Happy Friday, everybody. This is my last set of links as the main afternoon linker for a while. Others among TPTB are going to take over for a while, as I find myself beset by professional and family obligations more and more. I’ll still be around, and will pinch hit fairly often, just stepping back from being “the afternoon links guy”. I’ve had a great time doing these links, but I look forward to be a Glibertarian minister without portfolio for a while, too. And I’m not crying, you’re crying!

Biden has the class to wish Trump a speedy recovery. I’m honestly surprised that happens in today’s climate.

Using minors to steal yard signs is not cool, but I think tossing two seatbelt violations in on top is a little much.

What the fuck, NYC?

This is cool, although I wonder how scalable this is. Note the important caveat: “at room temperature”. I’d have to think that a sizeable version would have a significant cooling effect on the surroundings. Still, there are plenty of applications where there’s more than enough thermal energy to help this along. Its not often that you hear of Richard Feynman being wrong about something to do with physics.