OMWC and I hate cleaning. I mean, it’s tedious, boring, sometimes frustrating, and even when you do a good job, you are just doomed to repeat it ad infinitum.

Well, the Old Guy will be off carousing with Spud this weekend, and I am hoping that having him out of the way will make cleaning easier he will have a good time while I clean. Also, the Wonder Dog needs very badly to be bathed. (BTW, speaking of Wonder Dog, this is the best vacuum cleaner I’ve ever owned.)

While I hate cleaning, I do love “having cleaned.” So, I shall see what I can accomplish.

Let’s see what needs cleaning up in the news, shall we?


Here’s a mess that needs some attention.

Need to find actual monkeys? Just track the messy trail of destruction and flung poo. No, OMWC, everything is not better with monkeys…which doesn’t seem to be a problem in this story.

This mess couldn’t possibly be politically motivated. After spending all this time and money and energy, they will have to come up with something to justify this bullshit.

An artist whose life was a mess continues to cause messiness.

Should this be “not this mess again?!” Or does it really hold some promise now?



And, a little music. Have a good one, friends, and if anyone in the PHX metro area wants to come help me groom the pup, email me!