Tuesday Morning Links

by | Jul 16, 2024 | Daily Links | 274 comments

No sports, other than to mention something about the national anthem at the home run derby last night. Nice job Dallas. Really nice job. Right, moving on.

Are side jobs not allowed in his contract? Maybe. But apparently handjobs, blowjobs, and rimjobs aren’t.

What a fantastic idea! Not only is it unconstitutional, it’s completely retarded.

This is starting to make my spidey senses tingle. My spidey senses pick up conspiracies, not just physical crimes.

::sigh:: Sadly, this on-brand. Hell, it appeared her husband didn’t even know a woman was on charge of the agency in his interview. But maybe that was just his “stutter.”

That’s a lot of money. I bet all the billionaires and celebs on the other side of the divide say it shouldn’t be allowed at their next big fundraiser where they take in the same amount from their pals.

I wonder if they know what they’re “resisting.” Oh yeah, its “whatever the other side is doing.”

Never give up. Don’t ever give up. Even if you have no chance to succeed anymore.

Here we go. Some upbeat stuff today. Just delightfully fun stuff. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Tuesday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. Brochettaward

    Aim true. Aim First. Don’t miss.

    • Brochettaward

      I have a far better security detail than the Secret Service. Not that I need it with my Third Eye.

      • AlexinCT

        Your brown eye? Has it been roughed up?

  2. AlexinCT

    Are side jobs not allowed in his contract? Maybe. But apparently handjobs, blowjobs, and rimjobs aren’t.

    They are denying them the best jobs!

    • Suthenboy

      A middle aged dude doing porn? Geez, really? Nobody wants to see that.

      • Nephilium

        Just remember these three words.

      • AlexinCT

        Based on what I have seen during my research phase, there are things that get/got made that imply some people are really really sick fucks. I mean, I try hard not to judge, but some of the material that has been put out, left me wondering if maybe civilization isn’t ready for another big space rock creating another ELE.

    • DrOtto

      The dude is getting fired, not for doing porn, but for eating his own load in his porn. I’ve watched a lot of porn and his was the first porn where the dude eats his own load.

      • AlexinCT

        Yeah, that is a fireable offense..

      • Suthenboy

        Goddammit Doc. What is wrong with you? Why did you have to tell us that? I didn’t need to know that. Really, I could have gone my whole life without knowing that.

        *Where is my fucking toothbrush?

      • SDF-7

        *Where is my fucking toothbrush?

        Narrator: If you have a fucking toothbrush, you might be part of the problem…

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        It’s an electric one. The vibrations keep everything really clean.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        “eats his own load”

        That’s pretty tame.

      • AlexinCT

        I guess he could be eating other people’s loads…

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical


      • Gdragon

        You might be surprised at how many women claim to be “into” that. They sure as hell ain’t getting me to do it, I’d much rather remain lonely.

  3. AlexinCT

    What a fantastic idea! Not only is it unconstitutional, it’s completely retarded.

    When your policies have wreaked that much destruction and chaos in the lives of common people that you need to fake them with offers of free shit to buy their votes.

    Now that the fear porn they were hoping to use to give them a chance has become untenable (at least for now), they have only one other mechanism to get votes: rob the productive to buy it from low information types.

  4. AlexinCT

    I wonder if they know what they’re “resisting.” Oh yeah, its “whatever the other side is doing.”

    They are resisting, whether they know it or not, because that is what the astroturfers pay them to do, those that are in the way of a cabal of evil fucks “fundamentally changing America” into a marxist shithole?

    • rhywun

      “I know they want to erase Black folks and our contributions, I know they want to eliminate the Department of Education, I know they want to defang the FBI … and use the DOJ to prosecute his ‘enemies,’ which means anyone who disagrees with his fascist policies,” she rattles off. “Oh yeah, I know enough about it.”

      Shit, they’re on to us.

      • Ownbestenemy

        There is just no way to reconcile with that.

      • SDF-7

        At least there’s one corn kernel of truth in that pile of poop (yes, getting rid of Dept. of Ed. would be fine… not that I think OMB will do it). I wouldn’t say “defang” as much as “salt the earth” is my preference… and frankly, there’s more than a little evidence the DOJ should be going after people who are his “enemies” for their own actions, not resistance to his policies.

        But 3/10 for effort there, lady.

      • rhywun

        There is just no way to reconcile with that.

        Right? And it’s the same with that whole crowd.

        Luckily they’re not as numerous as all the attention they get would seem to indicate. Unfortunately with our two-party system they all vote Democrat anyway.

      • juris imprudent

        Stupid is as, oh hell. That’s just so fucking stupid it pisses me off that a moron like that has the same voting rights that I do.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        Jesus Fucking Christ. And the media wonders just how someone could violate our political norms by trying to kill the man they’ve all, Team Blue players and the media, have been yelling at us for years is the End of Democracy™️. He’s evil incarnate, who will arrest his political enemies and send all those not in compliance with his white supremacist blueprint to death camps.

        They’re all fucking unhinged, engaging in a massive game of pro(g)ection, hoping that we’re all as dumb as they think we are.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        There is just no way to reconcile with that.

        Agreed. How do you have a conversation with someone who proudly wears whatever the leftist version of a tinfoil hat is? They’re starting from a fundamentally flawed position with no basis whatever in the real world. You can’t use reason to talk someone out of a position they didn’t arrive at logically. And, unfortunately, it’s the dumbest fucking shit you’ll ever hear.

        Death camps for immigrants! He wants to erase blacks! Jailing political enemies! Roundups for all the transgayz! Existential threat! TeH eNd Uv DeMoCkRaSeE in aMeRiKKKa!

        They believe all of this not because anything in reality indicates that Trump is a wannabe fuhrer, but because dumb fucks like AOC and Maddow told them so.


      I wonder if there is a effort on the part of the NGO-Industrial complex to take some of the zing of OMB’s convention/hero picture rally by reenacting the ’68 DNC in Milwaukee.

      • UnCivilServant

        It would be funny if they staged something and their paid thugs breached the perimeter, wiping out a lot of corrupt inner party members.


        It is possible. Our current star chamber denizens seem to be of a remarkably lower caliber than those of the 60s.

  5. Ownbestenemy

    JFC that rendition of the anthem. Hopefully it was some “Make a Wish” kid cause that was atrocious.

    • Necron 99

      4 time Grammy nominee Ingrid Andress.

      Her sound engineer who got that shit through autotune should be nominated for some kind of humanitarian award. She must have pissed off whoever was supposed to correct the anthem live.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Talk about having a nice feather in your cap to your career and just completely botching it. I am guessing when she was practicing it all her yes men all nodded it was wonderful.


      Not only was she not in the same hemisphere as the right pitch for a single note, she sang in that supremely irritating “singing like I am bored” thing that female pop singers do these days.

      Roseanne sounded better and she was trying to be terrible.

  6. Evan from Evansville

    Only days in America one of the big 4 sports DON’T play: Day before and after the MLB All-Star Game, which I also won’t watch.

    Tragic times, they are.

    • rhywun

      It’s such a sports drought this week I’m considering watching the US ladies play soccer tonight. Vs. Costa Rica, I think.

      • sloopyinca

        The British Open is this week. So there’s that.

      • R C Dean

        I thought we were talking about finding sports to watch.

      • rhywun

        The British Open is this week. So there’s that.

        I’m not that desperate.

      • Ted S.

        CL qualifying started last week, not that it’s available to watch anywhere in the States.

      • dbleagle

        No Dodgeball on the Ocho?

  7. Ownbestenemy

    Today, I’m sending a clear message to corporate landlords: If you raise rents more than 5%, you should lose valuable tax breaks.”

    To be sure, the proposal would need to gain traction in Congress…

    When has Congress ever been involved when it comes to Biden’s vote buying?

    • AlexinCT

      Think about this action. The crypt keeper is basically telling people negatively impacted by his economic policy’s stupidity that if they react to the economic incentive caused by that shitshow, he will punish them. It’s like team blue simply doesn’t believe that their fantasies should ever be impacted by the laws of the real world (physics, chemistry, economics, biology, and human nature most impacted).

      • cavalier973

        The goal is to eliminate private ownership of property.

        “I’m selling out. It’s too expensive. I’ll just put my money in the stock market.”

      • SDF-7

        It seems very in the tradition of socialist states to me — so hardly surprising. “The economy is what we say it is, Comrade!” (until it becomes too obvious that it isn’t and it all falls apart).

  8. AlexinCT

    This is starting to make my spidey senses tingle. My spidey senses pick up conspiracies, not just physical crimes.

    My first take was that it was the fog of war and that was why there was such a lack of proper response from the authorities. But as more details come out, I am now left with the belief that even thinking that this was more likely than not a massive DEI failure, it alone doesn’t quite explain the way that shitshow played out.

    I doubt we will get the truth from the people “investigating” this, but the one takeaway is that it feels like there was divine intervention to not only prevent the team blue morons that would have cheered this from getting a win, but to massively damage the most important weapon team blue wields to control their low information voters: the projected fear porn.

    • cyto

      One thing playing into the conspiracy gene is the sudden radio silence.

      When a “white supremacist” shoots someone, there are tons of revelations within hours.

      Then there are the others. Las Vegas shooter. Nashville shooter. Hands Up, Don’t shoot took a month before they released the finding that the guy reached inside the officers car, grabbed the gun and it went off in the struggle, injuring his hand inside the door.

      Rittenhouse? We knew he traveled across state lines illegally with a probably illegal assault rifle with intentions of killing black people within hours.

      • R C Dean

        Well, that’s more “flocking” or emergent behavior in the media, than it is our shadowy overlords dictating who reports what, when, and where.

    • R C Dean

      Why Crooks, though? Hell, how Crooks (as in, how did our shadowy conspirators even find him)?

      What shadowy conspirator in their right mind would say “yeah, he’s just the guy for this” in the first place?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        If I had to guess, the “shadowy conspiracy” spun up a lot of possible shooters, and made sure that at least one roof top was unsecured, probably at every event.

        But, just as likely this was all a matter of chance, and NA’s stars aligned perfectly.

  9. Evan from Evansville

    Seeing would-be assassin Crooks beforehand shows predictable media fling-arounds: “The officer reported the sighting to state police, the source said.”

    Yeah. What officer? What source? Quote? No. Uh. Don’t confirm my suspicions with bad journalism.

  10. Shpip

    Organizers predicted more than 5,000 people from around the U.S. would participate in the show of solidarity against Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee. The crowd that turned out for the march in hot and muggy downtown Milwaukee ended up much smaller than that, although a vast range of causes and issues were represented.

    Just your typical cavalcade of the usual suspects.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Such a great movie.

    • sloopyinca

      I wonder if the guy doing sign language at Mandela’s funeral had seen that movie.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Holy Kow! That was awesome, and exactly how you do CGI right.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I think it is glorious and should be encouraged to see more movies made like this. I’d probably rather see that movie than whatever Hollywood is putting out these days.

      • Rat on a train

        Do you have a link to the full film for Thursday?

      • AlexinCT

        Unfortunately I don’t Train riding rodent.

    • Rat on a train

      Just round up to the nearest million for reporting.

  11. cyto

    As seen on X

    Trump would-be assassin

    Ree Tardy Oswald

    • cavalier973

      Dude is dead, and *still* getting bullied.

      What a loser.

      • SDF-7

        Maybe he had his own Dark Cracky whispering in his ear…. (that’s it! Cracky is the insider feeding intel! 😉 )

      • cyto

        My personal form of crazy / motivated reasoning…. I fully expect there to be an FBI “informant” somewhere in this guy’s orbit.

        He just seems too familiar from the other “investigations”

  12. Drake

    This better not be a tease!

    “Trump and RFK Met to Discuss a Potential Role in His Administration, According to New Report”

    Attorney General? Let him gut the FBI?

    National Intelligence? The old JFK promise to tear the CIA apart and revenge his father and uncle?

    More likely – Secretary of HHS. Time to take out the trash at the FDA and CDC. Maybe find out why we seem to have biolabs around the world.


    • cyto

      The job of “reforming” homeland security and the security state is the one I am interested in. I don’t know who is qualified.

      Either DeSantis or Cruise seem to have the background, but could they be trusted to actually do it. Vivek has the energy and seems to have the proper motivation.

      My particular version of crazy says this is the only job that really counts on the “a republic, if you can keep it” front.

      • AlexinCT

        The job of “reforming” homeland security and the security state is the one I am interested in. I don’t know who is qualified.

        Kash Patel. You should read his book.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Not DeSantis or Cruz, better than most Rep pols but ultimately neocon lite the both of them.

      • SDF-7

        Heh… I was thinking Elon (lots of experience firing people) with Greenwald and/or Taibbi as executive consultants along similar lines as Snowden.

      • EvilSheldon

        You know, Greenwald is probably as qualified to be an actual intelligence professional as anyone alive…

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        “My particular version of crazy says this is the only job that really counts on the “a republic, if you can keep it” front.”

        Is the FBI under DHS? Because just getting rid of the CIA won’t be enough.

  13. cyto

    For those interested in psychology…

    The last few days have been a wonderful example of the power of confirmation bias and motivated reasoning.

    The top trending tag on X after the shooting at Trump rally was #Staged. Being in Biden country up near Duluth MN, I got to see a lot. The psychological barriers that people put up to keep from challenging deeply-held beliefs are amazing.

    • AlexinCT

      The top trending tag on X after the shooting at Trump rally was #Staged.

      When everything that happens to benefit team blue lunacy is staged shit, and you suffer from sever need to project, you see this idiocy.

      You not only have to be completely illiterate about fire arms, but also about human nature, to think anyone would volunteer to take the risk of having someone shoot at them.

      Team blue is absolutely apoplectic that their most powerful weapon – the fear porn – has basically been cock blocked by this idiocy.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        What, you wouldn’t volunteer to have someone shoot a high powered rifle at your ear from 150 yards away to get a good photo op? What a wuss.

      • Drake

        A very good AR with a very good shooter might have a 1-inch group at that distance in perfect conditions.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        I think the idea that their fear porn is going away is highly misguided. It’s not going anywhere. They’re all acting like they know they crossed a line (or several of them) and need to tame down, but it can’t last. They’re desperate. They see the writing on the wall, and they’re all so convinced in their brilliance, that not being in the same reality as everyone else is no obstacle for the machine.

        They have exactly 1 tool, and by god they’re gonna use it.

      • AlexinCT

        I do not expect the current pullback on fear porn to be permanent, and obviously as they get more desperate seeing things are not going their way, I expect it to come back and at a louder volume, but the damage is really done. The usual low info leftard will buy it hook line and sinker, but anyone else will for a while recoil at that stuff. At this point I am guessing they are all praying someone takes a shot at Biden so they can use that to fear porn.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      Biden country up near Duluth MN

      Once you get out of town, that changes dramatically.

    • ElspethFlashman

      So on another note (semi related), I keep getting examples of psychology at work, as played out in the lives of clients and opposing parties.

  14. cyto

    The NBC counterprograming against the RNC was a masterclass in propaganda.

    A pre-taped interview with Biden with what were clearly pre-scripted questions was quite successful in finalizing the rehabilitation of Biden’s candidacy.

    In what was little more than a Biden campaign commercial, they confirmed that incendiary rhetoric is only things like “f Joe Biden”… calling Trump literally Hitler is fair game because… well, how else do you talk about an existential threat to our democracy?

    NBC currently pimping clips across all properties.

    • Ownbestenemy

      CNN is still on board with dumping him though.

      • cyto

        Clearly Clinton machine versus Obama machine dynamics at play

      • Nephilium

        So are a couple other left wing publications (I know I saw Slate still talking about Biden’s age).

  15. cyto

    Summary of new revelations about security failure from X last night

    JUST IN: Thomas Crooks took out a rangefinder which was noticed by a sn*per before the rally before he “disappeared” and returned with a backpack.

    Let me say that again: Sn*pers saw Crooks pull out a **rangefinder** to calculate the distance to the target and still didn’t stop him.

    According to CBS News, sn*pers observed Crooks checking out the structure, taking out a rangefinder, and later returning with a backpack.

    Local law enforcement says Crooks kept “disappearing” before he climbed on the roof.

    “One of the sn*pers inside saw Thomas Matthew Crooks outside and looking up at the roof, observing the building…” CBS reported.

    “Crooks came back, sat down and looked at his phone. At that point, one of the sn*pers took a picture of him. Crooks took out a rangefinder and the sn*per radioed to the command post.”

    “Crooks disappeared again and then came back a third time with a backpack. The sn*pers called in with information that he had a backpack and said he was walking towards the back of the building.”

    Officers now think Crooks used an air conditioning unit to get on the roof

    • SDF-7

      Yup — said it in the dead thread but worth repeating… when a guy at a political rally pulls out a range finder, you at least detain him without needing to talk to your superiors first. Maybe he’s harmless, maybe not — but that’s an obvious “Need to check this out” sign. And you don’t let him wander away into the crowd and potentially come back because your agent-in-charge hasn’t checked their texts.

      • AlexinCT

        I will reiterate what I said above again: my first take was that this was just the result of DEI writ large, but the amount of things that are just unexplainable that we now are told happened is making me think blaming just DEI for this is not enough. Shit happens, but when you get a mountain of shit like this that simply don’t make sense, you have to adjust. Then again, with the FBI looking into this, I am certain we will never find out what really happened.

      • cyto

        My biggest question was “how could he have suspected that he would be able to get on that roof”. It just seems so implausible, the police staging center, cop cars everywhere, crowd milling about…

        Well… the new story addresses some of that.

        He walks up and cases the location while crowds are arriving, 30 mins before Trump takes the stage. Even pulls put a range finder.

        Goes back to vehicle and returns with a backpack. Climbs on roof that he just verified clear… and opens fire within minutes.

        Crazy that security was that bad… but it does seem possible. Scouting the location in real-time like that just didn’t seem plausible when considered in a vacuum.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Agent Bob: I thought agent Bill was on it.
        Agent Bill: I figured agent Bob was on top of it.

        That’s all it takes.

      • Drake

        Long chat with Larry Johnson and a former FBI sniper.

        Boils down to lack of resources and bad leadership.

        The counter snipers were not given the go-ahead to shoot because whoever was in charge hadn’t secured that roof and didn’t know who was up there. Not wanting to shoot a local deputy, they had to wait until the gunfire started.

      • AlexinCT

        It’s agents Neil and Bob…

        Cause that’s what they did…

      • SDF-7

        And that’s when Agents Bob and Bill should be fired for lack of proper initiative. And their boss most likely as well for fostering that environment.

        I’m not a huge fan of “up and out” in a lot of cases — but when it comes to stuff like the Secret Service and high importance protection details, any whiff of incompetence should be squashed and squashed hard. They can either do the job and do it right, or they need to be doing something else.

      • AlexinCT

        Yeah, the reek of Uvalde like response here, is hard to dismiss…

      • Drake

        I can understand the snipers waiting for permission rather than waxing a state trooper.

        Absolutely no excuse for leadership to not have people on that roof or around the building.

      • cyto

        There are some rumors that there was supposed to be a local police overwatch team on that roof.

      • DrOtto

        “We’re using that building for a base of operations, no one is going to go on that building, it would be crazy to do so, what with all the police cars around it.”

      • EvilSheldon

        It’s not even DEI, although that likely played a part. It’s the same institutional incompetence that shines through whenever a government bureaucracy has to respond to an emergent crisis.

  16. PieInTheSky

    Sad Trump could not find one conservative black woman as VP…

    Maybe if Vance comes out as trans…

    • Drake

      Vance is married to a brown woman. That will have to suffice.

      • cyto

        Tell that to… any conservative of color. Heck, many top republican candidates are Hispanic or married to Hispanic women.

        They are all uniformly racist.

        Funny how that works.

      • Old Man With Candy

        Indians are now white-adjacent.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        Indians are now white-adjacent.

        So are Asians. Hispanics will be next if they keep defecting to Trump. Blacks aren’t terribly far behind. Pretty soon everyone but blue haired trannies will be in Tribe Blue, and all will be white-adjacent.

    • cyto

      I was hoping for Vivek, mostly for the firebrand lulz.

      But Vance has this interesting twist.

      The wife read his book. Watched the movie. Was a fan. Her and her girlfriends talked about it and recommended it.

      TDS has her ranting about “couldn’t they find someone with more than 2 years experience” 5 minutes after Savannah Guthrie said the same thing….


      This Guy has a connection to millions of suburban moms because they read or watched his story.

      I wonder how that will play out.

      (Confession. Didn’t read it. Didn’t watch it. Didn’t know it existed)

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Vivek will likely get a cabinet position I would think. His overly polished used car salesman persona just wouldn’t play that well as a VP candidate.

      • SDF-7

        I’ll read the link — but if it is “Jefferson Davis” (Hogg) I will be more than a little surprised.

      • rhywun

        why does he use them?

        Because he’s a hillbilly duh

      • sloopyinca

        Ask her how much experience Obama had when he was elected to the top spot.

      • Necron 99

        My grandfather, a wonderful man whom I never heard utter a cross word to anyone, was named JD. Stood for John Dalton, but he went by JD.

  17. Raven Nation

    Some sports news: not unexpectedly, Southgate has resigned.

    • rhywun

      Wow. First Berhalter now this.

      Seems odd/desperate to me only two years before a WC.

      • Raven Nation

        I think Southgate knew if they didn’t win he was gone. And he’s been taking a lot of abuse from fans and may have decided he didn’t need that any more. Be interesting to see who England goes to.

    • juris imprudent

      So, he’s available for the USMNT position?

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Did he take the Firestone Exit?

  18. Old Man With Candy

    New campaign song for Team Red fundraisers:

    Hey look me over
    lend me an ear
    Please stop the bleeding
    Sniper up to here
    But please pass the plate folks
    Please pass the cup
    I figure whenever I want the cash
    You oughta want to cough up…

    • AlexinCT

      Nice ray of sunshine there, your holiness! Thanks.

      • PieInTheSky

        The Holly ((()))

      • SDF-7

        Someone else missed it by that much, it seems…

    • Pope Jimbo

      He’s finally got a couple brothers in his security detail?

      I was so disappointed when I saw that the detail that was supposed to be guarding him when he was shot didn’t have a single POC in it. What kind of monster makes sure his guards are lily white so his staged picture doesn’t have a single black guy messing it up?

      • Raven Nation


    • SDF-7

      Ugh to both of those — but more seriously, doesn’t Southern Germany actually have some wineries, or am I misremembering?

      And I would think the parts of Prussia they still have would probably have vodka (it can’t all be Russian, after all)…. I have to confess, I don’t remember “fine German whiskeys” off the top of my head… but since I don’t drink, I may just have never paid attention. Certainly I expect the Germans to drink with the best of them — so why would it only be beer?

      • SDF-7

        Oh, for the love of all that is holy… schnapps. They’re going to have a lot of schnapps too. Should have thought of that first. Well, whatever… back to real work.

      • PieInTheSky

        There is plenty wine in Germany. Their Riesling is famous and a hundred years ago rivaled the French as price. With climate change they started making more reds as well, recently had a nice Cab Franc. Until now it was mostly Pinot Noir but they do not call it Pinot Noir but something silly.

      • juris imprudent

        Wineries all along the Mosel.

      • PieInTheSky

        schnapps is ok but not as good as Țuica . They also have more and more whiskies (lots of rye) and gins. Plus jager like herbal drinks.

      • R.J.

        “Until now it was mostly Pinot Noir but they do not call it Pinot Noir but something silly.”


      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        No, Hunter likes the crack, not herbals

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Sour kraut juice eh? At least there wasn’t urine involved.

      • AlexinCT


      • ElspethFlashman

        Close enough!

    • PieInTheSky

      Sour kraut juice is seen as a hangover cure in Romania (local pickled cabbage which is somewhat sourkraut similar). It is salty aka electrolytes, sour to make one less nauseous , and wakes you up a bit.

  19. PieInTheSky

    TaxPayers’ Alliance

    Our investigations campaign manager, @marchong_joanna
    has uncovered more taxpayers’ cash being shoved into the pockets of woke researchers


    this could be a form of reparations if the research is done by BIPOC

    • Suthenboy

      Cut the govt budget by 75%. Here too.

    • rhywun


      No need for a study – every symphony orchestra in the US at least is falling over itself to implement the wokest programming imaginable.

      • PieInTheSky

        No need for a study – 1 MILLION reasons for a study

    • cyto

      My reaction to this is

      How do we get in on this grift??

      • PieInTheSky

        I need a big grant to study whether 40 year old scotch is racist.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        You can’t tell until you taste them all. And you need a significant number of samples of each to ensure statistical validity.

      • PieInTheSky

        I can tell you Benromach 40 and Balvenie 40 do not taste racist. Others need investigation

  20. PieInTheSky

    Once again I find myself contemplating mortality. Round numbers are meaningless in the uncaring universe, but somehow us mere humans are still affected by them. Stupid numbers.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      So, you, of all people, are bating around mortality?

      • Suthenboy

        Not his own, silly. Yours.

    • SDF-7

      Business investment — with the stupid Supreme Court decision that it is fine for the Feds to pressure private companies to censor, X would be first on their list to shut down or pressure if they get another term.

    • Raven Nation

      Yeah, talk about painting a bullseye on yourself.

    • Trials and Trippelations

      So it won’t just be Biden ads I see on YouTube?

  21. Old Man With Candy

    Not one “dicks out” reference? You people disappoint me.

    • PieInTheSky

      this is not time for dicks.

      • AlexinCT

        What does Winston’s mom say about that?

  22. Pope Jimbo

    Disney lied to me? Shouldn’t these two have broke into a song and become best friends?

    * Reminds self to be nicer to the server squirrels.

    • AlexinCT

      I was waiting for the squirrel to duck under the wolf ant grab the balls like I once saw a wiener dog do to a Rottweiler. big bad Rottwieler came in all bad ass and ran of yelping with that dachshund dangling from his sack.

  23. PieInTheSky

    Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary would not “make it on open mic night at the comedy club” because his “choice of joke is pretty unpleasant”, a court has heard.

    Choudary, who was convicted of supporting the so-called Islamic State in 2016, is accused of taking a “caretaker role” in directing Al-Muhajiroun (ALM), as well as being a member of the banned organisation and encouraging support for it through online meetings.

    During the trial, Woolwich Crown Court heard that Choudary, 57, had made a joke about terrorist attacks before a television interview and another about 9/11 during a lecture on the anniversary of the terror attacks.


  24. PieInTheSky

    Ryan Bourne
    If you’re a conservative, the easiest way to be dubbed “thoughtful” is to echo the progressive critique of limited government economics. It’s like catnip for journalists.


    • The Other Kevin

      She really is awful. Maybe they keep her around for the attention, but MSNBC is basically the National Enquirer right now.

      • Common Tater

        “Maybe they keep her around for the attention”

        They’re worried she might climb the Empire State building.

      • AlexinCT

        I honestly believe she has a severe and serious mental disorder to go along with her evil personality.

    • Nephilium

      Meh. She probably would class me as a white Christian.

    • Common Tater

      I still think the best argument against a conspiracy to assassinate Trump, is that they picked Ree Tardy Oswald.

      • AlexinCT

        To paraphrase the whole “You go to war with the military capability you have, and not the one you wish you had.”, in this case “You make an assassination attempt with the brainwashable low information cook you have, not the professional assassin one you wish you had.”

    • trshmnstr

      I think the most “unbelievable” part is the gall of the shooter to just waltz up, figuratively nod his head at the counter sniper team as he climbs up over their heads, and set up a sniper nest where they were supposed to be stationed. That is either suicidal indifference or stone cold gall.

      • Common Tater

        We don’t know what combo of drugs he might have been taking.

      • EvilSheldon

        Apparently it was too hot for all the surveillance teams, and they were inside in the AC instead of out on the roof.

        I guess it wasn’t too hot for a potential assassin.

      • Not Adahn

        Crawling across a metal roof with shorts on? Must not have been too hot.

    • Tundra


      I guess two links are better than one.

    • Ownbestenemy

      It all checks really. Even the immediate close sniper support when he pops his head up to gain that field of view. My guess would be going through his head “Oh, looks like they finally got up on the roof…oh shit….”

    • R C Dean

      Sorry, Tundra. I went straight from SubStack to here with the link tightly gripped in my hot, sweaty buffer.

      • Tundra


        Everyone should subscribe, regardless.

  25. Common Tater

    “A trans Portland Antifa member with a history of violent threats against Jewish groups was arrested for allegedly assaulting a woman at an Antifa direct action. Isabel Rosa Araujo is also under investigation for a death threat against city council member Rene Gonzalez.

    Araujo, formerly known as Philip Vincent Haskins-Delici, was arrested on July 13 at a violent Antifa direct action in downtown Portland to disrupt a public Christian worship event.

    The Portland Police have not commented publicly about the arrest but sources with knowledge say Araujo’s arrest was over a March assault on a woman at a Portland park during an Antifa direct action related to Palestine.”


    How the fuck is that person “trans”?

    • R.J.

      The Antifa goons look like Troma film baddies more and more each year. That guy looks like he is out of either Nuke ‘Em High or a member of the original Toxic Avenger gang.

      • AlexinCT

        Man, does this country have a serious mental disorder problem with people that lean marxist and stupid.

    • Common Tater

      “Video footage captured by photojournalist Chelly Boufferache of The Publica and independent videographer Kevin Dahlgren shows far-left extremists physically assaulting event security guards and attendees. Punches were thrown and mace was deployed by the militants, including on children.

      Antifa also disconnected power to the event stage, according to a journalist with the Idaho Tribune. The outlet said that Portland Police announced to organizers before the event that officers would not be deployed to the area, which reportedly enabled Antifa to launch attacks.”


      • cyto

        Why would they have police? Antifa is just an idea.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      That person has a history of violent threats and actual violence? Well blow me down!

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      “How the fuck is that person “trans”?

      He looks crazy enough to qualify, if you ask me.

      • Common Tater

        Looking crazy is not a qualification. Looking like a woman is.

    • EvilSheldon

      This really encourages me to get back into the gym.

    • R C Dean

      And, charges dismissed in 3 . . . 2 . . .

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Look at xer tattoos. That how you know xe’s trans.

    • Gdragon

      I saw an outfit on TV yesterday that was being referred to as “gender neutral” and almost choked on my lunch. It was a basically a man in a hot pink set of curtains.

  26. The Other Kevin

    I’m not really sure how to think about this. Some of the big accounts on Xwitter are reposting people saying they wished the shooter hadn’t missed. Then those people are getting fired (most seem to be teachers or someone employed in government). I’m all for free speech, and this doesn’t sound like a direct threat. So is this cancel culture?

    • Common Tater

      Yes. Although they’d most likely get fired for saying something like “all the black people should be killed”.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Shouldn’t be fired IMHO but a reprehensible thing to say nonetheless. It certainly is cancel culture though although it’s hard to feel too sorry for them.

      • cyto

        I think this is the cancel culture end game.

        Similarly, the Reason writers have been apoplectic that Republicans dare to blame democrat rhetoric for the attempt on Trump’s life. “It was wrong when they did it about Giffords, and it is wrong now”

        This is how these arrows get destroyed. The pain of the tu quoque has to be big enough to keep them from reaching into the fire again. Appeals to reason are impotent.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        If it’s engaged in instrumentally in order to even the playing field and hopefully teach a lesson I’m mostly OK with it. Too often though people will internalize it as the right thing to do rather than a necessary but distasteful tactic.

    • Trials and Trippelations

      I would label it cancel culture. I am sure some instances are employers using this opportunity to get rid of employees they had trouble getting rid of. Some instances might be folks speaking out in areas where they are in the minority with that opinion and their employers felt they needed to fire the employees for PR reasons or to protect a brand

    • PieInTheSky

      At some point some decided they need to fight cancel culture with cancel culture. It is unlikely to work as progs have no principles or self awareness, so this will have little effect. But there is some small joy in canceling the cancelers I assume.

      • cyto

        It still works, so they forge ahead. They cry foul when it is applied to them, but when things die down they go right back to it because it works.

        Right now they are crying that it is unfair to complain about incendiary rhetoric. Not that it will stop them.

        This round of actual cancelations might do something if it claims some big scalps. Joy Reid. Scarborough. That kind of thing might help move us away from this nonsense.

    • Semi-Spartan Dad

      No, it’s not cancel culture. Free speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences. It means the government doesn’t get to throw you in jail for your speech. Not that family, friends, employers, and customers can’t make decisions about association based on language.

      Why would I employ someone who’s incendiary speech alienates clients and negatively impacts my income? Insanity.

      • PieInTheSky

        Free speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences – see this is the bullshit mantra of the left which caused companies to fire people for upsetting some lefty dogma or other, which would have had zero impact on clients and income. And it is meaningless in itself, given the consequences have nothing to do with the alleged transgression

      • Sensei

        Depends on the venue for me.

        If it’s social media and a public feed I consider that you are making that information “public”.

        If it’s a note to friend that is disclosed or somebody records me in public and makes it public I consider that “cancel culture”.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        Pie, that’s the entire point of speech. Without consequences, speech is meaningless drivel. People were willing to go to the stake for their beliefs, knowing the consequences, and stuck by their words.

        Whenever I speak, I know there are consequences and that I am responsible for what comes out of my mouth just as much as any physical action. So I choose my words carefully and hopefully wisely. Same when I choose to act.

        I similarly base my associations with others based on their speech and actions.

      • PieInTheSky

        I realize there are consequences but not getting your life ruined for no fucking reason on a comment no normal person finds offensive because some HR drone responds to a lefty mob. Now I have no presence on social media and hold my tongue at work, which if everyone would do fine. But still repeating the lefty mob mantra annoys me.

      • trshmnstr

        IMO, the difference between cancel culture and consequences for speech is the doxxing. If something is said anonymously and some internet autist tracks down who it is and spams their employer, that’s cancel culture.

        I’d somebody merely amplifies another person’s speech, and the result is their employer seeing it and taking offense, that’s consequences of speech.

        I imagine these instances are more the former than the latter, but I havent looked into it.

    • R C Dean

      I’m all for it until everybody says “We shouldn’t fire people for mouthing off online.” Everybody.

      Because I think unilateral disarmament is the stupidest of all possible strategies.

      Of course, I also think you should be able to fire your staff for any reason at all, and somebody cheering for the assassination of a Presidential candidate strikes me as a perfectly cromulent reason.

  27. PieInTheSky

    Display Purposes


    I make a point to walk around the upstairs of my home (we have far too many uncovered windows downstairs!) naked.

    Yes, I’m reading Scary Mommy, where exclamation points abound, and where ladies of a progressive leaning share their political radicalism. In this case, Ms Kate Auletta, the publication’s editor-in-chief, is thrilling us with tales of her domestic nakedness:
    I hold my weight now in my hips and upper legs, and my large breasts have not defied gravity in the slightest. All this to say, I have far from the perfect body. Which is exactly why I walk around naked.

    It seems, then, that the nudity is not so much shared, a gift to the world, but more something inflicted. Specifically, on the author’s two small boys. I’ll spare you the lengthy description of Ms Auletta’s various physical imperfections – the rolls of excess flesh, the big, sagging bosom, and the whole Fat Upper Pubic Area thing.

    At which point, sharp-eyed readers may be attempting to reconcile this,
    I want my kids to see… self-love, and body positivity

    With this:
    it’s not because I love my body; I don’t really.

    Come to think of it, I’m not entirely sure what loving one’s body might mean, beyond the obvious off-colour jokes. But apparently, it’s something that one is supposed to proclaim as an accomplishment, a credential of progressivism. I have, however, noted that it tends to be announced by people whose declared triumph in this matter is not altogether convincing, and whose basis for doing so is generally much slimmer than they are.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      Seems their credo is mental confusion. The more contradictory their mental state and reality, the better.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      A FUPA enthusiast, huh? Keep Tres away from this story.

    • trshmnstr

      I want my kids to see… self-love, and body positivity

      Narcissism and narcissism. Look at meeeeeeee.

  28. PieInTheSky

    Germany has banned the popular right-wing magazine Compact, which criticizes the migration policy of the German authorities

    Searches took place in the offices of the magazine and in the homes of Compact’s management and shareholders in the states of Brandenburg, Hesse, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt.

    German security services classified the magazine as “proven right-wing extremist.” In their assessment, Compact disseminates “anti-Semitic, hostile to minorities, historically revisionist and containing conspiracy theories.”

    “Due to Compact’s relatively broad coverage, there is a risk that the magazine could contribute to social upheaval and political destabilization in Germany,” the counterintelligence report said.

    In addition, the agency believes that since the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the publication has been purposefully spreading disinformation in favor of the Russian Federation.


    at least Europe has reasonable common sense free speech laws

    • AlexinCT

      To protect decency and good think from fascism, we need to use fascist tactics!

      • cyto

        I’m not sure there is a path out.

        “It’s a trap!!”

    • UnCivilServant

      Sounds like the security services and whoever sets their policies need an off the books purge.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Given location of the guy that unfortunately was murdered; dude should get a medal. He didn’t intend to, but he may very well have taken a bullet for a former president.

  29. PieInTheSky

    This paper finds that, in the Netherlands, children of immigrants have a lower absolute intergenerational mobility than natives. Since they have the same or even a slightly lower relative intergeneration mobility, unless this changes, it will lead to persistent income gaps.

    But as usual, there is a lot of heterogeneity depending on the country of origin, with some immigrant groups doing better than others. Some groups will catch up and even overtake natives right away, while others will remain far behind, like blacks in the US.

    Note that despite a popular narrative, both on the left (which blames Islamophobia) and the right (which blames Islam), the children of Indonesian immigrants will be fine, whereas the children of Moroccan immigrants won’t. The problem is not Islam or Islamophobia

    Where there is overlap with source countries in other European countries, the groups that do well and the groups that do poorly are the same. As usual, it’s about the characteristics of the immigrant groups themselves, everything else is a footnote


    • Drake

      I thought they imported Third Worlders to create a permanent underclass of servants? If so, mission accomplished.

    • AlexinCT

      Wait, you telling me people with problem causing beliefs will have problems? Say it ain’t so!

      At the risk of being a dick, I have found that in life, people that want to blame others for their failures never find ways to rise above failing. Owning them allows you to learn the lessons you need to. The cult of victimhood is disastrously negative at helping create the mentality for success.

      • PieInTheSky

        the left will tell you culture has nothing to do with it but there are other complex socioeconomic factors

      • AlexinCT

        The left always sees every problem as a result of the universe being unfair to them. That level of stupid is the problem. That’s why they want to replace old time religion with a new marxist one where government is god and creates heaven on earth. that said government will be comprised by men with faults, sins, ambitions, and corrupted by power will become abusive, never registers.

    • PieInTheSky

      yes, there are multiple attack a year, we have wedontknowwedidntcount number of bears.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    It’s all Elon Musk’s fault

    The moments of uncertainty created an information void that was quickly filled by speculation, misinformation and conspiracy theories.

    At the same time, the social media industry has broadly retreated from efforts to clamp down on misinformation. That retrenchment left the door wide open for false and misleading claims by both Trump supporters and opponents.

    The ease at which false rumors and conspiracy theories rapidly spread on social media threatens the public’s ability to sort truth from fiction. It sometimes influences their behavior and further divides an already fractured America.

    The deluge of disinformation surrounding the Trump shooting shows, once again, that this problem isn’t going away anytime soon. With less than four months until Election Day, the leading social media platforms appear resigned to let the status quo fester.

    We must scrub the internet clean of unacceptable rumors and wild speculation. For democracy.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      So what’s the correct story then? Is it CNN’s initial headline that Trump was ushered offstage after loud noises were heard or whatever fucking nonsense it was they were peddling?

      • The Other Kevin

        Just like with COVID, new information comes in every day so today’s “true” could become false tomorrow, and vice versa. People who argue for censorship are claiming someone in the government can predict the future and know what will be true tomorrow.

      • Grumbletarian

        Per CNN, the event ended because Trump fell.

  31. PieInTheSky

    Well I should not in this heat and on a Tuesday but I feel melancholy so fuck it I poured a scotch. Hope the old liver still takes it.

    • PieInTheSky

      I expected it to be better but it is what it is. Happy birthday to me I guess.

      • Common Tater

        HBD 🙂

      • Sean

        Happy Birthday Pie!

      • AlexinCT

        Happy Birthday!

      • rhywun


      • Beau Knott

        Happy birthday good sir!

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Happy new Pie day!

      • PieInTheSky

        thanks all I think I will go find a steak to eat

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Some prominent Trump supporters, meanwhile, posted their own conspiracy theories.

    Some suggested, without evidence, that the shooting had occurred because of deliberate negligence on the part of the Secret Service. Others, including elected Republican lawmakers, falsely tried to suggest President Joe Biden or his administration had some role in the attempted assassination.

    One X user with almost 3 million followers posted a video of the deceased shooter and wrote, “Rough day for this CIA officer” – a baseless insinuation that the intelligence agency had a role in the attempted assassination.

    Biden has ordered a review of the Secret Service’s security protocols in light of the assassination attempt, and the agency has pledged to cooperate with all investigations.

    In the end, it will be shown that procedures were followed.

    • cyto

      I like the way they always insist “without evidence” in response to claims made with attached evidence.

      It may not be ironclad, or even entirely dispositive… but it exists.

      Example: Trump claimed, without evidence, that Bidens laptop showed a bribery scheme.

      I mean… other than Bidens own claims, his sons jobs, the emails on the laptop about the scheme, the confirmation from people on the emails and the existence of the laptop itself with testimony from the repair guy….. yeah, other than all of that, no evidence.

      • The Other Kevin

        Was there a folder on the desktop labeled “Bribery Schemes”? Didn’t think so.

        The best evidence for the MSM being propaganda is the utter lack of curiosity about things counter to their narrative.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    The enormous temptation to share false claims is being actively rewarded by platforms such as X, formerly Twitter, where owner Elon Musk has made multiple interlocking decisions around account verification, payments to creators, and whom to allow on the platform that have facilitated a noisier and less trustworthy information ecosystem, misinformation researchers have long said.

    I think you mean “less manipulable information ecosystem”.

    It was better when a few phone calls from the right people could squelch anti-narrative noise.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      No mention of Community Notes which does far more to tamp down on actual misinformation that the previous system.

      • cyto

        I have been doing community notes.

        I was on X immediately after the shooting.

        There was definitely some sort of coordinated campaign by the left/dnc/biden campaign to use community notes as a means of controlling the narrative.

        I saw quite a few identically worded notes… some appeared to be posted by bots. The one that made me take note was a note that was posted to anything that called Trump “President Trump”. They were different usernames, but often identical wording. And there were often more than one of a type, posted in short order.

        They got downvoted and didn’t get posted, but it got me noticing concerted campaigns to insert DNC narratives via community notes.

        I would assume that there is a similar effort on the right, but I didn’t see it, likely due to the nature of my feed.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    So what’s the correct story then? Is it CNN’s initial headline that Trump was ushered offstage after loud noises were heard or whatever fucking nonsense it was they were peddling?

    He tripped over his own shoelaces, and a few of his assistants kindly helped him to his feet. He was tired, and decided to cut the speech short.

    • cyto

      The stories claiming he fell were most interesting to me.

      I mean, I suppose if you were not paying attention when watching live, you could surmise that he must have fallen.

      But after a single review, it is quite obvious that, whatever happened, he did not fall. He clearly ducks of his own volition. That much is not ambiguous.

      So all of the “we are waiting until we get the facts because we want to get the story right” claims are just hokum. “After a fall” is indefensible from any angle.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I can understand being cautious with early reports, but they could have said something about a “suspected assassination attempt” or a “possible assassination attempt”.

    • PieInTheSky

      4 more years or 4 more ears whichever comes first

    • Common Tater

      The LGBTQ stuff is hardly hidden.

  35. PieInTheSky

    The number of young adults who self-identify as transgender has risen sharply over the past decade, with no significant increase among Black young adults. The numbers either declined or did not change significantly among those older than 35.


    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      1. Social
      2. Contagion

      • AlexinCT


        In this age of social media pandering, it is trendy to be this stupid.

      • cyto


        And the high levels among Hollywood children is even greater evidence of this.

    • Common Tater

      “self-identify” is bullshit

      See the “trantifa” person above, or anyone saying they are “trans non-binary”.

      • Not Adahn

        Not to get you fired up, but apparently there is a studying saying homosexual transexuals are much better at passing/hotter/feminine than AGP’s

  36. The Late P Brooks

    Meanwhile, down on the reservation

    Teamsters President Sean O’Brien praised Donald Trump as an ally for the working class and “one tough SOB,” in a strange speech at the Republican National Convention Monday.

    The president of America’s largest and most diverse union became the first Teamster in its 121-year history to address the RNC—and used that opportunity to elevate the former president.


    O’Brien’s choice to speak at the convention and praise Trump sets him apart from other labor leaders. Nearly all major labor unions have endorsed Joe Biden for the 2024 election, with the AFL-CIO endorsing Biden 17 months before the general election. O’Brien acknowledged the controversy he is stirring in the union movement saying, “I don’t care about getting criticized.”

    “I refuse to keep doing the same things my predecessors did,” O’Brien said in a speech that criticized both parties. “Today the Teamsters are here to say we are not beholden to anyone or any party. We will create an agenda and work with a bipartisan coalition ready to accomplish something real for the American worker.”

    Trump, of course, has worked against workers’ interests at every turn—molding the National Labor Relations Board in his image, vetoing the Protect Right to Organizing Act, and restricting overtime pay, wage increases, and health and safety protections. Compare that to Biden, who in 2022 signed the Butch Lewis Act, saving the pensions of nearly 350,000 of O’Brien’s Teamsters membership.

    Teamsters’ vice president at large, John Palmer, told Mother Jones last week that members are split when it comes to the 2024 election, with straw polls showing 46 percent supporting Biden and around 37 percent supporting Trump. Palmer has also openly criticized O’Brien’s budding relationship with Trump, writing that speaking at the RNC “only normalizes and makes the most anti-union party and President I’ve seen in my lifetime seem palatable.”

    What a bizarre, shocking thing to do. Doesn’t this poor deluded man realize the Democrat Party is the one looking out for his best interests?

    • cyto

      Wasn’t there some recent issue with a major transportation union during this current administration? Something to do with railroads and union busting?

    • R C Dean

      “Trump, of course, has worked against workers’ interests at every turn”

      Interesting conflation of “worker’s interests” with “organized labor’s interests”.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        Conflation, obfuscation, pro(g)ection, and deflection, and diversion are all they have.