I seem to have misplaced the phone with the better camera that I take pics with, so you only get this one that was uploaded before the phone took a vacation.


I haz a donut.


There, now you can go comment.

This week only has one alignment, and it’s kind of an unusual one.  The planets involved, Earth, Mercury, and Mars aren’t odd in and of themselves, but it is weird that the sun isn’t involved.  I could plausibly read that as meaning this particular happening is less efficacious than it would be  under normal circumstances, or I could go back to first principles which state “anything weird is scary and bad” and interpret that interaction in the worst light possible.  Okay, not the worst, since that would necessitate a comet being involved.  Anywhoo, chaos and violence come to your home this week.  Sharp objects will be involved most likely unseen ones since both of those planets are in Scorpio at the moment.  Time at the shore is recommended, as is the consumption of sea plants.



A lot of cards drawn this week indicate stasis.  Of particular interest are The Hierophant and the High Priestess being drawn back to back.  These are a couple representing the spiritual and esoteric nature of the sexes, as opposed to the physical/temporal nature represented by the Emperor/Empress pair.  Jodorowsky uses a deck where these cards are called “The Pope” and “The Popess.”

Scorpio:  10 of Swords reversed – Advantage, profit, success, favor, but none of these are permanent.

Sagittarius:  7 of cups – This card is going to need it’s own explanation, but TL;DR:  it’s a warning against relying on imagination, divination, or inter/extrapolation.

Capricorn:  The Tower reversed.  I know you know about this one.

Aquarius:  6 of Cups reversed – The future, renewal, that which will come to pass presently.

Pisces:  The Hermit – Prudence, circumspection, treason, dissimulation, roguery, corruption.

Aries:  3 of Swords reversed – Mental alienation, error, loss, distraction, disorder, confusion.

Taurus:  The Chariot – Accomplishment, security, resting on one’s laurels.

Gemini:  King of Coins reversed – Vice, weakness, ugliness, perversity, corruption, peril.

Cancer:  The High Priestess reversed -Passion, moral or physical ardor, conceit, surface knowledge.

Leo:  The Hierophant reversed – Society, good understanding, concord, overkindness, weakness.

Virgo:  Knight of Coins reversed – inertia, idleness, stagnation, placidity, discouragement, carelessness.

Libra:  The World reversed – Inertia, fixity, stagnation, permanence.