Holy crap, the outer planets take a long time to move.  Jupiter is FINALLY out of Aquarius and separated from Saturn.  Fishermen will be blessed until May 22 when all sorts of bad things will begin happening to them, but we’ll deal with that when it comes.  Beyond that things are pretty focused — we see that same Mars – Sol – Jupiter thing persisting indicating no cease-fire this week.  Relationships are a bit complicated with Mercury and Venus being in Gemini.  While this can be a good sign for the more… relaxed about boundaries, it’s usually read in light of Gemini’s dual nature i.e., two-timing, betrayal, and the like.  There is another reading from the Gemini = Janus analogue that makes note of Mercury’s role as herald and says it’s the sign of a new relationship, or at least a new beginning (Janus is also the marker of endings, but that reading would be much more likely if Saturn were involved).

Taurus:  5 of Swords – crush you enemies, see them driven before you, hear the lamentations of they wimmen

Gemini:  Knight of Swords – Pretty much the same as above, but on horseback

Cancer: Eight of Swords reversed – Disquiet, difficulty, opposition, accident, treachery, what is unforeseen, fatality. Boo!

Leo:  6 of Wands – This one is showing up a lot lately.  That’s a good thing.  A laurel and a hearty handshake.

Virgo:  Knight of Coins – Utility, serviceableness, interest, responsibility, rectitude, tax collector, armored vehicle driver

Libra:  Knight of Wands reversed – Rupture, division, interruption, discord.  This represents a man who disappoints you, especially in re: sexual matters.

Scorpio:  Queen of Swords – Stone cold bitch.

Sagittarius:  Nine of Cups – Your cup runneth over, but x9.

Capricorn:  7 of Coins – Prudent investing/stewardship, taking gains, harvesting.  Probably has nothing to do with Dogecoin.

Aquarius:  King of Cups – Drunkard, Senator, Fat guy, lawyer, priest, scientist, oil executive, lobbyist.

Pisces:  Queen of Wands – A dark woman, countrywoman, friendly, chaste, loving, honorable.  In this particular case, she is concerned about a child.

Aries:  Page of Wands – Postman, sidepiece, servant, momma’s boy or henpecked husband.