It’s delightful that, at the company I work for, the owner/president offered a shooting class for all the female employees. As I walked past the Accounts Receivable office, I noticed that the women there had hung up their targets from the previous evening’s session, along with… commentary. Stuff like that is what makes the high stress, high pressure environment there worthwhile.

The amusement that the world provides me makes everything else worthwhile, too, starting with the usual random assortment of birthdays. Those include the greatest contributor to equality; an artist with a definite kink; a hottie who definitely had an edge to her; one of the greatest animators to walk this earth, and another argument for immigration’s contribution to the greatness of America; one of the last of the Team Red Brahmans;  a guy who managed to make Richard Nixon look good; another major contributor to equality among men; and one of my favorite comedians and here’s a clip of why I love the guy.

Now here’s some news for you to ignore.


Want to know what tyranny is? This is tyranny.


Your daily dose of Chicago’s fine culture.


Your daily dose of New York’s fine culture.


TERRIFYING! Never change, Guardian, never change.


Organ damage is the worst damage.


I have an alibi.



Old Guy Music was inspired by the thought, “How could I make things even more depressing?” And the answer to that question is always the same- Leonard Cohen.