Well, I learned something fun today…

I am a bartender, and I also work online and do websites, social media management, etc. My 4 year old ASUS PC is on the fritz. I spend more time fighting with it than I do actually getting any work done, and it’s been only getting worse. Half the time it doesn’t turn on. Sometimes it turns on but the screen doesn’t turn on. It’s a mess.

I can’t keep spending 2hrs of a 4hr block of work trying to get the computer to cooperate. I need a new computer, and a stable computer at that.

After much deliberation, I decided, “Fuck it. I’m getting a MacBook Pro.” In the last couple weeks I earned enough in tips to pay cash for a brand new MacBook Pro. This is all happy, right?

But…I don’t have a local bank account. The bank in town exploits its customers in a way that I refuse to be party to, so I have one of those digital banks. I’ve been very happy with my bank except for the fact that I can’t just take a picture of cash and have it appear in my bank account.

So I go to Wegmans and I buy $2900 in Amazon gift cards.

But, because of fucking United States Government bullshit, I got put in a money laundering database. My driver’s license. My social security number. Phone number. Address. I had to explain who the cards were for and what I was doing with them.

The law says there is a $10k daily limit on purchasing gift cards, but turns out if you purchase $2,001 in any 24hr period, you have to go through all this money laundering bullshit, and you’re stored in a database forever.

That fucking pissed me off. Had I known, I would’ve split it up into two transactions at two different stores.

So, file that away under useful information. $2,001 in gift card purchases, and you go in a database.

Anyway, onto my browser history.

I’m on a food kick this week, and a lot of my browser history is largely related to edibles (but not that kind).

OMWC turned me onto these noodles while I was visiting Arizona. They’re phenomenal. Like instant ramen but with flavour.

Do Taco Bell sauce packets go bad?

Here’s how to work with plant-based meats, because, frankly, most people treat it like actual meat.

And speaking of food, I’ve been reading this study about how inflammation from our diet can lead to heart disease. This is something my cardiologist has talked about a lot in the past, so every time more information comes out, I gobble it up.

I’ve been reading about my favourite Turk, Mehmed II.

And also about the remains of a recently discovered Mayan palace.

Based on your zodiac, which Pokemon type are you?


And for your listening pleasure, a continual stream of lo-fi beats.