We’re enjoying a string of rainy days here. Quite nice. It’s keeping the nighttime temps in the upper 50s, and the daytime temps below 120.  😉

When I started writing this, it was raining. Now it’s back to the usual relentless sunshine, just in time for me to do some errands.

I’ll apologize to WebDom now since she’s arriving Monday and it’s supposedly going to be rainy and chilly. Well, for certain values of chilly.

Know what? I’m sick to death of political BS, so I’ll provide links to other BS this afternoon.


This is very similar to something that happened to me. The handwritten first drafts of some of my early published writing found their way back to me 20+ years later.

still wouldn’t call this man a liar.

I’m good with it as long as they didn’t let this man sing.

This is just too cool.

Aww. This is nice, too.


And some music.

Have a great rest of your day, kids!

(Also, I forgot to mention it’s one of my favorite kinds of days, palindromic, if you do it right. 1.21.21)