buy their truck.

Damnit.  This is supposed to be a recession, I have the disposable income to waste $2.99 on a blend of salt, cumin, chilli powder, and dehydrated Parmesan cheese.  Its priced at a level I can cross shop this product with nearly anything else.  Nope.  5 thousand weenies in a country of 330 million think Trader José is offensive.  Lets pander before we get cancelled…

…or we can tell Trader Joe’s there are more people with cooler heads and are not running around finding new and inventive ways to be offended by everything.  Here’s my counter petition.

This is still America, and what makes America different is multiple cultures and people can coexist in the same place.  If this is no longer possible then change the product line to appease the emotional well-being of people searching for reasons to be upset.  But if America is still the multicultural melting pot it is purported to be, these products are perfectly acceptable and should remain.

The smart money is in this going nowhere, but if first they came for Mexican seasoning meant for grilled corn, but I did not speak out…


This beer is surprisingly faithful to its Mexican counterparts. When viewing through that frame of reference, its surprisingly not terrible.  If you’re not into this sort of thing, or are not presently gorging yourself on elotes, your milage may vary.  Chihuahua Mexican Lager:  2.5/5