Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a wonderful day it always is!


CNN+ reportedly draws fewer than 10,000 daily viewers


Inflation 40-year high, wonder what it actually is if it was calculated like it use to be


Oklahoma Gov Signs Law Banning Nearly All Abortions


Half of all US states now have constitutional carry


California now leads the country in illiteracy


U.S. Border Agents are ‘Cleared’ of Migrant ‘Whipping’ Claims


New York Lt. Governor under Kathy Hochul arrested on bribery, fraud in campaign finance scheme


Brooklyn subway shooting: Person of interest posted racist rants to YouTube for years


Rachel Maddow to host MSNBC show once a week starting in May


Rumble breaks new traffic records


Gilbert Gottfried dead at 67


I have more links, but am already over my limit.  I’ll leave you with a song and go get my girls ready for school.