Boy with sharp stick attacks giant mountain troll. Film at 11.

The Ash Lad: In the Hall of the Mountain King.

Welcome to November! I am going to start indulging other movie fetishes I possess, such as fantasy, sci fi, kung fu (Kung Fu Christmas is coming!) and MOAR COMEDY. Also I am switching from the vodka floor-cleaner martinis of October to old-fashions of unusual size. Tonight, I am discussing a series of movies from Norway, known as the Ash Lad series.

I am reviewing the first film in the series, In the Hall of the Mountain King. Norway! Trolls! Actors you don’t know!* Dubbing! I really enjoyed this film. It was a complete surprise when I came across this. There are two films in this series, this first one introduces the characters and creates the story arc of peasant saves princess. It’s a story of elites vs. peasants, much in the same vein as 80’s ski movies, or most any other enjoyable storyline. The elites are clearly assholes and must lose. If only reality worked out that way.

Speaking of our elite:  The character of Prince Fredrik is a total ass.  Every move he makes, every action he takes oozes of major asshole.  Fantastic acting work!  Overall, who was more vile?  The troll or the prince? As I watched the prince, I kept thinking ‘Die already!’ so I know my decision is made.

I enjoyed the special effects, and all the legendary characters.  We have a witch, forest nymphs, the giant troll and of course the asshole prince. Hard to say too much else without wrecking plot points in writing. Can’t wait to hear the comments over how Ash Lad got his name!

Mikkel Brænne Sandemose is our director this week. This director followed a path which may seem familiar – release a short film, get noticed, make proper films. The film I recognized this director for previously is Ragnarok,  which is also worth watching. You can see this movie on demand via Pluto. (at the moment of writing) It is not easy to get Pluto direct links to work, so don’t be mad if that Pluto link fails. Do not confuse this with Thor: Ragnarok which is a totally different film. I have yet to watch the short film which launched his career, known as I Killed a Cyclist. I had tremendous difficulty finding a link to said short in the interwebs, using any browser or search engine. Not a damn thing. We’re going obscure here, folks! I can find films I was in on the internet, for chrissakes!

If you like In the Hall of the Mountain King, continue with the next one in the series. The followup films is called Ash Lad: In Search of the Golden Castle.  More special effects, cool stories and fun legends. I may review the sequel at a future date.

Is this a good time to digress and say Thor Heyerdahl is from Norway? He crossed the ocean several times, first on a raft, then a boat made of reeds, and he also explored Easter Island  extensively, the first person to do so to my knowledge. Future Profile in Toxic Masculinity?

I hope you enjoy tonight’s film.  Next week is a comedy entitled The Matador. Big hats! Computer generated bulls!  Pierce Brosnan! I am going to enjoy writing about it.


*Anyone of Nordic descent here who knows? Anyone? If not, Pepperidge Farms knows.  Or does Pepperidge Farms remember?

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(h/t: The Hyperbole)