The hat was cackling in another room and the hair sighed heavily. “What is it now?” he asked.
The hat shouted back:
a) “Rob Rosenstein resigned!”
b) “Rob Rosenstein committed suicide!”
c) “Brett pulled his dick out on TV!”
d) “Brett sacrificed children to Baal while in law school!”
e) “Jeff Sessions exploded!”
“_____________________?!?” the hair asked, shocked. “Wow, I can’t believe it!”
“I know,” the hat replied. “I can’t imagine what Donald is going to do.”
“He’ll probably…
a) Verbally abuse Sarah Huckabee Sanders
b) Blame the New York Times
c) Order a Diet Coke and a Sausage McGriddle
d) Become elated and then paranoid
e) All of the above
“Yeah, I can see that,” the hat yelled back. “What do you want to eat for dinner?”
“I want meat!” the hair asked.
“Meat? What kind of meat?”
“Beef. I want beef. Bloody red cow meat.”
“I thought you only ate Rogaine and weaker toupees,” the hat asked. The toilet flushed loudly in the room he was in.
“I need the protein sometimes. It’s the fall weather. I might begin to molt.”
“Molt?” the hat asked. “Molt? What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I need to get bigger. There’s not much of Donald’s natural hair left. I’m holding on to his ears half the time as it is.”
“OK. As long as it doesn’t interfere with [satirical take on current new event], I guess that will be OK.”
“If I need to molt, I’ll molt,” the hair said. “It’s not really up to you or Donald or [subject/event of current story].”
“He’ll probably…
a) Verbally abuse Sarah Huckabee Sanders
b) Blame the New York Times
c) Order a Diet Coke and a Sausage McGriddle
d) Become elated and then paranoid
e) All of the above
I vote for e
Oh my god…..this gives me a brilliant idea.
Hat and Hair Choose Your Own Adventures!!!!!
Choose Your Own
AdventuresHellworldAny of them will be better than the one we’re living in.
Week’s not over yet.
Hat and Hair Mad Libs
Sausage McGriddle or Sausage Egg McGriddle?
Big difference.
Eggs are chicken periods. Donald doesn’t eat that filth.
As long as you don’t put cheese on it.
A McGriddle with cheese is abomination.
I vote for unwritten option F. All of the above plus furiously masturbating while playing Mario kart.
“Playing Mario Kart” is masturbation.
Can we nix Kavanaugh and nominate the hat for SCOTUS? All this couldn’t get any dumber anyways.
Sorry, the last line didn’t survive the cut n’ paste. It is correct now.
A couple more [vague descriptions] in there, and it will apply for the next 2-6 years.
Let it be 6.
I doubt say that without reservation. Was talking to some work guys, and one mentioned the backup camera requirement. Almost outed myself as someone who hates children. I actually really didn’t believe him. Between taking care of my teething 8 month old and sick wife I finally had time to look it up. Establishment republicans are worse than democrats sometimes.
What’s this backup cam stuff?
<a href="" US Requiring back-up cameras in cars by 2018 model year"
Try again
A new rule passed today by the US Department of Transportation mandates rear-view cameras in all cars built from May 1, 2018.
March 31, 2014
Ol’ Pen and Phone strikes from the grave.
Just because: this Arne Duncan is a real cunt, isn’t he?
So much choice bullshit…
“Piles of dead white kids bring a tingle up my leg.”
Everyone believes their own shit and even love the smell; Arne is just your garden-variety bureaucrat, and crats gonna crat.
TBF, most people feel this way… least half. I’ve got RedState gun buddies who believe in common-sense gun control; they believe in the state and good schools; they are disappointed the whole Syrian situation hasn’t been managed well.
I don’t see a road that leads away from centralized power. I see content sheople; they roll their eyes and tell me to move into an outhouse in ND and start writing my manifesto. The libertarian movement is high-centered, as we say in the woods: stuck without traction….and it’s not even attractive; GaJ and JMc are such pathetic presentations even when compared to the Hat&Hair.
Duncan is just noise, a rounding error on the size of the big problem, a minor tributary to the greater, unending torrent of nonsense.
@ ChipWooder: Sorry about that…re-reading, I give off a shut-up-who-cares tone. I was actually violently agreeing with you, but my tangent got the best of me.
No worries, man, I got where you were coming from.
* dabs away tiny tear of relief *
Real cunt eh? Was looking for an appropriate gif, but why choose just one?
It’s like a Sailor Moon cartoon in there.
“when he was the superintendent of Chicago Public Schools”
Nothing says caring about education like being the superintendent of Chicago Public Schools
Hmm, lets see. Anyone in High school now will have spend the overwhelming majority of their high school career under a department of education run by Obama appointees. That means that kids educated under Trump appointees will not even be eligible to vote until 2024 at the earliest and for most of them 2028 will be their first Presidential election. Trump will be out of office by 2024 at the latest.
So how does Trump’s educational policy actually have any impact on Trump himself
I used to think he was the least insufferable member of that administration. I was wrong.
Fuck off Arnie. You cant have my guns.
Wait, the hair is in fact a wig?! Is the author even trying to remain canonical at this point? Does he consider how this affects the broader H&H multiverse!?
The Hair is The Hair. He comes and goes as he pleases. He began as a small weave in the early-80s to cover a bald spot and has had to grow bigger to cover more of Donald’s shame as the years have progressed.
He’d have to be the size of south Florida to cover Donald’s shame, wouldn’t he?
Don’t be silly. The Donald has no shame.
That what porn stars say, anyway.
Apparently, he covers his shame with yeti hair.
Shame belongs to the man, not the masses. I suspect Donald keeps his shame well bottled up.
OMG. The latest Kavanaugh accusations. OMG.
Each one more ridiculous than the last.
no names of rapists either. just Kav and Mark Judge were there! …waiting in line for sloppy tenths.
who was at the party? who were the rapists? who was raped? at what house?
i have no trouble believing this lady saw a group of boys lined up outside a door. it’s called a bathroom.
That’s why this accusation took so long to be made public. It had to be re-written several times to avoid perjury.
And in this latest claim there seem to have been many girls who were victims. And yet, no police report, ever.
And girls who continued to party and dance while other women were getting raped.
“I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room.
Is she sure that wasn’t the line for the men’s room?
Yep, she’s confessing to watching it happen and doing nothing about it.
Does that make her an accessory, or simply guilty of obstruction for not reporting it?
I think we need to investigate her to find out just what her role was. She kept going to these parties where she witnessed gang rapes. That seems very odd, unless she was complicit in some way. Was she procuring victims for them? Did she participate or encourage in any way? Was she actively part of covering up this crime wave in a wealthy, well-connected community?
So many questions.
Human trafficker.
At some point reasonable people need to demand that, absent a formal complaint, these accusations be treated as libel and/or slander. I understand there are psychological forces at work, and I get that real victims might feel pressure to not go to the police or whatever, but in the interest of justice these incidents have to be treated as any other accusation. If this were about theft or regular ol’ assault or anything else, the accuser wouldn’t be allowed to say, “I’m a girl!” and be able to drag someone’s reputation through the mud before a national audience and then act like the wounded party when asked to provide any kind of substantiating evidence.
I made this exact point in a FB discussion. Not that it helped much, but I tried. Funny fact – that discussion had two lawyers in it, one from either TEAM, so it had some…interesting moments.
Anyone other than Kavanaugh named in these accusations as being a participant, or even an onlooker who was just laughing and doing nothing about a violent felony committed right in front of them, has a damn good argument that they are not a public figure, and so they don’t have to meet the Sullivan test of actual malice or reckless disregard. Mark Judge, for one, should be able to sue Dr. Ford and walk away with most her pension.
These character development scenes really add soft, humane texture to the overall arc of the story.
Thank you.
I usually wait to write these until the morning of, so they are ripped-from-the-headlines fresh. But I’ve tried to write ahead a few times, only for those stories to occasionally get scrapped by breaking news. This week has been so nuts, I thought I’d just lean into that frustration.
The timing was kind of rough. Competing with a fresh rape train allegation against a supreme court nominee. Rough, I say. Bedtime, but I’m afraid I’ll miss the next round. Lying cunts are worse than gremlins. At least they needed water to multiply.
Here it comes!
I was expecting this
If that’s not out of my head in 5 minutes, I’m going to go nuclear.
Something else for your brain?
Yeah, I’m waiting on this scandal to come to an end, hopefully this week, before I move on the next story. As you can imagine it takes a bit more time for my stories and I’d be pissed if I got everything done and then reality made my storyline crash. I mean the next one might not even have anything to do with this crap, but I’m playing it safe for now. You sir have the cajones to rush every forward into the flames, and I commend you.
From Avanati
“My client is ready to meet with FBI agents to disclose what she knows in detail. We have also offered that she’ll take a polygraph exam if Brett Kavanaugh will take a polygraph exam.”
“I’ll show you mine if you
show me yoursfirst expose yourself like back in college so I can claim to be traumatized by that.”As a super-hotshot lawyer, he does know those are bullshit & not admissible as evidence of anything… right?
“I’ve prepped my client for polygraph exams. She failed the first 13 times, then it took another 20 tries or so to get two consecutive positives, but she’s comfortable now and aced the last three.”
I haven’t seen any evidence that she even exists yet.
A quick search for Swetnick on Gaithersburg alumni sites yields nothing although that may not be her maiden name. An MCSE search (which she claims) yields nothing.
No LinkedIn results, no Facebook results
scrubbed clean.
Like with a cloth?
I did a quick search. Found phone numbers an address and relatives. Can’t 100% confirm it is her I’m not in the business of outing people but she appears to be real. She either wiped her Flickr account or never posted in it. A Twitter account tying to the same name is suspended.
For the record I used a free legal public search.
Pipl is extraordinarily creepy
Yes it is after running the search I was shocked how much info came up.
Just ran a search on myself. My old address comes up and some phone number that I’ve never seen. So the site isn’t exactly accurate.
I can’t believe how many of me there are beyond the two actual me’s it found.
Apparently there’s a me in France. Huh.
Also, under possibly related results, there was this person I’ve never heard of in my life:
I searched myself, and it basically pulled my public info together from social media, credit reports, and public documents (marriage license, bar license, etc) I had 3 or 4 profiles based on various places I used to live.
If you lived in a rental, they associate your profile with people who have lived at that address since.
Oh, I’m sure she’s a real person, and I’m sure she’s a hysterical leftist who sees this as her duty to the prog cause. Abortion uber alles.
Looks like the woman in Avenatti’s tweet, the one where he admonishes the world to respect the privacy of a woman whose face and name he just broadcast for everyone to see.
If she exists, she’s about to get her world turned upside down.
Anyone that would choose to go public with Avenatti is not right in the head to begin with.
Which is another reason to be highly skeptical of her – why would a decent person choose this slime trail to represent her?
Because he paid her?
This guy hasn’t chimed in yet.
According to the signed statement, she doesn’t know anything at all.
Michael Moore’s latest effort should be out soon, so I look forward to the reviews here.
I notice I often sympathize with some people’s assessments and dreams….just not their methods. So it was when I saw “Roger and Me” wherein Moore iss grief-stricken that someone was raising rabbits for food after they lost their job, factory closed, some such. And I remember thinking at the time: what’s wrong with that? My people have always raised fruit, vegetables, and livestock….no one made a movie about us or cried over the fact or sent us a check….hell: it’s the normal thing to do (in the scale of human events).
Anyone care to speculate about in which century we can return to “I’m proud of this” or “I made this” or “I designed this” or “I created this many jobs” ??? Does anyone know what dirt or blood or oil smell like anymore?
GAH mugshot TW
I love rabbit sausage.
This one. We’re either headed for the Balkanization of the US, a civil war, or a socialist “utopia”. And 5/6ths of those scenarios involve the old adage about, “What did they use for light in socialist countries before candles? Electricity.” When it gets to that point, we’ll get back to that. I know that’s kind of pessimistic, but…that’s where I’m at today.
so you’re telling me to take up gardening and animal husbandry, then?
Look, what you and your favorite pig do in the privacy of your own barn is up to you. You want to be its husband, go for it. 🙂
Bleak Answer: That or pray you get killed in the early parts of the troubles that are acomin’.
Guns and ammo. And bestiality apparently.
“The goat was not unresponsive.”
They may kill me, but I’ll take a shitload of them with me. Thank God for Marine rifle instruction – even a lowly pizza box qualifier is still a pretty damned good marksman.
I’m trying to remember the name of the TV show where the Prime Minister of Great Britain had to fuck a pig on live TV.
Black Mirror
Black Mirror.
Black Mirror
*at least I’m not last*
Black Mirror.
Oh, wait…
The Graham Norton Show
Way to assume the sex of your livestock, shitlord!
It’s wrong to people like Moore because it exposes the uncomfortable reality of the human experience. Behind every success lurks the possibility of catastrophic failure, and with that failure the need to resort to means of survival that people like Moore consider beneath them. Whether this means involves primitive self-sufficiency or the help of others, it reveals an icky reality they find unsettling.
We’re living in an era where something as profoundly liberating as Internet-based fundraising is being derided because some people use it to successfully cover unexpected health care expenses and avoid financial ruin. I’ve begun to suspect that progressives don’t really care much about the plight of the disadvantaged so much as they loathe anything where people’s humanity and good will shines through. They want an omniscient and ever present superstate to handle all of people’s needs because charity involves direct action by people with far more humility and grace than they possess.
Greasemonkey came unhitched from the post recently….maybe a Firefox update wiped it because I didn’t check a box?
Anyway, three days without being able to do this odd.
FWIW: I find the editing and presentation better than almost any place I read. The spacing, paragraphs, links are excellent, particularly useful. How is it that those skills are so strong in this group?
Here’s something else that occurs to me: for the past couple of weeks, the press has been hounding Georgetown Prep/Holton School alums to try to dredge up something, anything that could be damning against Kavanaugh or at least support Ford’s accusation. Many of these alums are clearly hostile to Kavanaugh, most likely for political reasons. And, yet, despite all this, not a single one of them said a single word about gang rapes at parties? Parties that many of them would have undoubtedly attended themselves, or at least known about through friends who attended? And none of Kavanaugh’s previous FBI background checks uncovered a single indication of any of this?
That’s because Trump slashed FBI funding.
Damn, man, that Trump is diabolically brilliant!
34DD chess.
None of the FBI checks uncovered anything. Kavanaugh was nominated in July and went through the majority of a process where the main controversy was that he didn’t shake the hand of a complete stranger. I’ve not seen any evidence that she brought this up at that point (unlike Ford). Plus whatever that dickhead Robbie Soave thinks, mass and repetitive gang rape was in fact frowned upon in the 80’s, unlike groping.
“unlike groping”
I’m pretty sure this was frowned upon in the ’80s too. However, it was considered uncouth and sleazy (which it is) as opposed to today where it’s considered rape (which it is not).
Yes. It wasn’t unusual to try to cop a feel or grab an ass, but it wasn’t as if it was widely considered a positive thing. You’d get your face slapped for that, easily, and there was a decent chance the girl had a brother or boyfriend who would be looking to break your nose.
It just wasn’t considered to be more than a minor dick move, certainly not this monumentally damaging horror that they portray it as today.
Will I still kiss my girlfriend? And try to grab her ass?
No Milo! That’s LITERALLY RAPE!!!
In fact, I can remember being at a roller skating party in 7th grade and getting in a scuffle (on roller skates, hahaha) with some kid because his girlfriend accused me of grabbing her ass.
And no, it wasn’t me, although I did see it happen, so there go my Supreme Court chances.
“frowned upon in the ’80s” “minor dick move”
Christ, you’d get a pop in the nose from a complete stranger in the SEC in my day for that kind of thing. Where’d you guys go to school!? Have I lived my whole life at vacation bible school ?
Well, I did say that you’d get slapped, and stand a good chance of having a brother/boyfriend out to kick your ass. I was just trying to to convey the idea that you weren’t considered the equivalent of a rapist and the girl wouldn’t require years of therapy to get over the horror of some gomer copping a feel for 1.3 seconds.
CLARIFICATION: The slash implies OR, not dual status. Brother OR boyfriend.
You sick bastards.
He did say the SEC.
“He did say the SEC.”
I did not get a vote on Arkansas.
Did someone leave the door open? Is that how Missouri got in?
Missouri should be a traditional powerhouse….like Arkansas: there’s not another real football school within 300 miles.
Imagine if Mississippi weren’t diluted to 2.5 schools: what if the Mannings, Ray Guy, Jerry Rice, and Walter Payton all went to the same school? That’s where Missouri should be.
“mass and repetitive gang rape was in fact frowned upon in the 80’s”
Soave really shit the bed today.
I mean, if he had any shame at all, he’d delete his twitter account. How embarrassing.
What did he say?
That he can’t change a tire.
And needs help opening jars.
He really earned that ratio.
Wow, he really is criminally stupid.
The Senate will never confirm another “conservative” judge if the Dems have a veto over the nomination, exercised through repeated, baseless, character assassinations.
If they can take out a squeaky clean Kavanaugh with uncorroborated and either weak or fantastical claims made in the press, they can take out anyone. And they will.
Possibly dumb question: “ratio”?
With a non stupid tweet, you’ll usually get more “likes” or “hearts” than comments. 10-1 ratio is about par for the course.
When you say something really retarded, you get hundreds of comments telling you that you’re retarded, as he did here.
How do you expect him to keep getting all that sweet, progressive DC pussy by having principles?
Aw, that sucks, man. Bummer. Your reputation and name have been dragged through the mud for purely political reasons. What a drag, dude.
It’s like, the Stalinist purges and stuff? Totally lame. Not cool.
What a douche.
I was extremely hard on robby from the beginning and was told he was all that bad, he just had a bad habbit with “to be sures”.
Robby is a fucking idiot who undercuts the libertarian philosophy every post he makes.
It’s true that he’s not as bad as Shikka, but that just means he is merely terrible instead of a travesty.
“increasingly unlikely”? Ford is the most credible of these three women by far, and her story has more holes than a wheel of Jarlsberg.
Remember, he believed the campus rape bullshit until the commenters called him out on his bullshit. You’d think he’d have learned a lesson, but he nearly got drummed out of the cool socialist parties before and he doesn’t want to risk it again. And he wants Kavanaugh to be just as milquetoasty as himself.
He said that Kavanaugh should withdraw from the nomination because (something…cough…something) and that the GOP should nominate someone else because it’s apparently unthinkable that the Democrats will continue to pull this same stupid shit with every subsequent nominee.
It’s one thing to smear a guy you hate because of hos politics. It’s another to incriminate yourself with imaginary stories and try to take him down with you.
If intentional, then brilliant; if not then Grade A typo.
Grade A
typoJohn-oOh fuck, I miss those.
I suspect that many are acutely aware of the corner they painted themselves into with this idiotic allegation.
“Oh, sure. There were gang rapes. I attended six or seven of these parties and can attest that there was at least one gang rape at each one. The only reason I kept coming back was for the free beer.”
I came for the beer and the rape. Shoot! I mean just the beer. You’re not recording this, are you?
Only came here to do two things, drink some beer and run some trains. Looks like we’re all outta beer.
*ten-minute rape scene follows*
And now that song is back in my head.
OK, but this time I didn’t mean it.
Do you want to be known as the only girl who couldn’t get gang raped by a bunch of rich prep school boys?
Are you going to live your whole life knowing that that slutty Ford chick got a train pulled on her and you didn’t? No way! You are going to doll yourself up and go to every goddamned party and drink whatever you are offered until you get gang raped like a popular girl.
Relevant Always Sunny Scene:
“I was cute. I was energetic. I was fun! What exactly was this prick looking for?!?”
Why are you so obsessed with the blowing aspect????
Not even youth could help Ford.
If I saw her at a party, my train would leave in the opposite direction, if it could run at all.
Say what you want about Kavanaugh and Judge, but at least they made the trains run on time.
You need to get that on Twitter stat before someone else thinks of it.
I don’t twitter. And IP is bullshit.
Feel free to use it.
The only reason I kept coming back was for the free beer.
And the only reason you used to read Playboy was for the articles.
I don’t think this latest accuser realizes quite yet how bad her story makes her look. Not reporting a gang rape that you witnessed is really, really bad. Not reporting ten or more gang rapes that you witnessed is sociopath level bad. Repeatedly going to parties with the rapists adds a level of utter stupidity to her sociopathy.
It reminds me of the old joke about the hunter and the bear:
Apparently, she wasn’t going to the parties for the booze.
c, “It’s *that* tiny?!?”, f: invite over Anastasia, his favorite Russian piss-hooker, “Ted Cruz trying desperately to get laid for the first time in a decade by taking his wife out to dinner”, “Antifa cockblockers.”
If I can’t minimize the state, wow do I get my own state?
I just listened to that. The one right before it is real good, too. Well, the whole darn series is great.
Sarcasm aside, I would actually we ok with the process for breaking states up to be streamlined. People in deep blue cities could finally rid themselves of toothless, knuckle-dragging Deplorables and rural folk could rid themselves of neckbeard, gender-fluid, latte-swilling urbanites. Everyone wins.
The tooth-to-tattoo ratio problem is my people; no one understands better than me that you don’t want to be ruled by neighbors or family: the statist urges of my neocon cousins is not one whit better than the socialistic fopperies of hippies. Save that last bullet!
Outside of California (coast from SF to SD versus everyone else), Florida (I-4 border) and New York (Westchester County, NYC and Long Island), I can’t imagine any other states that could break up. But it’s an interesting thought experiment.
DC Metro area is welcome to secede. In fact, I urge them to do so, and take most of Maryland and all of Virginia north of Fredericksburg with them.
Good ol’ Merlin. There’s the classic eastern shore v. western shore split. I’ve heard the eastern shore described as the culturally southern part of Maryland–though I’d argue that rural Maryland south of Bowie and pretty much everything from Calvert County down is where the south starts–and the fact that it’s separated by the Chesapeake Bay makes it a logical split. Recently, western Maryland made some noises about breaking off, and there’s a reasonable argument to be made there, too. It’s culturally, economically, and politically much different than the DC or Baltimore metros. Once you hit Frederick you start picking up the Appalachia vibe, and when you get out to the panhandle the separation from West Virginia and SW PA is pretty much academic. Everybody out there is a Steeler fan sending their kids to WVU.
Yep, western Maryland is pretty much indistinguishable from West Virginia and Pennsyltucky.
I would cut Madison and milwaukee out of wisonsin and ad the UP.
I’ll add my name to that petition. They have to take Racine to.
The Wisconsin River to Lake Wisconsin and east from the top of Lake Wisconsin to Lake Michigan sounds good to me.
so long as MI gets Toledo back: fair is fair!
/pedantic history buff who knows more about Yankees than he cares to admit
OH lost that war fair and square.
[apparently you aren’t aware that the loser was forced to take Toledo]
that’s excellent
Who gets the Dells?
In my scenario above Wisconsin gets the Wisconsin Dells. North Illinois gets the cities.
Memphis thinks it wants to secede from TN, but who’s going to pay for all this mess?
Jokes on them: the rest of TN has been praying for Memphis to fall in the river for decades.
Latest power move: Memphis is looking to go all Miami-Dade on the rest of the county. Win or lose, I’ll get to pay for the lawyers.
When I was living there in the early ’90s, it seemed like Memphis paid the bulk of the taxes but got the least back (due to it being all sales tax and Memphis had the most people).
The problem was that Memphis legislators were so fractured that they could never agree on anything and ended up getting played by Chatanooga and Nashville.
And if Memphis fell into the river, all those Delta rubes would head for Nashville instead. Memphis is usefull for no other reason than attracting all the hillbillies.
Memphis is usefull for no other reason than attracting all the hillbillies.
Yikes man: I already knew I was trash, but you don’t hafta say it out loud.
Dude! why do you think I was there? And got my diploma from there?
My wife and I were just talking about possibly wintering in Memphis in a year or two.
One of the most endearing things about Memphis is how country it is.
They make hillbillies in MN? I’ll need to taste yo daddy’s whiskey before I believe it.
Come on back; you know you wanna. Where’s she from?
I don’t know what it is about this place, but they don’t write songs about Peoria. Winter here is great except you would entirely miss out of the grandness of the canopy: driving down oak-spanned parkways in the humid shade.
Maybe a prairiebilly would be the best description?
Wife is originally from Korea. Met her at a dorm mixer at Memphis State. She was so fresh off the boat, she thought I was marriage material. We both have a few friends from college living in Memphis so we’d have some start of a social circle if we wintered there.
We both liked it there, but didn’t want our kids to get educated there (and I got a great job in Mpls after school).
With VA looking to go full-prog thanks to the cancer that is DC, My wife and I have been thinking about settling in another state before our roots get too deep here.
South Carolina seemed like a possibility until I saw open carry is illegal there. Seriously, SC? Pull your head out of your ass. VA has constitutional OC so it’s unlikely the progs will ever have enough votes to overturn. I very rarely, if ever, carry OC but would never want to live somewhere that doesn’t endorse it.
TN seems like another theoretical possibility, though it’s too far away from my work to be realistic for me.
Carve the major metro areas out of any state and you have two deep-red Senators.
PA could expel Philly like a pimple – and Northwest NJ would gladly join in with good parts of PA.
I say this over and over….even TX (except Fort Worth).
Possible exceptions:
IN had a Democrat governor for many years due to Indianapolis, Ft Wayne, and Lake County.
IN seems fairly homogeneous except that Gary clearly should be ceded to IL.
Indy seems not to stand out from the rest of the state the way other capitals do. I love Columbus, Fort Wayne a little less. Elkhart’s a long way from Evansville, but they seem of the same sort to me.
Klan was extremely powerful there in its day; Jim Crow was as strong as in IND as any Southern city.
I like the place, though, and their funny habits like lining up the implements and painting fences: my guess is your shins need to know where you left the middle buster before you head to the outhouse in the snow.
Anchorage is actually pretty blue, but Fairbanks (not sure if that counts as a metro area) is blood red, so maybe (?) you could say Alaska?
Denver and Boulder can form their own People’s Republic and leave the rest of us the hell alone.
Statement from Judge Kavanaugh on Julie Swetnick allegations: “This is ridiculous and from the Twilight Zone. I don’t know who this is and this never happened.”
I can’t wait to see the voter turnout numbers I November. If the US survives that long.
Personally, I am hoarding popcorn for the 2020 matchup between Trump and Avanati.
No way. It’s gonna be old Gropin’ Joe.
My dream is Hillary with Avanati as VP.
I’ll bet there are real stories of Old Joe copping feels in high school.
Fortunately, all of his classmates died years ago.
Mysteriously shot through a door by a shotgun?
I would think that even the Democrats would be worried about the precedent that they are setting here. What person could ever be confirmed under these new standards?
Of course, they are depending on the GOP to not fight fire with fire.
I so wish that the Minnesoda GOP trotted out some goofball who swore that Ellison and his Nation of Islam buddies raped her over and over while he was a law student at THE U of M. And it should be as transparently silly as this latest claim.
That’s the beauty of partisan statists: They are so evil and shortsighted that they actually believe that they will hold onto power forever.
” What person could ever be confirmed under these new standards?”
Anyone who doesn’t question Roe v Wade
Yes – from last year.
What are the odds the Avenatti has some fucked up sexual stories in his closet?
about 1000%
The projection is strong in that one.
1 billion%
Trick question? 0% . Because all his fucked up kinks are right out in the open.
Probably in his Twitter feed.
Kavanaugh’s accusers recalling very specific details
This entire thing is such a shit show. This should’ve been done and voted on last week, but instead Grassley invited this.
I’ll put the odds of Kavanaugh actually being confirmed at less than 50%, which means it’s unlikely that there’s going to be a pre-election confirmation, which means we get a gigantic clusterfuck for the election. I want to put myself into a coma for the next 6 weeks so I don’t have to listen to any of this.
The fun part is the country tearing itself apart regardless of whether he’s confirmed or not!
I’ll put the odds of Kavanaugh actually being confirmed at less than 50%, which means it’s unlikely that there’s going to be a pre-election confirmation, which means we get a gigantic clusterfuck for the election.
If that happens, there’s a possibility the Democrats haven’t considered. The electoral calculus this cycle, while maybe favorable to Democrats overall, favors the Republicans in the Senate. And I think this horseshit will give the Republicans a boost the election. They could well push the vote until after the election only to find that they’ve pushed it to a more Republican Senate. If Kavanaugh does get shot down, I recommend the President the most vicious, vindictive partisan prick he can find.
Well, I, for one, am pissed. I don’t vote republican, but I am seriously considering it now.
Before, I was just indifferent to accusations of racism. Now, I’m indifferent to accusations of rape.
Fuck the left for causing that to happen. I will never forgive.
I haven’t voted in ten or so years but I’m definitely motivated to vote not-Democrat down the line this year, even if that includes Republicans.
I argued yesterday that everyone who has ever wanted to vote TeamRed or ProTrump has already done it, but these make the second and third instances of fresh meat, albeit libertarians who don’t really fit in the middle in the left-right paradigm.
I wasn’t surprised by Trump’s winning in 2016, but I wonder if fresh, heightened Glibertarian disdain for TeamBlue and progMSM is typical of a movement that will move the national needle more Red.
I think that describes most non-voters, well maybe not the “libertarian” part. And I would not be at all surprised to see the Dem’s efforts to tear the country apart backfire wildly.
In 2016 I didn’t vote for Team Red, I voted against Team Blue. I will do the same this time around.
Ditto, only this time I’m anti-porcupine, too. The LP had a chance to show itself as a third-party that actually had both morality and sense, and utterly, completely failed.
I don’t think libertarians will much move the needle. It’ll be the neutrals. The people who don’t much follow politics. The folks who watch thew news just a little bit before the election. The Democrats have dropped the mask on Kavanaugh and pretty much openly said that they don’t care if he’s guilty or not. They’re going to destroy him as a matter of point. For John or Jane who doesn’t follow the news, the message is not missed. Today it’s Kavanaugh. Tomorrow it could be them. Or their husband, Or their son.
The thing is, I don’t think a lot of voters other than true braindead partisans actually vote for anybody so much as they vote against somebody.
The Dems are hoping that their campaign of demonizing Kav and Republicans will get people to vote against Republicans. But I have to wonder if it isn’t going to have the opposite effect.
I posted this Saturday night, but I’m going to vote for that shitweasel Peter Roskam even though the House do not influence the Supreme Court nomination. He’s a shitweasel who loves cops but fuck, the alternative to him is a Democratic shitweasel who campaigns on stopping Trump (as opposed to helping his district).
I’m in the same boat. The GOP are assholes, but the Dems are EVIL, tax-happy assholes (but I repeat myself).
Since abortion is the centerpiece the its Baret time.
That was the thing that really struck me – no one I knew in college went back to high school parties. Parties with old high school friends, sure, but not parties full of high school kids.
100% of the college-age dudes at high school parties were creepers. Oh, and I do mean dudes; no college-age girls needed to try the “I’m cool ’cause I showed up with beer, let’s make out” routine with high schoolers.
I’d like to add an amendment to your comment. Hot 23 year old high school teachers are the exception.
*female teachers
A bunch of us college freshman took one last trip with our HS Ski Club during winter break just because skiing is so damn fun. I don’t remember any rape trains in the lodge, though.
All the poling took place on the hill?
This. There was always a skeevy Wooderson-type hanging around high school parties trying to bang some sophomore years after he graduated, but I never, ever saw a girl not in high school at a high school party. Hell, even the high school girls wouldn’t be at the high school parties if they had some kind of in at a college party.
I could see a female a year out of high school attending a party, especially if they had a friend in the class below them. But 3 years is pretty iffy. And multiple parties even more iffy.
What about multiple parties with grab its motherfucking leg?
Or, say, an entire lacrosse team?
So let’s summarize:
Based on a profile search, she’s 55 and probably never been married
She’s not ugly
She frequented DC singles events (see link above)
She attended high school parties as a college age woman
She’s admitted to witnessing crimes but never reporting them, multiple times
She picked Avenatti as a lawyer
She’s nuts, guaran-fucking-teed
She’s probably a helluva ride in the sack though.
Couldn’t possibly be good enough to offset the insanity.
The Avenatti bit is the most damning of all.
There are liberals who are sane.
Maybe we need more comics in politics.
I like him….gave him a full 80 seconds.
A+ tie
C+ knot….oh well
That knot – a pet peeve of mine. Its OK if you are a schoolkid in your school uniform. Adults should have adult knots that are symmetrical, with a dimple.
From what I remember, that lop-sided knot was pretty standard with the English engineers I have worked with in the past. It’s a cultural defect.
It’s a four-in-hand, it’s supposed to be more casual. I’m a Pratt knot man myself, but I’ve been known to rock a half-windsor.
Windsor man, here. I like a knot that’s big and hard.
correct: dimple or GTFO
who are we here, Sgt Carter ?
Jeff Flake sounds like he will not vote to confirm.
*hears the sound of a commentator contract being written at MSNBC/CNN*
He’s so dreamy.
Well, you know, for the media, the only thing more admirable than a Republican no longer in office is a Republican no longer in office willing to trash those that are.
running for president
Of course he is. ?
If he doesn’t vote to confirm on Kavanaugh, he better run as a Democrat.
Lol. No way. Say hello to your 2020 LP candidate for president.
That nomination battle between him and Weld is gonna be a real bruiser.
The political equivalent of competitive flopping?
McAfee will crucify him on the tree of woe. literally.
Only after getting hammered on expensive scotch and bath salts.
I’d pay to see that.
hahahaha…..I love McAfee. He’s like a real life Bond villain.
As a democrat I presume. Because the republican base will crucify him if Kavanaugh goes down.
Flake’s dead politically. Is Joe Manchin willing to die on that hill?
That is the root cause of all this nonsense. It isn’t abortion. It is all about trying to keep Dem Senate candidates from having to vote up or down Kavanaugh. They know that the normies don’t see him as a monster and will look askant at anyone who votes against him.
Heitkamp in NoDak doesn’t want to look like a go along to get along Dem in her race.
I’m thinking though, that by raising the stakes this high the Dems have made it that much harder for Manchin and the other vulnerable Dems to vote against Kavanaugh.
Even if Flake votes no, I think that there will be some Dem defectors. The GOP just needs to sack up and hold the vote.
Got to get him out of committee first.
I just learned that McConnell can bring a vote to the full Senate regardless of the committee outcome (who knew?), so honestly I don’t know why they’re even bothering with the committee. Just have the full Senate vote and be done with it.
Why not let the voters see just what cumstains Democrats actually are?
Cumstain is too generous; at least cum has a purpose.
Howie Carr agrees: Out all politicians who have paid off allegations
The purpose of cum is to give someone a chance to have an abortion. That is the ONLY thing this shitshow is about.
Yeah, the committee sends the nominee to the full Senate with either a recommendation to approve, no recommendation, or a recommendation to reject. If there’s a tie at the committee, I would think that would be a “no recommendation”.
What a shock. The shitheel has been desperate for cover to do so from the start.
I take it back.
sounds like Flake will vote to confirm anyway and just wanted to have a nice little whine about it.
What’s the latest on Collins and Murkowski?
The sex is good, not great, but good.
I’m picturing a three-way with Skeletor and Beast Man.
They suck and if the Republicans pick up a couple more Senate seats which is likely – nobody will ever mention either bint again.
Even some Buzzfeed writer sees this for the nonsense it is.
If you’re inclined to believe Ford’s account, which at least has a patina of believability of not a lot of credibility, you should be furious with Avenatti and his new sideshow. Assuming you believe Ford, which I doubt many of her most ardent supporters do. No, Ford is a tool serving its purpose, a sword at which their drowning party grasped, and whether or not she’s telling the truth is well beside the point. Which is is why her partisans aren’t screaming bloody murder at Avenatti, because their purpose wasn’t realizing justice for Ford, it was heaping calumny on Kavanaugh.
“Ford’s account, which at least has a patina of believability”
Are you high?
I think he means that it’s much more plausible that a high school boy would drunkenly grope a girl and try to pull some clothes of than that there would routinely be lines of boys at large parties waiting to rape a girl who had been roofied.
As in, I could see it happening. It’s not entirely outside the realm of possibility. She didn’t contrive a story about rape galas that everyone just kind of went to despite, you know, rape, and then said nothing about for almost four decades.
Just because another story is more ridiculous it doesn’t mean the original ridiculous story suddenly has any believability. Don’t fall for the that tactic.
Plausible, then. Still not credible.
The thing with Fords story is that there is nothing impossible or unbelievable about it and it is entirely possible that she is actually telling the truth as she remembers it.
The key word there is remembers it. Now she might be outright lying and have just cleverly crafted a story for which there could never be any corroborating or conflicting evidence and as such it is both non falsifiable and non provable. However it is also possible that something did happen to her all those years ago but time has jumbled and altered her memories and perceptions such that she has a great many of the facts and details about what happened wrong.
Maybe she was assaulted but it wasn’t by Kavanaugh
Maybe she was a much more willing participant than she remembers
Maybe her memory has significantly embellished what was merely an episode of horseplay on the “attackers” part was much more sexually oriented than she remembers
And so on.
This new accuser is not alleging something which could realistically have happened, she is alleging fanciful urban myths come to life as common every day occurrences and people acting like they are no big deal.
All of which goes to show exactly why we have statutes of limitations.
The thing about Ford’s story is that an incident could have happened that she considered to be fairly innocent horseplay for most of her life. As she was further indoctrinated into the insanity that 3rd wave feminism has become, being a part of academia, she may have honestly had this memory change as her viewpoints on interactions with men in general have changed. Feminism has transformed a lot of interactions between men and women into crimes, that were no big deal in the past. This memory may have changed in her mind over the years as it fermented in a mash of post-modern bullshit that she has very likely bought into.
I think there’s something to that, and would explain why she can’t remember when or where it happened.
Except for the fact that every single one of the other people she names as witnesses don’t support her story at all.
Woman #2 said something in her interview with the New Yorker to the effect that she didn’t realize that what happened to her was an issue until recently, as she’s developed a more progressive consciousness about sexual assault, or something like that. I don’t even remember what the allegation is, but apparently she didn’t know to be a victim until she was approached by people who are woke and experts on the topic, and following lengthy conversations with a legal team.
Whoever was comparing this stuff to the “reclaimed memories” shit from the 80s and 90s is on to something.
We’re venturing into critical legal theory here.
Which is some seriously scary shit.
“The thing about Ford’s story is that an incident could have happened that she considered to be fairly innocent horseplay for most of her life. ”
Or, more plausibly, it’s 100% bullshit.
“The thing with Fords story is that there is nothing impossible or unbelievable about it ”
Again, NO.
Ford is a batshit crazy prog. The story is 100% bullshit. There is zero chance she is telling the truth. Some DNC operatives cooked up some plausible-but-completely-fabricated story. Why the fuck are you trying like hell to give her any benefit of any doubt?
Why the fuck are you trying like hell to give her any benefit of any doubt?
Because sane people have a very hard time grasping the level of insanity required to accuse an innocent man of rape for no other purpose than to stick it to the opposing political party.
I don’t care what any of you say — AVENATTI IS A HERO
I got nuthin’. Parody is dead.
Have we reached peak Poe’s Law?
“she saw him champion Stormy Daniels”
Is that what we’re calling malpractice now?
The daddy issues are strong with this one.
No, that was Long Dong Silver, and “champion” is the wrong verb.
Pulling… out… all… the… stops…
So some Fedjudge in Hawaii is gonna grant it and start Civil War II. Faaaaaaaanfuckintastic.
Seriously. Abortion is THAT important to them that they’d risk some kind of dipshit constitutional crisis. “The adults in the room”, eh?
This isn’t about abortion. It’s proxy violence.
They want to hurt Trump. They aren’t this angry at Kavanaugh; this is the rage that began when Hilary was denied her coronation and has been building every time they think they have finally toppled him (Russia! Detainee Kids! Puerto Rico!) and he has shrugged it off. Kavanaugh is just an avenue.
Worse, it is to prevent the vulnerable Dems in the Senate from having to vote for Kavanaugh.
How humiliating to have to admit that the only way to win a race is to vote for the nominee of a popular President. If Trump was truly as reviled as they like to pretend, they could vote no with no worries.
All the Dem Senators up for reelection from states that voted for Trump know that voting no on Kavanaugh could well mean they lose the race. And the Dems are realistic enough to know that a shit weasel is going to put the welfare of the shit weasel ahead of the party.
If Flake were trying to run for the Senate still, he wouldn’t dare vote against Kavanaugh.
Has there been a nominee in the last 35 years NOT asked about Roe v Wade? It’s the only SC case 80% of the Dem party can even name.
Hey, they sure like that “fire in a crowded theater” doctrine.
Oh you’ve got to be fucking kidding me, he’s falling back on the ol’ “We don’t have all the records from the Bush Administration!” gambit?
Can you file suit over Senate procedures? “Advise and consent” has meant a vote without hearings hundreds of times. Are they really hoping a 4-4 court is going to issue a ruling?
Today is wrinkling my brain.
It’s kind of like receiving a diagnosis of terminal herpes.
“What the fuck did you say?”
You have to confirm the nominee to see what is in him. –Nancy Pelosi
It’s what’s in his accusers that’s at issue here.
“asserting an obstruction of his constitutional duty to advise and consent on nominees”
That’s exactly what the injunction will do.
Merkley is fucking idiot with a room temperature in an igloo IQ. His main purpose in life, besides stealing oxygen, is to make the third senator from NY look better.
“third senator from NY”
Chuck’s moobs get a vote.
So, holding a vote on a nominee is obstructing his ability to advise and consent on a nominee. How the holy fuck does that make any sense?
I would like to believe no federal judge is stupid enough to stick his dick in this blender and try to order the Senate not to vote on something that is clearly within its Constitutional duties.
Wouldn’t the remedy for Merkley be to vote “no” if he doesn’t have enough information?
these clowns would like a crack at it..
Just received an alert mass email from my school about tomorrow’s hearing. It included several, purportedly neutral, “What You Need to Know” articles.
Since you all didn’t receive it, I’ll summarize this crucial info mass emailed to tens of thousands of students:
1) Ford is rape survivor
2) Evil GOP senators are planning to run their own train on Ford and possibly Ramirez at the hearing
3) The above are the only two facts evident
Indoctrination not education.
Wait, how is she a rape survivor. She never alleged anything more than a pretty damn minor sexual assault. Like not even a felony level crime unless you want to try and argue that being locked in a bedroom for 2 minutes counts a kidnapping.
Are you seriously insinuating that a woman has to be actually raped to be considered a rape survivor?
It’s like you don’t even #metoo.
Well ya know I wouldn’t want to invalidate her lived experience or anything, and she has presumably had sex with a man given that she is married to one so that automatically makes her a rape victim right?
I guess I should report to the reeducation camp now
Also I thought one of the main objections was that GOP senators would not be questioning her directly? I mean bringing in an outside sex assault litigator was the rare brilliant move as now the Dems lose out on the ability to selectively edit the video to prove the GOP wants to bring the Handmaids Tale to life.
LOL at #2
Somehow, despite being at UW Madison, I haven’t gotten anything like that.
Either they haven’t bothered, or they know MBA students are likely to be infuriated by it.
I was talking with a friend from DC the other day and told him that this whole thing is a fucking farce and that the Democratic Senators and their supporters are throwing all the rules about due process out the window. My friend argued that since the Senate isn’t a courtroom, due process and the rights that the accused have can be thrown out the window.
I responded that he’s right but if the Senators are throwing these rules out the window for their own committees, how long will it be till they try to impose those lack of boundaries on the ordinary citizen? He gave me a convoluted answer (he graduated with a degree in Poli Sci and works in government) basically blaming the GOP for putting the Dems in the position to do this and that Kavanaugh despite the flimsy evidence needs to be investigated because of the balance of the courts for decades.
I love the guy but he’s an authoritarian who believes that folks are too dumb to have a say in their lives.
“needs to be investigated because”
It’s someone I don’t like.
In other words, if the balance weren’t at stake, he wouldn’t give a shit.
What bothers me is that he’s incredibly partial to the Democrats but believes that he’s a moderate. Like I said, he’s one of my best friends but dude can be blind towards government power and believes that laws are magic.
he’s an authoritarian who believes that folks are too dumb to have a say in their lives
intelligence is no reliable measure of morality or social responsibility.
An exchange I came across on Twitter:
In other words, there is no claim that Kavanaugh was witnessed raping anyone. Avenatti is trying to use guilt by association. It’s dangerous slander.
No, she’sis claiming she saw him rape others and was present when she was raped.
She didn’t claim she saw him rape anyone.
Yes, she did. “I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their “turn” with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh
Read that again, please.
If I see you plan a murder, see you holding the gun in your hand and watch you pull the trigger with the smoke coming out of the gun after it goes off and the dead body on the ground but I happened to blink during the shot that doesn’t’ mean I wasn’t just witness to a murder
I’ve heard it repeated ad nasuem this week that victims don’t report their own abuse.
But what’s her excuse? She’s the only adult at the party, and watches as several violent felonies are committed on several different occasions?
Maybe Avenatti should have re-written that statement a few more times.
Well if Kavanaugh goes down in flames, I’d nominate Avanati.
Let him go scorched earth on the Democrats in order to get that seat. And if the system is going to hell, let’s at least make it entertaining.
Fuck it. Do exactly what the Dems have threatened to do and expand the SCOTUS to 1001 members, packing it with random people off the street. Turn this whole farce on its head and reveal it for the sideshow it is.
Glenn Reynolds had a similar take. The SC has become too fucking important.
Fuck it, just burn it all down!
Like this:
Children’s version:
I’m a bit surprised that hasn’t been purged yet.
@Clarkhat, who wrote that, was banned from Twitter long, long ago. He has an alter-ego, which I am not at liberty to share, but is one of the founders of #helicopter Twitter (i.e., Pinochet’s method of dealing with commies).
Twenty years ago I was a libertarian. . .The older I get, the more I see, the more I read, the more clear it becomes to me that the entire game is rigged.
I like most of what they post, but this part confuses me, and what does it even mean? Why wouldn’t he still be a libertarian if he sees the games is fixed?
Because he has moved to full blown anarchist presumably
I’d just nominate Kavanaugh again.
So the committee Dems have written a letter to Trump demanding that he withdraw the nomination or direct the FBI to investigate Kavanaugh some more.
Withdraw OR direct. Now, why would that be an “or” rather than an “and”?
Withdraw and direct: sounds like what Kavanaugh does with his rape victims.
Nothing says “this isn’t a political shakedown” like demanding no criminal charges for criminal allegations.
If he withdraws, there’s no need for an investigation.
Except for his impeachment and removal from his current position. The Dems are going to do that, right? They are all on record now that they believe he is a rapist, so how can they not try to remove him from the federal bench?
Grassley needs to ask them when they want to schedule hearings on his removal from either SCOTUS, if appointed, or his current position.
Pursue these allegations to their logical conclusion just like with Roy Moore! Oh wait…
If he withdraws, there’s no need for an investigation.
There might be no need for an investigation, but he might just decide to launch one anyway. I’d imagine having a grand jury meet with Ms. Ford, Sen. Feinstein, et. al. and subpoena any documents they have on the subject might be revealing.
I’m all for this.
Hoist them by their own petard.
PizzaPartyGate. Or Pizzagate 2.0?
Darwinism in action.
What, no Cialis?
What? You want The Hair to look like Don King?
Actually, yes.
Too bad for you losers I’ll be here!
Compare your lives to mine and then kill yourselves!
* laughs ’til he cries * right…..if I survive this weekend in Athens
rapid dealership ad disclaimer voice: “YMMV: Models pictured may not be available. Tag and title not included. You may have other rights according to state law.”
SEC girls are definitely top shelf.
Kappa Alpha Theta, Alpha Chi Omega and Phi Beta Gamma were the hottest ones at U of A. Can’t speak to the rest of the PAC-10, but there was never a shortage so no reason to go looking.
Sorry, not Phi Beta Gamma; Gamma Phi Beta.
Did someone leave the door open? Is that how Missouri got in?
NCAAFB could fix the power conference kerfuffle with socceresque relegation: every conference would have nine teams, each required to play all the other teams every year; worst team is annually relegated to OVC or the MAC or wherever.
Of course, that would have meant my having to watch the Vols be crushed by Houston or UCF for the past decade.
I have a spreadsheet for that.
Mine throws away the current conferences and has 4 9-team leagues at each level. The 4 league champions make the playoffs. After relegation/promotion each year, adjustments are made to minimize travel, so the leagues are geographically balanced.
If you want to schedule your rival every year, go right ahead, they will either be a league game or not, but you have 4 OOC games to work with. For the others, you can schedule for money or for quality games. Or both.
I completely respect this.
Mixing our approaches (after week04), UCF is in and Ole Miss is out, which, I suppose, is equitable.
Playoffs don’t do much for me, but you’re firmly in the majority there; one championship game is more than enough for me.
I’d rather lose to Alabama every year than be in any other conference, of course.
That’s the only thing I don’t have a spreadsheet for, somehow. This works for me.
Postscript from the NYT:
*faints in shock and disbelief*
Eh, they are reporting the fact that he was accused by this woman, which is news.
I don’t buy it. Just reporting that someone accused somebody of something (even if that somebody is a public figure) with absolutely no corroboration and logical holes you could drive a truck through is not journalism.
I’d have to read the article, but generally speaking, publishing defamatory statements by someone else puts you on the hook for defamation as well.
I believe Rolling Stone ran into a spot of trouble reporting on a fatuous rape hoax.
Trump should withdraw Kavanaugh and nominate Bill Cosby.
“You want a rapist? I’ll *give* you a rapist!”
Oh no, H&H Stories broke SugarFree.
I thought it was impossible, yet here we are.
Alternatively, he became Doctor Manhattan and now sees not only all of time at once, but all the multiverses as well.
The Red Sox are just whaling on the Orioles. Like a practice against a high school team.
I think a high school team could beat the Orioles at this point.
What the hell is going on? I stop watching the news for half a day and Kavenaugh is suddenly the leader of a cannibal-rape gang?
I cant understand why the minority party and the accusers get to set all of the conditions and have their demands met. What the fuck is going on here?
I knew the pinkos were going to piss and whine about Trump cutting their nuts but geeez, this is ridiculous.
Just call the goddamned vote already. And someone please beat the shit out of Jeff Flake.
Yeah, but can he prove he wasn’t part of a serial rape gang Suthen?
Check and mate!
Seriously though, this is fucked and Avanetti should be disbarred over this shit. Should but won’t.
This story has careened off the rails so violently that it makes the Clarence Thomas proceedings look positively dull in comparison. I’ve just now read some speculations that Ford may have actually been in the DC area the entire time that she’s been declining to appear before committee due to her fear of air travel. What a fucking circus.
I’m beginning to miss the days when “Is that a pubic hair on my coke?” was fainting couch worthy.
I was in a meeting where an old Japanese guy (worth a couple hundred million because he sold his semiconductor company to HP/Agilent) held up a red hair he found on the table and announced in a loud, thick Japanese accent “AH THIS MUST BE ONE OF CHERYL PUBIC HAIR”
Cheryl being the only woman in a room of about 20 engineers.
Fortunately, she was engaged to one of the VPs at the time and really didn’t give a shit because we were all terrified of her new power.
I worked with a printer a long time ago who used “blonde cunt hair”, “red cunt hair”, and “black cunt hair” to describe fine measurement in lining up of the image on the paper.
Ah yes, the old regulation RCH increment of measurement. I’ve heard that one more than a few times.
If she’s not there now, she’s not appearing tomorrow morning.
I do find it odd that she has made absolutely zero public appearances for interviews or to make a statement or anything since this broke. Makes me think she comes off as a nutter, so the PR machine has kept her under wraps. If so, then the remaining issues being “negotiated” on her appearance are there solely so they can justify her refusal to appear. Grassley has set this up well on that front – they have been more than accommodating, and its hard to say that someone accusing a sitting federal judge of a violent felony is acting reasonably when they refuse to testify based on who questions her, where the cameras are, and what press is in the room.
They better have a shitload of security around that building tomorrow. This is going to be a carnival of idiocy.
“going to be”?????
We already so the hysterical middle-aged women erupting in the hearing. Would it really be a surprise if somebody brings a weapon or bomb? These people have gone totally unhinged.
Sad trombone time. A bunch of questionable shit about Doctor Ford:
-Her lawyers definitively refused to release her medical records (ie, the therapist notes) to the committee
-They did release her polygraph results, which revealed that Doctor “I don’t like to fly” took her polygraph on August 7th in….Maryland.
-The polygraph consisted of two questions, which were, I’m not shitting you: a)Is any part of your statement false? b)Did you make up any part of your statement?
-Also released was a letter she wrote for the polygrapher, which said that there were “four boys and a couple of girls” at the party, which is not what she wrote in her letter to Feinstein, “me and four others”.
Every time i think this can’t get more absurd . . . .
a)Is any part of your statement false? b)Did you make up any part of your statement?
I wonder what statement they were questioning her about?
If she didn’t fly to Maryland, then she made a six-day cross-country round trip for . . . a polygraph test? If not, what else was she doing in the DC area during that time?
Meeting with FFFFFeinstein.
I like that “I am currently vacationing in the mid-Atlantic and am available to discuss”. Why say “mid-Atlantic”, when she could have said “Baltimore” (the polygraph was in a Baltimore ‘burb), an easy drive to DC?
Maybe she was on a boat 100 miles off the coast? That would literally be the mid-Atlantic.
Because we absolutely cannot get specific about anything anymore. The lawyers will pounce.
*This message might have been posted sometime between noon and five PM CDT*
At this point I’m surprised the letter wasn’t printed on Feinstein’s stationery.