WASHINGTON – “With this order, I hereby restore power to the people so that no President may ever rule by fiat again” said Biden as he squinted at the teleprompter. “It’s truly a momentous occasion” said CNN senior political analyst Joanna Gambolputty. “Throughout history, presidents have used their power to restore power to its proper balance, such as when FDR forced Americans to sell their gold to the government. Or when FDR forced Japanese Americans into internment camps. Or when FDR drafted millions of Americans to fight in WW2. Truly, the people had more power under FDR than any other president” added Gambolputty.

Other proposed executive orders include a $1 billion program to study ways to reduce the national debt and promoting world peace by invading Iran. Senator Rand Paul was asked to comment, but when called, he merely spluttered incoherently for a few moments and then hung up the phone. Various Democrats have called for more aggressive executive orders, such as a special tax on white males to promote racial harmony and reduce inequality.

In response, Republicans have called for a national day of prayer, increased military spending, and tougher penalties for drug crime. The proposal, dubbed The Reverse Mortgage with America by its architect Mitt Romney, has received a mix response from the GOP. “It needs something about the flag” said Mitch McConnell.