Aphrodite is a Cane Corso. Cane Corsos are easily identified BY THEIR OWNER TELLING YOU THEY ARE A CANE CORSO.


This week the only significant factor continues to be Venus retrograde.Ā  There is an oddly specific indication of said romantic difficulties keeping you in a state of stasis, but it’s unclear whether that indication applies to the entire week, or just one day early in the week.Ā  Sometimes the calendar and the skies are at odds with each other.Ā  Interestingly, this is a good example of the tension between astrology as a theoretical SCIENCE! and an empirical one.Ā  Adapting the SCIENCE! to today’s needs, the theory leans heavily towards Mercury being the ruling planet of computers what with the whole messenger and speed portfolios and all.Ā  However, in empirical terms, Venus seems to have the most actual effect.Ā  Just as an example, when I went to look up the date that Venus will return to direct motion, the automated system at theplanetstoday.com tells me:

Venus (retrograde) in Capricorn. Venus atĀ Wed Dec 31 1969 19:00GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Some theorists have claimed that Venus controls computers because Venus rules copper, and computers have copper wiring.Ā  Some theorists are profoundly stupid.


Wrestling with Banks is more of a lucha libre affair.


So, with that out of the way, let’s see what the cards have to say:


Now he just needs a teeny little 40.

Capricorn:Ā  4 of Wands – Parrr-teee!Ā  Ā This is one of the cards considered so auspicious that even reversing it can’t make it mean bad luck.Ā  And while there is a party scene with celebrants and wine etc, they are way in the background.Ā  The foreground, the pavilion is empty.Ā  This is a card showing you that there is a place for you and that it’s your turn to have joy.

Aquarius:Ā  Blank – Interpretations vary.

Pisces:Ā  The High Priestess reversed – One who pretends to wisdom but is in fact a shallow platitude spouting pseudowit.

Aries:Ā  2 of Swords reversed – Misdirected vengeance, clumsy/ineffectual use of violence.

Taurus:Ā  4 of Swords – Vigilance, retreat, solitude, hermit’s repose, exile, tomb.

Gemini:Ā  Page of Cups – A brownnosing suckup.

Cancer:Ā  Page of Coins reversed – Prodigality, dissipation, liberality, luxury.

Leo:Ā  Queen of Cups reversed – Dirty rotten hoebag what done you wrong, vice, depravity, dishonor.

Virgo: Page of Swords reversed – Weaselly little backstabbing fuck working against you.

Libra:Ā  6 of Swords – Travel by water, departure under unpleasant circumstances, bringing your troubles with you to a new place.

Scorpio:Ā  Temperance – Yes, yes temperance is boring.Ā  Looking at this card directly, you can see an advocation for less of an abstemiousness-based lifestyle and more of a Golden Mean-based one.Ā  The Angel as one foot on land and one in the water.Ā  The sky is partially overcast, but with enough of a gap in the clouds for the sun to come through.Ā  Someday I’ll have to find someone who reads Hebrew to tell me what’s written on the angel’s chest disguised ad folds in the cloth.

Sagittarius:Ā  8 of Coins – Work, employment, commission, craftsmanship, skill in craft and business.


She has no respect for what it costs to heat a house