I am beginning to suspect the staff has the Wuhan Virus of DOOOOOM! Therefor, as a remote survivor, I will pick up the dropped torch of the Links.

Actual photo of Wuhan Virus of Death
- Oh No…I may be next!!!!
- The British Hair signs something.
- Bored on board ship? Only explanation for this I can see. [RTFA, the headline is a big letdown]
I am going to go see if anyone besides the Cryptids are left at HQ…
What if I don’t drink Corona?
“Woman in Chicago becomes SECOND confirmed case of coronavirus in the US after she returned from Wuhan 11 DAYS ago – as 63 people with symptoms are tested nationwide including four in New York”
*runs in circles, flapping arms*
I think Swiss has bird flu.
That’s applause-able explanation.
Guys! Guys! Guys!
The Wuhan Coronavirus is a CLASS A VIRUS! Don’t you understand! CLASS A!
Everything I know about epidemiology, I learned from Dustin Hoffman.
The Class A-est!
Hail, Swiss!
No, no! That is the Harambe virus!
Oooh. Even better choice.
“Boris Johnson signed the Brexit divorce deal today, hailing the ‘fantastic moment’ that sends the UK officially on a path to quit the EU in a week’s time.”
Does that mean they will actually leave the EU?
Yes, finally. I suppose it is naive to hope the UK and EU can negotiate something fair in place of the Treaties of Rome, and Schengen, and where ever else.
I heard a story the other day that Boris was doing a hard sell with African countries for trade deals.
Not really. If they wanted to leave Europe, they’d have already moved to the US, or maybe Canada.
We did.
I had a vague notion that England might one day be #51, but 51 stars would be an awkward fit.
Home Counties, Wales, Yorkshire across to the Irish Sea, Devon &Cornwall, and the Border Counties. 55 stars.
What’s East Anglia? Chopped liver?
We’ll make them a territory, like Puerto Rico, or the Solomon Islands.
Aren’t they all just Chavs?
Not really
Took a second to soak in but I’m a little “tipsy”.
Eventually, but they’re still living together until they get their finances sorted. Which is supposed to be done by the end of the year (but won’t be).
Did Boris hand out souvenir pens?
An agent from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service discovered the videos on the adult site earlier this month, the news outlet reported.
“This is, like, not even porn. What a gyp.”
So did he discover this on the job or at home?
I’m sure he works from home. So, yes.
“The videos, which were shared on Pornhub, captured several sailors and Marines while wearing their uniforms with visible name patches, two military officials told NBC News.”
Oh yeah, baby, show me that name patch.
“Wanna see my right shoulder patch?”
Back in the day Marines didn’t have name patches!
Still had to stencil you fucking name in all your trash though, if you wanted to be 100% kosher.
Marines didn’t have name patches!
How did they or you know who they were? Don’t they all look sort of the same?
We all answered to “Hey shithead” so it worked out just fine.
You just addressed strangers by rank.
Back in my day, Marines had to sew their name tape on the pocket flap of their trousers.
Don’t Eat! Exotic Meat!
Rigorous investigation I’m sure.
Abby and McGee will trace those to their source in a matter of minutes.
Are Ducky and Mr. Palmer in
their bunkthe morgue in your fantasy?You mean, did they ever catch the mole (Illya Kuryakin)?
Not yet.
This is nothing like the TV show!
It’s a lot more like a JAG plot.
Oh a……JAG-off
Needs more Lt. Col Mackenzie.
Needs more Village People !
Tatts gave ’em away!
Swiss, I’d say make sure you get a facemask, but there aren’t anymore facemasks.
*continues to run in circles, flapping arms*
You misspelled running wildly off in all directions.
Forgot to add with your hair on fire.
Will the fire kill the virus?!?!?!
*hunts down lighter*
Leacock reference! Nice!
When in danger or in doubt.
Run in circles, scream and shout.
It sounds funny, like, “In panic situations, PANIC!”
However, it was based upon a sound principle:
When things are going to shit, run around the area notifying others but come back to your place of origin to ensure that you are not a casualty.
Out and about today, saw some facemasks but only on young Asian women.
So, same as always.
It’s to repel your male gaze, you cis-homo shitlord!
So, did you recognize them from pornhub?
I dig it.*
*not really
I had to go in for blood work a few weeks ago and one of the techs was wearing a surgical mask. It was not… reassuring.
It should’ve been. Techs wear masks to protect their patients, not the other way around. Same reason surgeons wear masks — to try to prevent the patients under their care from catching something from the surgeon.
People who wear those masks to prevent getting infected have it all wrong (and are wearing the wrong kind of protection to boot…).
I know that but the aesthetics were all wrong. If someone is gonna poke me with sharp stuff and drain my essence is it a little too much to ask for a smile?
You want them to show that they enjoy poking you?
Common courtesy.
“A Detroit man is suing a Michigan bank for refusing to cash a settlement check awarded to him in a racial discrimination lawsuit, according to a report.
Sauntore Thomas, 44, claims TCF Bank employees refused to cash or deposit his settlement check on Tuesday at a branch in Livonia, leading cops to respond and a fraud investigation to be launched, the Detroit Free Press reports.
“I didn’t deserve treatment like that when I knew that the check was not fraudulent,” Thomas told the newspaper. “I’m a United States veteran. I have an honorable discharge from the Air Force. They discriminated against me because I’m black. None of this would have happened if I were white.”
Thomas, who had an account at the bank for nearly two years, sued TCF Bank on Wednesday, alleging racial discrimination by the bank for calling police, prompting four cops to respond to the branch, the newspaper reports.”
What happens if he wins and they refuse to cash that check? This thing could go on forever.
Did drugs fall out of his backside?
My guess is they wanted to place a hold on the check until it cleared. Which is standard procedure on large checks.
And he probably had $13.59 in his account to secure said check.
$0.32 from an article I read.
They would not deposit it, either, AND they called the cops AFTER the attorney had gotten involved.
Without more detail, I don’t see how the employees are at fault here.
AND the check cleared in 12 hours at Chase when he went to get an account there.
Unless the check was drawn on a TCF Bank account, banks have a pretty broad leeway to not take a check. If his only argument is “I wouldn’t have done this cause i knew the check wasn’t fraudulent” then he’s retarded.
Using one settlement check to generate another. Clever.
Fun with
numbersgibberishThe tax code is progressive. Economists and analysts and politicians agree on very little when it comes to economic policy, but on that they broadly concur. Rich people fork over a higher percentage of their earnings to the government than poor people do, and the whole of government acts as a kind of Robin Hood Rube Goldberg machine, taking from the well-off and redistributing to the less fortunate.
Or perhaps not. In a new paper, the influential tax economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman, both of UC Berkeley, advance their argument that the tax code is not progressive at all. Right now, Republican and Democratic politicians alike are not soaking the rich; they’re watering their gardens. And some of the leading left-of-center candidates for president would not do much to change that.
The paper is an update of an earlier analysis of candidates’ tax plans, and comes after a holistic reassessment of the tax code found in their book, The Triumph of Injustice, released last year. Unlike many other tax analysts, Saez and Zucman include state and local taxes in their accounting. They count corporate earnings somewhat differently than other analysts. They also omit certain payments made to lower-income households through the earned-income tax credit and child tax credit, arguing that they function more as benefits, like food stamps. In the end, they find that the tax code asks families from top to bottom to pay something like 25 or 30 percent of their income to the government—except at the very top. The richest of the rich pay just a little more than 20 percent.
There is no determining who is definitively right in the debate. Income is complicated. Taxes are complicated. Accounting is complicated. But Saez and Zucman have shown how focusing only on federal taxes, and not state and local taxes, has skewed our understanding of the tax code. They have also powerfully demonstrated that the very richest play by very different tax rules than the merely well-off and the working poor.
If you completely redefine your variables, you can get any damn result you want. JEFF BEZOS PAYS LESS THAN YOU!
I wonder what Annie thinks about the flat tax.
Zucman and Saez again… They’ve been debunked over and over.
Yeah, pretty much. But, they tell a certain element of the political and media classes what they want to hear. So, they never go away. They’ll just let them get discredited again and trot them out in a few months when their discrediting blows over. Sort of a low-rent Piketty.
I’d worked in macroeconomic analysis in a former life. These guys’ work is absolute shit. And the media doesn’t even know enough to know how lousy their work is. Instead, they’ll sneer about how supply-side economics is discredited, without even being able to tell you exactly what supply-side economics actually is.
It’s trickle down economics. And that never works, ever, no matter what. What we need to do is for the Government to be bigger so it can take money from the rich. That way the government can spend it and have it get to the poor people who work those jobs get the money.
/arguments i have heard.
The simplest thing they could do is raise the standard deduction.
“Hey Bob, what’s a fancier way of saying bullshit?”
Intense Obfuscation
Bovine Scatology
Yeah if you flout every convention of tax accounting you get this result. If you want a good assessment of this Bob Murphy did a good interview about it a few weeks ago.
“They count corporate earnings somewhat differently than other analysts. They also omit certain payments made to lower-income households through the earned-income tax credit and child tax credit, arguing that they function more as benefits, like food stamps.”
That seems more than a little dishonest.
It is. The not counting payments is not unheard of. But the way they count corporate earnings, and in particular the way they count how tax cuts work (they say that 100% of tax cut accrues to the owners of the company) is not at all common in the literature, and is particularly dishonest when you take into account how they count everything else. It is Heads I win, tails you loose form of accounting that was bound to overstate the benefits of the tax to the rich and overstate costs to the poor.
She fell in the water and the Pacific Great Garbage Patch doubled in size.
I wouldn’t call a size 16 a tiny bikini.
“Five foot two, eyes of brown! Oh that girl will never drown!”
Oh No…I may be next!!!!
Some people stuck in Chicago might consider catching that a blessing.
The president of the European Commission, Ursula Von Der Leyen, endorsed the Withdrawal Agreement treaty struck between Britain and the bloc at a ceremony in Brussels this morning.
Not a Bond girl.
The link, you SF’d it.
Zucman and Saez again… They’ve been debunked over and over.
They identify as “correct”. You can’t argue with that.
My guess is they wanted to place a hold on the check until it cleared. Which is standard procedure on large checks.
But I want a trash bag full of hundred dollar bills, to throw at bums.
Government school teachers stage walkout for higher wages, superintendant rolls over, closes schools. Nobody goes to jail.
This madness has also infected at least one of the surrounding counties — Henrico school I drive by had “Closed Jan 27” on their signboard.
I fucking loathe teachers unions, and honestly, at this point I’m not gonna do the whole “not all teachers” dance. They’re down there with cops for me at this point.
Love how the photo lead is a protest of gun violence at the capitol (ie totally unrelated to the story being reported). Media is not propaganda at all.
Also, as a teacher, it’s shitty to take off to beg the government for more money. TL;DR version…
1) We only work 8 months a year. 2) Many of the kids who will now not have school will not be fed that day.
3) Sometimes the kids are actually more safe at school. (see Chicago)
3) Teaching is not rocket science. Anybody with three brain cells can do it to some degree.
4) Public school teachers make good money, all things considered.
IMO, just shut up and do your damn job.
Won’t someone think of the children!?!
/teachers Union rep
Why do you think I want to end the government-sector near-monopoly on education?
Bored on board ship? Only explanation for this I can see. [RTFA, the headline is a big letdown]
I RTA, and this stuck out to me:
What’s the over-under on how many glibs have applied for this employment position?
It’s more of a hobby, than an actual form of employment.
Seniority must be a huge incentive at PornHub. New hires probably have to watch hours of tranny-granny scat porn a day, while established people get to watch Q-worthy women getting nekkid.
I laughed, for what that’s worth.
Great big tip-o-the top-hat to Tundra for linking that VGG guy’s videos. That was a rabbit hole. I was a step ahead of him most of the way (shadetree mechanic).
If you’ve had enough of the coronavirus, how about the Corona Earworm?
The feeling is mutual
Both of ya!
You too, darling
To paraphrase Karen Carpenter, your hate put me on the top of the world.
All in jest, friend Teds.
Welcome to the future
On Wednesday evening, a fight broke out in Seattle’s Pike Place Market that escalated into a shooting, killing one woman and leaving seven injured, according to officials. Bystanders, realizing what was happening, began to flee, some turning to Uber and Lyft for a quick getaway. Yet many were caught off-guard when they realized that the rideshare companies’ algorithmic pricing schemes had detected high demand, resulting in hefty “surge” pricing — the companies’ friendly term for price-gouging.
Am I a bad person for laughing at this?
resulting in hefty “surge” pricing — the companies’ friendly term for price-gouging.
How dare they charge me more when i want it more! That’s just unamerican!
They call for an exfil and are surprised they have to pay combat pay?
Quite frankly they should be ashamed that they asked a poor Uber driver to come into a clearly dangerous area.
How much for an immediate dust-off from a hot LZ?
Maybe armored pickups are a new business opportunity.
Prices increase when demand increases? Well I’ll be damned…
Yeah you are a bad person. Get over here with the rest of us giggling shitlords and stop feeling superior.
Auction off the rides and see what people will pay.
If there are bullets flying around, my first thought is to step behind something, preferably concrete. How long did this shooting take place that people had time to order rides?
Exactly. Even a fast arriving Uber takes at least a couple minutes to arrive. You can get a long way away from a gunman in a couple minutes of movement.
Price gouging. Would they instead prefer to be shot?
Do you mean the journalists preference or the people? Prior support positions lean toward the journalists preferring the people getting shot over any market driven mechanism existing.
Due to the inhuman nature of ridesharing apps, which rely on algorithms that trigger surge pricing, rideshare prices can become sky-high when there are more riders in a given area than drivers. Hence, such instances of surge pricing are common during emergency situations.
Oh, the HUMANITY!!!111!!!1
And they gave refunds after the fact, and in fact have a policy to do so. Salon can go fuck itself.
Depending on the severity, I wouldn’t mind catching Coronavirus from them.
Gonorrhea is actually a bacteria.
Great big tip-o-the top-hat to Tundra for linking that VGG guy’s videos. That was a rabbit hole. I was a step ahead of him most of the way (shadetree mechanic).
That’s one of the things I like about him. He expects/presumes you to know what he’s doing.
Precisely! Decades of keeping shitty vehicles on the road taught me plenty.
It’s trickle down economics. And that never works, ever, no matter what. What we need to do is for the Government to be bigger so it can take money from the rich. That way the government can spend it and have it get to the poor people who work those jobs get the money.
/arguments i have heard.
“It’s not trickle down economics when the government does it. It’s JUSTICE!”
Trump was the first President to speak at the March For Life rally – I’m not sure that was a smart move.
Out of curiosity, why?
He should have offered to speak at the Women’s March, just to see their heads explode at the offer.
All the porn star’s and beauty pageant contestant’s abortions he’s paid for might make him look like a hypocrite?
Since when do politicians care about looking like hypocrites?
Other pro-life Presidents have opted not to do so – there are a lot of moderate/undecided women who may not fall for the SCOTUS is going to reverse Roe argument, but Trump speaking at this event provides a legitimate talking point that this may be part of his agenda.
IMHO Roe reversal is not part of the Trump agenda nor at-risk given the SCOTUS picks.
That was the Fredocon talking point for years and years, that there’s this giant chunk of moderate swing women who are inclined to vote Republican but only if the Republican candidate isn’t too anti abortion. I just don’t think there are many women who were going to vote Trump last week but won’t do it this week because he gave this speech.
The VOTE TO SAVE ABORTION crowd is not a swing vote for POTUS, any more than the gun rights crowd is a swing vote for POTUS. There might be congressional districts or states where a Republican has to steer carefully on abortion, but for a national election, I don’t think there’s this giant chunk of voters who are solid Trump voters but will suddenly swing over to the Dem nominee because they’re pro-Roe.
Are there really that many pro-abortion moderate/undecided women who didn’t mind that Trump grabbed them by the pussy in 2016 but would find it unacceptable for Trump to address the March For Life in person rather than by video in 2020?
Like I said yesterday his voting block is pretty much set in stone. They’re not going anywhere. You’d be surprised at how many women are quietly anti-abortion, especially ones that had one in their teen years. This cuts across class and racial lines.
You’d be surprised at how many women are quietly anti-abortion,
the most vehement anti-abortion crusaders I know are all women. I know many anti-abortion men (including myself), and none of us are able to be whipped up into a frothing rage about abortion like the women I know.
That’s just because women are naturally more emotional than men, hysterical some may even call it.
I have personally never met a pro-rights crusader but I only went to college sporadically and never involved myself in the political realm. Chicks love babies, who knew?
Leaving aside anecdotes, the polling is pretty clear on this. The “Abortion on demand at any time” position is held by about 20% of the country, which is about the same percentage that thinks “Abortion should never be done, no matter what the circumstances are”
A national abortion law which banned abortion after the six month mark, with the rape/incest/life of the mother exception, would in theory command the support of over 75% of the country.
Abortion is one of the many issues that the lefts control of the media, the academy, and the popular culture allows them to create an appearance of their preferred policy being much much more popular than it actually is.
Sounds about right. I used to be full-on “Her Body, Her Choice” but that was back when I had a dog in the fight, so to speak. Glibs and aging out have softened my stance (euphemism alert).
You’d be surprised at how many women are quietly anti-abortion, especially ones that had one in their teen years.
I knew a number of them from my college/University days, and dated one of them (who was bereft about what she’d done). We had a lot of long, intense talks while I hugged her as hard as I could without hurting her. Decades later, she’s had four children and is still married to the same guy she met after we broke up. Good on her.
Yeah. Now there’s no chance the far left would vote for him.
Will play well with religious black groups along with school choice. I think it is a net gain.
@GT Did you get your kitties?!
We got one kitty – a sweet little 2-year-old black tom (Mr. GT’s favorite kind!) I reserve the right to get another once this one gets settled in. The Humane Society called him Sterling, but because he has a couple of smudgy looking spots near his nose, Mr. GT is calling him Snot (when he’s not calling him George, our previous cat’s name.) Sterling/Snot spent some time calmly exploring the house, then settled down under our bed. I’ll post a pic as soon as I can!
black tom, RACIST!!!
Good Kiitah….
Yay pix!
Our micro-panther is also a tom. Neutered, but still a boy. He likes to play fetch and he has his own plushies.
Could be formally named Sterling Archer.
YAY! I can’t handle a trip to the shelter (ex-GF was a volunteer) because I need to take all the kittehs and puppers home with me. Get that second one, stat.
Agreed on getting second kitty immediately. They are social and need company, especially if their humans are gone for a good portion of the day.
We found the tipping point. Four is too many, three is manageable but two is just right. My old fellers like to slap-fight over the warm spot.
Yep. We have three right now, and it’s one too many. The issue is we cant pick which one of them is too many. Ah, who am I kidding, its the youngest one. He’s an asshole bully. But he’s the most loving, intelligent cat I’ve ever owned. Loves people, hates when the other cats act like they’re anything but his servants.
Yeah, I was sold that line too but my pair ignore each other when they’re not fighting 🙁
^this, the whole they need company narrative is anthropomorphic BS. Dogs are pack animals and stress when alone; cats are emphatically not.
That doesn’t mean anything. They need to know the other is in the house and available for fighting should the mood arise.
My two, who are littermates, don’t spend a whole lot of time together because they have totally different people and totally different interests. But every once in a while it’s zoom-zoom time or grooming time or slapping time.
It’s not play fighting – it’s one attacking the other and the victim in terror of it much of the time.
I may have to go to a different rescue org for Kitteh #2 – there were a few tense moments today when I thought they might not let us take Sterling after they called our old vet & found out we hadn’t taken George to the vet every year. (He’d freak out in the car and in the vet’s office ’til it took multiple staffers to hold him down.) George had been strictly indoors, and Sterling/Snot will be as well, but I promised we’d keep him up to date on his shots anyway. He hollered on the way home, but not nearly as badly as George always did.
OT- your Steelcase desk photo made me laugh. One of my desk is identical except that it’s in a different color and has the typing extension in place of one of the drawer banks.
I bought it for $50 at Goodwill. I fell in love immediately. It was beige or tan or whatever. I painted it black. That was many years ago now and the paint job has held up pretty well.
When we move, if I don’t have a place to put it, I will sell it. I’d be more heartbroken about that if I didn’t know people on FB can’t give them away.
One of these days, maybe I can get a full-on tanker and do this to it. Powder-coated. *drool*
My Dad had an enormous mahogany desk that ended up somewhere. I remember moving that thing into his basement office when Bro and I were tweens. I especially remember moving it back up the stairs about fifteen years later…
My grandfather had a marvelous big roll top desk. Massive, but the very embodiment of the Platonic ideal of DESK. It was the one thing I repeatedly emphasized to my parents that I wanted.
Time passes. “Oh, you wanted that? We had no idea.”
Ever heard of a Wooten desk?
Drools uncontrollably.
Heh. I knew you’d like that.
Scrooge desk.
See those too. Broken drawer slides or people junking the insides seems to be the usual problems. Working in remote offices, I don’t think I’ve seen furniture newer than about 1985.
That reminds me. My desk had 2 drawers that wouldn’t open because they were stuck. After some dedicated finagling, I finally got them open. A separator had gotten wedged cock-eyed in there and getting that unstuck unstuck the other drawer too.
I did have a problem where the desk spontaneously locked itself after being moved around. I went online and got a key, no dice. My husband took the lock out completely. No dice. Then one good slap upside the head and it unlocked itself. I have no idea what that was about.
My tool chest has that malady.
It’s amazing the things you can do when getting a new liver is as easy as going down to the local jail and ordering one.
Happy New Year?
I think Pangzai is from the class that supplies those livers, not the one that gets them. This is defensive drinking.
I tried defensive drinking.
Did it work?
I didn’t stop being offensive.
In case one of you is truly afraid of the outbreak…
No, Nicole Karlis, I wouldn’t agree.
Now go eat a dick.
Well we can guess how she feels about raising fuel prices after natural disasters.
Not only wouldn’t I agree. I consider NOT raising prices in emergency situations immoral, because it reduces the motivation to supply whatever is needed and therefore reduces the number of people who get what they need.
And it increases demand by people who maybe really don’t need the item as well.
I’ve tried that argument, never seems to work. People will agree with the logic, but still feel it’s wrong.
“Goldman to Refuse IPOs If All Directors Are White, Straight Men
The bank is the latest firm to eschew a lack of diversity in corporate governance.
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Chief Executive Officer David Solomon issued the latest ultimatum Thursday from Davos. Wall Street’s biggest underwriter of initial public offerings in the U.S. will no longer take a company public in the U.S. and Europe if it lacks a director who is either female or diverse. Asia is not yet included in the firm’s new policy.
The mandate is the latest in a series of signals that non-diverse boards and management are unacceptable. BlackRock Inc. and State Street Global Advisors are voting against directors at companies without a female director. Public companies with all-male boards based in California now face a $100,000 fine under a new state law.”
Still waiting for everyone to do something about the unacceptable level of men in nursing and primary and secondary education.
Things that will happen on the down-low for 200, Alex.
During his Squawk interview Solomon stated that Goldman data showed IPO’s with women on the board performed better – interesting that he limited to IPO’s (no time-frame given) did not repeat the California non-sense that companies with women board members do better.
Here’s the hilarious thing.
Remember when at TOS they posted a hilarious study that had proved CRA-compelled mortgages were less likely to default than non CRA ones? The study that was used as the ‘proof’ that the benevolent hand of the Great White Father in Washington DC was doing the right thing by forcing banks to lend money to people that they otherwise wouldn’t give money to?
This is making an identically ridiculous proposition. There is nothing inherent to women that makes them better managers and entrepreneurs. Nor is there an old-boys network trying to systematically keep them out of the board-room. People want to make money and will hire the people whom they thing are best able to advance that goal from the pool of available candidates.
My guess is that the difference results not from some magical qualities attendant to being born with a vagina making one a better business person, but from the difference in how attractive trying to become a member of the board of a company – especially the attractiveness of jumping through the hoops that makes and individual a credible candidate – is to members of the male population in comparison to the female population.
I’ll bet if you compared apples to apples (companies with similar histories of their board members) splitting companies into the all male, all female, & mixed populations, you’ll find that the differences completely vanish.
It’s the “women in tech” or “women in STEM” nonsense all over again. The idea that there’s some cabal of male geeks determined to oppress women is just laughable on its face in this country and this day and age.
During his Squawk interview Solomon stated that Goldman data showed IPO’s with women on the board performed better
So naturally this trend will continue when you force everyone to have women on board. This is what happens when you get illiterate people on board with “Data Driven Policy/Management/Government”
Easy-peasy. Some of the shitlords will just have to identify as a woman until the IPO is over and done.
They just have to suck off some one at Goldman Sachs.
So they think women are so bad at directing companies that they have to force companies to hire them?
Well there goes my big plans to take DollarRapeKitClub.com public.
For some reason, we’ve never been able to retain any females in our fun, dynamic startup.
Uffda. That domain is available. That is so tempting to order just for the fun of it. If nothing else you could get emails at PJ@DollarRapeKitClub.com
Asia is not yet included in the firm’s new policy.
Gee, I wonder why.
I do remember reading somewhere that Thailand has the world’s highest rate of female CEOs.
Which category do ladyboys fall under?
In Thailand? Legally, they are still considered men.
Public companies with all-male boards based in California now face a $100,000 fine under a new state law
How is this not an illegal quota?
It very likely is. I believe a lawsuit has already been filed.
That’s as dumb as the new “debate” rules.
Senator Backpedal
Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) denied saying she is telling parents who have already paid their tuition “tough luck,” continuing to tout her promise to forgive student loan debt.
Warren made the comments on “CBS This Morning” on Friday, less than a day after video surfaced of a man confronting Warren at an Iowa town hall to vent his frustration over how her plan to wipe out student loan debt would not reimburse him for the tuition that he’d already paid.
“We build a future going forward by making it better,” Warren told CBS. “By that same logic, what would we have done? Not started Social Security because we didn’t start it last week for you, or last month for you?”
“Think of it this way, when I was growing up, I wanted to be a public school teacher, my family had no money,” she continued.
The senator’s comments come after conservatives circulated video of Warren’s exchange with the man in Grimes, Iowa, who asked if she would reimburse him as president since he saved money to pay off his student loans.
“Of course not,” Warren responded.
Who let that Republican-dirty-trickster in?
What I like about the video is that she is so unlikeable and unauthentic that she has no chance.
Bill Clinton was a piece of crap, but he was charming enough that he could have probably mollified they guy. “Look, you are getting shafted on this tuition stuff. But you gotta remember that you are gonna get free health care from that dude over there who is even richer. So yeah, you are still getting more out than you put in.”
“By that same logic, what would we have done? Not started Social Security because we didn’t start it last week for you, or last month for you?”
I’m looking forward to the fall-out from this comment.
She’s not wrong about this.
Of course, can you imagine how much better off we’d be if we’d avoided nearly 80 years of the U.S. government seizing 12% of workers’ incomes and using them to fund a shitty annuity that is so poorly structured that if offered by an insurance company would result in its executives going to jail for running a Ponzi scheme?
In retrospect, she *is* wrong.
I am pretty certain my great grandmother, who considered FDR a saint for rescuing her from poverty by implementing social security, hadn’t paid a dime in exchange for the benefits she received (her hubby died young, with few savings and no life insurance).
While not a broad principle, but Social Security was paid out of wages by people who hadn’t retired already. A better corollary for her would be if we paid for social security by raiding retirement savings. Tuition forgiveness is being paid by people who already have paid for college, or are yet to pay for college, or are still paying without taking on any debt.
Tuition forgiveness isn’t being paid for by anybody, print more money, borrow more money, no one is actually paying for anything, and we haven’t been for a long time.
not givingdevaluing is takingand the beauty part of it is the Federal Reserve system means a private cabal gets a tiny little taste off the top of every dollar they print! and (theoretically if they ever do) a premium when it is
repaidretiredreplaced with 3 new dollars.Wiki says:
So I’m going to guess your great grandmother had a situation like one of these people. It was basically an out-and-out ponzi scheme from day one.
“It was basically an out-and-out ponzi scheme from day one”
Yep, and it only works if you have a continuously growing population.
The long tradition of women who paid nothing receiving SS continues – my MIL receives “half” the benefit level of her living husband and never worked.
Wendy did work, she does receive it, and the amount is based on My wages,
the more i make, the less she gets,
“We build a future going forward by making it better,” Warren told CBS. “By that same logic, what would we have done? Not started Social Security because we didn’t start it last week for you, or last month for you?”
She’s not even internally consistent. Forgiving debts is not going forward, it is going backwards. Going forward would be guaranteeing free college for all future students. What she wants would be like if Social Security pledged to pay the debts of indebted old people instead of giving everyone a payout. Of course it’s going to piss off the people it is discriminating against.
Not started Social Security because we didn’t start it last week for you, or last month for you?
Or start it as a mandatory ira. If 12.4% (6.2 from me plus employer match) went into a retirement account that I owned and controlled it wouldnt be so bad.
Still not libertarian, but not horrible.
That could have been started at any time, with the near retirement age at the time getting little benefit from it.
They have that in Singapore, if I am not mistaken.
Doesnt surprise me, as it avoids the obvious problems with our system.
Defined contribution instead of defined benefit plans would have prevented the state and local pension problems too.
Old White woman speak with forked tongue! Hmmmm. Is bad totem!
Tucker is not impressed
“Imagine a movie written and directed by children,” Carlson said, “whose ending you already know and, buy the way, it’s 20 hours long, in Hungarian with misspelled subtitles. That’s what it’s like.”
But it’s art, dammit. You’re not supposed to “get” it.
I have an idea for another debate.
Price “gouging” during an emergency: ethical or no?
There is no debate. Higher prices encourage people to provide services during an emergency. The higher prices do not in anyway dissuade those who would provide the services out of charity or benevolence, they just add another source, and forbidding them proclaims that whoever is doing the forbidding owns the labor of whoever is providing the service.
There has been debate about it ’round these here parts. There was some thread a while back in which it was debated.
It also encourages people who don’t really need an item to forgo it as well.
Since Gouging doesn’t exist, how can it be an ethical question?
Ever deal in the Black market? it’s as ethical as it gets, buy or don’t, simple
Worked in the days of rationing.
/Young Pepperidge Farmboy remembers/
“Two hens for a Baby” is what they’d say!
Dude, I am a vocal supporter of the black market.
I am referencing a discussion in a comments thread here some time ago about whether jacking up gasoline prices during a hurricane and everybody wants out of town was ethical or not.
They jacked the price of gasoline 14% during our recent cold spell. Now that it’s over the price fell to juuuuust above what it was before. Costco never wavered.
Yes, yes, everyone should have to get their position on price gouging during…oh, lets say a natural disaster such as a flood or drought, on the permanent record before…oh, lets say Monday at 7pm.
What about coronavirus tho? How does that affect peoples feelings?
So leon’s down as a pro price gouging *makes notation in ledger*
Did you expect any thing else?
My response: what if instead of jacking up the price, the person sold the goods via a dutch auction?
If someone has a problem with that approach, please explain why. If you are okay with the auction, but not gouging, explain the difference. Slowly, because I dont see it.
I’m late to the party but I’m doin’ it anyway.
In a free market, the equilibrium price of a good represents the point at which quantity supplied meets quantity demanded. Raise the price and you’ll sell less because there are fewer people willing and able to pay; lower the price and you’ll have people who would’ve paid more but you’ve run out of goods to sell. This isn’t just a model for how to make a lot of money because greedy capitalism, it’s a model for the most efficient way to distribute limited resources given that scarcity is a real thing that exists. So, before talking about the ethics, “gouging” really just represents the fact that supply has yet to catch up to an altered demand curve. That’s the nature of an emergency, of course, but that doesn’t change the fact that the amount of resources on hand to sell represent the equilibrium amount for an earlier curve.
So, let’s flip the question. Let’s assume that businesses want to make money and know about equilibrium. Is it ethical to prevent suppliers from supplying goods to the most people willing and able to pay? Because, in essence, you’re then deciding the allocation of those resources based not on who is most willing and able to pay but on, say, who shows up first, or who the local authorities want to pander to more, or some other arbitrary criterion.
In other news, Carlos Maza is still raging case of ass fungus.
Well he is an influential “gay wonk” he’ll have you know…
even the most devout free market libertarian would probably agree that arbitrary capitalistic rules should not apply to emergency situations in which innocent people are attempting to avoid injury or death.
“Don’t retreat. Hold your ground and return fire.”
That’s what a real libertarian would say.
No a real libertarian would say
Paulista jackasses think they can intimidate me by shooting people
I was libertarianing water rights in Washington State when
they shot me!
There can only be one true libertarian.
Hihn, or Winston?
“next time on Glib celebrity death match!!”
even the most devout free market libertarian would probably agree that arbitrary capitalistic rules should not apply to emergency situations in which innocent people are attempting to avoid injury or death.
Erm No…
Let’s take the flip side of the argument. If this place is so dangerous, you think that people should still have to provide a service that was priced not accounting for the risk? Because you are asking someone to come to a place that you have said is “Dangerous” and asking them to give you a lift. seems like it is only fair that you compensate for taking that risk.
Glad there were no libertarians at Dunkirk. / Prog.
Decided to make a little modern art this afternoon.
Needs more WD40….
Also, “that’ll Buff out” nice 🙂
Forgot the duct tape
What is with the sissy-ass poker/pole? I thought you were a MAN, Lach? Why not use your dick like a real libertarian?
That there actually be a 4ft cutting torch. If i had my oxy/acetylene mixing tip for my pecker handy, i would have used it, but i left it at home.
pecker? is your Wife cool with that?
Ah, Im fondly remembering the days when our cold roll mills would crash.
Talk about a mess. And the occasional fire.
being on the enviromental side of things as you were, you probably enjoyed a good cobble more than i do.
Because you are asking someone to come to a place that you have said is “Dangerous” and asking them to give you a lift. seems like it is only fair that you compensate for taking that risk.
Progressives cannot be bothered to look at both sides of the ledger. They just want what they want. And you’re obligated to provide.
ProgressivesPeople cannot be bothered to look at both sides of the ledger.FIFY. This is essentially what Hazlitt and Bastiat were saying. Most people only look at the situation as it is presented and then make a determination then. If Uber drivers were the “victim party” that were being advocated for, the story could have been framed as such and most people would talk about how bad it was that Uber had them go to somewhere dangerous and how bad it was for people to call them into a dangerous area.
Most people have very little ability to think beyond the story they are presented to come to a conclusion, as such they rarely think about how any policy would affect everyone and not just the person who is presenting it to them.
That’s why control of the narrative is so important.
People providing goods and services tend not to be progs. People regulating goods and services tend to be progs. People recieving unearned goods and services tend to be on the vote plantations operated by progs. Which side would you expect a prog to want to bear the costs?
Protesters have Time, Productive people have jobs.
Friday Funbags sez there’s nothing like a sporty gal with big ole’ knockers.
Does this mean we have to do Space Socialism?
Only if we get replicators.
I’m opting out of the red shirt.
#hotgirlsforbernie is trending.
It is a misnomer most of the time.
Looks like mostly a bunch of ethots.
So we watched the last installment of the How To Train Your Dragon series this afternoon. I just casually mentioned that Astrid’s tits have gotten bigger since the first movie, and I got the look.
A much better show than I thought, I had fun watching with the kids..
This girl agrees
Isn’t America Ferrera thirty-something by now?
The dismount at the end makes it!
The hero we need right now.
Warm up for the Libertarian Party convention?
I’d vote for him twice.
Naked women running through streets.
Wow. I’d would be wondering if I was awake.
Somewhere in Heaven “Yakkity Sax” is playing as a portly British gentleman in a band leader uniform waggles his eyebrows suggestively.
They cut out the part where you see that they were all running away from STEVE SMITH.
They would be running much faster.
Prolapses slow you down some.
not critical news, but I find it oddly entertaining listening to a Russian guy spiel the AK-20
The Russian accent just sounds evil. Like the Canadian accent sounds like the speaker is dim witted
Some of them aren’t?
I am stupefied that thrice married adulterer and biblical illiterate Donald Trump was the first president to attend the March for Life and not evangelical compassionate conservatives George W. Bush. It’s as ridiculous as Mitt “My Dad Was Governor” Romney failing to flip Michigan, while Donald “Verbal Diarrhea” Trump did.
Trump is a better political strategist than most people give him credit
What people don’t get about his supporters is that they weren’t looking for their ideal person as president, they were looking for a politician who paid attention to them and took them seriously. For eight years Barack Obama, a well-heeled, political animal who came from privilege and married into money lectured the “deplorables” about how racist, ignorant, and greedy they were when he wasn’t mocking them for owning guns and being Christians. Is it really that shocking they’d support someone who *doesn’t* do that?
Eh. It takes more than that.
Trump also directed that sweet, sweet Federal ‘entitlement’ money their way, just as Obama did for his base a decade prior.
This is also true. He paid them positive attention, in some cases positive fiscal attention, and that’s always a winner.
My 14 year old nieces went with their catholic church group to a March for Life in Little Rock last Sunday. I told them to make sure to not be looking smug at any inopportune moments.
Big mistake, one good smuggening and they could be sitting on a million dollar settlement for being ‘cancelled’.
Hey, the proggies aren’t the only ones that can make up new words.
So Spud, I didn’t see you taking a stand above. I’m curious (for no particular reason whatsoever), what is your position on price-gouging during natural disasters?
I think they’re immoral scumbags, but in a free market, they have a right to do it.
Sage advice
Trump is a better political strategist than most people give him credit
Left handed compliment given who is opponents are.
I seem to ave developed a cockney accent.
Yoda was from London?
Gah. This “recovery time” bullshit is driving me bonkers! I can feel my arms and legs shrinking and my belly growing. There’s naught to be done about it. Doctor told me to be patient and heal but I am not a patient man. /whine-fest off
small steps at first, and keep a PMA as you go along, Good fortune,
I shoveled the snow out of the back of the truck and burned some boxes the other day. Wifey was displeased.
Arms and legs shrinking, eh? Are you well enough to masturbate on the treadmill?
Maybe they could stick this guy in with Epstein’s ex-cellmate.
They’ll shiv that guy in prison and I won’t be sorry.
A NY cop with psychopathic tendencies. Dog bites man story.
That guy just unlocked a new level of “piece of shit cop”
Evil gonna Evil….
Sad scene,
I’m against the death penalty, rape and cruel and unusual punishment.
I’m also happy to turn my head in this bastard’s case.
Principles have it tough in a world like this.
He knew he has being recorded. Scumbag, but was the murder intentional?
I would argue that putting a child in that situation is at a minimum some form of homicidal negligence. But I’d be willing to give him a week to put his affairs in order and kill himself before I assumed that he didn’t make a horrible mistake and should be raped to death in prison.
Defense attorneys for them said neither of them had been in trouble with the law in the past and noted Valva has served as an NYPD officer for several years.
Several years and the NYPD never noticed this guy was, let’s just say lacking any empathy. Fuck him. That the death may not have been intentional almost makes it worse. It was intended as torture.
Depraved indifference homicide:
125.25 Murder in the second degree.
A person is guilty of murder in the second degree when:
2. Under circumstances evincing a depraved indifference to human life,
he recklessly engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of death to
another person, and thereby causes the death of another person;
I exhibit depraved indifference every day. Nobody dies though.
You are depraved and indifferent. That is not the same thing. Depraved indifference in the law is things like throwing bowling balls off overpasses, or locking your 8 year old in a freezing garage over night. Just leering at your kid’s Electone instructor or rubbing up against some teen on the train and then watching someone die isn’t enough.
He has three sons and Miss New Boobs brought three girls of her own. That’s the way they all became the Valva Bunch.
I’m going to hell.
I snorted. See you there, I guess.
I legit don’t understand how parents could do that. My dad was a drunk, and a mean drunk. He’d lose his shit, fly off the handle, scream horrible shit, occasionally he’d he hit us, but usually not for no reason at all. He’d absolutely qualify as an abusive parent by today’s standards, although he was really just a product of his own environment.
But deliberately freezing your kid to death? What the actual fuck could possess parents to do that? Those two pieces of shit will not fare well in prison. Even bad men love their kids, and bad men hate cops. As for her, I’m sure there’s plenty of really scary women on the inside who have children they love.
the child had run into a door jam and passed out.
Roadhouse Blues or Soul Kitchen?
Ya know, Im not an EMT, let alone para-Jesus, but seems to me that “Valva and Pollina called 911 after Thomas became unresponsive, but claimed the child had run into a door jam and passed out.”
Once they determined the patient’s core temp was where I like my beer, that story fell apart quickly.
And the fuckhead cop was stupid enough to have all the shit recorded on his “extensive” home video system that captured almost every room of the house. Dude needs to get Steve Smithed in prison.
The Equality Lounge: The Place Where We All Belong
I get the feeling that I wouldn’t be welcome.
Jazzy little tune.
Just got this album from ebay today. So damn good. Goes great with a few bottles of wine, and my homemade lasagna (with home made noodles, I will argue that this is my favorite thing I cook…even if every bite is a god damned heart attack.)
Jazz is not my thing since I am an uncultured hillbilly but lasagna is. The best one I ever made I used leftover pulled pork along with the usual sausage and what not. Home made noodles is also the way to go but I am usually too lazy.
Jazz would be the ultimate hipster music, except it became cool before the hipsters were born so they can’t like it. Personally I think 90% of it sounds like people tuning their instruments.
You only really need the 3M’s – Mingus, Monk, and Miles. Run through Kind of Blue, Blues and Roots, and Brilliant Corners a few time and you’ll start to ‘dig’ jazz.
Never cared for Hot Jazz. Mind you, I’m a baroque guy.
Bebop is where it’s at daddy-o.
Well then here ya go – https://youtu.be/94jFojvCNUs
I love you forever.
Mom’s spectral presence approves.
BREAKING: OMWC Gains 20 lbs.
Those caramel delights are mine. No, none of you freaks can have one.
Why are the names all wrong? Caramel delights are actually Samoas, Shortbread are trefoils etc.? They haven’t changed the names here in Cincinnati, I have a link from a friend of my niece that shows the old names still.
Fact checking Girl Scout cookies. How glib.
I like the minty ones (three Brownie step-daughters). Begging on twitter is nearly as bad as office begging.
Same cookie.
What? Since when have the Girl Scouts offered a chocolate chip cookie?
Anyone experienced with refilling Juul pods? I have done others but…..
You’ll void the warranty doing that.
/JK – I know they’re not refillable and I am not motivated to try to hack them.
The valves are so poor to start with I suspect you’d be drinking sips of nicotine juice with every draw.
I switched to ‘Vuse Alto’ because Juuls leak like crazy. And yeah, pretty sure I sucked up some juice once or twice on the Juuls too.
They have gotten better. I think the leaking issue was a result of too rapidly expanding production. I have only had one leaker over the past 2 months.
I haven’t bought Juul in many months. The Vuse come out cheaper in the long run anyway.
But Juul tastes better.
Wifey bought me a vaping outfit some months ago. It “pops” when I try it. Me no likey.
You can’t smoke weed in your Juul Bob. It don’t work that way.
Back when I was smoking weed for awhile I used to crumble up some bud into my tobacco and tube delivery system. Always mark the special cigs. Trust me on this, people!
Lit up a loaded one when the Field Inspector showed up at camp one day. Brazened it out.
I tried rolling my own cigs for awhile and always pondered rolling some fitty fitty’s just for the hell of it. I gave up on rolling since I never found a tobacco I cared for. I haven’t used the rolling machine in months.
I am of two minds on the GOP impeachment presentation.
1. It would be epic to just walk in and say “we had this big presentation all prepared, but seeing as how the House Democrats did not manage to make the case for impeachment, we are going to let everyone off the hook. We move for summary judgement and immediate acquittal on both counts.
2. I really want to see the GOP team play back clips of every democrat over the last 2 months (and last 3 days in the Senate) saying “there is a mountain of evidence” and “this case is a slam dunk”, back to back with the same person claiming that it is unfair if they don’t get to go rummaging around for more witnesses. In the same vein, I really want to see Schiff in particular getting hoist by his own petard. Play clips of him pounding the table with “trying to dig up dirt on political opponents from foreign governments is a threat to democracy and an immediate danger” directly cutting to him talking to the fake FSB agent “sure… da… we have naked pictures of Trump. We have everything…” and Schiff saying that yes, he wants to see it.
Alright, bonus addendum to 2….. I also kinda want to watch them squirm as they lay out the case against team D. Their prosecution claimed that Trump started the investigation of Biden without any foundation whatsoever. Laying out that foundation in video footage, rather than them talking, would be great. And if Laura Ingram is to be believed, the Obama administration had Ukrainian prosecutor dude and embassy folks meeting at the white house to complain about Biden. Guess who signs them in? The Whistleblower. SO…. if true, maybe that explains why he found the phone call “shocking”. Not because of what Trump was doing, but because he saw that Trump was on to them and they were about to be exposed. There are so many great details in there that most people have not heard.