The Awesome Adventures of Secret Nazi President!!!11!!1!!! Vol 34: Climate strange; Civil War
About The Author

BakedPenguin is a graduate of some school or another, smells like a homeless person, and has the friendly demeanor of a rabid wolverine.
The swastikas for eyes. ❤️❤️❤️
You’re just noticing those? But, yeah, totally.
Also note the hand sign — he’s proud of that one.
Bowl cut next?
Damn, but those are ugly. I can’t believe people pay money for them. When I was growing up they were associated with poor hillbillies resorting to home haircuts through either economic necessity or distance to barber, and literally using a mixing bowl as a cutting guide.
Guilty on all counts.
We weren’t poor, but I guess the old habits die hard.
But mom did combine mine with a marvelous butterfly collar print shirt and corduroy sports jacket all in various shades of yellow and brown.
So, she wanted to be sure you stayed single? Or was this the seventies when sanity took a vacation?
Green shag carpet, sailboat print wallpaper, orange chair rails and molding, dark brown blinds
It was a glorious time to be alive.
My eyes bleed just thinking about it.
Well, if you didn’t have plaid pants to go along with that I am truly sorry.
Corduroy Toughskins™
Corduroy… all the way down to my Hush Puppies
So everyone could hear you walking a block away?
Hush Puppies
made in Murica!
When all the cool kids were wearing Nikes at school I’d have those too. The cool kids(not necessarily affluent) called any cheap shoes “cookies”
Yeah well, but I had powers similar to this guy.
I caught part of the Brady House renovation on HGTV.
Ho. Lee. Crap. That was an unfortunate time.
Wait. That happened? On HGTV? AND I MISSED IT?!
It turned out incredibly accurate to the sound stages used in the show, and incredibly ugly.
Mine was all of that, and… REVERSIBLE!
Ok, truthfully, the reversible suit was red, with blue, but in a plaid pattern, and I can’t remember what it was when reversed, but it was some awful solid. Homemade, sewn on mom’s own Singer. Corduroy pants have got to be the worst idea ever. And now my middle daughter (23) is talking about how the 70s were cool, and her generation is romanticizing the 70s fashion. [shudders] God, No. It was awful. Truly awful. AND I KNEW IT AT THE TIME.
I remember being a kid when Saturday Night Fever came out and watching “adults'” and older teens’ positive reaction to it and thinking to myself, “Are you fucking kidding me??” That was the stupidest thing my 8 year-old self had ever seen or heard of.
Bowl cut
Somebody a Raiders fan?
He was doing it before it was
coolracist.These just just get better and better.
“black heart” RACIST!!!11
Eviliciousness is a word I intend to work into my vocabulary.
It’s my new favorite word.
The combination of shrimp boots and shower-shoes on the young draftees is simultaneously quite expected and quite sad.
I managed to avoid AFRICOM deployments, thankfully. Too heartbreaking.
If Trump goes, we don’t have to worry about a President Pence because we’ll just impeach him too. Hello President Pelosi!
Yeah, shit, you just impeach everyone down the line until you get to the one you want. That’s how elections work, right?
‘We have to undermine our democracy to save it.’
Do they really not understand how dangerous it is to throw away the principle of peaceful transition of power based on election results?
They’ve really lost their fucking minds.
Power. SF’s stories aren’t as far out as they seem. They’re going to get it, costs and collateral damage be damned
Yeah, they seem perfectly willing to destroy the country in pursuit of personal power. You can’t tell me they’re not evil.
What politician isn’t? No lower form of life on earth.
They just consider any election where they lose to be illegitimate.
When truth is wholly subjective, all that is left is power.
“She came forward. She sat here. She told her truth,”
“That’s nice, but isn’t the real question whether she told the truth?”
I love panel 11.
But you are getting panels 4 and 5
I’m thinking Level 10 Librarian.
This is perhaps the best one yet. So much snarky goodness, but I particularly liked the “support climate transition bit.”
Agreed, although it didn’t make me LOL as hard as the “Our Gang” photo……that had my coworkers looking in my direction quizzically.
This is more bitingly impactful. Dark humor writ large.
“Murdernomics and Dietheon” was particularly awesome 😀
Hey, I think I own some shares in General Murderrnomics!
I think they were recently spun off from GE.
Our first CEO addressed the troops with an anecdote about him getting into a screaming match with the CEO of GE. I thought “I”m pretty sure that’s bullshit, because the CEO of GE could have you whacked.”
Hey I used to work for General Murdernamics! I installed uparmor kits on their (DEATH)Stryker vehicles!
I was in a restaurant when I saw the Our Gang photo. I got looks. That was brilliant.
Right there with you.
Good stuff, BP.
You’re slapping your thumbs?
Fun Fact – One Mardi Gras, I dyed my hair that same color blue and braided in lots of blue and green metallic Mardi Gras beads to affect ersatz dreadlocks . I looked like Predator, but fancy and shiny.
So you’re admitting to being one ugly motherfucker?
Get a haircut, ya hippie!!!
/Shakes cane
I just always assumed you were bald.
John Hollis was awesome. Being a computer literate skinhead in the 1980s, it seemed a natural handle so I’ve been using it since the dial-up BBS days with my C64.
OMG such cultural appropriation I can’t even.
Sorry to go OT. However, while I realize there are bigger fish to fry, but sometimes it’s the little indignities imposed by the statists that can be the most frustrating.
Ducks and geese see the worker coming to put the feeding tube in and flock to be fed.
I seriously doubt they regard it as in any way cruel.
I know. I’ve pretty much heard the same thing. Of course, we can’t let reality interfere with our noble leaders’ quest to ensure that every pleasantry in the world is snuffed out.
What else does immorality mean other than “improper enjoyment?”
The place where my wife and I got married and had our reception is this historic inn (the Elkridge Furnace Inn) and restaurant that wound up being the cheapest all-inclusive deal we could find. They specialize in classical French cooking, and they’re unbelievable although pricey. I remember checking out their website at the time and there was a little announcement to the effect of, nicely, “We’re not taking foie gras off the menu just because a bunch of poor vegetarians who won’t eat here anyway don’t like it. Fuck off.”
if you would know yourself, know thy clientele !
“We appreciate your concern” might be one of the best phrases in PR ever.
I wish more companies did.
It would reduce the kowtowing to internet screechers.
Most of my career I’ve coached colleagues to never send an internal email that doesn’t start with the client name; we don’t do anything that builds value for us unless we are building value for them.
Peterbilt: compressor mounting drawing for NAFTA ISX-15 attached
DuPont: torque spec needed for 30mm cap on cone-tope liter isocyanate cans
If you get an email from me there’s a good chance you don’t need to read more than the subject line.
If you get an email from me there’s a good chance you don’t need to read more than the subject line.
Can I work with you? I send emails with this subject template:
“[Matter status] Matter No. – Short description of reason for email”
I get an unintelligible mess of subjects from others.
That’s a good, proper response. I won’t eat octopus for moral reasons but I’m not going to force others to do the same.
I won’t eat octopus for moral reasons
This is a first for me. Why not?
I think they are too intelligent to be a foodstuff. I feel the same way about cetaceans. Honestly? I don’t know. If I followed my heart, I would be vegetarian (tried it, in the Army no less) but I do like meats and understand the food chain and I’m pretty sure many food animals process vegetables far more efficiently than does man. So, I guess I mean that in my coming up on 50 years of life, I’ve gotten a lot of my moral code worked out (I’m still learning/growing) but I would never presume to force it upon others.
I can relate. We have laying hens and a couple of roosters. They’re as dumb as dirt but I can’t bring myself to consume any of them after they’re unproductive.
I’m sure if I was hungry enough it would be a different story.
^This.^ One of the most repugnant things I can think of is eating my dog, yet ordinary people are driven to do just that when circumstances dictate. God willing I am never that hungry.
The most expensive eggs I’ve ever bought were when we had back yard chickens.
I have no problems eating cow – they are dumb as rocks. Pigs are getting up near dog territory in terms of smartness, I have a qualm or too, but a heaping bowl of pulled pork usually quells any of those thoughts.
two, too, to, 2 , tutu
I agree about octopus. I try not to think about pigs.
You are doing yourself a favor with the chickens. Spring chicken is a thing. After they are a couple of years old they are far too tough to be edible. by the time they stop laying their meat is put to better use as shoe soles.
I seem to recall that coq au vin was a recipie specifically developed to deal with tough chickens and make them edible.
I’m sure the chickens would have no qualms about eating me if someone were to chop me up into cracked corn sizes. But, I can’t help wonder what’s going on in their little pea brain when they tilt their head and look at me. Also, I get a kick out of the main rooster(the other 2 are bantams and don’t demand respect) taking care of the rest of them. It’s therapeutic watching them clucking away minding their own business.
I blame Looney Toons and Mel Blanc
When my Russian In-laws were visiting they swore if I took one it would be the best chicken I ever had.
No thanks.
It’s a typo, he meant to say Octomom.
I figure it’s because he worships Cthulhu.
I was trying to find the picture of Opisthoteuthis adorabilis and say he found them to darn cute, but I couldn’t find the best one that I remembered.
It’s just one small turn of the ratchet. The watermelons have figured out how to use the levers of power to prohibit the plebs from eating unapproved food. In ten or 20 years it will be the same thing over sirloin.
They may work against themselves. If they get their way in other areas people will start eating whatever is available, approved or not.
A relative of mine once gleefully proclaimed, “In 50 years or so, we’ll all be vegetarians because meat just isn’t sustainable”.
They see all of us as a bunch of dumb lemmings who need to be prodded into making the “correct” decisions.
And fuck the pseudoscience that says that meat isn’t sustainable. The planet produces enough food to feed the whole world many times over.
The emasculation of Once-great Britain continues apace:
Disgusting, a proper British beating begins with room temperature beer. In the summertime several gin and tonics are also acceptable.
Indeed, they are known as Lager Louts for a reason.
Campbell’s lawyer said he should not be jailed because ‘he feels rehabilitated already’. Meanwhile Smith’s lawyer said he ‘absolutely regrets the decisions that were taken and what unfolded.’
They are really, really sorry. Lets get them a present
I’m going to try that one.
Imprisonment, Chesterton believed, must be thought of as a specific punishment for a specific crime. If imprisonment were thought of as therapeutic, he reasoned, convicts would be kept in jail until some “expert” decided they had “recovered” (had been rehabilitated).
GK Chesterton had these people pegged 120 years ago.
I’ve spent the day drinking Amaretto before. Well, Amaretto sours. I didn’t want to fight anyone but I did have both a tummy-ache and a head-ache.
And because your pancreas had shut down?
Well, those are the nobs anyway, they’ve always been poofs.
Wither Raffles?
Judge: I will spare you jail time as the humiliation and torture you will face as a result of becoming belligerently drunk off of a drink meant for menopausal women and eunuchs is a fate worse than death. Enjoy being a virgin throughout college and being known as “that pussy who can’t hold his Amaretto”.
Jesus Christ, the article says they mixed amaretto with coca cola. These kids are irredeemable pussies
Pretty soon BP will have material for an entire book.
I’ll kick in $100 toward publication costs, if I get a free autographed copy.
Publication costs?
What is this, the vanity press era?
Did it end already?
Maybe we can just go straight to “predatory journal costs”.
Well, print on demand services mean the overhead has vanished. Each print unit gets covered by the price payed by the customer.
Unless you’re advocating BP pay some of us Glibs for our expertise in getting the files ready for market.
Vanity press was a bad business model and the operators were often shady af. Print on demand is where it’s at. A number of years ago a then-boyfriend had a photo album printed and bound for me as a birthday present. Finished product was like a HS yearbook in terms of printing, cover, etc. There are companies in China that do this.
Lulu FTW.
He’s right, you know.
That’s hilarious
More dangerous letting them vote.
He’s having trouble holding it together.
particularity with “I’ll put a load on your back.”
“Unfortunately science is only splendid when it is science. When science becomes religion it becomes superstition”
If a man becomes a woman simply because he says so and that’s just “science” and definitely not religion then how is transubstantiation not “scientific”?
*hisses, points finger*
‘Because our malleable definition of science will never be used in support of Christfags and their skydaddy!’
/insufferable internet atheist
It’s not even a question of what religion will or won’t be promoted by the state (since transgenderism is very much a religious belief that requires a leap of faith). It’s about logical fallacies being promoted as “science”. Which cheapens science and makes it clear that elites are intent on religious jihad.
Yet, we are suppose to pretend as if the man who wants to believe what he believes without the state imposing its will is the “culture warrior” when its just the opposite.
It’s very Stalinist for the state to insist that you deny reality in service to ideology
“The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it”
Whut? You are denying my truth and that hurts my feelings.
I agree. Nothing made me more angry over at TOS than Doherty’s article insisting cultural Marxism is just a right-wing boogey man.
Like you said “denying reality in service to ideology” not unintentional; it’s a requirement by those who seek to reshape society to their own ends.
That’s because they had already succumbed to it.
Yeah, TOS articles about how not only should X be allowed, but MUST BE CELEBRATED! made me very glad that this place sprung up.
Fully armed, from the brow of Zeus!
Pallid and busty
Long gone are the days of “live and let live” among Vichy libertarians who are greater culture warriors than Pat Robertson
Vichy libertarians
This is a turn of phrase I see growing in popularity lately. Is it really right? I’d almost suggest that Vichy is too kind to them. Maybe “kapo libertarians”?
I think Vichy is perfect – opportunists cooperating with their oppressors to maintain their social standing.
Vichy France thought they would be left alone once they ceded half the country to Germany and supported them or abstained to oppose them during the war.
In the end, Germany took their rump state too near the end of the war. A well deserved fate
If by “cultural Marxism”, one means a shadowy cabal of academics, celebrities, and journalists bent on world domination who gather together at Bohemian Grove to engage in depraved pedophilic orgies in worship of George Soros, you’re a fucking lunatic.
If by “cultural Marxism”, one means that postmodernist philosophy holds a certain currency in the social sciences and literary criticism, then ‘No shit, Sherlock. What do you plan to do about it?’
Yeah, literally no one has ever used the first definition outside of Alex Jones. But, you kicked the shit out of that strawman. Well done
For reference, TOS attacked Ron Paul for even using the term “cultural Marxism”. The nonsense that you made up that supposedly is what people mean by “cultural Marxism” is divorced from reality and has no relation to the argument being made by Doherty.
Paul was criticized for not accepting the new religion. And frankly this is all it’s about.
Have you been in a bad mood lately? You’re taking things way too seriously.
As I asked in the 2nd part. What do you plan to do about it?
Yes and I appreciate you not responding with the same vitriol and condescension. I have been very testy lately for personal reasons.
I still disagree with the framing, but I should stop now.
Doherty always avoids addressing the elephant in the room.
Not a single one of the “cultural Marxists”, that don’t exist in his book, accepts individualism, or even capitalism, as a counterargument or response to collective mistreatment of minorities or outgroups in the past.
Every single one of them trades in and promotes collectivism and socialism. They’s just trading one collectivist solution for another. He’s ignoring his own purported principles by treating them as well-intentioned or even acceptable arguments.
What do you plan to do about it?
How does one fight any intellectual battle. I’d suggest the first part is to start calling people to task for getting things wrong. That’s what people here are doing with regards to Doherty and TOS. People arguing to sharpen their points is perfectly legitimate in that regard, isn’t it?
^what Scruffy said^
It’s the same old TOS canard of right=stupid/bad, left=well intentioned but misguided.
No worries. It’s cool.
I don’t disagree at all of the existence of the 2nd definition. It is unfortunate that a dispassionate discussion about this phenomenon is prevented due to the high signal to noise ratio created by bullshit like this:
My question “what do plan to do about it” points at the fact that we tend to answer that question by steering young people away from the humanities and social science into STEM, which is seen as a more ideologically “pure” and profitable pursuit. And how’s that working out for us? If culture matters, if ideas matter, how can we win the war if we vacate the battlefield? What is needed is more libertarians and conservatives to enter into academia in disciplines like philosophy, literary criticism, sociology, etc. to present their views and challenge the hegemony of postmodern, Progressive ideology. In addition to places like Liberty University, there are plenty of small, struggling sectarian liberal arts colleges and seminaries that would be thrilled to have a new crop of students who eventually would be looking to enter into higher education. Again, plenty of people talk about cultural Marxism, but very few critics do anything about it, at least yet. Perhaps Generation Z will be the ones to make this choice.
“Again, plenty of people talk about cultural Marxism, but very few critics do anything about it, at least yet. Perhaps Generation Z will be the ones to make this choice.”
I agree, but I think one must acknowledge that the game is fairly rigged at this point. The institutions pushing the critical theory narrative aren’t exactly willing to engage in honest debate (or even non-violent confrontation) these days.
There’s no doubt that a false dichotomy is almost always presented.
re: What to do about it. I have to fetch the kids from school but I think Mencius Moldbug may have been a great start with his idea of reading older works.
Also re: the image. It’s hilarious that a mouth-breathing racist would cite the Magna Carta as a hallmark of HU-ITE POWER! in that it enshrines freedom of movement and free trade in Article 42:
I have a lot of SoCons in my orbit because of my upbringing and I think they understand this better than “us”. For example: Liberty University. Not endorsing it, just pointing out other worldviews…whatever you want to call them do see this as necessary.
“I have a lot of SoCons in my orbit because of my upbringing and I think they understand this better than “us”.”
There are a lot of people who also refuse to send their kids to public schools because of indoctrination at those schools. You don’t need to be socially conservative to recognize that public schooling is propaganda first and education second.
There are a lot of people who also refuse to send their kids to
publicgovernment schools because of indoctrination at those schools.We have homeschooled our kids from the beginning and more reasons to continue to have piled up. This being one of them.
“We have homeschooled our kids from the beginning and more reasons to continue to have piled up.”
You even need to police cartoons nowadays. I saw one where the show was telling viewers that you should always obey laws otherwise police are there to enforce them for your own good.
As an example was if there was a law banning you from swimming upside down while being purple.
Instead children should be taught such a law is immoral and you are under no obligation to abide by such a law. Nowadays it seems that you either get authoritarian porn from one side or wacky religious beliefs from the other side.
Uh….I am probably an idiot but….Heroic, that image you posted, what does it mean? I just looks like nonsense. I don’t get it.
Re: that picture as well, this is the second time I’ve seen some crazy racist shit where babies or kids are involved. I mean, I get racism against adults. It’s lazy, stupid, and wrong, but so is a lot of the mental baggage we enter adulthood with thanks to a whole host of inputs. But kids…I mean, what kind of a person could look at a baby and say hateful shit and mean it? Or worse? It freaks me out. It’s hard for me to think about it in the abstract or without having a totally visceral reaction.
“But kids…I mean, what kind of a person could look at a baby and say hateful shit and mean it? Or worse? It freaks me out.”
WaPo, NYT, CNN, MSNBC, National Review, etc.
But, it’s a conspiracy to allege coordination between these outlets (even though that has been proven on multiple occasions including journolist and the Clinton e-mails)
The Covington thing reminds me of the Duke lacrosse scandal. Here are not just allegedly grown-ass adults but organizations that wield tremendous power and influence and that have damn-near inexhaustible resources trying to destroy the lives of young people through rumor, innuendo, and outright lies for…what? A chance to flaunt their moral superiority for a few minutes? How the hell can you complain about privilege and power imbalance and then cheer on virtually the entire national news media attacking a few teenagers for being unlucky enough to make eye contact with a crazy shyster and not play along?
Covington permanently changed my opinions of the news media in general. I no longer assume their lack of malice. It’s a litmus test of sorts.
Some were saying people are too well off to engage in violence over anything going on now, but I think this Covington Kid sort of crap IMO is fuels the kind of ire that causes people to act against their own cushy self
interests. I’m actually surprised that kid’s parents haven’t been in the news.
There’s a good C.S. Lewis quote about how someone reacts to finding out that some bad thing a person is accused of turns out not to be true. The short version is, if you’re disappointed, you need to do some serious soul-searching and self-analysis, because the kind of people who want others to be evil are likely not so good themselves.
“Covington permanently changed my opinions of the news media in general.”
Covington, Kavanaugh, Russia Fever Dreams…
There are multiple examples of coordination and dishonesty being pushed by corporate journalists. I think that proves more than what someone once posted on 4chan.
If by “cultural Marxism”, one means a shadowy cabal of academics, celebrities, and journalists bent on world domination who gather together at Bohemian Grove to engage in depraved pedophilic orgies in worship of George Soros, you’re a fucking lunatic.
Needz moar cheese pizza.
My current definition of cultural Marxism is that it is the current strain that dominates the press, academia, the administrative state, and some businesses. It evolved from classical class-based Marxism which focussed largely on tearing down economic institutions into one based on identity politics focussed largely on tearing down cultural norms and institutions. See, also, crypto-Marxism and social justice.
It evolved from classical class-based Marxism which focussed largely on tearing down economic institutions into one based on identity politics focussed largely on tearing down cultural norms and institutions.
As with everything else socialist, the Germans beat us to the punch by 80 years on this one.
From the artice:
“Summing up what the Frankfurt School’s clotted and confusing thinkers actually wrote or believed is beyond the capacity of a short essay (or even a long one). Luckily, it is also beside the point for understanding the conspiracy theory of cultural Marxism. Basically, these philosophers believed that knowledge and rationality do not necessarily stand outside history and culture, since everything we know arises from socially embedded perspectives.
This view indeed left all sorts of institutions and mores up for criticism, but that needn’t be inherently a threat to Western liberty. As the popular Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy sums it up, “the task of critical social theory is to evaluate the degree of rationality of any system of social domination in accordance to standards of justice.” This isn’t in itself an unlibertarian idea, though its practitioners didn’t take it to libertarian conclusions.”
I DO think critical theory is antithetical to western liberty, observing the proponents of critical theory I fail to see how one does not come to that conclusion.
Name a “critical theorist” that supports individualism or capitalism.
And increasingly one who does not think violence can be justified if it brings about desired outcomes
Critical theory is, by definition, Marxist.
I think the link to my definition is insistence of social justice warriors and progressives that reality is subjective.
evaluate the degree of rationality of any system of social domination in accordance to standards of justice.
The SJW/proggy “standards of justice” are collectivized and include blood guilt, which is a standard, I guess. It certainly helps explain why they are anti-libertarian.
a shadowy cabal of academics, celebrities, and journalists bent on world domination who gather together at Bohemian Grove to engage in depraved pedophilic orgies in worship of George Soros,
To be fair, journolist, among other examples, shows the active organization aspect. On the other hand, the smart play has been to go with the terror cell model, loosely affiliated groups with different objectives.
There are email lists and then there is crazy shit like this.
There are a lot of white nationalists who oppose our foreign intervention too. Does it make sense to stop promoting opposition to foreign intervention because some white nationalists seem to also oppose that?
I feel like that is what is done anytime someone mentions “cultural Marxism” which you know is not an invented term and most definitely existed. The existence of The Frankfurt School and Grimaci is not a conspiracy, but should people not address that now because white nationalist might have also complained about the same thing?
Did I imply that? No. As I said above, the blathering of teenagers on 4Chan does make it more difficult to address it however.
I didn’t mean to imply what you said. I’m sorry if it seemed as if I was implying that.
Thank you, again
There are email lists and then there is crazy shit like this.
(((Jews))) have been disproportionately represented in the intelligentsia for quite a while. As a result they are disproportionately represented in movements among the intelligentsia. This includes every bad movement. It also includes the sciences and mathematics.
The fact that anti semites raise these accusations to attack the (((Jews)) does not mean that the movements should not be attacked.
a shadowy cabal of academics, celebrities, and journalists
You mean like the Fabians?
“It’s very Stalinist for the state to insist that you deny reality in service to ideology”
Absolutely. When power is an end in itself truth is of no consequence.
Post-modernism is essential for Lysenkoism.
From this article.
And now, Philadelphia’s version of Amsterdam.
The same city that steals your property over drugs.
You mean they don’t just firebomb it?
Judge – “I cannot conclude that Safehouse has, as a significant purpose, the objective of facilitating drug use,”
City – At the proposed safe site in the Kensington neighborhood, which has become a hub of heroin use, users would be permitted to bring their own drugs purchased on the street and inject or smoke them under medical supervision. “Typically, a site is stocked with naloxone, the antidote to overdoses of illegal fentanyl, and heroin, as well as oxygen, which helps revive overdose victims,” according to the Washington Post. “Some sites also provide clean syringes, matches for cooking heroin, elastic strips to tie off veins, water to dilute drugs and other provisions.”
Swiss – wut? *wanders off*
“I cannot conclude that”
Not for reasons of logic, but for reasons of policy, Judge is not permitted to conclude that.
New Hamsterdam
See, not all the animals are dead you stupid capitalist!!!
After a thorough investigation, it was agreed to put the guards on an NGO caravan to the U.S. border.
Bernanke and Krugmann on Brookings via C-SPAN3
My computer’s derp rating can’t handle that so I won’t be watching.
all are safe: ’tis over
Hark! Do I hear Winston’s Mom clearing her throat?
Google’s ad network really needs recalibrating, as I get this shit.
Click the @#$% out if it… and have them charge the responsible party for all the clicks.
My well-deserved chastisement in the last thread makes me wonder if anyone would be interested in an article concerning my crisis of faith. It’s very personal, very religious, and will gore oxen sacred to some Glibs.
It’s up to you.
This crowd… well, you know how we behave by now.
It sounds like we would be very interested.
I would be, anyway.
“well-deserved” – Assumes facts not in evidence.
I’d be very interested, viewing from the perspective of an agnostic who values her traditional religious upbringing.
Eh, he’s not wrong.
Fuck that!
I didn’t think trshmstr was chastising you. I thought his criticism was targeted toward prosperity gospel types. Sounds like a good topic nonetheless
Oh, not Trashy!!!!
Although it could be argued that trivializing reproduction is a sin. I’m pretty sure this is is a common expletive by now.
Cunte…on the other hand seems to be the new thing.
Next time try “GOOOOLLLY”
At the time, “cunte” was not a bad word or even vulgar, so far as my research has indicated. I could be wrong on the vulgar part.
Oh, not Trashy!!!!
*removes katana from abdomen*
I’m glad it wasn’t me.
*bleeds out*
Did he follow up with
“Rather than coercing cuss words out of Glibertarians, wouldn’t it be better if they donated them voluntarily in light of life’s inconveniences?”
/Sorry DNT, Imma keep mocking your shtick
shtick it up, shtick it up, ooh yeah it’s only right now
shtick it up, shtick it up, ooh yeah
shtick it up, shtick it up, ooh yeah, come on, come on
shtick it up, shtick it up, ooh uh
Gooollly, ya’ll are crude
I mean, its like those websites don’t even listen to Conference or read the Ensign. Though that comment seems straight-up well to do Utah ward passive aggressive.
To each their own, Mojeaux. I look forward to the article.
That, and it also hearkens back to our conversation the other night wherein I asserted that the Silent Generation and older Boomers are very narrow-sighted and propriety oriented without regard to and the detriment of a person’s soul.
Example: One day in GD, old dude tells a story about a young man passing the sacrament who did not cut his hair and did not iron his shirt after being told several times. So he was barred from passing the sacrament. Kid left the church and fell on hard times. “And that’s what he gets for not obeying the Word of God!” Fortunately, I was hardly the only one who went, “Yeah, that’s not exactly the right takeaway there, pal.”
Last RS, this was also the bent amongst the blue-haired set. Again, fortunately, there were enough of us to go, “Oh, no. Church is a hospital for sinners. Shut up about the clothes and focus on their spiritual and temporal needs.”
“Oh, no. Church is a hospital for sinners. Shut up about the clothes and focus on their spiritual and temporal needs.”
Yes. To the extent that the patient wants to be healed. Which is the part of the equation that I see a lot of Christian churches abandoning now, because to teach morals (which is to assign good actions and bad actions) is inherently not ‘welcoming’.
Which is the part of the equation that I see a lot of Christian churches abandoning now
I see two extremes. There’s the “anything goes as long as we can count you as somebody we saved this week” type and the “jeans? On a woman? There has to be a verse against that!” type.
I’m trying to find the best way to sum up my dislike of parts of the modern church, but I’m having a hard time distilling it down. Generally, focusing on emotion over study has been a huge detriment over the past few generations.
“I’m trying to find the best way to sum up my dislike of parts of the modern church, but I’m having a hard time distilling it down.”
I really would like to hear your thoughts on that.
From the Catholic church I can think of two anecdotal examples that highlight both of these extremes. The first was when John Paul II publicly chastised George W. Bush for starting the Iraq War when he visited the Vatican. I remember a lot of churchgoing Catholics upset that the Pope politicized the event. But, that is what John Paul II did. He actually criticized world leaders and he likely was almost assassinated for chastising the Soviet Union. I still don’t understand conservatives who can praise John Paul II for criticizing the Soviet Union, but think that criticizing Bush was too “political”.
And the other example from the other side has been a lot of ‘Catholic’ institutions basically ignoring any teaching that is not popular within the wider culture. Father Martin is the one most associated with this practice. A lot of things that are popular within the culture are explicitly deemed “sinful” within the catechism, yet I know people who insist that they can be good Catholics while ignoring the catechism, when literally the opposite is true. If you disagree with the specific teachings in the catechism then you are, by definition, not Catholic.
Both sides think that all sinners should be welcomed, but none of them seem to believe that the sinner needs to change his ways in order to be saved. Thus, none of them are preaching Christianity, but are instead preaching some form of materialistic self therapy.
I’m trying to find the best way to sum up my dislike of parts of the modern church, but I’m having a hard time distilling it down. Generally, focusing on emotion over study has been a huge detriment over the past few generations.
I think you mean Eons. This is nothing new. It sometimes seems like the ancients were brilliant and wise, but that is just because the writings of the wise are more likely to survive. Aquinas and Aristotle were extreme ouliers in their own time as well. Look at the various crusades against heresy.
I think you mean Eons.
This is fair. However, limiting ourselves to post-Gutenberg press times, I’d be hard pressed to find a time when the lay masses were less connected to the thought leaders of Christianity.
Very true. I think, at least I’m hopeful, we’re moving away from that. I’m typically the only one in my ward without a white shirt, but no one has ever said anything to me, despite being in YM for many years. Again, I think this is much less ingrained in younger generations and in wards that are not so established and insular.
My last ward (stake?) had a prohibition against facial hair on men. Prohibition = looked-down-upon.
Why, I don’t have a clue, except that that particular stake president and bishop (neither of which I raised my hand to sustain, but neither of which I could reasonably object to) were control freaks and very well off financially (and for those not in the know, “well off financially” generally means virtuous).
Ooh. I was unaware of that when I posted a certain musical link a couple days ago. I was not trying to be a dick (not that I really ever have to try).
Unaware of what? What video?
If you didn’t see it, or don’t remember, probably better if I don’t tip over the apple cart.
Can we eat the oxen after they are gored?
*stomach rumbles*
Sure and certain! We all get two pounds of good oxtail stew, and a pint of Guinness, too.
I would certainly read and comment. I must have missed the chastisement.
Regarding my having prefaced my comment with “Fuck me.”
10000 Jesus Christs VS. 5000 Thomas the Tank Engines
That was…fascinating.
10,000 guys without sin casting the first stone.
Sir Topham Hatt wept.
Eh, they weren’t that close.
Watched Stalag 17 with the audio commentary track engaged the other day. Very interesting. Almost everyone in the film was in the war and many had been POWs themselves. Neville Brand won a Silver Star for, all on his lonesome, storming a hunting lodge holding a German machine-gun emplacement and killing the dozen or so troops who had kept his platoon pinned down all afternoon.
Given the time frame it was made, the percentage of war veterans does not surprise me. The problem is, all I remember about that movie is that it was depressing and in black and white.
My synopsis from memory:
“POW Entrepreneur is falsely accused of collaboration with the enemy and treated like garbage. Opportunity to escape with a big reward shows up at the camp. POW Entrepreneur proves the community’s ‘fair-haired-boy’ is actually a spy and was going to betray the opportunity to escape. POW Entrepreneur replaces himself for the ‘fair-haired-boy’ in escape plan and tells camp community to bugger off.”
That’s pretty much it. From the extra audio, I learned that the POW Entrepreneur, William Holden, was thoroughly unable to maintain sobriety on shoot days and made for an interesting coworker.
Who played Hogan and who played Klink?
JJ Sefton is one of the great antiheroes.
The guy who played Hoffy had been only in goofy comedies before Stalag 17 and said that it was difficult for him to play the character without any sense of humor, as Wilder insisted.
Holden was apparently very nervous when he had to light the match on Duke’s face, because he knew Neville Brand’s war record and that Brand had a quick temper.
It might be my favorite war movie. Although Mr. Roberts is right up there.
I got a repreive from this damn noise when the construction workers went to lunch. Now it’s back, and it’s almost exactly the worst tone for my stress levels. It just drills into my head and gets worse as worse the longer I hear it.
I had a high pitched squeal, like electric components sometimes give off, in my kitchen. I moved about listening to determine if it was coming from the fridge, freezer, lights, etc…I couldn’t figure it out and left the room. All day long when I went in there it was there. Later in the day I opened a cabinet drawer to get a tool out, and it stopped. It has not returned since. WTF?
There’s a limit to how long I can wear headphones, but they provide the only protection while sitting at my cube.
I wish the noise-cancelling wasn’t broken on this pair. (Turn it on and it periodically cuts out all sound from the headphones, leaving only the ambient noise, ie repeatedly flipping to the exact opposite of what it’s supposed to do)
And unless the hinge were slowly sliding across itself and sqeaking all the way, I donno. But that should resolve itself much sooner.
Later in the day I opened a cabinet drawer to get a tool out, and it stopped. It has not returned since.
Maybe pull the drawer entirely and see if it was impinging on something?
I’m sorry cat calls and laughter irritates you.
It’s some piece of machinery that emits a constant tone able to get through the walls and windows at the office. I can’t identify it because a lot of the rest of the noise it makes is properly blocked out by the structure.
Has It triggered any other physical responses?
Just the sort from irritation and rising stress levels.
I assume you have Chloroform on hand?
No, only Ether(net)
I do.
Good. Pour some on a cloth of some kind. Put yourself in the recovery position, and apply the cloth to your face.
Try not to swallow your tongue.
It doesn’t do anything.
Try drinking it.
He is Irish, after all
From posts I’ve seen here it seems not too many of you are fans of the CW’s DC universe, but I love how they give props to former screen versions of characters.
I like Legends of tomorrow. That’s about it.
I liked Gotham (not CW, I know).
Richard Jewell movie trailer (Directed by Clint Eastwood):
This might be a good one for us libertarians.
Clint is definitely well into his DGAF phase. Will watch.
He’s too old and has plenty of fuck you money. He makes movies now for the love of making movies.
Reminds me I haven’t watched The Mule yet. Anyone seen it?
I saw it. Worth the watch IMO but it’s no Grand Torino.
GT is still one of the best movies I’ve seen in recent memory. And it’s 11 years old!
I will be one sad Boberson the day Clint rides off into the sunset
Same. They really don’t make ’em like they used to.
I liked it.
I liked it, despite Clint, honestly.
He had claimed that he was going to stay behind the camera after GT because he was getting too old to play his kind of character.
I thought his screen presence kind of over-shadowed the flawed and weak man that he was playing in The Mule.
I thought it was really well done. It’s not easy to make a feeble old man a hero and Clint, unfortunately is now a feeble old man.
That looks awesome!!!
We need more movies like this.
Now do Hatfill.
So it was the official policy of the US to withhold aid until the prosecutor investigating one of Hunter Biden’s honeypots was fired. Way to drag Obama into your scandal and failing campaign, Joe. Also, consider:
The official story is we wanted him gone because he was going soft on corruption. It looks like the problem was, he wasn’t going soft on the right corruption.
Standard Dem reply to any perceived damaging information.
The equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and chanting “I can’t hear you. I can’t hear you.”
I assume that nobody will have a problem if that IG made the entire packet public. If it’s all just disinformation, then let’s have a good larf.
Let’s not lose sight of the fact that according to Biden the official policy of the U.S. government was to send the vice president to a sovereign nation ostensibly on friendly terms with us to pressure it to fire a prosecutor. Also, Russian trolls on Facebook represent a coordinated attack on the U.S. government.
Like I said this morning – let’s have us a real impeachment trial. One where Trump’s lawyers get to cross-examine witnesses like Joe and Hunter Biden. One where a certain fired Ukrainian Prosecutor testifies, and bring in Obama after Joe tries to throw him under the bus.
I’m down with that. And, as with any trial, the defendant should be given wide scope to present a defense. Trump is already saying this Ukraine stuff is just a continuation of the conspiracy to undo his election, so let him call Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Powers, Crowdstrike, FusionGPS, Hillary, and Obama.
The Dems want impeachment? Lets give it to them, good and hard.
Downside: Roberts (spit) will be presiding over the trial.
Pelosi does not want it. She wants to drag the “inquiry” out until the election. Innuendo and disinformation are far more valuable than uncovering the actual truth.
Election 2018 two: Blue Wave Bugaloo
She said they are going to vote by the end of the year. They don’t want this going on during the election as it polls poorly for them.
Unfortunately for her, she doesn’t have a say in the Senate trial. That can be scheduled whenever and take as long as Cocaine Mitch wants it to take.
Then she’s cornered. It’s bad politics for them all around.
Should be fun.
Mitch is signalling obliquely that he will do something to dispose of it quickly. Which I think would be a mistake, but we’ll see.
You think the GOP wants anyone clogging up the gravy train? They’re not in such a great position either. They have to defend Trump because of their base, but there’s no way they have clean hands as far as cashing in on political offices is concerned.
Best case scenario:
Dems throw mud at Trump on the Ukraine call.
Trump throws mud at Dems on Biden’s crony deals with Ukraine and China, and on the conspiracy to overthrow his election.
Dems throw mud at Repubs on their crony deals.
Repubs throw mud at Dems on (more of) their crony deals.
I say, lets get this show on the road! A Capitol Hill orgy of mutual hatred and recrimination, gloves off, no holds barred, as both sides of the Uniparty desperately fight for survival, would be just perfect.
Upside: They won’t be passing gun control or anything else while this circus is in town.
There’s gridlock, then there’s The Great Molasses Flood of 1919.
What was the term for the overly elaborate helms worn by some knights of the Teutonic order?
See the drawing at the bottom of the page.
From the caption at the top of the page:
Great helm, Heaume, Topfhelm, 14th century. Iron. Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg
So three names for the same type of helmet common in the crusades.
But that wasn’t the one I’m trying to remember.
Curse my monolinguistic brain.
There weren’t any other helmet styles common at that time.
Much earlier, you have spangenhelm.
Do you mean the ones that flare out from the forehead and chin to form a point at about nose level?
No, it was some german word I’m pretty sure ended in -helm.
h/t to chipsnsalsa
Levon Helm is my preferred helm.
Not one of these?
At work I have spent weeks developing an online tool for our salesman to configure some of our “standard” products. It rarely gets used as they like to submit papers and get Purchase Orders, not necessarily get a full understanding of what the customer wants. This tool will make a 3D model and drawing that can be in the customer’s hands within 15 minutes.
This morning I spend an hour and half to make a video (using our 3d model software) showing the removal of non-split mechanical seal that would normally be trapped between our vessel and a gearmotor.
“This is the probably the coolest thing I have ever seen us do!!!” says the salesman.
You just never know what will click with people sometimes.
If you ever figure out a way to predict that, let us know.
I needed this today, BP!
‘Generic androgynous trans activist’ cracked me up.
Great job!
Ban police!
What is this,
DetroitDelta City?Time for Robofrog?
So a dude with a ceramic knife managed to kill 4 in a police station?
No red flags, at least not that the constabulary noticed.
Hmm. He’s dead, they know his name, so why not release it?
can i take a guess?
Huh, I wonder why their intelligence division… oh.
This was a great one; two A+ ideas rolled into one comic. Climate “transition” and “won’t someone think of the children (soldiers)” both made me laugh. Now I’m imagining a parody of one of those humanitarian commercials: “For only $0.25 a day you can provide a child with an AK and all the bullets he’ll need”.
Also, if “Climate Strange” is not already an adult film it should be. That’s a great name.
Thanks, Gadfly (and everyone else). Also, if you have Sally Struthers’ agent’s number, let me know.
Pretty funny. Corrupt Congressional Dems Ask Trump State Dept for Ukrainian Docs – Get Crooked Hillary and Biden Docs Instead!
Our Federal government is now just assholes who fuck with each other constantly.
Good. Less time to fuck with me.
Buried lede:
Anti-Trump whistleblower gets told by House Dems to hire a DNC operative lawyer before filing anonymous complaint.
Witnesses to be put under oath in Trump impeachment told not to hire lawyers.
There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical.
At that point I’m answering every question, “I refuse to answer that question without legal counsel.”
At that point I’m answering every question, “At your request, I did not engage legal counsel. I refuse to answer that question without legal counsel.”
“what interview? We have no record of you ever being interviewed under oath”
If somebody in the government called me, said they would want information from me, might call me as a witness and, oh, by the way, don’t talk to a lawyer, my first question would be “Why not?”. My second question would be “I’m a lawyer. Sometimes I talk to myself. Does that count?”
As soon as we got off the phone, my next call would be to a lawyer.
No shit. Telling a potential adversary not to hire a lawyer is the surest sign they need a lawyer.
I think I would just laugh and tell them to direct all future communications to my lawyer.
You may or may not be surprised at how many people out there will not hire a lawyer until they talk to their lawyer friend who then sighs and tells them to get a lawyer immediately.
The latter.
by “legal counsel” i believe they’re referring to State Department’s Office of Legal Counsel and not their own personal representative.
this sounds like the Dems went fishing for leakers.
That’s how I took it. They’re stepping all over separation of powers.
The Media has done a good job squashing this, I can’t find anything on it expect the one clip of Pompeo saying someone reported that it’s happened. Has anyone come out and said they were told not to talk to lawyers?
Pompeo made the accusation, which isn’t saying much. But, to be fair, at this juncture politicians are no less truthful than the corporate press. No way to determine who is telling the truth, unless we pretend like the corporate press hasn’t been wrong on everything from Kavanaugh, to Covington, to Russia Fever Dreams, etc
“Our Federal government is now just assholes who fuck with each other constantly.”
So, it took enough time to get around to it but the founder’s vision is finally working.
Geeze. Does Guliani have something in his throat? He’s trying to talk smack and it’s awful he cant get a coherent thought out.
Too much WTC dust.
womp wommmmmmp
Some broad who apparently tried to monetize her TDS by shitting all over her parents in a book.
I believe she was also the one who wrote about the joys of anal in Teen Vogue.
Most recently, she was the subject of a suprisingly nasty profile in (I think) HuffPo that noted the students in her journalism class (no, really, NYU paid this cretin to teach a class) thought she was wildly incompetent and that the class was a total waste of their time.
total waste of their time.
To be fair, it was a journalism class, what did they expect?
Let me guess, she offers the advice of Pavilk Morozov
“His story, dated to 1932, is that of a 13-year-old boy who denounced his father to the authorities and was in turn killed by his family.”
His parents did nothing wrong
I think it’s easy for people now to be horrified at the actions of the family, but at that time Pavlik was jeopardizing everyone. It was purely a question of survival for the rest of them. Assuming the story is true.
The article says that the latest version is that the village wasn’t complying with the Soviet government and was already on the hotseat, and the kid was a frequent snitch who ratted his own father out after he ran off with another woman. Allegedly, according to that story, the family didn’t kill him, however; other kids killed him during an argument.
I hate to speak ill of the dead, but wee Pavilk might have been a bit of a cunte.
I’d love for someone to ask Thunberg for her opinions on Pavlik.
His parents did nothing wrong
Well, they did something wrong, but later they fixed the problem so no foul.
It’s wild how many versions of that story seem to exist, both in the sense that historians disagree wildly about what happened except that the official story is Soviet propaganda and didn’t happen, and in the sense that the Nazis had their own child martyr in the same year.
Kelly believes there is no evidence that the family was involved in the murder of the boy, and that it was probably the work of other teenagers with whom Pavlik had a squabble over a gun.
In other words, he was a victim of gun violence.
Maybe that’s the 1930s Russian peasant version of “a hunting accident”.
Wasn’t she the feminist that ENB idolized or was that another knucklehead?
There’s so many…. De Luca, Valenti, Filipovic…
Filipovic is the one about whom ENB wrote a joyous post celebrating her hiring by Cosmo (or some other chick mag). It was an early indication that ENB was Weigel in drag.
First two words and I quit reading.
“We need to support the climate during its transition”