It’s about time I started classing up these posts, so I’ll add some artwork by a lesser known arrr-teest who specializes in mixed media and electronically processed images.

Dog Ponders Ball (2021)

So what do the stars have to tell us this week?  Well, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.  Remeber how last week ended with a celestially auspicious itme to make a romantic (AND BY ROMANTIC, MEAN…) move?  Well, all the good feelings generated then will need to be maintained, as the week starts off with Mercury and Venus passing the Moon, indicating instability in your love life.  Those two planets play a continuing role throughout the week, indicating challenges of a more or less serious nature.  On Wednesday, the Moon and Mercury Line up with the Earth, indicating instability at home (possibly of a good kind), And on Friday, Mars moves into that alignment as Mercury drops out, indicating trouble at home (definitely NOT of a good kind).

A Rare Moment of Calm (2021)

In addition to the alignments describing problems, the locations of the planets back this up.  As far as general instability goes, the moon being in Libra is the biggest driver of tension or disequalibria you can get with just one visitation.  It would be worse if MERCURY RETROGRADE was also there, but if that was in the horoscope, I’d be too busy putting the finishing touches on the bunker to tell you about it.  Mars moving into Cancer this week lets us know that the problems appearing this week will be of a particularly nasty and spiteful sort.  However, Taurus with the goodies of the Sun, Mercury and Venus counsels patience.

Spring Snow Falls on Fluff (2021)


While there are a couple of terrible cards in this week’s draw, overall it’s a pretty good week.

Taurus: 4 of Coins -The surety of possessions, cleaving to that which one has, gift, legacy, inheritance

Gemini:  Page of Swords – Authority, overseeing, secret service, vigilance, spying, examination

Cancer:  6 of Coins -Presents, gifts, gratification, attention, vigilance

Leo: 6 of Swords – Journey by water, route, way, envoy, commissionary, expedient

Virgo:  Death reversed – Inertia, sleep, lethargy, petrifaction, somnambulism, hope destroyed.

Libra:  8 of Cups – Joy, mildness, timidity, honor, modesty, the decline of a matter, or that a matter which has been thought to be important is really of slight consequence

Scorpio:  King of Coins reversed – Vice, weakness, ugliness, perversity, corruption, peril.

Sagittarius: Page of Coins – Application, study, scholarship, reflection, news, messages and the bringer thereof, rule, management.

Capricorn:  10 of Cups reversed – Repose of the false heart, indignation, violence.

Aquarius: 9 of Cups – Concord, contentment, physical bien-être, victory, success, advantage, satisfaction

Pisces:  Knight of Wands – Departure, absence, flight, emigration. A dark young man, friendly. Change of residence.

Aries:  The Devil reversed – Evil, fatality, weakness, pettiness, blindness.