The Hat and The Hair: Episode 67

by | Mar 12, 2018 | Hat and Hair, SugarFree | 198 comments

‘Well, he is a sleeping son of bitch,” the hat bellowed into the speakerphone. His Donald impression was perfect.

“Sleepy,” the hair whispered. “Sleepy son of a bitch.”

“I know what I had him say,” the hat whispered back angrily.

“Sleeping?” Sean asked over the phone.

“Yeah, sleeping” the hat continued in Donald’s voice. “He’s never awake. The sleepingness son of a bitch you’ve ever met. Chuck Todd might as well be in a coma. Never awake. Never.”

“Not even when he’s reporting on live television, Mr. President?” Sean asked incredulously.

“Especially not then,” the hat said. “He’s a sleeptalking super-partisan. Totally NBC creature. They breed them in secret labs. Sleep their whole life.”

The hair shook with silent laughter.

“I’m, uh, I’m going to need some independent confirmation on this, uh, information,” Sean stammered.

“Fuck you, Sean. Report what we tell you or I’ll have your faggot husband raped!” the hat roared.

‘Yes, Mr. President,” Sean said sulkily.

“Happier, Sean. Be happier, fucknuts. I guess you wanted Hillary to be President, didn’t you?”

“No, Mr. President. Never.” Sean said in a voice hollow with shock.

“Yeah, you wanted her tentacles all up in you, right? Finding every little crevice of pleasure, right?” the hat yelled.

The hair was waving his tendrils to get the hat to stop. His Donald impression had slipped badly.

“Bigly. Huge,” the hat said. “The greatest country ever. Super classy, Sean. Super classy.”

Sean sobbed for a few seconds and then calmed down enough to continue. “And this death penalty for drug dealers, Mr. President… any particular way you want this spun?”

“Spun? What’s to spin? Drug dealers get put to death. It’s working in the Philippines and it will work here. It’s not the 80s, Sean. I can’t snort cocaine out a hooker’s vulva any longer and neither should anyone else. I don’t drink, either. Get rid of all the booze. I don’t care. Ban booze, Chinese steel and fat hookers.”

“Should I really mention prostitutes, Mr. President, what with the Stormy…”

“NEVER SAY THAT NAME TO ME!” the hat yelled. “NEVER, SEAN. That, that…”

“Balloon-tit slut canal,” the hair whispered.

“That balloon canal is a liar! I paid her to keep to keep quiet and she didn’t! Obviously, nothing she says can be believed,” the hat said rapidly into the phone.

“Yes, Mr. President,” Sean said quietly.

“You got all that, Sean. Huh?”

“Sleeping son of a bitch, death to drug dealers and no mention of balloon canals. Will do, Mr. President.”

“That’s a good boy,” the hat said and hung up before he and the hair burst into laughter.

“‘That’s a good boy,’” the hair said. “Holy shit, I almost totally lost it.”

“Hold on, watch this,” the hat said. He used the edge of his bill to make another call. A woman said, “Yes, Mr. President?”

“I want you to send Sean Hannity a pound of dog treats. Fancy dog treats. Like the fanciest treats money can buy. I want them delivered today.”

“Any note Mr. President?” the assistant asked. The hat eyed the sleeping bulk of Donald on the couch.

“Have it say ‘Who’s a good boy?’” the hat said and they both convulsed with laughter again.

About The Author



Your Resident Narcissistic Misogynist Rape-Culture Apologist


  1. Just Say'n

    “I can’t snort cocaine out a hooker’s vulva any longer and neither should anyone else”

    That seems like it would be difficult.

  2. Q Continuum

    I can get on board with the “ban fat prostitutes” policy.

    • Swiss Servator

      Not very free market of you.

      • Q Continuum

        It’s a regulated public utility.

    • Trigger Hippie

      John has a sad.

    • Rasilio

      you know some people *cough*john*cough* pay extra for that

  3. Mad Scientist

    “Balloon-tit slut canal”

    This right here is why we love you, SugarFree.

  4. CPRM

    The hair seems out of character, has he been replaced with Russian hair?

    • MikeS

      In Russia, hair cuts you!

    • SugarFree

      I assume the Oval Office has been slowly filling with nitrous oxide for some weeks.

      • Florida Man

        If only we could swap the tank with chloroform…



        Things always get so…non-consensual with you.

      • Florida Man

        It’s the only way I can get aroused. DON’T OTHER ME!!!


        Me too.

        *gets loaded on GHB and passes out conveniently in FM’s line-of-sight*

      • Gadfly

        You two have a weird thing going. But I’d totally hate-watch your reality TV series on Bravo.


        It’s been going on for a long-ass time. TW: TOS

      • SugarFree

        Lighter than air, so it takes a while to work down from the ceiling.

      • CPRM

        Ro-ads, such a funny word.

  5. Florida Man

    Spun? What’s to spin? Drug dealers get put to death. It’s working in the Philippines and it will work here.-

    I guess it’s ok to emulate shithole countries, just not to let their people come here.

    • Playa Manhattan

      Is The Philippines officially a shithole?

      • Florida Man

        *opens big book of shit holes*

        Let’s see, bup bup bup… here we are, P’s. Pakistan, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Philippines. Yup.

      • Playa Manhattan

        I think I’m going to save money and buy the Small Book of Not Shit Holes.

      • Florida Man

        Make sure you get the latest edition. It gets smaller every year.


        Pakistan, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Philippines

        I would eat at all those restaurants biryani, musakhan, people, chicken adobo!

      • Florida Man

        You hipsters and your food obsession. Can’t you just eat deviled eggs and fruit salad and be happy?


        Ummm, deviled eggs are making a hipster-driven comeback. I love deviled eggs and they disappeared in the ’90s and I’m happy to see their return.

        Mid-century modern is cool again…and I’ve been forbidden from serving aspic at my next dinner party.

      • Florida Man

        Deviled eggs never went away. I’ve been eating them at every family gathering since the 80s.


        Aww your family is like a timecapsule or something. They definitely became less prevalent during the Fat Free madness of the ’90s. I’m glad they held out in some places.

        I saw this on a mommyblog this morning and thought of our conversation on apostrophes:

        Plus, we finally climbed out of the snow-covered temps and into the 50’s, and I’m ready to grill all the things (and wear flip flops every day for the foreseeable future).

        This is the havoc wrought by folks not understanding the WHY of apostrophe use.

      • Rasilio

        Yes but now you can pay $6 for 3 of them at fancy hipster restaurants (and by 3 I mean 3 halves of an egg, not 3 eggs)

      • CPRM


      • CPRM

        What else does one do with all those easter eggs if not devil the jesus eggs?



        Google occasionally tries to float recipes it thinks I’ll like in my news feed and they’re almost always attached to a rambly narrative about the recipe which is important for SEO. The title of this recipe caught my attention and I clicked through: GRILLED CHIPOTLE CHICKEN {OVEN DIRECTIONS INCLUDED!}

        It looks fine, but I think I’d rather just do my psuedo-tandoori chicken marinade with chipotles in adobo and garlic subbed in for the turmeric, garam masala, etc.

      • Florida Man

        See? It’s not my fault most people don’t know proper grammar. I’m just following the crowd, like the dumb monkey mimicking people I am.

      • Playa Manhattan

        As long as you eat on the other side of the wall.

      • Playa Manhattan

        And I was pretty sure that #3 would be penis.

      • R C Dean

        I would eat at all those restaurants biryani, musakhan, people, chicken adobo!

        I am generally amused at the inability of most multi-culti cultists to name any benefit from other cultures that doesn’t boil down to “more better ethnic food restaurants”.

      • Playa Manhattan

        They should all be eating McDonalds anyway.

      • Hyperion

        You shouldn’t eat people, that’s just wrong!


        I didn’t know I was on the spot for a defense of multiculturalism. I just wanted to make a cannibalism joke.

      • R C Dean

        I didn’t mean to imply that you were; sorry if it came off that way.

        It just reminded me of something from a couple of articles I read recently about the wonders of a multi-culti society. Most of the urban hipster types living in loudly proclaimed multi-culti cities couldn’t point to anything else.

      • Trials and Trippelations

        “I am generally amused at the inability of most multi-culti cultists to name any benefit from other cultures that doesn’t boil down to “more better ethnic food restaurants”.”

        Those Chinks sure are hard workers

      • Not Adahn

        Seems sufficient reason to like it to me.

  6. The Late P Brooks

    They breed them in secret labs.


    • Hyperion

      “This 30 second lead-in to @nickgillespie’s interview with Gary Johnson is probably the best thing you’ll see this month.”

      I can’t even believe it’s not the worst thing I would see this month.

    • Just Say'n

      These gaffes montages that everyone always plays with Gary are just insufferable. People should criticize Gary for running a campaign with policy positions that were diametrically opposed to smaller government and liberty and not for the fact that he can’t help himself but toke before every interview he has ever had in his entire adult life.

      • Just Say'n

        So what if Gary says stupid stuff all the time? Our current president won election on saying stupid stuff during the entire campaign.

        Gary’s biggest ‘gaffe’ was calling Clinton a ‘wonderful public servant’ and picking Bill Weld as his VP. His neoliberal campaign was a disgrace, but not because Gary is constantly stoned.

      • ron73440

        I voted for Gary in 2012, but couldn’t bring myself to do it this time, Bill Fucking Weld?

        Are you kidding me?

        Also his support for forcing people to do things and being unable to defend freedom anymore just soured me on him.

      • Q Continuum

        ^^^This. The Nazi cakes were what did it for me. Couldn’t vote for him.

    • Number.6

      I think that there’s something fundamentally wrong with doing these kinds of videos, we’ve moved into “don’t mock the afflicted” territory, and they don’t even reflect well on the interviewer.

  7. The Late P Brooks

    I’m not going to be around this afternoon. This kid deserves a shout-out in the PM Lynx

    In a nearby park, Kashuv, a 16-year-old junior, is matter-of-factly relaying his personal story from that horrible day, probably for the umpteenth time. He’d reached out to me through Twitter, expressing a willingness to talk about his experiences and the state of public debate over what happened inside his school a few weeks ago. With his parents’ permission, I agreed to meet him. He has a lot to say but can’t help but wonder aloud if many in the mainstream media have any interest in listening. Some of his schoolmates have gained prominence as television mainstays in the aftermath of the killings, their opinions validated with verified social media statuses, amassing millions of followers in the process. Kashuv is just as much a Parkland survivor as now-familiar names like David Hogg and Cameron Kasky, yet his views have only garnered limited attention.

    I ask him why he thinks that’s the case. “I don’t know,” he says, hesitantly. “Maybe because I don’t use inflammatory language. I speak calmly and logically without much emotion. I don’t necessarily make the very best headline.” He’s politely referring to some of his more “famous” peers’ propensity to launch provocative and partisan attacks, such as repeated assertions that people who disagree with their political or policy preferences “don’t care” about dead children, or have ‘blood on their hands.’ But Kashuv knows that the disparate treatment he’s lived isn’t merely attributable to stylistic differences; he’s convinced that the substance of his views is what has diminished his appeal to many activists and journalists.

    “Go ‘way, Boy, you bother me.”

    • CPRM

      His story was just too local, not worth covering.

    • CPRM

      Also, Kashuv?! Obviously a Russian bot!

      • Gadfly

        Article says his parents are immigrants from Israel. So, based on the information given, I can only assume he’s a conservative (((Russian))), which is a Trump-trifecta.

      • Akira

        Of course, there are plenty of people on the Left (like Dianne Feinstein) who have been saying for decades that video games promote violence.

        That’s why it pissed me off when the Left excoriated Wayne LaPierre for his comments about violent video games. His comments were stupid, To Be Sure™, but where was all this anger when Senator Fuckstain was saying something even more ardent? (her words were “Congress may have to take action on this”).

      • Hyperion

        Feinstein is one of the worst statist to ever inhabit congress. That horrible old bag needs to go. Was fun to watch Trump jerk her around about gun control though.

      • Playa Manhattan

        Her replacement will be far worse. I promise.

      • Hyperion

        I actually believe you. I don’t see much good coming out of Cali. Now Conan the Tardbarian is going to sue big oil, lol. All of those steroids shrank his brain or something.

      • ron73440

        There was a lot of stupid in the first article, but the second one did an admirable job of keeping up.

        My favorite part from the causes violence side:

        You can cite the studies “proving” that violent video games don’t contribute to violence in kids. I can cite the studies “proving” they do.

        Isn’t the fact that violence is down as millions of kids and adults play these game a larger study that proves they cause jack and shit?

      • John Titor

        It’s basically the way to void having actual data involved in the discussion. ‘We’re not saying that video games turn you into a murderer, but there’s these nebulous influences that cause violence that we can’t really quantify or defend but its totes real.’ It’s classic unverifiable hypothesis.

        Then they cite studies that are either blatantly partisan or, in the case of the one Walsh did cite, argues that video games increase ‘aggression’, not violence. Yet somehow I don’t see Walsh ranting about the evils of team sports, despite said activities naturally increasing ‘aggression’ to a far greater extent than video games.

    • CPRM

      First, rightwing ideologies have been overrepresented and dominant throughout the history of video games. Although affected by context, video games have long focused on the expulsion of “aliens” (Space Invaders to XCOM), fear of impure infection (Half-Life to The Last of Us), border control (Missile Commander to Plants vs Zombies), territory acquisition (Command & Conquer to Splatoon), empire building (Civilization to Tropico), princess recovery (Mario to Zelda), and restoration of natural harmony (Sonic to FarmVille).


      • John Titor

        XCOM – Literally most ‘globalist’ multicultural HUMANITY FUCK YEAH alien invasion story about resisting colonialist oppression ever.

        Totes alt-right.

      • Gadfly

        XCOM – Literally most ‘globalist’ multicultural HUMANITY FUCK YEAH alien invasion story…

        This is not OK. Check your cis-humanist privilege, bigot.


    • Hyperion

      Meh, that would be ok, but just as many lefties are gamers as people on the right. There have been many studies done and they all conclude there is no link between video games and violence in real lift. We love science as long as it agrees with us.

    • Holger-da-Dane

      Video games are enabling the far right. Yet every single game with political overtones is.. obviously made by lefties. Like “President Erect” on Steam, or even AAA titles like the latest Far Cry.

      The irony is that while the gaming industry is firmly in the bag for the left, they still consistently fail to resurrect the whole gamergate nonsense with articles like this. They might have won the game companies, but they seem to have lost gamers. For now.

    • Akira

      I hadn’t heard about that Down Syndrome screening shit in utopian “free healthcare” Europe.

      When you enforce an absolute government monopoly on healthcare, don’t be surprised if it turns into state eugenics. The scary thing is that nanny statists in the US always argue for policing personal behavior (smoking, sugar consumption, riding motorcycles without a helmet) on the grounds that “it affects the costs of government programs, therefore the government has the right to regulate it.

      So, government money means government control, and they want more government money in every area of your life, yet they dispute that this would lead to more government control. Funny how that works.

      • Just Say'n

        I think it’s funny that people think somehow it will end with screening out people with Down Syndrome. On the plus side, this genocide is privatized in the sense that the choice is made by the consumer, versus state mandated genocide like they do in China with their population controls. Libertarian moment?

    • Playa Manhattan

      Rule #1:

      You will always get more replies against rather than in favor of.

    • John Titor

      What does ENB want to kill retards now or something?

      • Just Say'n

        Not directly, as far as I am aware. I was trying to be cheeky and failing, as I often do.

        She does get apoplectic when a state passes a new law forbidding abortion if the rationale for the abortion is because the baby has down syndrome (which are stupid laws that cannot be enforced and shouldn’t exist). But, she refuses to acknowledge why these stupid laws are being passed. Eugenics is back with a bang and rather than just saying “yeah, this is fucked up, but we can’t legislate against this” she takes the standard prog position of ignoring that such a thing is even happening.

      • Number.6

        Well, the unfortunate thing is that if we eliminate the ability to have an abortion based on the fetus having down syndrome, you will see greater down syndrome newborn deaths. Google Jill Stanek for details.

        What she testified to the House as the practice at Oak Lawn is the method used in many European countries. Delivered live, and given “comfort care”. Ironically, because of the way that infant mortalities are recorded, this technique has no impact on European countries infant mortality statistics, but would make the US’ look even worse.

      • Just Say'n

        I’m not defending those laws. I agree with you. I am just saying that there is a tendency among people, particularly with regards to abortion and immigration, where they ignore the uncomfortable realities and pretend like the people arguing against them are making-up very real incidences. If you do not acknowledge these realities then President Trump is going to be the least of your worries going forward. Just look at what has happened in Europe when their governments choose to ignore the crimes being committed by refugees (which again, I am not saying they were wrong to allow in refugees).

        Ignoring the facts being used against you by your opponent has become en vogue among the West’s elites and it is backfiring spectacularly and now threatens their sacred cows.

      • Holger-da-Dane

        I did not know about that case #6. It sounds much like the Kermit Gosnell case.

    • Florida Man

      I don’t get this line of outrage. Killing a fetus because it’s inconvenient is fine. Killing a fetus because of chromosomal abnormalities is worse than hitler.

    • Hyperion

      Did he tell her to make a sammich?

      • Playa Manhattan

        Yes. With extra mayo and chromosomes.

      • Hyperion

        He really should just give her back the sammich and maybe some nice nutritious soup or something too and maybe a boars leg and some pie and cake and some biscuits. Poor thing is badly malnourished.

      • MikeS

        Damn, the ventilation just kicked in and the air is full of dust now!

    • Q Continuum

      People with Downs are just about the happiest people on Earth. Except for maybe Rocco Sifreddi.

    • ron73440

      That was a real story in a real newspaper, amazing times we live in.

      • Just Say'n

        What does the president insult these brave firefighters?

      • Q Continuum

        WaPo is not a real newspaper anymore than Hulk Hogan is a Greco-Roman gold medalist.

    • Akira

      girls who have … “Taxation is Theft” in their Tinder bio

      I’ll be in my bunk.

    • Playa Manhattan

      I see a lot of cats in Shelbie’s future.

    • Hyperion

      “although it was his mother who persuaded him to sign up for Date Lab.”

      Yeah I’m sure she’d like to see him out of the basement for a while.

    • Number.6

      Soy Boys get the bullet too.

      • Hyperion

        +1 bullet latte

    • SugarFree

      from the comments…

      “I gotta say, this Charlie kid is ridiculously good looking. His features are like delicate mix of Guy Fieri and Ellen Degeneres–it’s oddly erotic.”

      • Q Continuum

        Research for your next short story?

      • Gadfly

        More like SF’s apprentice escaped into the wild.

      • Holger-da-Dane

        Don’t worry, the machine can always splorch out another one.

    • Gilmore

      “it couldn’t be worse than another bathroom selfie”

      in which she accidentally stumbles on a backhanded compliment for the WaPo’s new journalism style

    • Idle Hands

      I feel dumber after reading that vapid article. Also both those people sound awful.

  8. ron73440

    Another “real” story from the same “real” newspaper:

    Education Secretary Betsy DeVos stumbles during pointed ‘60 Minutes’ interview

    Headline makes it look like she’s retarded and can’t talk, but in the article it lists her “stumbles:

    She couldn’t say whether the number of false accusations of sexual assault on school campuses is lower than the number of actual rapes or assaults.

    How would anyone know this for sure?

    Arming teachers “should be an option” for states and communities, she said, even though she couldn’t “ever imagine” her first-grade teacher, Mrs. Zorhoff, having had a gun.

    Somehow “should be an option” means even Mrs. Zorhoff must carry one.

    “We have invested billions and billions and billions of dollars from the federal level, and we have seen zero results,” DeVos said — a statement Stahl challenged.

    What is there to challenge about this statement?

    “I hesitate to talk about all schools in general because schools are made up of individual students attending them.”

    Sounds reasonable to me.

    In reference to the #MeToo movement, she said she experienced moments decades ago that “today would just be viewed as unacceptable.”

    Not sure how this counts as a stumble.

    If the mainstream press were ever to honestly look at why no one takes them seriously, this is exhibit# 1,462,975

    • Hyperion

      “We have invested billions and billions and billions of dollars from the federal level, and we have seen zero results”

      I have to disagree with that part, we’ve seen an entire generation turned into useful idiots.

    • Just Say'n

      “She couldn’t say whether the number of false accusations of sexual assault on school campuses is lower than the number of actual rapes or assaults.”

      Interviewer: Can you respond to this fact statistic that I am going to pretend is actually accurate?

      DeVos: How can I answer such a faulty question?

      Interviewer: You keep dodging the question

      • Hyperion

        Look, 5 out of 3 women on campus are raped. That’s a fact. We need to shutdown these unsafe places now.

      • Grumbletarian

        While simultaneously providing free tuition so more people can go there.

      • Holger-da-Dane

        You could just give women free tuition and ban men from higher education. It would close the wage gap and fix the campus rape epidemic.

      • Ed Wuncler

        That’s the way the Left tends to argue. I remember watching the movie about the debates between Gore Vidal and William F. Buckley and Vidal used the same tactic and Buckley being somewhat a polite gentleman didn’t know how to respond at first and got flustered. Buckley thought he was going to a debate where only the issues where going to be discussed, but he walked into an one man show of straw men and ad hominems. The best way to deal with these lines of questions, is to laugh in their face and tell them that their logic and their question is faulty as fuck.

      • Just Say'n

        Or, you can do what Buckley did and say in a heavy patrician accent: “If you call me a crypto-Nazi one more time I’m going to smack you in your goddamn face and you’ll stay plastered.”

      • Ed Wuncler

        That was pretty awesome. It amazed me that even during the late 60’s, the Left had no problem with calling someone on the Right a Nazi.

      • Gadfly

        Heck, there were leftists who called Barry Goldwater a Nazi, and he was probably the farthest thing from a fascist to run for president under a major party banner since World War II.

    • ron73440

      I kind of hate myself today so I went into the comments.


      This one made me snort out loud:

      Hand-flapping airheads like DeVos — and Wild-Eyed Bachmann, and whatername Palin — are no threat to them.

      Smart, competent, accomplished women like HRC and Pelosi and Warren have them doubled over, screeching.

      On what planet are HRC, Pelosi and Warren accomplished?

      Must be racist, since my favorite congress critters were ignored, Sheila Jackson Lee and Maxine Waters.

      • Hyperion

        “On what planet are HRC, Pelosi and Warren accomplished?”

        Is that the best they can do?

        On what planet are they being anything but laughed at? They forgot Maxine, she’s a real superhero I guess. Pelosi is practically wondering around the halls of Congress with a drool bib. Pocahontas is a laughing stock, even Jake Tapper is making fun of her. When Jake Tapper is getting the best of you, you’re retarded. Hillary is despised now even by her own Democrats for losing to Trump.

      • Ted S.

        The best that they can do is fall in love.

      • Hyperion

        Caught between the moon and Berkeley?

    • Raston Bot

      surely we’re in the Trillion$ by now.

    • CampingInYourPark

      I don’t know why she would agree to an interview like this. There was a question related to gun violence at schools that Leslie Stahl asked and when DeVos began to answer Stahl interrupted with “this just sounds like words”. Well, yes, you dumb bitch, interviews normally consist of words.

      • R C Dean

        I would volunteer to have DeVos’s babies if she had pantomimed her answer to the next question.

  9. Hyperion

    So, this Stormy Daniels ho is all the rage now with the left. She’s going to do the job Mueller has failed to do. We can’t wait any longer, now that Trump has made himself emperor for life and people are disappearing, only the holy ho can save us now.

    • Ed Wuncler

      Whenever I see acquaintances goes into some sort of rage about Trump, I always ask them, “How has your life changed since January of 2017?” I then also ask whether gays are put into concentration camps like you all predicted or in a nuclear war with North Korea, Russia, or China. They blather about some bullshit, but overall they can’t give me a straight answer. I’m not a fan of the Donald but shit man, when you take away his crassness and his odd hairdo, he’s just as shitty as his predecessors were with the exception of not being so hellbent on destroying commerce.

      • Hyperion

        Really, the answer to that is, if Trump would have ran as a Democrat and won and was doing the exact same thing he’s doing now, they would be fine with him. He’s just have to change his rhetoric, but not really do anything different, except maybe raise taxes instead of cutting them. Then they’d be fine.

    • Just Say'n

      The significance of the story is that the people who were wagging their finger at Bill Clinton’s extramarital affairs are now shrugging off Trump’s activities. Of course, though, no one is going to point out that the same people who shrugged at the accusations against Clinton have suddenly become high minded moralists.

      In conclusion, for the most part, the electorate is full of hypocrites. So, why can’t we just enjoy oogling a porn star?

      • Raven Nation

        Pretty much this. I would think, though, that those defending Trump would argue that Bill was doing it with Monica while in office and suggest that makes it different.

      • R C Dean

        the people who were wagging their finger at Bill Clinton’s extramarital affairs are now shrugging off Trump’s activities.

        They can at least point out that Trump hasn’t had affairs with members of the White House staff in the Oval Office, and his pre-election tomcatting was consensual.

        Honestly, the Dems probably don’t want to start down the road of comparing Trump’s misbehavior to Clinton’s. If they do, I look forward to Trump launching a Twitter nuke about how he at least never abandoned any of his mistresses to a slow painful death.

    • R C Dean

      She’s going to do the job Mueller has failed to do.

      Says a lot about Mueller, doesn’t it.

  10. Gilmore

    Apparently there was a huge buildup in the Stupid-Reserves, because twitter is chock-full of dumb shit today.

    its hard to even keep up.

    this is not necessarily stupid, but it might be fun: some rando website breaks coverup of Las Vegas shooting. 99% likely to be completely made-up, Gateway Pundy-style, but probably includes just barely enough ‘legit question asking’ to stir the pot.

    On the very-stupid side, Lachlan Markay – otherwise decent guy – tweets out ‘story’ which is basically a batshit anti-trump guy who cooks up some numbers and pretends they inform him, ouija style, of a 99.9% chance that the Trump Campaign paid off Stormy Daniels.

    why i think the whole stormy daniels story is stupid to begin with:

    – so what if trump paid her off? that’s what billionaires do with crazy litigious people who try and start shit w/ high-profile persons. when its cheaper to pay them to shut up than it is to go to court w/ them, and suffer the PR exposure in the process, you pay them off and they both sign agreement to keep mum.


    – so what if he boned some pornstar? he did it before he won any election. Clinton had a string of affairs so long prior to his presidency it was like he just came from the Skank fishing hole with his grandpappy. even if they prove beyond shadow of doubt that he likes his women slutty, it serves absolutely no purpose other than to create ‘stupid fake news’ to reinforce preexisting lefty freakout over Trump being the worst person ever. Whoop de do.

    • Playa Manhattan

      At the very least, he had enthusiastic consent.

    • Hyperion

      It’s ok when they do it. I’m just constantly amused at the left’s ever revolving door of heroes. Comey, Mueller, McCain, and now some whore, lol. Everyone is a potential Jesus figure with these psychopaths. Never seen people so in need of being rescued. Not since the French anyway.

    • CPRM

      some rando website breaks coverup of Las Vegas shooting. 99% likely to be completely made-up, Gateway Pundy-style, but probably includes just barely enough ‘legit question asking’ to stir the pot.

      No mention of Harvey Weinstein, fake news.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    “We have invested billions and billions and billions of dollars from the federal level, and we have seen zero results”

    I have to disagree with that part, we’ve seen an entire generation turned into useful idiots.

    I think we can also say the degradation of the “pool of talent” drawn to teaching is at least in part a result of throwing that money at the schools.

  12. Raston Bot

    how broke will Stormy be after 60 Minutes airs her interview shattering her NDA and defying a court order to STFU?

    • SugarFree

      The contract only stipulates a 1MIL penalty for breaking the NDA. She can make that back from the DNC slush fund alone.

    • Just Say'n

      She’ll make more money revealing her story than she will concealing it

      • Gilmore

        pretty sure trump council could get a court to have her turn over any funds accrued as consequence of NDA violation. they don’t write those things like pinky-swears.

      • Just Say'n

        She loses $130,000 and ABC offers her $200,000 for her story. After which, CNN offers her her own talk show or some nonsense. $130,000 is nothing when literally every moneyed person in the nation will pay you if you help them hurt literally Hitler

      • Playa Manhattan

        It’s not going to be of much use to her with a $20 million lien on her assets.

      • Gilmore

        its not the amount of money: its the source of it.

        if she earns money from a willful violation of a NDA contract that specifies that doing so exposes her to unlimited liability (which is what NDA’s do), then every nickel, no matter how much, is subject to being stripped in court.

        the only way it makes any sense is if she were already so deep in some financial hole that she effectively said, “i’ve got nothing to lose” and that she had some credible guarantee that, regardless of how badly she got sued, she’d be taken care of.

        but anyone who made that sort of agreement to compel her to violate NDA would be exposing themselves to similar liability. it really doesn’t ever make financial sense.

      • Just Say'n

        You are assuming that the president would be stupid enough to sue his mistress for violating the NDA, thus blowing the story up even more.

        *remembers who is president*

        Oh, I see your point

      • Hyperion

        I mean, she’s a porn star. And maybe she’s washed up, or all but now? I wouldn’t know, who the fuck watches professional porn? Anyway, she’s probably just vying for attention, which she may not have that much of anymore, and thinking maybe some money is in it too. So she milks what she can out of the dumb media, get’s her 2 minutes, and then goes away.

      • R C Dean

        anyone who made that sort of agreement to compel her to violate NDA would be exposing themselves to similar liability

        Good point. Donny could bring a direct case for tortious interference with contract against anyone involved in her breaking the NDA.

        As in any good lawsuit, winning wouldn’t be the point, necessarily. The discovery would be priceless.

      • Number.6

        “Hey Stormy, I have a really great idea. The best. These people hate me and you know you can trust me, right? Here’s what you do …. and when you finish, there’s 5 million in a safe deposit box in the Las Vegas Community Bank’s vault. Just break your NDA with me and talk about maybe looking for a book deal. You’re not getting any younger you know.”

      • R C Dean

        Here’s what I’m hoping for:

        Stormy breaks her NDA. Limousine Liberals line up to throw money at her. She rakes in beaucoup bucks.

        And Trump takes every nickel from her.

        Of course, I’m only hoping for that so that the LimoLibs can see their money disappear into Donny Two-Scoops’ pocket.

      • Playa Manhattan

        She’s getting some bad legal advice.

        She’ll pay,. Big time.

      • Juvenile Bluster

        There’s a $1 million payoff in the contract if she breaks the NDA. She’ll make more than that back.

      • R C Dean

        Is the contract posted somewhere? I’d be interested to see the penalty clause, and if it is Donny’s only remedy.

      • SugarFree

        I’m laying good odds on her confirming that Donny likes to get peed on.

      • R C Dean

        I’m pretty sure that no matter what she says, truthful, fanciful, disgusting, you name it will be:

        (a) seized upon as the gospel truth by Trump’s enemies; and
        (b) ignored by Trump’s supporters.

        Any needle movement will be imperceptible.

      • SugarFree

        The confirmation of Donald being a watersports enthusiast is really something just for me. Of pee jokes within me, I contain multitudes.

      • Not Adahn

        As the drops in the ocean?

  13. Just Say'n

    *Previously on Happy Days*

    Richie Cunningham: So, Fonz, you said that free trade and open immigration are hallmarks of libertarianism, but I always thought it was reducing the size and scope of the state that was central to that philosophy?

    Fonzie: Modernity waits for no man, Richie. Look at how the EU has reduced state authority simply by its mere existence.

    Richie Cunningham: I mean, individual member state authority has been reduced, but that authority has just been transferred to an unelected bureaucracy in Brussels. That seems almost worse

    Fonzie: Do you know how much an iPod costs now compared to ten years ago?

    Richie Cunningham: I don’t doubt that trade has benefited all countries, but in what way could it be argued that trade will achieve the goal of reducing the size and scope of government? China has been trading with the West since the 70’s and the communist party’s control over that country doesn’t seem to have weakened much.

    Fonzie: iPods of modernity, Richie. iPods of modernity

    Richie Cunningham: I don’t think anyone even uses an iPod anymore. I’m telling you, Fonz, you got to start ventilating your apartment when you use that paint thinner to strip the varnish from the table you’re repainting. You sound unwell.

    Fonzie: *thumbs up* Ayeeeeeeeee

    • Creosote Achilles

      Please keep doing these. I can’t speak for anyone else, but they give me a genuine laugh every time.

      • Just Say'n

        Hey, thanks. It’s mainly just verbal diarrhea on my part. When I stop finding it amusing I will stop.

      • Creosote Achilles

        Fair enough. Wanted you to know that you do have someone that also finds it amusing.

      • R C Dean

        Same here. They’re funny.

      • Gustave Lytton


  14. Just Say'n

    And this is how American troop deployments in Ukraine and Syria begin in earnest. If Trump doesn’t act like a tough guy in response to an attack that we are just suppose to assume was done by Russia, because our betters have told us, than the Russia investigation will intensify. The Russia investigation was always about Syria and Ukraine and if Trump wants it to end all he has to do is send the military into Syria and Ukraine. And the bastard is just crazy enough to do it

    • Hyperion

      “if Trump wants it to end all he has to do is send the military into Syria and Ukraine”

      Why, it would almost be like if Hillary was president.

      • Just Say'n


      • Hyperion

        Yes, but now with more rapefugees. Enjoy, Europe.

    • Playa Manhattan

      We killed 200+ Russians last month and nobody said shit about it.

    • CPRM

      Are Christopher Steele’s whereabouts during the poisoning known? /grabs another role of tinfoil

    • Gilmore

      his is how American troop deployments in Ukraine and Syria begin in earnest

      There was nothing in that tweet that had anything to do with either Ukraine or Syria.

      you seem to make some leap from “credibly accusing russia of misconduct” to “only possible outcome is war over territories which have nothing to do with misconduct in question”

      does not compute

      • Just Say'n

        Ah yes, the old “No, we don’t want war with Russia. We just want to ratchet up pressure for reasons with no definitive end.”

        I’d believe it if it weren’t for the fact that arming Ukraine didn’t get so little media attention. Methinks this won’t passive the Russia, Russia, Russia crowd

      • Gilmore

        the old “No, we don’t want war with Russia. We just want to ratchet up pressure for reasons with no definitive end.”

        “for reasons”

        yes, that was my point. the reasons cited aren’t anything to do w/ Ukraine or Syria

        Seeing every form of diplomatic conflict as inevitable prelude to war is batshit shikha/sheldon-logic.

        by that argument, no country can ever dispute or object to anything anyone else does, because its all always AKSHULLY some covert method aiming to get us involves in large-scale foreign wars. Why would we want that? No need for any coherent logic, it just *assumed* to be the perpetual goal.

        We’re not going to ramp up US exposure anywhere because we don’t really need to. We already have US forces in places we want them, and we manage to fuck w/ the people we want to fuck with with relatively low/moderate profile. there’s no reason to expect that to change.

        And that’s something legitimately worth objecting to without involving fever-dreams of all-out war between conventional powers over any/every diplomatic spat.

      • Just Say'n

        Are you suggesting that these incidences, which occur routinely between countries, are receiving high visibility just by coincidence? Perhaps you can go back in time to the 90’s and argue that our no-fly zone in Iraq would not result in a direct conflict with that country, because we already have them quarantined. This notion that war is not the ultimate objective while we arm Ukraine and bomb Russian positions in Syria is a leap of faith I am not willing to take.

        Maybe it doesn’t result in a direct confirmed conflict between the US and Russia, but there will be a conflict between the two powers through proxies, at the very least

      • Gilmore

        “Are you suggesting”

        probably not.

        not sure where you got the idea that the best-retort to “accusation of mild-hysteria” is to double-down and start ranting about other completely non-related things.

        You are claiming that

        1 – a (credible, from what i see) incident where Russians assassinated someone on UK soil


        2 – AKSHULLY part of some joinh NATO plot to start a conventional war w/ Russian military

        it makes no sense and you’ve not really provided any logic to help clarify why it would.

        I pointed out that we’ve got military assets already in place in one place (syria), and have had ample opportunity to stick our dicks elsewhere if we so wanted, without the need for any super-complex diplomatic conspiracy and intrigue.

        iow, – If you want to complain about US military meddling abroad, you have ample material to work with, without needing to invent completely fictional material out of unrelated events. It serves little purpose and ends up only undermining potentially better-arguments.

    • Mad Scientist

      Were her lips moving when she said it?

      • Hyperion

        Heap big sky spirit didn’t speak to her yet.

    • Hyperion

      I’m not getting tired of Trump calling her Pocohantus yet, she has to run. Her and Maxine, Democrat dream ticket 2020.

      • Just Say'n

        “In a startling upset the Warren/Waters ticket has managed to win only the State of California and Washington DC. Even in the waning days of the campaign when Trump announced that his new running mate would be the reanimated corpse of Bozo the Clown, the Warren/Waters campaign could not capitalize as it became bogged down in discussions of “living privilege” which hampered their ability to mock the selection of Bozo the Clown. For some this election was lost when candidate Warren choose to kneel during the national anthem at the first debate and then went on to explain that her native American heritage compelled her to protest injustice in this country. In all, the Warren/Waters campaign was met with a collective eye roll by the vast majority of the country”

    • Playa Manhattan

      She flat out refused a DNA test.

      The New York Times called it “Pushing Back”.

      No, it’s not.

      • Hyperion

        Pushing back? Lol, she used minority status to her advantage, knowing full well she’s not and the DNA test will prove it. She just didn’t ever think it would come back to bite her, but she was wrong. If she wasn’t a public figure, probably wouldn’t have, but when you start talking around running for president, it’s a totally different reality.

      • Just Say'n

        Oh, you think the NYT is a legitimate newspaper? You Californians

      • Q Continuum

        NYT = Hear no truth
        CNN = See no truth
        WaPo = Speak no truth

      • Hyperion

        I’m not sure anyone thinks that any longer. Except for what’s left of their readers, who are all sort of living in an alternate reality. The NYT is almost Salon level at this point.

      • Florida Man

        What number would satisfy people? 1 percent? 10? 50? I don’t like her, but I think not getting the test is the smart move.

      • Just Say'n

        That’s true. It is a lose lose situation for her

      • Hyperion

        It is, because she’ll turn out not having any Amerindian markers, zero. And I suspect she is pretty well aware of that.


        23andMe points out that having discernible Native American DNA falls off fairly quickly.

        In the case of Native American ancestry, you may have inherited little or no DNA directly from your Native American ancestors. The farther back in your history you look, the less likely you are to have inherited DNA directly from every single one of your ancestors. This means that you can be directly descended from a Native American without having any DNA evidence of that Native American ancestry.

      • R C Dean

        The smart move would be to have the test done on the downlow, see what the results are, and if they show a little Indian, go public.

        And if they don’t, refuse to ever have the test done and leave the room in a huff.

        Whatever you do, though, keep people focussed on the test, and away from the fact that you never, in your whole life, ever had anything to do with Amerinds, even when you were officially the only Amerind on the Harvard Law Faculty and real Amerinds were clamoring to meet with you.

        So, I actually think she is playing this smart.

      • Q Continuum

        I know it varies by tribe, but there are formal requirements of blood quanta in order to be eligible for membership and American Indian status. If she does not hit that minimum then she is exposed as a straight up liar. Not taking it means she knows she wouldn’t pass, since if she knew she would, it would be in her own best interests to take it.

      • R C Dean

        I would bet my own money she has taken the test, at least once, in private, and didn’t have much of any Amerind genes. Nobody says she can only take the test in public.

        She wins as long as people are blathering about genetics and not the fact that she avoided having any contact with the community, even while she was claiming the status and being touted publicly as an American Indian law professor. Its when you look at her behavior that you realize what a foul person she is. I could forgive her being mistaken about it, but her behavior shows she never believed it for an instant and used it solely to advance her career.

      • Hyperion

        I think the population in the USA who do have Amerindian markers is pretty damn small. 2% or probably even a lot less?

      • Q Continuum

        My mitochondrial DNA is American Indian; which means at some point in my direct maternal line, there was an Indian. I know this because my mother had the DNA origins testing done. I have no idea who, or how far back that ancestor is, but, in spite of scientific evidence that I have at least a little Amerind blood, I would never claim to be one and I’m not a member of any tribe.

        What she did was absurd, self-serving horseshit.

  15. Q Continuum

    RE: Gilmore’s Vegas shooting conspiracy website.

    Here’s the thing: even if everything thing in that post is BS, it’s irrelevant at this point. The authorities have acted so shady about that incident (deadliest mass shooting in history) and been so tight lipped that it practically begs for conspiracy theories. The fact that the media has been on a nonstop masturbation-fest about Parkland and swept Vegas under the rug within the week says to me that there is something to the conspiracies.

    • Q Continuum

      The fact that the FBI has soiled-catbox level trustworthiness does not help matters.

      • R C Dean

        The Waco miniseries was absolutely brutal to the FBI and the ATF. And nearly every bad thing they had to say about them is pretty well verified.

    • Hyperion

      It’s pretty much the most fucked up thing I’ve seen. It’s like a guy with no identity, no history, who no one on the planet knows anything about, plans to kill a bunch of people and plotted it out for months, for absolutely no reason. Yeah, it does not add up, at all.

      • Number.6

        The first part of that sounds just like me!

      • Hyperion

        You wish and #metoo.

  16. Just Say'n

    Ron Paul trolls the President on an important issue.

    Now I understand why Nick Sarwark and the ‘Libertarian’ Party didn’t want Paul to speak at their convention. He makes too much sense and focuses too much on reducing government rather than spouting nonsense neoliberal positions.