I wrote this a few years ago, just dug it out for a fresh look, and thought the Glibs might find it...
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A Miner’s Tale
Tales of the Belt The first Rule of ‘roid mining is Never shit where you eat, I’m getting ahead...
MS13, inc.
Tales of the Belt Mi llamo es Paolo Escobar Olmos, sorry for the slip of the tongue, please call me Paul. We...
What Are We Reading for June 2021
OMWC How bad is my life? Bad enough that instead of reading something enlightening and fun, I'm reading...
Blowin’ Through the Jasmine in my Mind
In a field one summer's day, Greyson Grasshopper was hopping about, playing air guitar, and singing to his...
A Pirates Tale
Tales from the Belt Chinee will buy from anyone Dis Cat has always escaped us, but not this time, we got good...
Dick Slashballs Adventure Hour 3: Eyewitness Blues
As he walked up the street toward the hotel, Dick Slashballs saw the flashing lights of police cars and an...
A Traders Tale
Tales of the Belt “So what do we really know about this guy?” After the collapse of the Amazon, which...
Diamond Dust
A Tale of the Belt They aren’t ‘Roids exactly, more like a large, coalesced pile of debris we called...
Dick Slashballs Adventure Hour 2: The World’s Greatest, Miffed.
The helicopter skimmed along, mere feet above the water, and Dick could just make out the container ship on...