Good Morning!


Well. Here we are. Tuesday morning, and you poor folks are up and about. Well, let’s see if we can find something interesting to read and snark about.


And now some active duty military added to the mix. Nothing says “democracy” like razor wire and 25,000 troops for an American Presidential Inauguration. Welcome to a show of force from our new masters.


Wait…whut…? I’m confused. A year ago, Trump was the devil incarnate for implementing them in the first place.


Bweep, bweep, bweep. I still like the pillow though.


At least American entrepreneurship isn’t completely dead.


He taint talking about vitamin D deficiency. We’ll see what impact he has.


“Bitch, I’m fucking out of here.”


Okay, this one really hurt me right in my brain. Seriously, I feel like I have a concussion.


All right, that’s enough stupid insanity for this morning. Have a great day, Glibs!