Seven more months of this. Fuck. Well, at least we have alcohol. And air conditioning for part of the day.

Birthdays today include a guy whose name sounds like a doorbell; a guy who fell asleep and lost his head; a woman who was woke before there was woke; a guy who was truly boss; a pioneer of my favorite art form; the very straightest gay man in Hollywood; the spirit animal of Elizabeth Warren; a woman who definitely had her fans; everyone’s favorite virgin; a guy who needed buttering up; the guy who coined the phrase, “What, too soon?”; the best unibrow in baseball history; one of the odder critters to inhabit Congress; someone who actually understands Congress; the best offensive lineman I’ve ever seen play; a guy famous for milk and cookies; a guy who was described to me as “The Hispanic Monopoly Man“; an actor who got my attention, interest, decision, and action; the only guy who could do a great impression of Jackie Gleason getting ass-fucked; the lamest Iron Chef; and my favorite skier with anger issues.

OK, enough of this malarkey, let’s do some links.


Ms. Hyphenated would like to have a word with you. Trigger Warning: Shithead.




You know I just linked this for the headline.


But it’s completely safe for everyone. No side effects. Uh, yeah, that’s the ticket.


Fish on welfare? I has a confuse.


THIS WAS COVID! Stop the coverup!


Old Guy Music mentions two of my favorite things in life, red wine and cheap sex.