I am now COVID free as of Thursday.  Which is good because I ran out of cannabis gummies on Wednesday and I probably killed all those stoners. I didn’t really find out about it until last night, so hopefully nobody at the gym, Total Wine, my son’s BJJ place, Trader Joe’s, Sprouts, Home Depot, QuickTrip, et al, minds…

Enough about that here’s some links!


Did Dave win an ambassadorship? I think not.

AMLO gets COVID.  I’m sure he’ll be fine.

I am going to leave this here without comment, as I expect a bit of snickering.  Then I am going to leave this here, also without comment.

About fucking time he gets some recognition.  The irony being most highways in Mexico have 90 kmh speed limit (56mph)

US-backed opposition candidate wins in Venezuelan.  Yeah, sure he did.

Holy shit.

That’s the screwiest headline I’ve seen in a while.


Okay, here’s some Sammy Hagar!