There was a lot of doughnut talk on Mexican Sharpshooter’s post yesterday. I love doughnuts. I mean I looooooooooove doughnuts. But I will eat way too many, which makes me way too fat. Every time I see a morbidly obese person, I wonder how much strain their heart is under.

My paternal grandfather died from his second heart attack. My father has already outlived his father, so I suspect this is about lifestyle rather than genetics. For a guy who worked long hours, for a lot of years, my dad has done a pretty good job of staying fit.



When people first think of cardiovascular health, they tend to think about their heart. Obviously, the heart is a major part of this, but your cardiovascular system includes your blood and blood vessels:

There are three main forms of circulation throughout the cardiovascular system: pulmonary circulation, coronary circulation, and systemic circulation. Pulmonary circulation (the lungs) denotes the path that blood takes through the lungs in which the blood cells are infused with oxygen. Coronary circulation (the heart) refers to the movement of blood through the tissues of the heart. The systemic circulation (the rest of the body) denotes the path that blood takes throughout the body to provide needed nutrients and oxygen to all the cells in your body. Blood also travels through portions of the digestive system where it obtains needed nutrients and minerals.

Regular exercise will improve your overall level of fitness and endurance. It improves your overall immune system which may allow you to ward off many debilitating diseases. I’m looking at you, Type II diabetes.

All of this means you need to incorporate some type of regular aerobic activity into your life. There is no one right workout. Glibfitters walk, run, hike, bicycle, jump rope, masturbate, and skateboard. There are probably some other declared activities I’m overlooking.



There is no one right activity. You have to choose the activity that is right for you. It must be appropriate to your current fitness level, maintain your interest, and motivate you. You can also consider mixing and matching different activities.

Notice what I didn’t say about choosing an activity is it has to fit into your schedule. You must find a way to include your chosen activity in your schedule. That means your schedule may need to change. You only go around once, sorry Hindus. Make the most of it.

I guess I’ll repeat what I said last week, it’s time to start running.

This week’s music.