As I mentioned to the ZoomGlibs Friday night, we get the mail of someone who used to have our address. (I assume his forwarding order ran out.) Some of the items we get:

Hammacher-Schlemmer catalogs.

American Rifleman magazine.

AG Russell Knives catalogs.

And Friday brought us two very special holiday appeals for him. The following was one I had never seen before.

Now, not wanting to be in violation of federal law, I did not open this mail, since this piece didn’t have “Or Current Resident” on it. However, I didn’t need to read the interior missive to get the gist of this grift.

It takes much more than $.89 a day to feed my personal hungry elderly Jew.

And, Pat Boone is still alive?


Anyway, I’m skipping birthdays again, as I have much to accomplish today. So, let’s move right on to links.



And here’s a little music for your Sunday morning.


Have a great day, kids!