After all, I could be posting my shexts. And impressive ones they would be. In any case, the house is in an uproar as we start preparing our latest move. Wonder Dog alternates between whining, “SP NOT HERE!” and “WE GO PLACE WITH SNOW???” I’m writing a presentation for work which is guaranteed to piss off everyone. Oh, and sloopy stuck me with Links Duty today.

In other words, situation normal, yet abnormal.

But births are a normal thing, including a saint who swallowed; a decent and accomplished guy who is less famous than his daughter; a guy who should be more famous than Mark Twain; a guy who was the white Mike Tyson; a guy who’s the answer to the classic engineering question of, “What is butter worth to Chebyshev?”; a guy who will not make Old Guy Music, but perhaps should; a guy who was always steady; a piece of shit who did one good thing in his entire career; a guy who was truly the father of glam rock (and should have collected royalties from KISS); a guy who founded a band that had three great albums, then got popular; a pretty decent guitarist from the same era; a piece of shit who didn’t even do one good thing; and a vicious midget with outsized mendaciousness.

Let me wander randomly into some actual links.


Why are we spending even one dollar of tax money on this moondoggle?


“I don’t actually have to touch those people, do I?”


I always love it when everyone is lying, and everyone knows that everyone is lying.


CNBC discovers Pareto’s Law, acts very surprised.


It always ends well when government decides it wants get deeply involved in the economy and technology. Intersectional!


What happens when science meets government and media.


NYC doomed, story at 11.


Old Guy Music is a classic from one of the birthday boys and an era when this band was actually interesting.