So you all have a Glibfest but don’t invite me?  You all think I won’t behave?  I see how it is.  Not that I’d go or anything.  I work weekends afterall.  Now for some links.

Fact Check the Fact Check:  of course team cuck supports Q…It pisses off team cunt!

Interesting parlor trick of adjusting the proposed $15/hr minimum wage to the state median income to reflect its relative impact on the state’s labor market.  Puerto Rico could effectively be $68/hr.

The sincere fear in her eyes is as hilarious as her enormous mouth.

I hate everyone involved in this.  LeBron James, the heckling broad, the NBA, the City of Atlanta, and maybe even USA Today.

Good news everyone!  Popehat either found his pills, or temporarily stopped being a fucking retard!

I think SFUSD is right, if they continue to use acronyms like SFUSD, they will implicitly support white supremacy.   They should change their name to the Skid Mark Factory.