In all seriousness, Mexico’s current constitution has the election run on a six year cycle and you can only be president for a single six year term.  Plus…okay who cares?

I know whats on everybody’s mind today, but I am going to cling to this schtick harder than Nate Silver clings to his waning credibility.  On to the links!

Pope Francis says his comments on gay marriage were taken out of context, and edited by the reporter who interviewed….okay who cares?

Peace deal in Colombia hangs in the balance as they eye the US Elec….okay who cares?

Hurricane Eta moves towards Nicaragua, and is likely tos cause severe….okay who cares?

Record number of sea turtles hatch in…okay who cares?

They really can’t meme…even when half the work is done for them

It’s probably a better step to repealing the Logan Act instead of…okay who cares?

A human interest piece on a university professor that survived torture by Pinochet…okay I KNOW none of you give a shit about this.


Its as appropriate a tune I could think of today.