Story of My Life – part 15

by | May 20, 2024 | Musings | 44 comments

In late March, I learned that I would be getting a general discharge instead of the honorable one my company commander recommended. I was a bit upset. To me the message was ‘thanks for not killing yourself, now get out’. When I saw the honorable discharge recommendation in writing, I had an amusing conversation with my company commander.

Me: Oh, thank God! I was worried I was going to get one of those codes that say I set fires or fuck sheep or fuck sheep and set them on fire or set sheep on fire and fuck them.

Him: What you do on your time is your own business.

In my discharge paperwork, I found a DA Form 3822, which is a mental health evaluation. I got nearly the opposite of a normal score. It said my perception and cognition were impaired, my behavior and impulsivity were abnormal, that the risk of harm to myself was moderate and the risk of harm to others was high. It contained no explanation for this assessment nor the name of the person who made it. And the cherry on top was that it was made after my release from the insane asylum. If anyone disputes my use of the phrase ‘insane asylum’, all I can see is I fail to see the relevant difference between terms like mental hospital, insane asylum, and psychiatric ward. A dozen people lied to my face to trap me in there where I had to spend a lot of time talking to psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists, and they didn’t let me out for three days.

I also registered for some suicide intervention classes because I wanted to turn a negative into a positive. My hope was that somehow, I could stay in touch with my old unit and spare another soldier from the ordeal I experienced. The problem was the suicide intervention classes were a joke. It was like listening to virgins talk about sex. I tried to explain that I had been on suicide watch, and I had a unique perspective about such things, but the instructors did not allow much leeway in their canned lectures.

I became so upset that I went back to the hospital to get an appointment with the Army psychiatrist I met before. When I was told to call a hotline, I got upset. After many hours of forced psychiatric treatment, now that I finally want to talk to a psychiatrist, I get told to take a number and stand in line. I asked if I could go to the front desk for more information, and the guard let me in the hospital. The guy at the front desk didn’t even look up from his phone when I walked past.

It was a Saturday and there was no one to talk with. After some hesitation, I wrote a note asking to see the psychiatrist and stuck it in the handle of the door to the psychiatric ward. It caused quite a stir, evidently because I wrote ‘ASAP’ and the message was in scary-looking CAPITAL LETTERS. I swear, I didn’t know my handwriting was so frightening. So, I am summoned back to the hospital about an hour after leaving the note and begin the admission process. After being asked for the fourth or fifth time if I was suicidal, I said ‘bye’ and walked out of the hospital while a nurse of some sort followed me and tried to coax me back.

I managed to defuse the situation by calling a friend and letting her talk to the doctors and nurses. I was then released. It was a lot of drama for nothing.

Later that day, some very strange things happened, and even stranger things continued to happen. Plenty of people will dispute my interpretation of the events, yet the overall pattern of evidence leads to an inescapable conclusion. I first came suspicious in the spring of 2019 when after I tried to check the weather, Google sent me an error message saying they had detected unusual activity from my device. I shrugged it off as a fluke at the time.

After the drama at the hospital, I decided to share my tale of woe with some online friends. For several years, I had been a member on an online libertarian forum. Most of the regulars were US military veterans, so it seemed like a safe place to vent. I did take a break for a year when I went on mission because I was worried about accidentally revealing classified information and I was certain the local network was being monitored for suspicious activity.

When I logged into the forum, several mysterious black screens popped up for a second and quickly vanished. They appeared to command prompt windows. At the same time, I noticed that the posts I tried to submit to the forum were taking a very long time to process. In the posts, I complained about my ordeal and my impending discharge. Since I suspected someone was viewing my laptop screen at that moment, I created a folder on my desktop called REVENGE and in it I created a document called OPERATION BLIND THE CYCLOPS. I want to emphasize that this was a document in Notepad, so the only person who should have been able to see it was me. Unless of course there was some sort of malware on my laptop which allowed someone else to view my screen on their computer.

In the Notepad document, I wrote:

Nice try, guys. I know you’re spying on me. I want my old job back. Please help.

I spent the next few hours typing there. I invited them to scrub whatever they needed to scrub from the online forum and to make whatever changes they wanted to my laptop, because I trusted them. Mere hours later, the online forum mysteriously went down, and the homepage had a notice that the hosting software was being upgraded. If events like this had only happened once or twice in isolation, I could dismiss it as a coincidence, but stuff like that kept happening. My laptop suddenly seemed to work a lot better after that night. I had been getting an ‘IRQL not equal’ error message over and over and it stopped after that night.

About The Author



The world's foremost authority on the science of stupidity, Professor Emeritus at Derpskatonic University, Editor of the Journal of Pure and Theoretical Derp, Chancellor of the Royal Derp Society, and Senior Fellow at The Dipshit Doodlebug Institute for Advanced Idiocy


  1. Derpetologist

    I didn’t suffer nearly as much as this guy, but his story spoke to me.

    There is a strong negative correlation between IQ and criminality. Enlisted service members should be promoted on the basis of ASVAB scores.

    He got drunk and broke a window by accident. Take it out of his pay and give him extra duty. There is no need for punishment to be sadistic.

    • Pope Jimbo

      That video absolutely stunk.

      When I joined the Marines it was for a six year hitch. The extra 2 years was because I would get a $5K bonus once I successfully finished school. At 19, that seemed like a great deal. I didn’t realize that the contract said successfully complete. If I failed the school I didn’t get the bonus and I was still in for six years.

      After finishing the basic electronics course, we all lined up in the training squadron office and we counted off by 3’s. Depending on your number you were going to get trained in Communication (radio), NavAids (navigational aids) or Radar. All of them had a MOS of 59XX which is exactly what my contract said I had to complete to get the bonus.

      Jump forward another year of training and I finally passed and received orders to Okinawa. The guys in the S-1 (admin) section said my money would be paid in Okinawa. After a half year or so of agitating for my bonus in Okinawa, the S-1 guys came back and said my MOS 5952 didn’t qualify for the bonus. The bonus could only be paid to a radar tech. Too bad, so sad. Shut up about the bonus, you got fucked.

      I was pissed. My contract had an addendum that was 20 pages long with all the reasons that they didn’t have to pay the bonus. The very last clause said if they couldn’t pay the bonus, I could get out. The guys in the S-1 shack just laughed and said good luck with that.

      When I was in high school I had a really good friend who was really into politics. He somehow talked me into door knocking and volunteering for a couple GOP campaigns. One campaign was for my Congressman Arlan Stangeland. I actually met him a few times during his race. So I sent him a letter telling him how I was getting screwed. He sent me back a letter (or his staffer did) asking for some clarifications. After responding Arlan opened an official Congressional investigation into what was happening.

      The shit hit the fan then. I got summoned to talk to the Skipper a guy who had just made Lt. Col and was on his twilight tour (when his stint at our squadron was done he was going to retire). Now he had my shit to deal with. He wasn’t happy, but I told him that I was owed $5K or a release from the Marines.

      Nothing got settled immediately, I was told to wait while my betters the officers figured out what to do. (My Sgt. Maj. and the gunney who was my section leader were both great. Without them I would have been screwed several times.) In the meantime I got all sorts of extra fun duties. I got to be our squadron’s representative at 3 or 4 straight monthly NBC training sessions (I got tear gassed and had to walk a mile in Okinawa heat in the rubber MOPP gear). There was a lot of institutional fuckery aimed my way for not going along with their plans.

      Finally, they said they were going to send me back to NAS Memphis go go through radar training. I spent another six months there (and probably had another six months to go) before someone did the math and figured out that by the time I was done the Corps wouldn’t get their money’s worth out of all that training so they called me in and offered to let me out. I jumped at the chance and got the “same as” honorable discharge. All in all I was in about 3 years.

      Overall the Marines were a good thing in my life. I did a lot of growing up, met a lot of fantastic people, went places my country ass never even knew existed and learned to hate hierarchal institutions where you had no freedom (probably the origin of my libertarian self). I sure was happy to put them in the rear view mirror though.

      • Fourscore

        It’s hard to understand why such impediments are put in place. Those are the kinds of things that would have changed my mind and plans. Instead I was met with surprises. In 1959 I was assigned to a remote microwave station in France. As soon as I got there off I went to Germany to an AF station and a specialized school.

        In 1967 I arrived in VN, got to my unit and within a couple days off to Saigon to school on a piece of equipment that was a rarity. Only a few existed at the time.
        When I left VN I was scheduled for an advanced course but on my Dream Sheet I had indicated that Spain was my choice, I got home and immediately got a call from DA to not unpack, get a passport and ended up at an AF base as one of 2 army officers on base, wearing civilian clothes. Left there, back to VN, stopping long enough to go to Advisor’s School and Defense Language School. Returned and finally got to the advanced school.

        I had a lot of temporary duty along the way as well, going hither and yon.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I think that the main reason the CO and XO got their panties in a bunch was because a lowly corporal like me had a semi-personal connection to a Congressman and was able to get some leverage. They were pretty sure they could just ignore me and I’d be fucked. Then all of a sudden Congress was asking questions to the Marine HQ in DC and that was rolling downhill.

        Just one of those situations where officers can’t believe they can get out maneuvered by a enlisted guy.

        My life in The Suck was either the best times or the worst. There was never any in between times. And it could flip from one to the other on a dime.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I think you summed it up Jimbo. Greatest and worst 6 years of my life.

  2. Fourscore

    The AFQT is far, far different than the battery tests we took in the ’50s. As I remember there were about 9-10-11 tests. I remember the EL (Electronic) that one needed to get into the long electronic schools, I’ve forgotten the score required but I was qualified. I asked for Crypto Equipment Repair, first choice, Microwave Equipment Repair second choice and Radar Equipment Repair third choice. I got Micro and as it turned out that was a good choice.

    At that time the school was guaranteed before re-enlisting.

    • Gustave Lytton

      GT would be the equivalent, I think. AFQT is just a derivative of the ASVAB, which is a battery test as the name implies.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I had satcom, general electronics or ground radar maintenance. Radar is where I landed and has been my passion for 21 years now.

  3. R.J.

    Word, Derpy. I have been housecleaning and will sit down to read your post in a moment.

  4. Evan from Evansville

    “A dozen people lied to my face to trap me in there where I had to spend a lot of time talking to psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists, and they didn’t let me out for three days.”

    I saw this and wanted to comment before I continued: This hit me, reminds me of Jan 3 experience this year. I’m not sure I told folk ’bout that one, or I’m sure it was brief. I was pretty much kidnapped and taken to an ER by my own outpatient folk. AKA the people I thought I could trust most. When I correctly told them I was fine and just wanted to chill from Group. Hrm. It was at least a polite version of kidnapping. I was demonstrably fine and was purposefully polite and just-another-day-ish to ‘show’ them how fucking wrong it all was. (I’m a great patient. Pro Tip: Become One. It helps.) That visit took up a sizable length of time and spiraled me into a darkness I don’t wish to spelunk into.

    Onward, this soldier reads.

  5. Evan from Evansville

    That online libertarian forum has some upset squirrels, huh? Yep. That ain’t gonna raise any flags ’round here. Nosireebob.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Don’t you get it? WEare the forum of which he speaks, and to think, you’re already 2/3 Yusef years old.

      • Evan from Evansville

        *Psst* Ya may wanna look up. An ROS-sized funny (they do exist!) just flew overhead 🙂

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Clear skies here, I don’t see it.

      • Evan from Evansville

        (I coulda helped. Shoulda been TOS-sized, as I think *I* first heard the squirrel term there. (I have a feeling it’s been in use for far longer. *kicks Ev-shaped pebble*))

    • Ted S.

      Don’t most of the commenters here have moobs they need to rock off?

  6. Beau Knott

    Good morning all!
    At least slightly relevant, if accidentally so, today we have Shaman’s Harvest

    In Chains

    Share and enjoy!

  7. Ownbestenemy

    Sun is rising, birds are chirping. Time for work!

    • Ownbestenemy

      Seems a response to Apple bringing back 8 year old deleted photos

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        No doubt, deleted never seems to really mean deleted.

      • Grosspatzer, Superstar

        dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc

        Repeat multiple times as needed

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, U, Stinky, OBE, Sean, Beau, and Ted’S.!

      • UnCivilServant

        Trying to take the high road with management who pushed me out of my old job and the guy they brought in who’s dumber than a box of rocks (he’s not doing my old job, but he got stuck with part of it).

        Problem is they’re still antagonizing with the manner they communicate and still fail to communicate.

        No, I am not going to attend a meeting with zero notice and no agenda that starts after the end of my workday.

        Tell me what you want to discuss, and pick a sane time.

      • Gender Traitor

        Good grief! You shouldn’t have to deal with their crap anymore. The fact that they apparently can’t function without you (and more to the point, can’t function with the person who essentially replaced you) isn’t your problem!

        I know you’ll deal with them in a professional manner. Hope you can avoid being pushed around.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m just waiting for them to whine to my current director that I’m somehow not doing my new job or have otherwise wronged them.

      • Gender Traitor

        I hope your current director has your back.

  8. Fourscore

    Good Mornin’ All,

    Got most of the garden planted and now an all day soaker, what could be better? What a difference from last year, last year was the beginning of a drought, this year we’ve had a bit of rain and more in the forecast. Grass needs cutting but since no one is complaining why would I care.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, 4(20)! So glad to hear your garden’s off to a great start!

    • Fourscore

      Mosquitoes are out in force, no shortage of wood ticks. I don’t/won’t go in the woods ’til September.

    • Grosspatzer, Superstar


      We had about a month of rain here, finally dried out enough to work the soil. Good for the garden, not so much for my back.

      My neighbor better not complain about tall grass. Woke my kids up at 8AM yesterday jackhammering their path. No idea WTF they are doing.

  9. Grosspatzer, Superstar

    Mornin’, reprobates!

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, ‘patzie! How are you and all of yours?

      • Grosspatzer, Superstar

        Pretty good, thanks. Mrs. Patzer and I are in the process of deciding what to do with the week of alone time we will have when the spawn are in Japan next month. It reminds me of our wedding planning – she plans, I pretend to consider it carefully, then give my enthusiastic approval.

      • Gender Traitor

        You’re wise beyond your ears! 😄

  10. Grosspatzer, Superstar

    If I lived in the Bronx, and this was the only source of information about the candidates, I would enthusiastically vote for the race-baiting, anti-semitic, fire alarm pulling Jamaal Bowman.

    Voted against the “bipartisan infrastructure bill”? Voted against the debt limit deal? Sign me up!

    AIPAC allegedly spent $2MM on this ad campaign. I guess this is how you target an audience which mostly backs the worst parts of Bowman’s agenda. Mrs. Patzer holds her ears every time this ad runs (to drown out my ranting).

  11. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    whats goody

    headed to a test in Defiance today….TALL STACKS!

  12. Not Adahn

    Grumble. Apparently the “Preventing Private Paramilitaries Act” has been introduced in the NYS leg which would ban shooting sports. Well, technically there are a few that would still be allowable.

    • UnCivilServant

      The goal is to get rid of armed peasantry.