Tuesday Morning Links

by | Jul 30, 2024 | Daily Links | 302 comments

We’re just a month away from football. And soccer is even closer. I got nothing else to add today, so on to…the links!

You want to be famous, this comes with the territory. What the hell is “grossophobic,” btw?

Oh look, the administration is trying to influence the election again. Gee, who could have seen that coming. Maybe they can spy on their opponents again just to get a handle of what’s going on.

There’s a difference in the two statements. One is talking about a policy. The other is talking about a person. But perhaps that’s a bit too much for a mush-brained walking vegetable to understand.

Perjury is a serious offense. Well, it is if the DOJ doesn’t like your politics. So this will likely go nowhere.

This isn’t much of a surprise. I’m sure they’ll get the same level of scrutiny as the Mexican fans and their humorous chants that all but forced the team to play home games behind closed doors.

Quality trolling. It’s exactly how one should handle censorious assclowns like Newsom.

This will be an interesting case. If they didn’t set up safeguards to protect against their employees from accessing the images, they’re gonna have a bad day in court. Who knows, they might end up with a ruling as large as Alex Jones’s. But I doubt that.

Since I always play two tracks, I neglect the one-hit wonders. That ends today. They deserve some love too. So give it up for these heroes of the 80s. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Tuesday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. SDF-7

    What the hell is “grossophobic,” btw?

    Not sure — but if I am, I’m sure it would have triggered with some of SF’s writing….

    Morning, Sloopy — morning all.

    • PieInTheSky

      grossophobic is fatphobic for special people who are not just fat but are gross

      • EvilSheldon

        Gotta say, making ugly people a protected class? I did not expect this to come out of France…

    • Ted S.

      It’s a fear of sets of exactly 144 items.

      • UnCivilServant

        Is a baker’s gross 156 or 169?

      • Not Adahn

        Bakers aren’t that generous.

        It’s 145.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.


  2. SDF-7

    Maybe they can spy on their opponents again just to get a handle of what’s going on.

    51 Intelligence Experts agree!

      • AlexinCT

        Actually, what they are is evil. They knew the odds they could or would be held accountable was zero, so they took a giant shit in a sammich bun and then told people eat it or else.

  3. SDF-7

    The other is talking about a person

    — yeah, I’m willing to give Puddin’ Brain the benefit of the doubt on this one. He could just as easily have meant Johnson is politically dead on arrival in the House, not physically.

    Doesn’t change that he proposed (well, he parroted what his “aides” and “staff” propose) something blatantly unconstitutional… but I don’t think he was “meddlesome priesting” the Speaker of the House there.

    • sloopyinca

      Look, the left are the ones who made the rules on what’s acceptable speech. They don’t get to go by normal, everyday definitions if they’re gonna levy accusations of physical threats every time a republican says something similar.

      I know what he meant. I also know every time a republican said something similar and meant it the same way, the entire left went insane and said they were endangering the target of their statement.

      • SDF-7

        True — but I’m just going to roll my eyes and move on with my life regardless of hysterical reporting on either side. Sure it would be nice if the frog-poison-hair brigade did the same to stop feeding the Bonfire of Stupidity that is modern political reporting, no question….

      • AlexinCT

        They don’t get to go by normal, everyday definitions if they’re gonna levy accusations of physical threats every time a republican says something similar.

        Well, the evidence tells me that they not only, do, but do it often.

        People keep thinking the left is hypocritical. They are not. They are evil and mercenary. They have no morals other than winning at any cost. That so many of them delude themselves that they do so because they have an end goal that is noble, and so any means are justified, is incidental to the evil.

      • R.J.

        Well, they won’t so F Brandon. I have no sympathy for an evil, senile old man who would push me down the stairs for a quarter.

    • Social Justice is Neither

      Exactly how long ago did he “put a bullseye” on Trump and how did that play out? I have no benefit left to give these evil sociopaths. Biden may be braindead but the person writing his script isn’t.

    • rhywun

      “It is telling that Democrats want to change the system that has guided our nation since its founding simply because they disagree with some of the Court’s recent decisions,” he added.

      I get his point but actually, the Dems disagree with everything the nation has stood for since its founding. It is another case of “listen to what they have been telling us for many years.”

      • AlexinCT


    • Homple

      “The wish is father to the thought.”

  4. SDF-7

    Perjury is a serious offense. Well, it is if the DOJ doesn’t like your politics.

    He’s just an old man… no reasonable prosecutor… what difference, at this point does it make?

    He’s in the Rules for Me club, not the Rules for Thee, yeah. As much as I’d love to see him at least lose all his stupid over flowing government pension, his patents/whatever he’s leeching money from vaxes with at a minimum (preferably prison), we all know it isn’t happening. He’s Blessed in the Eyes of the Deep State. (barf)

    • sloopyinca

      He should be dead on arrival if they call him back to the House to explain himself.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        They shouldn’t even bother with him at all any more. But, they should have Kamalama there every day to explain why she hasn’t enacted the 25th, and, yes, they need to do this so it cuts into her campaigning time.

        They called the lawfare piper, now the bill needs to come due.

      • AlexinCT

        It this point we should be demanding who ran the country for the last 4 years, and not let them bamboozle us into believing it was Joe or Jill. And we all know it was not the cackler too.

    • UnCivilServant

      Simple, We sentence the odious little gnome to have his head trapped in a box with sandflies until he bleeds to death from the bites.

      What do you mean cruel and unusual? You’re the ones who already disregarded the law.

      • sloopyinca

        We could just swap him out for one of his beagles. I don’t know how he could call that cruel and unusual.

      • UnCivilServant

        No way his oversized head fits into the beagle boxes though.

      • PieInTheSky

        this comment seems shortphobic to me. MODERATOR!!!!

      • UnCivilServant

        Oh, hey, didn’t see you there.


        What did those sandflies do to deserve to be trapped in a box with him?

  5. SDF-7

    Quality trolling. It’s exactly how one should handle censorious assclowns like Newsom.

    I don’t know — I’d be careful with that joke in California politics. Hairgel might just send State Senator Weiner over to do it. Ugh….

    • sloopyinca

      Joke’s on you. State Senator Weiner’s alter-ego is Suggon Deeznutz.

      • SDF-7

        In a world with Carlos Danger… I can believe that!

  6. Pat

    Antisemitic protesters chant ‘Heil Hitler’ during Israel soccer match during Paris Olympics

    France’s diversity is its strength. Where else do you see Islamic fundamentalists and neo Nazis united in such a synchronous chorus?

    • sloopyinca

      Where else do you see Islamic fundamentalists and neo Nazis united in such a synchronous chorus?

      England. Germany. Holland. Belgium. Ireland. Italy. Minnesota. Canada. Most American college campuses. I could go on…

      • Suthenboy

        …and in the history books.

    • juris imprudent

      I was under the impression that Paraguay had a post-WWII Nazi tradition to uphold.

    • AlexinCT

      “,France’s diversity is its strength.

      For the muslim horde colonizing it, yes.

  7. SDF-7

    This will be an interesting case.

    Or maybe upgrades via encrypted only transfer / encrypted backups should be more of a thing? (To be fair, iirc that’s how iOS wants to do it… backup to your PC/iCloud/whatnot first [encrypted] then restore to new device… but I’m assuming the various stores might do something a little different and I seem to recall the encryption level might not be the default if you don’t select “backup passwords” or some junk).

    In any event, I don’t trust anyone I hand my equipment over to for good reason. But I’m a relatively Old Fogey and paranoid in the tech industry… I remember when telemetry / spying on your customers was frowned upon no less!

    • UnCivilServant

      Do your own offline backups and never take pictures with your phone that you don’t expect to be effectively public.

    • Nephilium

      This younger generation doesn’t even understand the simple pleasure of having directories that are intentionally misnamed to throw people off the… interesting… files on your computer.

      /spent too many years doing desktop support and has scars from seeing too much in places named: Work Stuff

      • Pat

        /spent too many years doing desktop support and has scars from seeing too much in places named: Work Stuff

        The digital equivalent of keeping your Playboys under your mattress, where your parents would surely never think to look.

      • Nephilium


        What? I put “Do Not Open” in the folder name!

      • Ownbestenemy

        My son did a quality troll with that. He created about 15 sub-directories under a folder named “DO NOT OPEN” and all that was in it was a .txt file that had “Told you not to open it”

        I applauded him.

      • UnCivilServant

        This younger generation doesn’t even understand the simple pleasure of having directories that are intentionally misnamed to throw people off the… interesting… files on your computer.

        “Why is your “Porn” folder full of spreadsheets and technical schematics?”

        “I figured no one would look for my work stuff there.”

    • sloopyinca

      I’m thinking they’ll just have to stop doing in-store data transfers altogether. Give the people their new phone, tell them how to transfer everything, and give them a box and FedEx label to return the old device with and tell them to have it sent within ten days or they’ll be charged for the device.

      • Nephilium

        I think the simpler solution would be to hold the employees personally liable, and leave the company out of it (unless they’re not terminating someone for copying information). But I’m guessing the plaintiffs wouldn’t like that as the employees probably don’t have deep enough pockets for them.

      • UnCivilServant

        How much are phone store employees even paid?

        I expect they have a negative net worth.

      • The Other Kevin

        I’d bet the that employee violated at least a few company policies. So I would also hold them liable.

      • AlexinCT

        How do you know it stealing people’s nekked pics was not part of the employee’s pay package?

  8. PieInTheSky

    This will be an interesting case. If they didn’t set up safeguards to protect against their employees from accessing the images, they’re gonna have a bad day in court. Who knows, they might end up with a ruling as large as Alex Jones’s. But I doubt that.

    Not in anyway defending the company or employees but what is up with all this people having nude images on their phone. That is not a good idea. I cannot understand why you would do that. Granted I am not in a relationship but if I was I would not want to get nude photos and the woman should not be willing to send in the first place. If you do then you don’t care if they end up on the internet. Cause they will.

    • Pat

      Most of my social group is 5-10 years younger than I am, and the difference in their attitudes towards privacy is just mind boggling. I understand I’m out on the tails of the privacy schizo spectrum, but whatever the technological equivalent of the Overton window is has shifted very far just in the last decade.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Yeah, and with that in mind, I am surprised anyone cares that there are nudie pics floating around of them anymore. I am guessing that the plaintiff is closer to my age than my sons age.

      • juris imprudent

        Most everyone has learned to sacrifice privacy for convenience, particularly because the privacy loss was well hidden to begin with.

      • Nephilium

        As I have said many times, the cypherpunks were right. I feel sorry for thinking they wanted to push too far back in the day.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Back in the nineties, when debit cards were just becoming a thing, there was talk about how they needed to me treated just like cash, in that you had to go to the bank somehow and get a certain amount loaded onto the card, and then you could use it like a credit card. In other words, treat them truly like digital cash.

        The amount of pushback that was getting even back then was astonishing, but it would eliminate a whole swath of issues that are really raising their ugly little heads over the last few years, rights wise.

      • Social Justice is Neither

        They probably care because the person isn’t hot enough for their fantasies since rich is a non-starter.

    • AlexinCT

      People used to be real careful about the pics they took back in the day you had to take them to the store or kiosk to have them developed, because you didn’t want them folks seeing you at your finest moment. The loss of that fear has left people open to pic stealing.

      • Ted S.

        To be fair, everyone wants to see my magnificent dick.

      • Nephilium

        For you Ted’s.

      • Ted S.

        I actually took a picture once with my old phone of my pinky finger immediately after getting out of the shower so that I could honestly call it a naked selfie. 🙂

    • Nephilium

      The same people who upload videos/pictures of themselves breaking the law to social media accounts?

      • Pat

        Just yesterday a couple of my aforementioned buddies were bemoaning that one of the streaming sites they use to pirate TV shows got taken down. One of them will go on the site and stream the show for the rest of them to watch along via Discord. I told them “You all would have been featured on World’s Dumbest Criminals 15 years ago.”

    • The Other Kevin

      If you browse Facebook you’ll see people posting about way too much personal crap. That’s the culture we live in, some people just don’t think twice about it. Thank you social media.

      But with AI around, I think the photo issue is going away. You can easily create a fake nude photo of someone. Already there is really no way to tell if a photo is real or fake.

  9. Suthenboy

    “I am disgusting and you are going to heap praise on me for that. If you dont I am going to sue your ass.”
    The sociopathy here is unadulterated.

    Russia roots for guy likely to end a fake war / money laundering operation. Shocking.

    Mushbrained indeed.

    I am not sure who would be more foolish in the FBI interviewing Trump. Trump or the FBI. I suspect the answer is ‘yes’. What exactly does the FBI intend to learn from this?

    ‘Never again!’ huh? Keep voting left and see how things go.

    I see Cavuto interviews Kennedy yesterday and was very annoyed that Kennedy called Kamala a ‘ding dong’. These leftist assclowns would not be treated as jokes if they were actually serious people.

    Dont take nude pics unless it is studio art. Next…

    • AlexinCT

      Russia roots for guy likely to end a fake war / money laundering operation. Shocking.

      The democrat syndicate hates the Russians so much that they blame everything on Russia so they can harm it, because Putin got the better of the Obama and Hillary Clinton idiocy at Skolkovo, where they thought they would be the ones taking advantage of Putin, but got their asses handed to them.

  10. Not Adahn

    Speaking of soccer and antisemitism,

    Am I the only one confused by the lack of coverage of the kids getting blow’d up by Hezbollah? Is this just the media not wanting to harsh Harris’ mellow?

    • PieInTheSky

      meh war is so last Tuesday we have bigger fish to fry.

      • Not Adahn

        Well, I thought they might want to hype up a new war since the old ones are well, old.

        Plus surely if Israel gets involved in enough wars, eventually they’ll lose!

    • UnCivilServant

      Nothing to do with the election – the media will not report anything that might engender sympathy for anyone but the anti-Israel terrorists.

    • sloopyinca

      If they don’t report on Hezbollah’s actions, then they can blame Israel for being the aggressor when they retaliate.

      I don’t think it’s any deeper than that.

      • AlexinCT

        Under the marxist colonialist vision of justice, the only people that can do evil are those they dislike and feel are in their way of whatever goal the marxist movement has. They are allowed to do anything, no matter how villainous, and to then not have that villainy seen, because that is fighting power.

      • rhywun

        I am looking forward to Kathy Griffin telling us those kids aren’t dead leading on every MSM news show.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Try doing that at a Hamas military base.

  11. Pope Jimbo

    Food Stamps are the cure to our economic woes! The local commie rag bemoans the fact that SNAP benefits have fallen almost to 2020 levels! Can you even imagine?

    SNAP advocates often point to the broader economic ripples the program brings as money moves from retailer to manufacturer to farmer; those impacts become more obvious as benefits weaken.
    Minnesotans received a record $1.2 billion in SNAP benefits in 2022, more than double the pre-pandemic total.
    “That money stays in the economy, in circulation,” said Salaam Bhatti, SNAP director at the Food Research and Action Center. “It’s a self-contained investment, and it gets spent within weeks of it being received. It’s a boon for American jobs.”

    There are a lot of comments to that story where SNAP advocates claim that farmers and General Mills wouldn’t even have jobs if people weren’t getting SNAP benefits. We are doomed if people really think that giving free food away is the path to success

    • AlexinCT

      Food Stamps are the cure to our economic woes!

      It is always telling to me that the people that believe government should control everything, to force equal outcomes in the name of social justice, think the solution to every problem is more government meddling and stupid. Never for government to back the fuck off and let things be.

      • Fourscore

        Well, see, at least the government isn’t handing out cash, that’s bad and inflationary. SNAP/EBT cards aren’t cash so it isn’t inflationary.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Well I’d argue that I am paying more per/lb for my beef because of SNAP benefits. Farmers/Ranchers/etc all know they can see it for more because of the demand is artificially sent higher.

    • Pat

      Because surely, benefit levels should never drop below the peak they reached when the government unilaterally decided that no one was allowed to make a living for 2 years…

      Although I guess they may be right, if you adjust for the inflation induced by all of the borrowing they support.

  12. Sensei

    Enjoy this kick in the you know where.

    How ‘Varsity Blues’ Swept Up an Innocent Father
    Aggressive Boston prosecutors targeted John Wilson, whose children were legitimately accomplished athletes.

    Plea bargains are really an awful abuse by the state.

    Mr. Wilson was left with a single conviction—for making a false statement on a tax return. This false statement was for deducting his donations to USC using the invoice from Mr. Singer’s company instead of the receipt he had received from USC. The difference in taxes owed was $1,425. Mr. Wilson overpaid his taxes that year by far more than that.


    • AlexinCT

      The legal system today has become a weapon of the political and bureaucratic class. A means for them to exact their own personal vindictiveness on those they decide have not shown them enough difference. I have zero confidence I, or anyone else, could ever get a fair trial if the evil fucks in government decided to come after me/us.

    • juris imprudent

      Innocent? If he was innocent he would have had the same protection that the other uncharged elitists had!

      • AlexinCT

        That leaves a mark, man…

  13. Shpip

    Jolly has said he saw the moment as a celebration of diversity, and the table on which Butch spun her tunes as a tribute to feasting and French gastronomy.

    “My wish isn’t to be subversive, nor to mock or to shock,” Jolly said. “Most of all, I wanted to send a message of love, a message of inclusion and not at all to divide.”

    Translated from Frogweasel: “Sorry we got caught and called out on this. Stop being cross with us, or we’re going to be awfully upset.”

    • rhywun

      Butch, who calls herself a “love activist,”

      Uh huh.

      Why does everybody hate “love” and “tolerance”. I mean come on.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Next she should do a reenactment including the prophet Muhammed, to show it was out of love and tolerance.

  14. Pope Jimbo

    This story is C- work.

    We all love a good rags to riches story, but the truth is that poverty never really leaves you. Not only does it have a lasting effect on your health and mental well-being, growing up poor changes you at a genetic level.
    A new study demonstrates the extent of poverty’s impact on our DNA, revealing that nearly eight percent of our genome can be affected by chemical edits that could stick with you for life.

    Researchers from across the US and Canada arrived at this remarkable statistic by conducting a genome-wide analysis on just under 500 participants in the Philippine-based Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey.

    Using genetic and survey data taken from women who gave birth in the early 1980s, the team identified a relationship between socio-economic status (SES) and tendency for genes to be modified through a process called epigenetics.

    Nice effort to make being poor 100% not your fault. But not working climate change or racism into this as well? C’mon man! That is basic shit.

    • Pat

      Wild. So environment drives gene expression? Some enterprising failed theology student should take a boat ride to the Galapagos islands and make a career for themselves fleshing this theory out.

    • R C Dean

      “A new study demonstrates the extent of poverty’s impact on our DNA”

      So Lysenko was right all along?

    • DrOtto

      “I was born a poor black child…”

  15. R C Dean

    “This will be an interesting case. If they didn’t set up safeguards to protect against their employees from accessing the images, they’re gonna have a bad day in court. Who knows, they might end up with a ruling as large as Alex Jones’s. But I doubt that.”

    Eh, my attitude is that anyone who takes (or lets others take) nude photos or videos of themselves with a phone is assuming the risk that they will be shared without their consent. Don’t want strangers ogling your nekkid pics? Don’t have nekkid pics. This ain’t rocket surgery.

    • Pat

      That’s not entirely fair, any more than it’s fair to say there should be no accountability for a thief stealing your car stereo if you failed to lock the doors. But it doesn’t change the fact that you’d have to be a goddamn retard to not take the basic precaution of at least locking your car doors.

      • R C Dean

        Fair point, Pat.

        It’s pics you send to other people that you assume the risk for. If you have nudie pics of yourself and never sent them to anyone, then I guess there’s some reason to be upset.

        Of course, this line of thinking starts edging up to the line of “That IT guy should never have looked at what was on Hunter’s laptop”, so there’s that.

      • Social Justice is Neither

        Question is who’d property is it? The phone and data are yours so there is no reason to go looking in this scope of work, the laptop became the repair man’s property so he had every right to look.

        Now alternate facts or installing some sort of “public safety” concerns and now we have issues.

    • Fourscore

      Isn’t the idea of taking pictures is to let other people see them? I had pictures of this car or that car or this gun or fish, etc.

      “Who’s the ugly broad in the picture?”

      “Oh, that one? You don’t recognize your sister?”

      • AlexinCT

        Never seen her from that angle… And that is some big sized ass……

  16. Chipping Pioneer

    My neighbour is fighting a proposed development next to his home that calls for 13 separate bylaw variances. He’s a lawyer and appears to have put together a strong property-rights based argument against the development. I want to support him, because the proposed development will significantly damage his property value, but I’m unable to attend the public hearing in person. I can make a written submission, but my argument would be “Either the city has rules or it doesn’t; if the city won’t follow its own rules, then don’t expect anyone else to,” but I suspect that would put a target on me.

    • AlexinCT

      Yes, that would definitely motivate the people that stand to make money from this racket want to fuck you over for getting in their way.

    • PieInTheSky

      how will the development impact his property directly? because property value is nimby bullshit and you have no right to it.

      “Either the city has rules or it doesn’t” this is not how local government works.

      • Fourscore

        Never trust the government, even if it’s local and your friends/neighbors are on the board

      • Pat

        property value is nimby bullshit and you have no right to it.

        At a basic level this is unobjectionable, but it gets very complicated in reality when, say, the property next door to your single-family residence in a subdivision zoned for single-family residences suddenly gets re-zoned for commercial, and a new mini mall and highway gets built. One might reasonably oppose zoning regulations in the first place, but the expectation of continuity of legal status is reasonable for people who made a purchase of a property under one set of legal conditions before it was arbitrarily changed.

      • PieInTheSky

        I mostly opposer zoning, but I would say what matters is impact on your property. Noise over a certain level would be a reasonable objection. Or if the building affect the integrity of your property in any way. But just lowering market value? No, not valid.

        If zoning hasn’t changed in 100 years maybe, but if it is an area when zoning does change over time, then you cannot reasonably expect it will not happen near your house.

        I despise the property value argument as it leads to a lot of current economic issues.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        OK. I’ll make a better argument: blocking out the sun, elimination of privacy (the proposed development is 3 3-storey apartment buildings, and city will only let him build a 6-foot fence), killing a tree that straddles the property line and therefore is partially his.

        Anyway, I think you’re all getting distracted by the minutiae of bylaws and not the main point which is this is a big FYTW.

      • Pat

        Noise over a certain level would be a reasonable objection. Or if the building affect the integrity of your property in any way. But just lowering market value? No, not valid.

        This can get to be a distinction without a difference though. Things like noise, structural issues, runoff, drainage, pollution, etc, are the factors that end up lowering market value, so teasing out what’s “just” an economic factor in isolation is difficult. Is an average buyer going to offer you less money for your property *just* because there’s a new McDonald’s and 4 lane highway next door to it now when there wasn’t 5 years ago, or are they going to offer you less money for your property because the McDonald’s patrons throw trash on your lawn, the highway is noisy and causes noxious fumes, the grease trap leeches into the ground water, and the new grading causes rainwater to run into your basement and cause that mildew smell?

        I’m generally OK with having zero zoning, just as long as everyone knows the rules up front. There’s cities where that’s more the case, and then there’s cases where the city council goes “Well, the McDonald’s is going to bring in a lot more tax revenue than your single family residence, so the rules that were in place when you purchased your property are null and void, too bad so sad.” At the least, there could be a reasonable argument for some form of compensation to the affected owner due to a government taking; best determined by a civil suit.

      • R C Dean

        But I bet his property valuation and taxes don’t go down even when his resale price does.

      • PieInTheSky

        the distinction is important because then the argument is “high noise” not “lowers property values”. Spoiling a view can lower property values. tough shit.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Pie, you’re stuck in a loop fixating on “lowers property value”. I withdraw that part of my comment, as it was lazy on my part, and substitute all the better arguments that are made above.

      • R C Dean

        The value, and not just market value, of property isn’t solely what is within the metes and bounds. It’s intrinsically bound up in its location and surrounding environment. Plop your seaside manor, completely unchanged right out to the property lines, down in a garbage dump, and it’s not the same property.

        Like a lot of things, the best answer lies between the two simplistic polar extremes, in this case, “nothing crossed your property line so shut up and take it” and “anybody and everybody who can cook up an argument should be able to control what you do on your property”.

    • UnCivilServant

      The city’s rules include procedures for getting a variance, else this hearing wouldn’t be happening.

      This isn’t a case of not following its own rules.

      Also, are the rules as they stand just?

  17. AlexinCT

    So, I had a chat with someone in the know from back in the day, and they confirmed for me that Kamala is basically a repeat of the Machiavellian evil of Hillary Clinton only minus any of the cunning and intellect. Both are also winos and the cackling is a defense mechanism.

    • PieInTheSky

      that will not stop her from being your new master in a few months you puny little serf

    • Pat

      Harris seems equally as striving, but substantially less clever and less ruthless. There’s no way of saying that without attracting charges of racism, but she really does seem to be as dull as a fucking sledgehammer. That said, an evil retard might actually be more dangerous, since they lack the independence of thought to drive them into conflict with their handlers.

      • Shpip

        Hence the quip that “Kamala Harris is what you get when you try to buy a Barack Obama at Aldi.”

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Aldi is a good store. She’s more Barack Obama from Temu.

    • The Other Kevin

      They are working overtime to scrub her past and show fake enthusiasm for her. All that effort shows me you are 100% correct.

      • AlexinCT

        It worked for Obama. They were able to take a marxist life loser with charisma and peddle him as a great American savior. They were able to successfully do that because they controlled all media and the people that could push back had no way to do so. They are going to have a horribly hard uphill battle to try to do that with Harris, because of the amount of material out there that clearly shows they saw her as a massive failure and a tool.

        Short of deleting all the old content showing they are gaslighting us all – and I can see them trying – they have no chance of coming even close to the level of success they had with Obama. So I am sure they will pivot to everyone that protests her is a racist/misogynist, and that will fall short as this type of personal attack no longer holds the power it once did because of the overuse.

        Biden got Obama and Hilary hard when he endorsed Harris and stuck them with her, basically torpedoing the syndicate’s plans to pivot away at their convention.

      • juris imprudent

        Obama was the Dem answer to W, in every way.

  18. PieInTheSky

    “If you find yourself talking over or speaking for BIPOC individuals, or—God forbid!🤯—correcting them, just take a beat, and instead we can put our listening ears on.”

    Aaaaaand it’s a cult.


    • Chipping Pioneer

      Of course, it’s all AWFULs.

    • AlexinCT

      The party that peddles dogma put together by batshit crazy stupid Karens with lots of school loan debt and worthless degrees.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Maybe deep down, we all want to be mommy’d, PronHub search result surveys seem to agree.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        The stepmommy pron stuff I can let slide but the mommy stuff is gross.

      • Rat on a train

        It depends on the stepmom.

      • ElspethFlashman

        Well, is it Winston’s mom?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Good lord, that looks like the lineup for a suicide bomber’s harem in Hell.

    • R C Dean

      They seem to have infantilized themselves as well as everyone else. That is one incredibly grating way to communicate and see the world.

    • Ted S.

      With apologies to the Ladyglibs, these are also the people who think women in government are more nurturing.

      • The Other Kevin

        They seem more nurturing until you get on the wrong side of them. I learned that with the cousin that just moved out. I think it’s a narcissistic trait. if you are on their side, it’s all rosy. But tell them No one time, and they turn on you like a rabid badger.

    • B.P.

      The woman speaking does a swoon/eyeroll thing that puts her in Manson Girl territory.

    • AlexinCT

      These people pretending to do news are downright evil. Capitalism is responsible? Who was doing that capitalism? Chavez? I don’t remember the line of Hollywood asshats going down to support Chavez and his Bolivarian socialist revolution being about him wanting more capitalism.

      The fact that all marxism can deliver is misery and strife, forces those that gain power from it to have to keep making excuses for those that implement marxism and then get the exact results it will always deliver. I have repeatedly pointed out to people that claim to be marxists that their idiotic belief the system can work requires the marxist government to be run by Angels to work, and they act as if that is quit doable.

      • PieInTheSky

        when the commie leaders do things for their benefit instead of for “the people” like the perfect altruists they should be it becomes state capitalism.

      • AlexinCT

        Man, that kind of thinking is why I feel a large space rock coming down to rest things is in the future for humanity.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      Absolutely, “a small state-connected minority controlling much of the nation’s wealth” is capitalism.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        The main thing that socialism excels at is making bad excuses that shouldn’t cut the mustard with anyone but somehow do.

      • juris imprudent

        “The Germans bombed Pearl Harbor”?

  19. Sensei

    From our friends at the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

    “I also noticed that in the questions you sent below, you used the term ‘substance abuse,’ and wanted to flag that NIDA recommends saying ‘substance use’ or ‘substance misuse’ instead. For more information on this guidance, please see NIDA’s resource on Preferred Language for Talking About Addiction.


    • Pat

      To be fair, drug addicts are, if anything, more likely to treat their drugs well instead of abusing them.

    • Common Tater

      It sounds like they’re on drugs.

    • rhywun

      I recommend go fucking yourself.

  20. ElspethFlashman

    Woot ! Fame again for yours truly on the youtubes. 10 minutes of arguing to get a mom to send the kid back to Dad.

    • AlexinCT

      Is this in reference to the story about nekked pics or is this some new revelation?

      • ElspethFlashman

        No nekkid pics in this. Although the other side claims there was adult toys in the home that kids had access to (shrug) family law is ugly.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Clearly a violation, but wouldn’t be the first or second executive in Biden’s WH to do so and the same will happen to him as the others. Nothing.

  21. UnCivilServant


    If Kord the Younger helped the Azuja kill the Gold King, resulting in the succession war where the loser paid his Atlorian Mercenaries with the Star of Azanjin, the new Gold King would either be recently coronated or about to be coronated when Arvid arrives…

    • PieInTheSky

      Atlorian Mercenaries worth their salt would not take such a measly payment

      • UnCivilServant

        Have you seen that gem though?

      • PieInTheSky

        Yes. It’s rubbish.

    • Grummun

      Chief of Atlorian Mercenaries: “We have been paid with the Star of Azanjin! It is fabulously valuable!”

      Altorian Mercenary: “How does that put rice in my bowl? You gonna chip off a little piece to pay me?”

      Chief: “uhhh”

  22. PieInTheSky

    A young woman belonging to the Tsaatan tribe in Mongolia, Central Asia, riding a deer. The Tsaatan are a tribe of just under 250 people who are considered the last reindeer herders in Mongolia.


    • Ownbestenemy

      Or..and hear me out…you are full of shit.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      People with similar ethnicities choose similar ethnic names. They resemble each other more than other ethnicities, therefore there is very broadly speaking a “type”. Also, adults differentiate as they age and their names are more easily matchable than a 10yo’s…what submoron did this study?

    • Gdragon

      Sounds like I just need to get my name legally changed to “25 year old without a wrinkle” and everything will take care of itself.

  23. PieInTheSky

    Making Poland better with trams and street trees. 🚊 🌳

    Ask yourself: where would you rather work or walk, live or love, start a business or bring up children?


    I am sure you earth destroying Americans with you pickemup trucks would prefer the cars but I do not mind a good tram in the center of a city of significant size.

    • UnCivilServant

      Neither of those pictures are a place where I’d want to be trapped.

      They’re both overbuilt and claustrophobic rate traps.

    • Nephilium

      /looks at the trees all around my house

      Why can’t I have both trees and cars? Besides, all of those road trees are going to tear up the sidewalk in 20 years or so, and then the city will go through and cut the trees down, only to replant different trees several years later.

      • R.J.

        Depends on the type of tree and frequency of watering. Many trees will grow deep roots only of regularly watered. Others by genetics will only grow roots near the surface and it blows my mind that those get planted near cement.

      • Nephilium


        Around here, the most common tree lawn trees are oaks and maples, which will tear the hell out of the sidewalks. The real terrible ones were the people who planted weeping willows in their lawn. I have to have the city come out about once a year to clean the drains of tree roots (which as a benefit of the higher property taxes, is covered by the city).

      • Common Tater

        Can’t watch it. Freetube broke.

      • Pat

        Damn 🙁
        0.21.2 working on my machine. I use the AppImage.

    • Gdragon

      Look what you made me do?

    • Not Adahn

      How fat was she?

  24. AlexinCT
  25. Fourscore

    If boy friend didn’t know I’d say he wasn’t the most flammable match in the box

    • AlexinCT

      How did that stop/end?

      • PieInTheSky

        ran out of gas?

      • AlexinCT

        Yeah, I bet that left injuries as that dog went tumbling around…

  26. rhywun

    And soccer is even closer.

    As close as 1:30PM God’s time if you care about ‘Merica versus Guinea in a sort of must-win match.

    • juris imprudent

      If you’re really dedicated, the under-20s are on tonight, and they crushed the group stage.

      • rhywun

        Didn’t see that. Last time I tried to watch something on fox-dot-com it didn’t work.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Some patriotic members of the Sinaloa cartel should have a discussion with that “lady.” What a travesty.

    • juris imprudent

      That appears to have been something called The Golden Belt, and it happened in ’22. So Riley Gaines is grifting in her own right?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        That is the boxer, right? It’s illustrative of the issue but also misleading and unnecessary. Why do stuff like this when the truth damns them more than sufficiently?

    • Common Tater

      Ridiculous. Even if you are an idiot who thinks sports should be segregated by gender rather than sex, he looks like a straight up dude.

      No one who wants the world to see them as women would take up traditionally masculine behavior such as boxing, much less make a public demonstration of it.

  27. Gdragon

    “All my life, I’ve refused to be a victim”

    Nothing says “I’m not a victim” like filing a whole bunch of legal complaints because some people said some things.

    • Ownbestenemy

      A lot goes out the window when you can smell the grift oncoming. Free press…more clicks…15 minutes to make the millions.

  28. Common Tater

    “Long-lost Andy Warhol portrait of Blondie singer Debbie Harry discovered in Delaware, going up for sale for potential millions

    Nearly 40 years ago, the famous artist signed on as a brand ambassador to early tech company Commodore and created a portrait of the “Heart of Glass” singer on an Amiga 1000 home computer as part of a promo at Lincoln Center.”


    • Pat

      People are welcome to spend their money as they please, and value is subjective, of course, but no one will ever convince me that there is any particular reason I should appreciate a bitmap image created by a pretentious twat simply because he ran in the right NYC social circles.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        As his life fades in the rearview mirror so will the perceived importance of his art. Hasn’t happened yet though.

      • UnCivilServant

        Has he created anything that actually looks good?

    • Chipping Pioneer

      discovered in Delaware

      In a box in a garage behind a Corvette?

      This looks like something Malice would bid on.

      • Common Tater

        It would go great with his Klaus Nomi tuxedo!

        I wonder how much a Basquiat costs?

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Maybe it’s a cheap knockoff created by Hunter.

      • B.P.

        Holy shit. Malice really does have a Klaus Nomi tuxedo.

    • Ownbestenemy

      We are at a weird time in history where things like this just don’t matter to anyone. Entrenched politics can’t possibly have a good outcome.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Good thing they rectified it, damn shame it’s after the image lost its initial impact though. Eh, I’m sure it was just a mistake.

    • Drake

      I’m always surprised that people still use Google as a search engine. I got a new computer yesterday and immediately installed different browsers and search engines.

      • Suthenboy

        This. I haven’t used googly for years. It was clear a decade ago that they were slimy shitweasels and could not be trusted.

    • Pat

      I’m not a Trump dick rider by any means, but there’s no denying that image is incredibly iconic and impactful. I know myself well enough to tell you that if I just had an assassin’s bullet graze my ear after my bungling security detail let half a dozen shots come my way, it’d take a team of wild horses to drag me out from behind the nearest barricade. Dude stands up and plays to his crowd with blood running down his face? He may be a cunt, but that’s ballsy.

      • juris imprudent

        He may be a cunt, but that’s ballsy.

        genderfluidity overload

    • AlexinCT

      Can’t have people that were programmed to believe bad orange man was Hitler suddenly getting an existential crisis from this attempt to murder him, an attempt that clearly has the fingerprints from this corrupt and inept government all over it, suddenly see him as a martyr and shake off the programming/indoctrination.

    • Suthenboy

      “We are sorry we got called out. Now go fuck yourself. “

  29. PieInTheSky

    The men’s triathlon at the Olympics has been postponed for 24 hours due to pollution in the River Seine.

    On #BBCBreakfast sports correspondent Katie Gornall had the latest from Paris


    But I though it was so clean…

    • rhywun

      Over/under on this is complete hogwash intended to draw attention to “green” horseshit?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Maybe but it’s also plausible that gross river that runs through that gross city has some water quality issues.

      • rhywun

        Issues that are going to correct themselves in 24 hours? Pull the other one.

    • Rat on a train

      To balance the event, are the cycling and running routes shifting to the slums?

    • AlexinCT

      Globalist marxist feudalism. It’s the future!

  30. Common Tater

    “Last week, Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts organized a massive Zoom meeting — “White Women: Answer the Call” — for Kamala Harris.

    On the call, which drew over 200,000 participants, reportedly raised $2 million and has been dubbed the largest Zoom in history, Watts declared (with great humility, of course): “White women, we have 100 days to help save the world.”


    So even more insufferable than Red Wine and Blue?

    • EvilSheldon

      If only white women can save the world, is the world really worth saving?

    • PieInTheSky

      I think ENB from ToS wrote on that

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      A world of saviors that end each sentence with an upturned intonation like they’re asking a question even when they aren’t asking a question.


    • juris imprudent

      Did they ever actually connect with a supervisor on that call?

    • Nephilium

      So… just to be clear… a bunch of white women decided to meet and exclude all the women of color?

      • The Other Kevin

        They had a separate but equal call so it was fine.

      • juris imprudent

        For the benefit of a woman of color though, oh, and the rest of the world.

      • AlexinCT

        These Karens feel that if it was not for them, minorities would be in chains or dead…

        Can you have a more inflated and unreal belief of your role in life?

      • The Other Kevin

        This white savior act is not going to help get votes from minorities. Especially male minorities.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Really bringing home Daddy (Mommy) Government.

    • rhywun

      At least watching Kamala pretend to be African American for the next few months ought to be good for a few laughs.

      • Nephilium

        She would be both the first Indian and the first Jamaican I’ve ever met who wouldn’t be insulted by being called African American.

  31. PieInTheSky

    This chart shows a comparison of health systems performances and resources.

    The most effective are the closest to the origin, with lower mortality rate from avoidable causes and lower expenditure per capita.


    I wonder if the mortality rate is calculated in some uniform fashion independently or is based on each governments statistics…

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      How is avoidable categorized and under what criteria is mortality attributed to an unavoidable or avoidable cause? If this is just a hodpodge of stats from disparate systems it’s essentially meaningless.

    • R C Dean

      Bzzt. Lower mortality from avoidable causes is not a measure of health system performance. Unless your “health system” isn’t one that provides care and treatment, but is a “public health system” geared toward controlling behavior.

  32. Not Adahn

    JI: Scott Alexander wrote a post about Nietzsche. He posits that SadBeard is the Ubermench.

    • juris imprudent

      Well that’s amusing. Not sure if that’s worse than tying Nietzsche to Nazis.

      • juris imprudent

        Hmm, that’s not what I got from that. I do agree that he doesn’t understand Nietzsche very well, but then I wouldn’t claim to either.

    • juris imprudent

      I’m an expert on Nietzsche (I’ve read some of his books), but not a world-leading expert (I didn’t understand them).

      Now that right there warms my heart.

    • AlexinCT

      Make work socialism…

      The grass is green and so are the trees…

      • Suthenboy

        More than that, that very small amount of water would make no difference whatsoever.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Good lord. Most of it is getting sprayed on pavement or aerosolized or onto the leaves. Note also the barricade tape on the other side. Clearly set up as a photo op.

        If they were really serious, place a a garbage can with small holes poked into it placed near the trunk and filled.

  33. Chipping Pioneer

    The West is dying. The enemy class killed it. What you are witnessing now is the rush of parasites to feed on the corpse before its store of wealth is gone.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Watch out for the man with the pointed stick

    Taylor Swift has said she is “completely in shock” after a stabbing attack at a dance class celebrating the US singer’s music in Southport, England left three children dead and others injured.


    The rampage has stunned Britain and left police rapidly attempting to establish why such an unusually devastating incident took place in the nation, where gun ownership is heavily restricted but knife crime has been described as a “national crisis.”

    A 17-year-old was arrested at the scene on “suspicion of murder and attempted murder.

    “I am at a complete loss for how to ever convey my sympathies to these families,” Swift wrote in her Instagram post.

    Ban murder.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      What we need is common-sense pointed stick control.

    • Not Adahn

      Ministry of Bluntness. Create a cadre of inspectors to verify that there is no object exceeding a certain data-driven threshold of pointiness. Unless that would unduly affect Asians.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      “I am at a complete loss for how to ever convey my sympathies to these families,” Swift wrote in her Instagram post.

      It’s all about her.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    King Charles III and his wife, Queen Camilla also they were “profoundly shocked” by the incident on Monday.

    “My wife and I have been profoundly shocked to hear of the utterly horrific incident in Southport,” King Charles said in a statement shared on the royal family official social media channels on Monday.

    UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer also responded to the events, saying in a clip shared with broadcasters that the “whole country” has been left “deeply shocked at what they’ve seen” in Southport.

    Commission a study, at once!

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      So the empty word o’ the day is shocked apparently.

      • Ted S.

        Your winnings, sir.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      Interesting that he said “My wife and I” and not “The Queen and I”.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    Anti-Trump judge approves of anti-Trump amendment

    Retired federal judge J. Michael Luttig said Monday that he supports President Biden’s proposal for a constitutional amendment to counteract the recent Supreme Court decision giving former presidents broad immunity from criminal prosecution for actions taken while in office.

    The amendment would partially overturn the landmark immunity ruling by making clear former presidents do not enjoy criminal immunity from federal criminal indictments. The “No One Is Above the Law Amendment,” however, would not apply to state indictments.

    “I support a constitutional amendment that would repudiate the Supreme Court’s faithless decision in Trump v. United States and restore the animating principle of our Nation and of our Constitution that no man is above the law, least of all the President of the United States,” Luttig wrote in a post on social media platform X.

    Luttig — a longtime conservative judge — was highly critical of the July 1 decision, which granted a major victory to former President Trump by dooming some elements of his criminal prosecutions.

    Why can’t we just declare Trump persona non grata and banish him? It would be simpler, and there would be no chance of that amendment coming back to bite a Democrat on the ass.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Duly noted your honor. Now fuck off.

    • juris imprudent

      This reminds me an awful lot of all of the conservative squawking about the Warren Court.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      The statement is vague enough that it could be interpreted as support for either side.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    In his statement Monday, Luttig called the immunity ruling “abominable” and said that, with the decision, “the Supreme Court cut the heart and soul out of America’s Democracy and the Rule of Law.”

    “No longer can it be said that in America no man is above the law, because on that day, the Supreme Court held that the President of the United States — and in particular the former president of the United States — actually is above the law,” he added.

    One particular former President, anyway.

    First reaction- was Jimmy Carter guilty of murder for approving the failed hostage rescue? Should the families have been allowed to sue him for wrongful death?

    • Ownbestenemy

      I am sure the amendment will apply from years 2017-2021, and here since forth, except wherein as prescribed by Law

      Said law will define who it applies to at the whim of the Congress.

      • juris imprudent

        Oh there is no need to be that vague, the law will apply only to Presidents of a Republican identity (even when they are in fact 90s Democrats in Republican drag).

      • Ownbestenemy

        True, they are done with vagueness I suppose.

      • AlexinCT

        First reaction- was Jimmy Carter guilty of murder for approving the failed hostage rescue? Should the families have been allowed to sue him for wrongful death?

        What most people that think this exposes all presidents to legal action seem to miss, is that the left feels they will face no repercussions from this new stand they have on presidential power. After all, they face no repercussions today from existing laws already. The machine defends them and lets them walk, while using the law against their enemies.

        So no, Carter, Clinton, and Obama will never have to worry about facing any charges. But every republican, libertarian, independent, or heretic democrat, will.

    • The Other Kevin

      These people are incapable of seeing the big picture or thinking long term. Get Trump right now and damn the torpedoes.

      I still maintain this protects Biden more than Trump. Without this ruling, everyone who had a family member murdered by an illegal could go after Biden as an accessory to murder? Or sue him for wrongful death?

    • Ownbestenemy

      All while digging up Vance’s prior positions as if no other politician has ever swapped beliefs. The people will clap like seals.

      • Sensei

        That’s different!

      • R C Dean

        The thing is, I kinda like Vance’s story. When he first got out of the crab bucket, he was surrounded by squishy liberals and then proggies, so he just sort of went along. The more he saw of them, the less he liked them and the more he became not-them. Hell, I had a similar progression (although I was never in the crab bucket like he was).

  38. The Late P Brooks

    The plan comes after the president withdrew from the 2024 race against Trump earlier this month and endorsed Vice President Harris to lead the ticket. In his address to the nation last week, Biden said he would use much of the remainder of his term to carve out reform for the high court.

    Obviously unbalanced and unaccountable, he sets out to radically undercut the authority of a co-equal branch of the government. Democracy in action.

  39. Common Tater

    “Kamala Harris Touted a $5B Electric School Bus Program. Three Years Later, It’s Produced Just 60 Buses.

    As part of the first tranche of Clean School Bus program funding two years ago, Harris and EPA administrator Michael Regan unleashed nearly $1 billion in federal rebates for 389 school districts across all 50 states to help deliver a total 2,463 electric school buses. According to federal data reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon, just 27 of those districts have proven to the EPA that their buses were delivered and that their diesel-fueled buses being replaced have been discarded.

    Collectively, those districts have deployed a total of 60 battery-electric or low-emissions propane-fueled school buses. And 55 additional districts have pulled out of the program, according to other federal data shared with the Free Beacon, citing a variety of technological and infrastructure concerns. In other words: More school districts have withdrawn from the program than proven that they have completed it.”


    Your tax dollars at work.

    • AlexinCT

      The purpose of this racket was to funnel tax payer money to people connected to the democrat crime syndicate, all so they could then, in addition to enriching themselves without adding zero value, funnel large amounts of cash into dnc crime syndicate campaign coffers. By that measure these sorts of money pits are massively successful.

      • juris imprudent

        What was that apocryphal quote attributed to Rep. Crockett about the dangers of voting largesse from the public purse?

      • Sean

        You know what’s *really* weird? Calling women “birthing people”. Psychos…

      • The Other Kevin

        “Weird” is the word of the day. But there are already compilation videos of dozens of people suddenly discovering that word all on the same day.

        There is also a meme on Twitter where you say “JD Vance is weird” with a picture of a drag show or something.

      • Drake

        Some kind of Dem campaign. JD Vance is so weird having enlisted in the Marines, then gets a law degree.

        Totally normal to have a pedo with dementia in charge. To be followed by an Indian-Irish woman from Canada whose family owned a slave plantation in Jamaica but pretends to be African.

      • Ownbestenemy

        James Carville is throwing up the red-flags for Dems and they are ignoring him. He may be a dick, but dude has more political sense in his pinky than all of Kamala’s campaign team.

  40. AlexinCT

    Have no doubt that the crooks running things will not go down without a fight. They will fortify the election, and punish everyone that dares point out they did so, or they will resort to tactics to make the country ungovernable if they do not have power.

    These people are the true incarnation of evil.

    • The Other Kevin

      How is that not treason?

      • R C Dean

        Technically, sedition, unless they are working on behalf of a foreign power. Which is entirely possible in some (many?) cases.

  41. The Late P Brooks

    “This nation was founded on the principle there are no kings in America,” Biden said in a speech Monday. “Each of us legally follows the law. No one is above the law. For all practical purposes, the court’s decision almost certainly means that a president can violate their oath, flout our laws and face no consequences.”

    Luttig has in recent years been among the most high-profile conservative critics of Trump and his efforts to stay in power after losing the 2020 election to Biden. The former judge even testified during the House hearings regarding the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

    Men who have given their lives to public service must put aside their petty political quibbles in defense of democracy. We cannot allow interlopers and upstarts to usurp the power of the nobility.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Each of us legally follows the law

      Way to highlight what the actual decision was Biden. Did the Repubs sneak in a writer onto his staff?

  42. Common Tater

    “MI AG Dana Nessel appears to have lied about the owner of 4 semi-automatic rifles with suppressors and modified pistols that were found stored in a Pelican case during a raid of the Democrat-funded GBI Strategies headquarters in Southfield, MI.

    On October 16, 2020, the Muskegon Police Department was called to the Muskegon City Clerk’s office to investigate what appeared to be a mass voter registration fraud effort targeting urban communities across the state of Michigan. Between 8,000-10,000 voter registrations (many of which, according to the police reports, were fake) were being mailed from a hotel in Auburn Hills, MI. and from the GBI Strategies/Empower Michigan headquarters in Southfield, MI to the Muskegon Clerk’s office.”


    What a shitshow.

  43. The Late P Brooks

    You know what’s *really* weird? Calling women “birthing people”. Psychos…

    Birthing is frowned upon. “Egg producing” if you please.

    • Drake

      “Abortion having?”

  44. The Late P Brooks

    What was that apocryphal quote attributed to Rep. Crockett about the dangers of voting largesse from the public purse?

    “If you give a mooch a million…”

  45. The Late P Brooks


    Air New Zealand on Tuesday dropped its 2030 climate goal, citing delivery delays of fuel-efficient aircraft and the affordability of alternative jet fuels.

    The announcement means that New Zealand’s national flag carrier has become the first major airline to water down its near-term climate aspirations, a move that reflects the scale of the industry’s challenge to meet its decarbonization goals.

    Air New Zealand CEO Greg Foran said in a statement that it has become apparent in recent weeks “that potential delays to our fleet renewal plan pose an additional risk to the target’s achievability.”

    Reality rears its ugly head. You can only pretend for so long. Those battery powered lanes are a little behind schedule.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Wimps. They had five more years to go before the bill came due.

    • Sensei

      And the “green” jet fuels are a joke.

    • kinnath

      I remember.

      • Sensei

        I do, but only by study. I was alive, but just barely.

      • kinnath

        Junior high for me when it hit the news.

        Fourscore would have been in the service at the time I expect.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Everything eventually ends up on the ash heap of history.

  46. The Late P Brooks

    In 2022, aviation was estimated to account for 2% of global energy-related carbon emissions, having grown faster in recent decades than other modes of transport, such as rail, road and shipping.

    The International Energy Agency said that for aviation to get on track with its 2050 net-zero emissions scenario, technical measures related to low-emission fuels, improvements in engines and airframes, and demand-restraint solutions would all be needed to curb growth in emissions.

    Air New Zealand also confirmed its intention to immediately withdraw from the Science Based Targets Initiative. The SBTi network is a United Nations-backed climate action group that seeks to help companies reduce their emissions in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement.

    As soon as we get those ant-gravity field generators up and running, we’ll be good to go.

  47. Ownbestenemy

    Right now, I feel this is how the “White Dudes for Kamala” conversations are going.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Oh and “White Dudes for Kamala” has no off-the-street white guys. All actors and a sprinkling of politicians like my boss.

    • Not Adahn

      I’m not into cuckold porn, so I’m not clicking.

  48. The Late P Brooks

    What if we buy them off?

    Will a $200 tax credit be enough to save the Climate Commitment Act?

    On Monday, Gov. Jay Inslee rolled out the program in a subdued news conference on Seattle’s Yesler Terrace, noting how low- and moderate-income residential customers may be eligible for assistance. He says the program was created because of the cap and invest program, and the $150 million set aside for it.

    But Inslee bristled when asked about how it could go away if voters approve I-2117 in the fall.

    “This defective, deceptive, dangerous initiative only guarantees one thing, and that’s more pollution,” Inslee said.

    The peasants are revolting.

  49. The Late P Brooks

    Inslee was asked if he was trying to bribe voters with a tax credit. “No. They’re trying to take away $200 from these families. Who wants to take away $200 credit from a family to help them with their costs of these low-income folks. That’s reprehensible. You know what else? It’s weird.”

    It’s an insurrection of weirdos, it is. Taking food out of the mouths of starving little babies.