Note: to everyone – Tessa is (or was) an actual member of the Canada WNT. I did an image search for “Canadian woman”, and she was in one of the top few rows. I thought she’d be a great addition to the Newsish Canada bureau. I’ll continue to think so until I get a Cease and Desist letter.
R C Dean
on October 24, 2019 at 11:37 am
Its like somebody grew the Platonic ideal of the Girl Next Door in a lab.
Oh, shit, that’s it. She’s got that like super-cute thing going on where she’s really attractive but in a “could be a mom” way, not a “could be a porn star” way.
on October 24, 2019 at 12:03 pm
And she’s still got all her chiclets, eh?
Bobarian LMD
on October 24, 2019 at 1:02 pm
Where is the hockey hair?
Not Adahn
on October 24, 2019 at 1:21 pm
Women’s helmets are specially designed not to interfere with the ‘do.
And change your party to Democrat while you’re at it.
Johnson advocates forgiving up to $50,000 for anyone with federal student debt, which would immediately cancel the debt of 37 million borrowers. To pay for the plan, he proposes a one percent tax on corporate earnings.
We are really fucked if Republicans are submitting to yet another crazy leftist demand.
Scruffy Nerfherder
on October 24, 2019 at 11:38 am
Make it dischargeable in bankruptcy. End federal guarantees. The rest will work itself naturally.
I found out that, under the “non-profit” student loan forgiveness clauses, college faculty are included. So, if you run up student debt to get a PhD and then get a tenured faculty position, your student loans will eventually (5 years?) be forgiven.
Scruffy Nerfherder
on October 24, 2019 at 12:07 pm
Scruffy Nerfherder
on October 24, 2019 at 12:52 pm
LOL. The grievance studies programs would immediately dry up and go away. Not gonna happen, they’re the biggest bitchers in the system.
on October 24, 2019 at 12:54 pm
It would be fun to see that meltdown:)
on October 24, 2019 at 12:55 pm
Or they would only be pursued by privileged layabouts. Oh wait, that’s already the case.
on October 24, 2019 at 1:01 pm
“The Brookings Institution found that 28 percent of students don’t even know they have a loan.”
WTF? How is this even possible?
Raven Nation
on October 24, 2019 at 1:14 pm
Some students fill out a financial aid package which includes grants, scholarships, and loans. Then they don’t pay attention to what they get.
Scruffy Nerfherder
on October 24, 2019 at 1:16 pm
I was fortunate enough that we could pay the bill outright. But dad always wrote me the check and made me write another one to the university so I would choke on the figure a little.
Not Adahn
on October 24, 2019 at 11:40 am
Tessa seems less culty than any of Newsish’s other foreign correspondents.
Ugh. DO NOT WANT to be exposed to other people’s sloppy marital drama.
on October 24, 2019 at 12:13 pm
I like that people in Congress, who are TOTALLY QUALIFIED to pass laws on the rest of society, are beginning to have their bullshit aired out in public. This woman is a complete train wreck. I mean, holy shit, trazadone, booze, missing flights, drunk at Congressional functions in the middle of the day… It’s perfect.
If every citizen in the US got to go to the halls of Congress or meet these shitheels up close and personal, there might actually be a movement to (perhaps) lessen the influence of Congress on the rest of us. Maybe I’ll suggest a bill that requires all Congresscritters to take a breathalyzer and drug test as they come into the Capitol. And on that thought experiment, what do you think the results would be? Honestly.
Scruffy Nerfherder
on October 24, 2019 at 12:35 pm
How many are sober enough to know where they are at this moment?
on October 24, 2019 at 12:56 pm
Everyone in Congress is a Kennedy. They’re like our Tulpa.
on October 24, 2019 at 12:05 pm
Put me down as a solid vote for the flag with the team logos being the new Canadian flag.
R C Dean
on October 24, 2019 at 12:05 pm
Picking up on Naptown Bill from the previous thread:
It seems that, generally, urban areas trend Democrat and suburban/rural areas trend Republican. A lot of ink gets spilled analyzing why that’s the case. I don’t have a good working thesis myself. Every time I think I’ve figured it out I either can’t make the causal connection or come up with too many counterexamples.
My theory is based on the fabled anonymity of urban areas. You go through your day, and you see mostly people you don’t know and will never know, and don’t know you and will never know you. This means your monkey-brain can’t really get comfortable with the people who form your human environment, and wants something to keep it feeling relatively secure. That something is a strong pack leader, reified into a strong government.
Because you don’t know anybody, you can’t trust anybody to do the right thing/conform to your ideas of how they should act, and so you want someone to make sure they do – hence the inevitable Nanny State micro-management. You don’t want to use plastic straws, you don’t think anyone else should, but there are no informal/social mechanism you can rely on to get everybody else to stop using plastic straws, so you support the local power structure forcing everybody to stop using plastic straws. Repeat ad infinitum.
Stinky Wizzleteats
on October 24, 2019 at 12:24 pm
My theory is that many people in large urban areas feel cut off and the govt acts in their psychology as sort of a surrogate family that’s obligated to help in times of hardship like a family will do and they vote accordingly. Rural people generally don’t have quite the same feelings of isolation from their roots.
Stinky Wizzleteats
on October 24, 2019 at 12:29 pm
And a reread of your comment tells me we’re pretty much saying the same thing.
on October 24, 2019 at 2:02 pm
Interesting. Another thing i think I’ve seen is that because cities have such a large population, City governments are able to do much, much more than they do in rural areas, because they have the funds. Tax bases are wider, there are much more transactions etc. This leads to a populace that is much more used to governments being around telling them what can and can’t be done. It’s a bit of a cyclical thing.
This was a really strong installment of SNP. Truly grand work.
Gender Traitor
on October 24, 2019 at 12:39 pm
I can’t make out all the SNP text on my phone’s tiny (2″ x 3.4″) display. Does anyone make a decent smart phone with a larger display but with a physical keypad? (I have fat thumbs, so I prefer real keys.)
Simply put, because “STDs are biologically and psycho-socially sexist at all levels,” said Dr. Hunter Handsfield, a professor emeritus of medicine at the University of Washington Center for AIDS and STD who has studied sexually transmitted diseases for 40 years.
“Women bear the largest burden of these diseases,” agreed Dr. Edward Hook, co-director of the Center for Social Medicine and Sexually Transmitted Diseases at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
on October 24, 2019 at 1:18 pm
I’ll try to be kind to the quoted experts and assume the CNN wanted to frame this story. Part of the reason why when I worked on Wall St. we stopped talking to them. Still that’s being charitable.
OT – I’ve been MIA all week because of work. I get avatars on my phone, but not at work. Given the hamster driven proxy server we use at work I’m assuming something has a certificate failure which means at least 30 days before I’ll see them again at work. How long has this been going on here?
Gender Traitor
on October 24, 2019 at 1:25 pm
Couple of days. Seems to vary w/OS & browser. I, too, see ’em on Android phone w/Chrome but not Windows laptop w/Firefox.
on October 24, 2019 at 1:51 pm
Mad Scientist
on October 24, 2019 at 1:35 pm
Out through the night
An’ the whispering breezes
To the place where they keep
The Imaginary Diseases
One of the greatest lines in a movie that is filled with great lines. And it doesn’t matter how many times I see it; it doesn’t matter that I know it’s coming.
It slays me every. single. time.
It’s not just the line, either. It’s the ref’s reaction as he looks around. The whole thing. Just Beautiful.
on October 24, 2019 at 1:58 pm
Re: the discussion above on urbanites and their love for big gov.
New Orleans was the bluest of blue cities and loved them some big gov despite the wildly corrupt city government. Then in 2005 they had a visitor and found out just what big gov was worth. It is still a blue city because it is full of idiots that cannot learn. When the next Katrina comes I will have no sympathy and will not lift a finger to help them.
EXCLUSIVE: Shocking photos of Congresswoman Katie Hill are revealed as she’s seen NAKED showing off Nazi-era tattoo while smoking a bong, kissing her female staffer and posing nude on ‘wife sharing’ sites
Sweet baby Jesus. This is truly epic.
Private Chipperbot
on October 24, 2019 at 2:13 pm
Ha. Holy shit. Those photos.
Scruffy Nerfherder
on October 24, 2019 at 2:13 pm
This keeps getting better and better.
These are our leaders everyone.
on October 24, 2019 at 2:15 pm
I cannot stand Idly by why this poor girls reputation is besmirched. She is a Hero. What other representative is giving the people what they want? I don’t see any of the other congresscritters lining up to get nude photos for their constituents. But no, we have to analyze and criticize every little flaw. The Nazi Era ended in 1945. There is no way a young female representative could have a Tattoo form the Nazi Era.
Not Adahn
on October 24, 2019 at 2:17 pm
She had it transplanted from the original owner.
on October 24, 2019 at 2:19 pm
But no, we have to analyze and criticize every little flaw. The Nazi Era ended in 1945. There is no way a young female representative could have a Tattoo form the Nazi Era.
It’s just amusing that for every hard-Left puritan screaming “racist racist racist” at every single thing, there’s some of the exact same shit in their past. The “Nazi” tattoo is a stupid thing to be mad about, but I think it’s ultimately beneficial to point out when people fail to live up to the standards that they stringently demand from everyone else.
Scruffy Nerfherder
on October 24, 2019 at 2:24 pm
It’s galling because the pols, with a few particularly moronic exceptions, don’t believe the bullshit they spew. Yet they continue to try to ruin people’s lives in the interest of furthering their own careers and the useful idiots lap it up.
Gender Traitor
on October 24, 2019 at 2:24 pm
Not having seen the pics, for all I know “from the Nazi era” could mean Betty Boop.
Private Chipperbot
on October 24, 2019 at 2:25 pm
It’s a crappy iron cross tattoo. Nothing to do with nazis. If it was someone with a R next to their name there would be riots in the streets.
on October 24, 2019 at 2:33 pm
Or FDR, which truely would be despicable.
Shirley Knott
on October 24, 2019 at 5:50 pm
Now be fair. Anthony Weiner tried.
Scruffy Nerfherder
on October 24, 2019 at 2:18 pm
as sources revealed Hill and Heslep also posted her naked photos online under a thread called ‘WouldYouF**kMyWife’.
That’s a no from me dawg.
on October 24, 2019 at 2:21 pm
I dunno. She sounds like a lot of fun.
Rebel Scum
on October 24, 2019 at 2:46 pm
And I though that Sinema chick was the sorority senator.
Private Chipperbot
on October 24, 2019 at 2:21 pm
Hold on now. Let’s not rush to judge until we have all the angles.
Photos taken over the next two years that has chosen not to publish, include pictures of the two women showering together and kissing in a steamy bathroom.
on October 24, 2019 at 2:44 pm
BuzzFeed would have published the photos.
Bob Boberson
on October 24, 2019 at 2:47 pm
“Buzzed would have published the photos if she were on Team R
Rebel Scum
on October 24, 2019 at 2:46 pm
Sure, withhold the good shit.
on October 24, 2019 at 2:58 pm
Eh – I’ve fucked uglier women
Not Adahn
on October 24, 2019 at 2:22 pm
The picture, captioned ‘Do you like our goat?’ shows a woman lying naked on her front on a sun lounger, with a baby goat in the background.
Best. Timeline. Evah.
on October 24, 2019 at 3:06 pm
Not a hyena?
R C Dean
on October 24, 2019 at 2:26 pm
An Iron Cross tattoo. Jiminy buckets. Are you in a biker gang? What’s the story with that?
The bong? Ay caramba. You’re not in an undergrad dorm. Vape your pot, like an adult, already.
It will be really interesting to see if she gets re-elected after all this.
on October 24, 2019 at 2:31 pm
Seriously though, it’s this dirt expose shit that keeps anyone cool from running for office. I’ve done so much crazy shit, I don’t even remember it all. Oh you say I did what? Don’t recall that but sounds like something I’d have done.
on October 24, 2019 at 2:55 pm
I wonder what the effect would be if some candidate – early in their career – came right out and self-published a complete list of all the bad/questionable things they’ve done in life that could potentially be discovered. It would immediately take away the opponent’s ability to frame these things how they want.
Mad Scientist
on October 24, 2019 at 2:28 pm
Unless she’s been proposing laws strengthening the punishments for possessing pot, or outlawing lesbianism, I don’t see why any of this matters one bit. The only thing here that reflects poorly on her is her relationship with someone who works for her.
on October 24, 2019 at 2:32 pm
And her husband sounds like a cuck.
Not Adahn
on October 24, 2019 at 2:35 pm
Meh, he said he was cool with her bringing in 22 yr old wimmen into the mix, but is divorcing her over her banging a dude on her staff.
on October 24, 2019 at 2:43 pm
Interesting. The whole would youfmywife thing sounded like a cuck thing.
I quickly opposed the Kavanaugh nomination because he is a threat to reproductive health, campaign finance reform, and our workforce. But now we’re talking about putting a serial predator up for a lifetime appointment in the highest seat we have in the U.S. That can’t happen. – Katie Hill
Got no sympathy for her at all.
Bob Boberson
on October 24, 2019 at 2:52 pm
I quickly opposed the Kavanaugh nomination because he is a threat to reproductive health, campaign finance reform, and our workforcethe Bill of Rights. But now we’re talking about putting a serial predatorarchitect of the Patriot Act up for a lifetime appointment in the highest seat we have in the U.S. That can’t happen. – Katie Hill
What I wish everyone to include Rand Paul would have said about BK.
Bob Boberson
on October 24, 2019 at 2:53 pm
HTML fail…”reproductive health, campaign finance reform, and our workforce” was supposed to be struck.
Scruffy Nerfherder
on October 24, 2019 at 3:02 pm
I don’t disagree.
on October 24, 2019 at 2:36 pm
Odds on her getting re-elected?
Not Adahn
on October 24, 2019 at 2:39 pm
100% No way her constituents are going to let Trump force a stunning and brave woman from office.
on October 24, 2019 at 2:50 pm
Still probably good.
on October 24, 2019 at 2:49 pm
Running people out of office for their nudies only assured that the ugly people maintain control over politics.
on October 24, 2019 at 2:26 pm
Time for a nap. Then Vikings and beer!
on October 24, 2019 at 2:32 pm
wouldn’t vikings be more into mead?
on October 24, 2019 at 2:35 pm
Well they’re going to need to be sober tonight. I, on the other hand, took tomorrow off and the wifey works late:) I actually have a bottle of Mead in the fridge. Might have that before heading out.
on October 24, 2019 at 2:41 pm
Looks like I must have already drank it. Damn.
Private Chipperbot
on October 24, 2019 at 2:46 pm
Your gut instinct said beer. And you’re getting beer. Go with your gut.
Gender Traitor
on October 24, 2019 at 2:35 pm
It’s also cheap pizza night! Our local Papa John’s offers cheap pizza on Thursdays and on the day after a Bengals win.
We get our cheap pizza on Thursdays.
Private Chipperbot
on October 24, 2019 at 2:40 pm
Lions fan. Pizza Thursday it is!
on October 24, 2019 at 2:42 pm
“We get our cheap pizza on Thursdays”
on October 24, 2019 at 2:47 pm
“It’s also cheap pizza night! Our local Papa John’s”
Perpetuating the pizzaria patriarchy?
Gender Traitor
on October 24, 2019 at 2:49 pm
Gender Traitor
on October 24, 2019 at 2:51 pm
(Well…it IS just Papa John’s, so we’re not THAT proud.)
Although a watching hyena would have been nice.
Legit LOL
Show me ’em timbits. Mmmmm timbits
Zenu comin’…He wants coffee.
I for one think there should be more Canadian features, provided Tessa is the correspondent.
Concur. She is an excellent argument for white supremacy.
Tessa Virtue? Abso-fucking-LUTELY!
The 3rd panel left me in stitches.
Absolutely. I am still laughing.
Excellent, BP!
Tessa and RDR are welcome additions, and I love the flag!
Ditto on the flag.
Thx Tundra, NA – I saw the Red Ensign had 3 maple leafs at the bottom of it’s crest.
…and took it from there.
Swiss, check the Dashboard.
But how can I have it made into an actual flag?
Jet has it for $14. Looks pretty nice. A little pricey, although you might be able to talk them down a bit, since they already have the basic red ensign design.
I want that flag.
Tessa makes me want to defect to Canada.
Note: to everyone – Tessa is (or was) an actual member of the Canada WNT. I did an image search for “Canadian woman”, and she was in one of the top few rows. I thought she’d be a great addition to the Newsish Canada bureau. I’ll continue to think so until I get a Cease and Desist letter.
Its like somebody grew the Platonic ideal of the Girl Next Door in a lab.
Something Something do some very non-platonic things to her
RC: Yes, right out of central casting – and with looks like that, I’m guessing she’s not/wasn’t playing on the checking line.
Checking isn’t allowed in women’s hockey, if memory serves.
Oh, shit, that’s it. She’s got that like super-cute thing going on where she’s really attractive but in a “could be a mom” way, not a “could be a porn star” way.
And she’s still got all her chiclets, eh?
Where is the hockey hair?
Women’s helmets are specially designed not to interfere with the ‘do.
It’s the dimples and cleft chin.
OT: Good riddance
And change your party to Democrat while you’re at it.
We are really fucked if Republicans are submitting to yet another crazy leftist demand.
Make it dischargeable in bankruptcy. End federal guarantees. The rest will work itself naturally.
Don’t be ridiculous. A problem created by the government can’t possibly be solved with less government.
Too simple, come up with some kind of impossibly convoluted and ineffective bullshit and get back to me.
seems like a reasonable compromise.
The rot really runs deep, doesn’t it?
Do those of us without student debt also get a $50,000 check? I ain’t gonna lie, I could have some fun with that.
Just take one credit-hour of courses on loans.
Time served in trade school? I’ll take it
I found out that, under the “non-profit” student loan forgiveness clauses, college faculty are included. So, if you run up student debt to get a PhD and then get a tenured faculty position, your student loans will eventually (5 years?) be forgiven.
Higher ed is out of control.
Except that it most likely won’t because they’re assholes
Excellent. The people I know are dicks and deserve to be paying off debt for the rest of their lives.
Interesting Student Loan idea be the Stoss (tw TOS). I’m sure the commies running the schools won’t like it though.
LOL. The grievance studies programs would immediately dry up and go away. Not gonna happen, they’re the biggest bitchers in the system.
It would be fun to see that meltdown:)
Or they would only be pursued by privileged layabouts. Oh wait, that’s already the case.
“The Brookings Institution found that 28 percent of students don’t even know they have a loan.”
WTF? How is this even possible?
Some students fill out a financial aid package which includes grants, scholarships, and loans. Then they don’t pay attention to what they get.
I was fortunate enough that we could pay the bill outright. But dad always wrote me the check and made me write another one to the university so I would choke on the figure a little.
Tessa seems less culty than any of Newsish’s other foreign correspondents.
Looks like ex-hubby’s been leaking Katie Hill’s texts:
See seems nice.
What the fuck is ‘Yarp’?
If “yep” is too formal of an affirmative, “yarp” is a step down.
Ugh. DO NOT WANT to be exposed to other people’s sloppy marital drama.
I like that people in Congress, who are TOTALLY QUALIFIED to pass laws on the rest of society, are beginning to have their bullshit aired out in public. This woman is a complete train wreck. I mean, holy shit, trazadone, booze, missing flights, drunk at Congressional functions in the middle of the day… It’s perfect.
If every citizen in the US got to go to the halls of Congress or meet these shitheels up close and personal, there might actually be a movement to (perhaps) lessen the influence of Congress on the rest of us. Maybe I’ll suggest a bill that requires all Congresscritters to take a breathalyzer and drug test as they come into the Capitol. And on that thought experiment, what do you think the results would be? Honestly.
How many Kennedy family members are in Congress?
How many are sober enough to know where they are at this moment?
Everyone in Congress is a Kennedy. They’re like our Tulpa.
Put me down as a solid vote for the flag with the team logos being the new Canadian flag.
Picking up on Naptown Bill from the previous thread:
It seems that, generally, urban areas trend Democrat and suburban/rural areas trend Republican. A lot of ink gets spilled analyzing why that’s the case. I don’t have a good working thesis myself. Every time I think I’ve figured it out I either can’t make the causal connection or come up with too many counterexamples.
My theory is based on the fabled anonymity of urban areas. You go through your day, and you see mostly people you don’t know and will never know, and don’t know you and will never know you. This means your monkey-brain can’t really get comfortable with the people who form your human environment, and wants something to keep it feeling relatively secure. That something is a strong pack leader, reified into a strong government.
Because you don’t know anybody, you can’t trust anybody to do the right thing/conform to your ideas of how they should act, and so you want someone to make sure they do – hence the inevitable Nanny State micro-management. You don’t want to use plastic straws, you don’t think anyone else should, but there are no informal/social mechanism you can rely on to get everybody else to stop using plastic straws, so you support the local power structure forcing everybody to stop using plastic straws. Repeat ad infinitum.
My theory is that many people in large urban areas feel cut off and the govt acts in their psychology as sort of a surrogate family that’s obligated to help in times of hardship like a family will do and they vote accordingly. Rural people generally don’t have quite the same feelings of isolation from their roots.
And a reread of your comment tells me we’re pretty much saying the same thing.
Interesting. Another thing i think I’ve seen is that because cities have such a large population, City governments are able to do much, much more than they do in rural areas, because they have the funds. Tax bases are wider, there are much more transactions etc. This leads to a populace that is much more used to governments being around telling them what can and can’t be done. It’s a bit of a cyclical thing.
This was a really strong installment of SNP. Truly grand work.
I can’t make out all the SNP text on my phone’s tiny (2″ x 3.4″) display. Does anyone make a decent smart phone with a larger display but with a physical keypad? (I have fat thumbs, so I prefer real keys.)
The Jolson pic, though, made me LOL.
I open each panel as an image.
Gender Traitor’s phone, shown with a model for scale.
Cute! ?
Funny how the trend actually went in the opposite direction.
Bonus hand-model squick.
In any future ones I do, I could start cutting them up into individual images.
Please don’t go to any trouble on my account. My birthday’s next month, so I just want another excuse to upgrade my phone if I can find one I like.
I’d like to take her for a zamboni ride, if you take my meaning.
A zamboni’s a type of salami, isn’t…? Hey! Wait a minute!
No love for the Winnipeg Thrashers on that flag?
yes, what’s up with that. one of the top-3 teams in all of Canada, maybe even Manitoba, gets the snub!?
Jeez, I had the random drunken Canadian come from Beausejour, wasn’t that enough MB representation enough? I didn’t even mention SK or the Maritimes.
conspiracy time
Amazingly, Taylor met Adam Schiff’s staffer in Ukraine on August 25, four days prior to Politico publishing the leak.
Amazingly, Taylor met Adam Schiff’s staffer in Ukraine on August 25, four days prior to Politico publishing the leak.
Nothing to see here. Move along, citizen.
Adam Schiff is such a tool.
He’s got to be the most incompetent plotter ever. Everything he does is more transparent than a window pane.
Peak Derp Is A Myth
STDs are sexist, and women are the losers. Here’s why
I’ll try to be kind to the quoted experts and assume the CNN wanted to frame this story. Part of the reason why when I worked on Wall St. we stopped talking to them. Still that’s being charitable.
OT – I’ve been MIA all week because of work. I get avatars on my phone, but not at work. Given the hamster driven proxy server we use at work I’m assuming something has a certificate failure which means at least 30 days before I’ll see them again at work. How long has this been going on here?
Couple of days. Seems to vary w/OS & browser. I, too, see ’em on Android phone w/Chrome but not Windows laptop w/Firefox.
Out through the night
An’ the whispering breezes
To the place where they keep
The Imaginary Diseases
Gay men die of AIDS, women hardest hit.
Pie in the Sky, Trashmaster and friends leaving Las Vegas
Who are Bert and Ernie?
Why are there so many people using muppet avatars in this chat room?
Why can’t I see avatars anymore?
Did you know Tundra looks nothing like his avatar?
Don’t ask, don’t tell.
This isn’t a chat room.
You closed your third eye
Do you look like YOUR avatar (which I CAN see right now?)
Look at Miss Privileged ovah here! ;^)
No, I do not look like Yao Ming
Your avatar doesn’t look like Yao Ming either. ?
It’s the Pooh bear ears and nose that trip you up.
It’s the Pooh bear ears and nose that make you so cute.
I can attest to that. You were not 7′ 6″.
I’m a grower not a show-er
Circumferentially I might be 7′-6″
Why are there so many people using muppet avatars in this chat room?
Muppets = puppets = sock puppets = Tulpa
Did you know Tundra looks nothing like his avatar?
I don’t fight as him, either.
I also like listening to the fucking song, though.
One of the greatest lines in a movie that is filled with great lines. And it doesn’t matter how many times I see it; it doesn’t matter that I know it’s coming.
It slays me every. single. time.
It’s not just the line, either. It’s the ref’s reaction as he looks around. The whole thing. Just Beautiful.
Re: the discussion above on urbanites and their love for big gov.
New Orleans was the bluest of blue cities and loved them some big gov despite the wildly corrupt city government. Then in 2005 they had a visitor and found out just what big gov was worth. It is still a blue city because it is full of idiots that cannot learn. When the next Katrina comes I will have no sympathy and will not lift a finger to help them.
I heard Katrina was all the Republican’s fault.
Cheney’s weather machine!!!1!!!1!oneoneone!
I thought Mayor Nagin transformed it into a chocolate city?
Sweet baby Jesus. This is truly epic.
Ha. Holy shit. Those photos.
This keeps getting better and better.
These are our leaders everyone.
I cannot stand Idly by why this poor girls reputation is besmirched. She is a Hero. What other representative is giving the people what they want? I don’t see any of the other congresscritters lining up to get nude photos for their constituents. But no, we have to analyze and criticize every little flaw. The Nazi Era ended in 1945. There is no way a young female representative could have a Tattoo form the Nazi Era.
She had it transplanted from the original owner.
It’s just amusing that for every hard-Left puritan screaming “racist racist racist” at every single thing, there’s some of the exact same shit in their past. The “Nazi” tattoo is a stupid thing to be mad about, but I think it’s ultimately beneficial to point out when people fail to live up to the standards that they stringently demand from everyone else.
It’s galling because the pols, with a few particularly moronic exceptions, don’t believe the bullshit they spew. Yet they continue to try to ruin people’s lives in the interest of furthering their own careers and the useful idiots lap it up.
Not having seen the pics, for all I know “from the Nazi era” could mean Betty Boop.
It’s a crappy iron cross tattoo. Nothing to do with nazis. If it was someone with a R next to their name there would be riots in the streets.
Or FDR, which truely would be despicable.
Now be fair. Anthony Weiner tried.
That’s a no from me dawg.
I dunno. She sounds like a lot of fun.
And I though that Sinema chick was the sorority senator.
Hold on now. Let’s not rush to judge until we have all the angles.
BuzzFeed would have published the photos.
“Buzzed would have published the photos if she were on Team R
Sure, withhold the good shit.
Eh – I’ve fucked uglier women
Best. Timeline. Evah.
Not a hyena?
An Iron Cross tattoo. Jiminy buckets. Are you in a biker gang? What’s the story with that?
The bong? Ay caramba. You’re not in an undergrad dorm. Vape your pot, like an adult, already.
It will be really interesting to see if she gets re-elected after all this.
Seriously though, it’s this dirt expose shit that keeps anyone cool from running for office. I’ve done so much crazy shit, I don’t even remember it all. Oh you say I did what? Don’t recall that but sounds like something I’d have done.
I wonder what the effect would be if some candidate – early in their career – came right out and self-published a complete list of all the bad/questionable things they’ve done in life that could potentially be discovered. It would immediately take away the opponent’s ability to frame these things how they want.
Unless she’s been proposing laws strengthening the punishments for possessing pot, or outlawing lesbianism, I don’t see why any of this matters one bit. The only thing here that reflects poorly on her is her relationship with someone who works for her.
And her husband sounds like a cuck.
Meh, he said he was cool with her bringing in 22 yr old wimmen into the mix, but is divorcing her over her banging a dude on her staff.
Interesting. The whole would youfmywife thing sounded like a cuck thing.
Just seeking approval and bragging.
Well, she called the cops on a reporter asking her about this kerfuffle.
I hope the reporter was “baa”-ing at her.
Trying to get her goat?
Stop kidding around.
Oh, nobody asked you to butt in.
*narrows gaze*
Rammed right on in here with that, eh?
Got no sympathy for her at all.
I quickly opposed the Kavanaugh nomination because he is a threat to
reproductive health, campaign finance reform, and our workforcethe Bill of Rights. But now we’re talking about putting aserial predatorarchitect of the Patriot Act up for a lifetime appointment in the highest seat we have in the U.S. That can’t happen. – Katie HillWhat I wish everyone to include Rand Paul would have said about BK.
HTML fail…”reproductive health, campaign finance reform, and our workforce” was supposed to be struck.

I don’t disagree.
Odds on her getting re-elected?
100% No way her constituents are going to let Trump force a stunning and brave woman from office.
Still probably good.
Running people out of office for their nudies only assured that the ugly people maintain control over politics.
Time for a nap. Then Vikings and beer!
wouldn’t vikings be more into mead?
Well they’re going to need to be sober tonight. I, on the other hand, took tomorrow off and the wifey works late:) I actually have a bottle of Mead in the fridge. Might have that before heading out.
Looks like I must have already drank it. Damn.
Your gut instinct said beer. And you’re getting beer. Go with your gut.
It’s also cheap pizza night! Our local Papa John’s offers cheap pizza on Thursdays and on the day after a Bengals win.
We get our cheap pizza on Thursdays.
Lions fan. Pizza Thursday it is!
“We get our cheap pizza on Thursdays”
“It’s also cheap pizza night! Our local Papa John’s”
Perpetuating the pizzaria patriarchy?
(Well…it IS just Papa John’s, so we’re not THAT proud.)
Not so much proud as uppity?
LOL, nice, BP!
The payment in liquor is perfect!
Excellent! I like RDR.