As you are no doubt aware, the Glibs database is becoming unwieldy because of the number of comments, posts, and all the meta data that goes along with those items. Since we are not in the financial position of moving to an enterprise-level hosting solution, I have a few questions for you tonight about how you use the site.

How often do you search for and use posts from previous years? How often do you look at posts from a few months ago? Or do you mainly live “in the moment” and never really look for previous posts?

How often do you search for a previous post using the Contributing Writers page? (Did you even know it exists?)

Do you go back from a current post and read linked posts in the series?

How often do you browse categories, either from the category links at the top of posts, or from the menus?

Do you save or share posts?

Do you attempt to stay logged in, or do you logout each time you are done visiting the site?

Do you use Trashy’s Monocole or Eyepiece plugin?

Do you usually visit the site on a mobile device or from a desktop, or is it some of each?

How come you haven’t sent me any Thanksgiving recipes?


Thanks in advance for your input.


You may also consider this your Sunday Night Open Post!