I got back to the gym this week.  I didn’t get in all my workouts, but I got in some so I’m at least moving in the right direction.  I did manage to get in all my conditioning workouts which turned out to be more important than I thought.  Having stepped on the scale for the first time in a month the numbers were not good.

Living in Gavin Newsom’s California, my gym is saddled with requiring us to wear masks. I dutifully put mine on and was quickly reminded why they are such a pain the ass and, I’m sure, useless.

I warmed up on the elliptical machine and, after a few minutes, was breathing fairly hard.  The moisture on the inside of my mask was obvious.  My workout hadn’t even started, and it was getting wet.  Surely the government has something to say about this.  The CDC helpfully advised, “If you are able to wear a mask, remove your mask if it gets moist from sweat and replace it with a clean mask.”  Lol.  Man/Women/NonGenderBinaryPerson what do you think is going to happen during the next sixty minutes?

During the course of my workout, I just had to take the damn thing off several times in order to catch my breath.  No one in the gym said a word when I did.  

Leaving the gym, this kabuki theater stuck in my craw.  There were perhaps two dozen people in my gym while I was working out.  The place is cavernous.  I suspect it is roughly akin to being outdoors because of the interior volume.  Before I left the commercial garage doors separating the interior from the outdoor workout area were rolled up.

Anyone 16 years or older in California can get The Jabif they want.  Our case, hospitalization, and infection rates have crashed.  Isn’t the whole point of mass vaccination to allow to return to normal life?  Why the hell do I have to wear a mask?


Remember this from last week? I don’t stop when I’m tired. I stop when I’m done.” 1 Goggins 2:7.  In happier news my maskless conditioning at home is going well.  This past week I set a personal best by jumping rope for 32 minutes straight.  In 5 minute intervals I went from a quarter pound rope to a half pound rope to a one-pound rope.  Coming back down, I sort of lost track of time but think I did about eight minutes with the half pound rope and the remainder with the quarter pound rope.    

Weekly cuteness.  Possibly shot at the Straffinrun or Tejicano residence.

This week’s music choice.