Looks like its just me and the boys for the weekend, as expected. My parents stopped by, their 18 year old fridge went out last night and they wanted to put a bunch of freezer stuff in ours, which, no problem. So as we’re kibbitzing about the weekend I mention the trip to Disney with the boys, and as my folks are loading up, my dad hands me $50, real subtle like he did when I would visit home in college. I wonder when he’ll switch from slipping me money to slipping the boys money. It just made me laugh and like my old man. I make plenty of money, but he still wants to slip his kid some cash.

The vaping conventional wisdom comes around to what folks here already knew: Banning products already under FDA inspection made vaping more dangerous*

Sketchy real estate scams, a story as old as Florida.

AI Jesus? I don’t see him living with the worms, the chatbots, and the malware.

Many here claim that Elon Musk is just a government money grifter, but if so, he sure delivers more value for money than the old aerospace gang.

*for people who wanted flavors