Jordan Peterson once related an interesting story about his teaching career. At the time, he was teaching at Harvard. His class, no doubt, consisted of the virtual flower of American youth, the class presidents, the kids who volunteered at soup kitchens while graduating valedictorian…the regular best and the brightest. And he calmly explained to them, “Statistically, given the time and place, it’s almost certain that just about all of you would have been Nazis.”

No doubt this triggered rounds of righteous indignation and personal offense. But, statistically, he was pretty much right and, having listened to Peterson at some length, I’ve little doubt none of them could provide much evidence or plausible argument that he was wrong.

The point wasn’t to indict the students, per se. The same could be said of just about any random sample of the population. And, yes, the same could be said of you. Or me. If you’re reading this, if you were born in that time and place, it’s highly likely YOU would have been a loyal, goose-stepping, Nazi. The odds are, in fact, that just about any of us, would have been.

Maybe that’s a bridge too far. Maybe that’s something you can’t accept. So, if it makes you feel any better, for whatever reason I can’t fathom, consider that you probably would have been a loyal Soviet communist, happily applauding Comrade Stalin’s liquidation of the Ukrainian kulaks through forced mass starvation in the Holodomor and turning people in to be shipped off in cattle cars to the gulags.

Think about it for a moment. It’s a pretty sobering thought. It’s not your political enemies. Not those people. Not the people from the other socio-political tribe. Not “the deplorables” or “those damned progressives”. It’s you. Personally.

The point is that the line between good and evil is not one that is driven by “our team/tribe versus their team/tribe”. Or you and your friends versus those other people and their friends. No, it’s a line driven through each and every human heart. Each and every one of us has it within ourselves to be a monster. Each and every one of us has it within ourselves to destroy the world and butcher the innocent and rationalize it in the name of whatever noble ideals and goals we hold out as sufficient to justify it.

So, when you’re looking for Hitlers to destroy and Nazis to banish, odds are you probably need look no further than the nearest mirror. And when you’re looking to visit the wrath of God on those who run afoul of your noble, just programs, stop and consider that the person who has become most deserving of God’s wrath may well be you.