Starting on Tuesday, we get the alignment of Jupiter with the Sun and Mars.  Jupiter is a problematic planet for me and for our times in general.  Jupiter is considered one of the “good” planets, but that comes largely from its association with rulership/government.  For one thing, living in a ruled area most certainly resulted in benefits back in the original discovery days of astrology, and for another, most astrology jobs were with the government (or at the very least in urban areas) so astrology gained a notable statist bias.  I won’t claim that there’s any relation to that and to the modern fascination of the wokeists with astrology, but it wouldn’t surprise me if that connection was there either.  There is of course the unambiguously good “jovial,” but that only dates back to the 16thC. or so, and furthermore is a description of those born under the sign, not of the planetary influence itself.  So while I can’t ignore the positive connotation of the description of Jupiter’s influence, I also can’t disregard that the original scientists had a different idea of what “good” means.

But back to Mars-Sun-Jupiter.  Obviously government and war go together like taxes and graft, but the fact that the skies are bothering to mention it means something beyond the usual is happening.  I’m getting the impression that this has to do with a person specifically, so a General or a Warlord having particular prominence.  The indicators that something becomes an according-to-Hoyle war just isn’t supported by other astrological evidence.

As mentioned last week, Pisces picked up Venus in addition to the Sun, with Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn remaining behind in Aquarius.  This is all generally good news (notice I’m not talking about Mars being in Taurus — that’s not good news).  Having (almost) all the planets clustering in those two houses are auspicious since both are signs of bounty, nourishment, increase, feasting, succor and the like.  Yes, there are some… unfortunate implications (particularly depending on your interpretation of the story of Ganymede) but overall a good sign, though it does indicate a shifting away from a rapid improvement in one’s comforts and towards a more stable, acceptable condition.

So I didn’t get around to performing the curse-breaking.  It turns out I’m completely out of vellum, and it would be cheaper just to buy a new deck than to lay in a supply.  This doesn’t answer the question as to who exactly cursed the deck, but I suspect It was probably inadvertent, and had something to do with the zooms.  Although, did any of you knuckleheads do something four weeks ago?  Anyway, your draw still sucks.  Though not nearly as much as the past month’s.

Pisces:  6 of Cups -The past, looking back, happiness, enjoyment, new relations, new knowledge, new environment

Aries:  Ace of Coins reversed – The evil side of wealth, bad intelligence, others using their wealth to your disadvantage

Taurus:  Strength – Power, energy, action, courage, magnanimity, complete success, honors

Gemini:  The Emperor reversed – Benevolence, compassion, credit, confusion to enemies, obstruction, immaturity

Cancer:  7 of Wands reversed – Perplexity, embarrassments, anxiety. It is also a caution against indecision.

Leo:  King of Swords reversed – Cruelty, perversity, barbarity, perfidy, evil intention

Virgo:  3 of Cups reversed – Expedition, dispatch, achievement, end. It signifies also the side of excess in physical enjoyment, and the pleasures of the senses.

Libra:  2 of Swords reversed –  Imposture, falsehood, duplicity, disloyalty.

Scorpio:  The Star – Loss, theft, privation, abandonment, hope and bright prospects

Sagittarius:  10 of Swords reversed – Advantage, profit, success, favor, but none of these are permanent; also power and authority.

Capricorn:  6 of Wands reversed –  Apprehension, fear, treachery, disloyalty, indefinite delay.

Aquarius:  8 of Wands reversed – Jealousy, internal dispute, stingings of conscience, quarrels, domestic disputes