The end of the week is here! Which, for me, sadly means I have to work like a dog for two days getting our old house ready for our renters to move in. And I just got a new driver and 3 wood I was hoping to go use. Oh well, there’s always next week.

See you in Paris.
Speaking of next week, that’s when hockey returns. So no scores from yesterday. But there were some sports scores of note. Two of which made me very happy to see: Coco Gauff took out Osaka and Serena Williams being bounced at the Aussie Open. That’s awesome. And, as usual, I can report that Liverpool won again. Did they deserve to? No. But they did anyway, with a brilliant late goal. Now if they can manage to win their game next midweek, that lead will be all but insurmountable.

His name wasn’t Abdullah. And he wasn’t even a butcher!
Roman emperor Hadrian was born on this day. So were Prussian king Frederick The Great, the dandy Swedish king Gustav III, hated author (by high school students) Edith Wharton, game show magnate Mark Goodson, acing great Ernest Borgnine, televangelist Oral Roberts, music legend Neil Diamond, wrestling manager Gary Hart, murder victim Sharon Tate, midget-hater Warren Zevon, comedian Yakov Smirnoff, the lovely Nastassja Kinski, nasty boy Rob Dibble, and (the worst) actor (on The Office) Ed Helms.
And with that, I bring you to…the links!
At least the fish will die happy. Unless it was Merlot. Then they’ll be forced to wonder where they went wrong.

There’s an onion on that belt somewhere. And a double cheeseburger in a jacket pocket.
Not sure accusing the people of corruption that you are trying to convince of something is a winning strategy. But that’s not nearly as stupid as his suspenders look.
The Harvey Weinstein trial gets to the accusers. Unfortunately this has been overshadowed by other events. But I thought it was worth a mention.
I have a feeling the Dems are going to regret making Schiff their point man on impeachment. But they’re the same party that thinks the father of a con-man with a coke habit profiting from his name would make a good presidential candidate, so there you are.
An innocent person is released from jail. That whole case was sickening and I’m glad she’s out. Is she an asshole? Yes. Did she commit manslaughter? Absolutely not. And her sentence still isn’t done, as her probation lasts another two years.

What the fuck is wrong with people? Don’t they sell socks anymore?
Just in case any of you are looking for a job in Silicon Valley outside of a tech position…
A massive warehouse explosion rocked NW Houston. Several homes were damaged.
Peña said the explosion originated from a warehouse at Watson Grinding and Manufacturing, a machining and manufacturing company, at 4525 Gessner. Firefighters were on scene, and had taken one civilian to a hospital.
That’s weird. I had no idea there was a military barracks in the area. I thought everybody, including the cops and firemen on scene, were civilians.
As my anniversary approaches, I’m reminded of thinking this the first time I met Banjos. A week later she was headed back to California with me. So maybe I wasn’t the only one thinking it.
Anyway, on that happy note…have great end of the week and weekend, friends!
It’ll be diluted so much it won’t even kill off the microbes.
It’s entirely possible it will increase the microbe count. If they wine wasn’t hit with sulfates, there was probably a good amount of live yeast in it.
Be free little yeasties.
Don’t you mean sulfites? My poor recall of high school chemistry doesn’t allow me to figure out what sulfates do to the wine. 😉
I did… I blame a lack of coffee so far today.
The coffee is currently being made, so things should be better the rest of the day.
Sounds like a reverse Jesus move to me.
Like a sign of the antichrist? Figures it’d be in california.
Think of the children! The poor fish children will be drunk at school!
Carp a diem little fishes.
What a crappie joke.
Not worth putting his head on a pike for though.
Swiss will be along shortly to drum you guys out.
He’ll be able to cast a wide net, that’s for sure.
“Swiss will be along shortly to drum you guys out”
He will gaze at you with his walleye!
Better the walleye than the browneye?
Are you guys still carping on about this?
Thank goodness it was wine and not Dogfish Head IPA.
Trolling for a narrow gaze, are we?
Maybe he was just trolling you?
Or Ted’S.
Trolling is a method of fishing where one or more fishing lines, baited with lures or bait fish, are drawn through the water. This may be behind a moving boat…
Trawling is a method of fishing that involves pulling a fishing net through the water behind one or more boats.
So, if I walk around with my zipper down to see who comments, I’m trolling for meat-gazers.
I’m not sure how I would trawl for meat-gazers that wouldn’t get me arrested.
I looked into joining the local pun society in town. Turns out it was all bitter divorced guys, and I didn’t want to be in a menhaden women group, so I passed.
That pun smelt.
Just the small fry.
*narrows gaze*
I thought wine had antimicrobial properties. It helps kill salmon, Ella.
Nearly 100,000 gallons of cabernet sauvignon was spilled into a river in Northern California at the Rodney Strong winery.
Alcohol abuse.
If they were going to spill stuff, they should have spilled crap like Moscato or white zin.
Word. I hate sugary wine.
Some men do love the Spanish wine
For that will make their brains more fine
Call it sack or cum sugar-o!
That’s a good clip.
Red wine is all wrong for fish anyway.
It should be beer to batter them with.
Take that pearl.
+1 overfed, long-haired leaping gnome!
Little known fact: that gnome had to sleep with Weinstein to be a star in a Hollywood movie.
Little gnome fact?
Et tu, GT?
*narrows gaze*
As if there were BIG gnome facts…
Key moderate Republicans ‘offended,’ ‘stunned’ after Nadler accuses senators of ‘cover-up’
It is almost like Team Blue has bad intentions.
We knew that since, well, even before the Klan.
Wait, you’re not suggesting that they’re motivated by anything other than patriotism and a pure, holy love for the tuth?
Congrats on your anniversary, Sloop and Banjo. Always happy to hear good news, makes mornings more pleasant and ups the belief in humanity.
Glibs aren’t all bad.
Yes, congrats.
And it wasn’t their rockin’ sex that caused the vibrations everybody in Houston felt.
It’s been eight years! Lots of ups and downs. Which is how we have three kids.
Sure, but the last 5 years have been undramatic
Our experiment to see if my super sperm can overcome a set of tied tubes has so far been unsuccessful. But we’re gonna continue it.
Been able to secure that grant yet?
Little known fact….Sloopy once stared intently at a woman for 3 minutes. It knocked her up. True fact.
Hot damn. Happy Anniversary!
I have a feeling the Dems are going to regret making Schiff their point man on impeachment.
It doesn’t help that they don’t have a case (and Schiff is a creepy known liar). The president either has the authority to do something or he does not. If he does not, say so. “Abuse of power” is bs. And the entire point of US government is that the branches “obstruct” each other in various ways. Would they impeach the president for vetoing a bill?
They know that they have zero chance of “getting” orange man, but it is not about that and more about laying the groundwork of making it even harder for orange man to run the country when he wins in 2020…
The left is pissed that all the illegal & criminal shit Obama did by the pen and their grip on power is being completely eroded by the guy that doesn’t care if they call him mean names.
This is why they wanted a Bush/Clinton contest in 2016. If Bush would have won, then they were still getting a good consolation prize. And if Jeb would have done something they didn’t like, all they would have had to do was call him racist or some other mean word and he’d break down on TV crying, apologizing, and do a complete 180 on whatever it was.
Instead they got a mean old bastard who not only don’t give a shit what they say, but seems to revel in pissing them off more than anything.
No wonder they are losing their shit.
“The president is on trial in the Senate, but the Senate is on trial in the eyes of the American people. Will you vote to allow all the relevant evidence to be presented here? Or will you betray your pledge to be an impartial juror?” Nadler said.
The best way to prove your impartiality is to publicly proclaim to all and sundry your firm intent to vote guilty. That how trials work.
Oh, I’m impartial, you’re just plain wrong. See, that’s easy.
Please don’t confuse me with evidence or facts, I’m a married man.
That left a mark Four….
This is America, we have a proper trial before the scheduled hanging..
What the fuck is wrong with people?
I saw something worse on 1000 ways to die, once. Best thing, just stick with your hand.
Science proves that people wanted those banana peels for some fun times going back 3000 years, brah!
Nadler: They truly are second grade people. A party filled with the despicable and dishonourable.
Pot, meet kettle…
I thought everybody, including the cops and firemen on scene, were civilians.
They are but they like to pretend. But the notion that they, and particularly cops, are something other than citizens really grinds my gears.
Hey, they wear a uniform, same as the McD people.
I’ll accept cops aren’t civilians when their unions are dissolved and the officers are subject to the UCMJ, including court martial for violations of the rules of engagement.
Militarized police piss me off, but according to Merriam Webster, the word excludes police *and* firefighters.
This word seems to be “evolving”, Webster’s 1828 has nothing like the modern meaning, Webster’s 1913 says one not in the military or clerical life, and the American Heritage Dictionary from 2000 says not in military or police. Firefighters probably got added after 9/11.
I believe the Geneva convention would like to have a word on that.
Being part of a nation’s military, and thus not civilian, is quite strictly defined down to the size of the ID card they have to carry.
Effing police work on shifts. Actual military – not so much. The defining point between civilian and military comes down to priority. IN any military the accomplishment of the mission comes BEFORE the welfare of the participants. If the priority works in the other direction you’re talking about civilians.
Civilians can be punished for refusing to walk away from a fight, military get shot if they do.
Well, the cops aren’t human.
If only people had know about Harvey Weinstein sooner. Say 6-7 years ago.
That reminds me, I need to watch 30Rock all the way thru sometime. I don’t remember that episode.
A job requiring you to plan and take international vacations with minors? “Rough house”ing with them is required? Surely that won’t attract the wrong sort… Anyone seen OMWC lately?
You’ll also need to have “high emotional intelligence” and be skilled with coaching children. You’ll need to “build alliances with other kids’ parents and nannies,” “influence the children positively” and also have “room in [your] heart to love the kids and the mom; has a high capacity to be loved deeply by them.”
That lets me out.
Emily Blunt can be my nanny anytime.
Oh, like you’d kick Julie Andrews out of bed.
I like older women, but that’s a bit much.
I’m pretty sure that since her larynx surgery she no longer has a gag reflex.
So you just pop the dentures out and it’s as good as a Fleshlight.
Self-lubricating, self-warming, self-cleaning too.
Honestly, I was reading that and thinking it wouldn’t be that bad of a gig for a widow or widower of a particular age, if they didn’t have the physical requirements. If my kids moved out, my wife was hit by a bus, and I expected to retire in ~5 years, it might not be a terrible gig.
Shaming Republicans has always worked in the past. Why would they stop now?
Trump has caused some of them to grow a pair?
The evil crowd has still not realized that it no longer is business as usual and that their abuse of this tactic has worn thin on too many people. And it is not like they have anything else to use. They are dumb fucking liars with no redeeming quality or agenda to peddle, so there is nothing else they can do than keep trying to do the same shit they used to be able to do.
One of the prevailing views I keep seeing is ‘The Republican party has gone so far right, the Democrats are the centrists!’. It’s just not so but they’ve been so good at fostering this image, progressives bought the bit. Progressives see themselves as ‘CENTRIST’. It’s bananas.
Same exact thing up here. The Conservative party is extreme!
Despite little to no evidence of this.
Anyone to the right of me is extreme!
They truly are second grade people.
I’ll defer to your expertise, but I thought second graders were supposed to have outgrown the habit of throwing their toys and shrieking any time they don’t get their way.
“…have outgrown the habit of throwing their toys”… and shitting in their pants
However, Dr. Diana Gill of prescription service Doctor-4-U cautions against the perverse practice. “You could develop a rash and sores on the penis which can be painful and might lead to infection,” Gill told the Sun. Not only that, but she claims a person with a fruit or latex allergy could be more susceptible to a reaction from a banana skin.-
How dare a WOMAN tell a MAN what he can do in his bed…er… computer chair.
This phytosexualphobia will not stand!
It’s all hogwash . . .this isn’t anything new and it’s not dangerous.
What’s next, yelling us not to use a grapefruit? As if a grapefruit has any other purpose.
Ow. Ow ow ow ow ow.
Plus grapefruit have an autoregulatory feature where the user immediately stops application if a sore begins to develop.
“What’s next, yelling us not to use a grapefruit? As if a grapefruit has any other purpose.”
The Hat agrees.
The aftermath
The orange doesn’t have to feel left out just because it is too small, the world is full of Irishmen.
Giving up your guns?
Wasn’t planning on it.
Austin police holding surrender program
Looking to give up your guns? The Austin Police Department has you covered.
On Jan. 28, 2020, the APD is holding a no-questions-asked gun surrender service where citizens can turn over their unwanted firearms and ammunition.
The event will be held from 3 to 8 p.m. at the Robert T. Martinez Central East Substation at 812 Springdale Road.
To safely surrender your weapons, the following rules must be followed:
Do not walk into the substation with a visible gun or ammunition
Unload the gun
Put the gun and ammunition in separate bags
Leave the gun or ammunition in the car (trunk or back seat) or bagged (if on foot)
Tell an officer you are there to turn in a gun and they will safely retrieve it
I am sure people will be jumping at the opportunity to give up property that they spent hundreds or thousands of dollars for in return for nothing.
I’m waiting for a gun buy back here. I have an old nonfunctional RG 22 I would trade for a gift card or something. The other, well I’m not sure how many I have, guns I’m keeping.
The store I bought most of my guns from is out of business, so there’s no one who can buy them back.
Maybe a Gunbroker gift card?
*taps ? *
It’s not a buy back since they didn’t sell you the guns.
I am sure people will be jumping at the opportunity to give up other people’s property.
In TEXAS??!?? Really?
I’d think in Texas you could find loving families for unwanted guns. Please people, these unwanted and neglected guns have so much love to give, before you buy from a pistol mill, please consider the love only a rescue gun can give.
“Austin police holding surrender program”
I don’t think “surrender” is a very good word choice.
Susan Collins- isn’t she the one with dementia, or Parkinson’s, or something? Every time I see her being interviewed, I think she’s going to keel over.
I was going to say that I can’t tell one swamp rat from another. But swamp rats are cuter than congresscritters, and I don’t want to insult them by the comparison.
Rodents have an AIR FORCE? I guess I should put out more seeds for the squirrels and chipmunks
Bats, duh.
I got a grant from the CDC to teach rats how to floss!
Our initial failures are only proof we need more funding.
I thought that was Biden.
Man, that job ad. Makes you wonder why CEO-Mom decided to have a family in the first place. I would like to know how she is as a boss. She doesn’t seem to want to be the CEO of her own family – which is what matters most.
Needs to ‘relax on week-ends’. This bugs me to no end. There’s no such thing as relaxing when you have a family. I don’t get people who decide to have kids and then act like they don’t have any.
I want to relax…..ahhhhhh shaaaadddaaaaappp.
Look at me. This morning I was planing to go for a quick cross-country ski run but my daughter informed me I have to go get her at the train station (exam time) right at the time I was planning to do it.
Man up CEO lady. Be a MOTHER. There’s no better CEO job.
While I feel the same way, not everyone is wired that way. Some people live to work. If they are really generating enough value in the formal economy to outsource parenting dues, I’m all for it. Kids are probably better off that way too.
Then have the courage to not have kids. My BIL/SIL did that. They figured with their lifestyles it would be irresponsible to have children. The made a choice and you can but respect that.
Of course, conservatives may take issue with it because of the duty to pro-create.
Same exact thoughts!
Meh. Women in high positions or with money have never ever taken care of their own kids. The fact that some moneyed women and women in positions of power DO is relatively recent.
Women in high positions or with money have never ever taken care of their own kids.
Nannys and nurses existed, but there is a difference between having help and ‘not taking care of’ and plenty of upper class women took care of their kids, some far too much. Victoria (the daughter/Prussian queen not the British queen) was a bit of a helicopter Mom.
Load your daughter on your back and ski her to the station.
She’s a tad too heavy for me. Lol.
Anyway, it worked out. She went to Starbucks with a friend to unwind. It gave me a chance to go do a quick 3 mile run.
Good morning, Sloop!
So maybe I wasn’t the only one thinking it.
Nice. Congrats!
This is what happens when you have contradictory narratives.
“How would you define what a woman is?” Backholm asked the protesters.
“I think a woman… That’s a trick question,” one of them shot back.
“I think a woman is anything that she wants to be defined as,” said another.
One woman holding an image of President Donald Trump’s face with the words, “racist,” “sexist,” “cruel,” “liar,” and “pathetic” written on it merely said, “She’s an individual.”
“Like, we’re selling uterus pins, but that doesn’t mean that if you have a uterus, you’re a woman, or if you don’t have one, you’re not a woman,” one protester replied.
Others chimed in, “A woman is anyone that identifies as a woman, simple as that.”
“I think a woman is, like, if you identify as a woman,” another said. “If you want to be a woman, then you’re a woman.”
Backholm went on to ask, “Are there any innate differences between men and women today?”
Many of the protesters struggled to answer that question, as well.
“Do you think that anyone can be a woman?” he further queried.
“Anyone probably could be a physical woman if they would like to,” one protester said.
“Yes, I think it’s a choice,” another insisted.
Interesting. I suppose there is nothing special about being a woman, and the Women’s March is not actually for women, which is something we already knew. It is just a leftist, anti-Trump/Republican/Conservative/etc group. Additionally, biology means nothing you hateful, misogynist bigot.
It’s going to be awesome in a few years when you can officially get gulaged for failing to toe the line on this abject fucking insanity.
If anybody can be a woman, then it will be a crime to choose not to be one.
Choosing to be a woman is really the least you can do if you want to be a good person.
If a man insists he is a woman, I am happy to call him a cunt.
You misspelled “cunte”.
Personally, if you’re a grown adult still going to protests with signs a mature teenager wouldn’t hold up, I think you need to re-assess things.
It’s a bit too late for that.
Yes, it is too late.
I have a SIL with those signs. Her daughters absolutely refuse to leave the house with her in protest mode.
Good on your nieces.
Protesters: women get 70 cent on the dollar for men.
Me: why don’t you identify as male then?
Protesters: …….RACIST! SEXIST! BIGOT!
“I think a cucumber is, like, if you identify as a cucumber,” another said. “If you want to be a cucumber, then you’re a cucumber.”
This reads like a Monty Python sketch.
From the sidebar of the wine story:
Watch Amazing Moment Deer Sheds Its Antlers
Pretty cool.
Ten minutes later, an activst declared the cervine to be the first trans doe.
Was it scared by the antlers falling off?
Happy, no more jousting ’til next fall
I’m waiting for a gun buy back here. I have an old nonfunctional RG 22 I would trade for a gift card or something.
Call me cynical (or paranoid), but I cannot help thinking that’ll get you on a list.
Of course, frontrunning the line might be a good way of getting something worth having.
If they give out gift cards, can I buy a cheap AR, break it into components, and then trade each part in separately? Just looking for arbitrage opportunities.
I have NFA items, I’m already on somebody’s list.
But then being retired military and having had a security clearance most probably put me on a stack of lists already.
London police begin using live facial recognition tech across the capital
In a tweet, the Met assured the public that any images obtained that don’t trigger a potential alert are deleted immediately…
Bull. Shit.
…because the contract to do the CCTV/bodycam integration hasn’t been finalized yet.
. . . because the contract to do the CCTV/bodycam integration hasn’t been finalized yet.
And the integration tests don’t work.
But not property crime. Why would you run warrants on somebody, and then throw away some of them and only enforce others?
And why do I suspect “protect the vulnerable” is code for thought crimes?
Rotherham would like a word.
Don’t be racist.
If ever vigilante justice was needed …
Oi! What’s all this then? Let see yer vigilante loicence, mate!
Stop Right There!
*slaps Not Adahn with a copyright strike*
Common sense butter knife control.
Unless the cameras are inside bedrooms, I fail to see how this would be stopped.
Oh, you’ve looked at the EU regulations concerning televisions, clock radios, lighting fixtures, showerheads and mirrors then?
“How would you define what a woman is?” Backholm asked the protesters.
“I think a woman… That’s a trick question,” one of them shot back.
*hearty laughter*
When nothing has any meaning…..
That’s marxism 101 for how to make the serfs fall into line.
Warning venting:
So I took this week off for my birthday and I’ve had the kind of luck where you ask god to come down and fight you face to face. Starts with a leak under the floor boards, so we do a re-pipe leaving 25 holes in my walls plus one big one in the block wall outside. Truck breaks and I decided to fix it myself to save money and I run into some complications and am late to my own birthday dinner by 1.5 hours. Then getting the wheel alignment As they are pulling the truck on the lift a car hits a transformer and the shop loses power. Dishwasher dies and I order a replacement and I miss the delivery last night because my wife gets a flat and I have to go change her tire. Now the pool has developed a leak. That’s not even everything, just the highlights. I’m over 10k in repairs and replacements this week.
Rant/Vent off
the kind of luck where you ask god to come down and fight you face to face.
Like this?
Lol. Seems like a bizarre detail to include, but…
Sorry about your week, FM. But happy birthday, regardless!
Thanks. I try to keep in mind I’m healthy, gainfully employed and have a wonderful wife. Everything else is just details. Having The boys over for poker tomorrow. I figure a game of luck makes sense right now. Lol.
Poker is a game of luck?
If you Wrestle god to a standstill, that’s pretty badass.
Just remember, God’s a cheater.
In what form of wrestling is dislocating your opponents hip cheating?
The Dim Mak is frowned upon in friendly competitions.
The form where Jacob got mouthy with God.
I was thinking something more like this.
*hearty chuckle*
I needed that.
And yet, Jacob feared Esau. So how much of an extreme badass was he?
I’m not familiar with Esau, but now I’m intrigued.
He was Jacob’s older brother and the founder of the nation of Edom (as Jacob was the founder of Israel).
Jacob was more of a Momma’s boy, while Esau was the wild, adventurous one.
Jacob stole Esau’s blessing from their father by dressing up as him when their father was old and blind. Kinda pissed Esau off.
To be fair, it was his mother’s idea. To be even fairer, Esau had already sold him his birthright in exchange for a bowl of soup.
Honestly, the Bible doesnt portray a very flattering picture of Jacob. He clearly didnt have a lot of influence over the authors.
Esau had already sold him his birthright in exchange for a bowl of soup.
It was some damn good soup.
Esau was not the sharpest bulb in the deck.
Jacob Have I Loved
I still have that book from when I was a child.
Esau’s descendents built this:
Where they keep the holy grail?
Yeah I build Petra too if I can but unless your city is a very specific terrain it is really hard to build it in a city where the bonuses are worthwhile.
Dude, I feel you.
I know you are dealing with way more than me, so I really appreciate the empathy/sympathy.
Yanno, I have an aunt who married a loser. Then she made a decision to keep a severely disabled child who barely escaped a NICU (yes, I know how horrid that sounds, but his quality of life sucks ass and it would have been a mercy to him to let him go).
She and her family have had nothing but bad luck for going on 50 years. Now, a lot of it can be laid at my asshole uncle’s feet (I’ve told the story of my last encounter with him before), but not all of it.
It has infected my cousin, who is sweet and kind and loves her family (and thinks her dad walks on water, which is a complete mystery to me). She cannot catch a break. Even when she catches one, it costs her. It’s like getting NSF fees on top of NSF fees. Maybe you get a large sum of money suddenly, but it’s all gone with NSF fees and you’re barely back to break even. And then you get laid off. That kind of luck.
So my husband and I always say, “Well, at least we’re not the Tuckers.”
Yeah, that doesn’t work anymore.
I know money doesn’t solve anything, but it sure makes survival easier.
You just described my daughter, she hung on to the loser for 30 years, has just made the break final. Her 3 daughters lean towards poor old Dad, its not his fault that he’s dumb, fat and lazy. The girls have mostly disassociated themselves from their mother. The kids have had a tough life already but fortunately have learned to take responsibility for their own lives.
Sometimes learning the hard way is tough but made a big impression on those kids. We have been sort of an anchor in reality for them.
Sometimes you think, “Well, it could always be worse” And then it gets worse…
You’re right, MJ, money may not be the solution for all problems but it does help when its not part of the problem.
My aunt was a wilting violet to begin with and her husband is an emotionally abusive asshole and she’s beat down into the ground. He’s the creepy blustering uncle at Thanksgiving who starts a political discussion just so he can out-scream everyone and thinks he won the argument.
“How you doing, Tim?”
“Not bad, but I’m henpecked.” (There’s more to that stupid joke, but I can’t remember it.)
My mother and her sisters whom she lives with despise him, and my mom has broached the topic of her leaving the asshole “but she looooooooooooves him,” Mom tells me with rolling eyes. And my cousin thinks her mom is the source of all the bad things/decisions in her family.
My aunt wouldn’t leave that fucker for a life of ease on her own.
I totally understand. My daughter’s self esteem was destroyed by the guy. She only had her self to blame, she put up with it because he had her convinced that she couldn’t make it on her own
Seems like she can..
Stay strong, it can get really rough, Happy Birthday FM!
Life will always find a way to take a dump on you when you least expect it man. All I can tell you is that when you die I am told you won’t have to worry about these things anymore…
Know you don’t want to hear it, but I gotta say it. First world problems, dude. Have a whiskey on your B-day and enjoy. Cheers!
When life gives you lemons, throw away your banana peal.
Dishwasher dies and I order a replacement and I miss the delivery last night because my wife gets a flat and I have to go change her tire.
At least she did the dishes by hand when y’all got home, right? RIGHT?!
I watched The Adjustment Bureau last night, and I had watched the first season of His Dark Materials last month.
It would make for an interesting essay to compare/contrast the two. The Adjustment Bureau pretends to be anti-religious when it’s really craving a Top Man to daddy all of us. And Pullman has a famously cynical take on all religion, yet invents his own in the book.
The Adjustment Bureau pretends to be anti-religious when it’s really craving a Top Man to daddy all of us. And Pullman has a famously cynical take on all religion, yet invents his own in the book.
Reminds me of that quote from Cicero that “nature herself has imprinted on the minds of all the idea of god”.
Merit, shmerit.
Fresh off her smear of Bernie Sanders backfiring, Elizabeth Warren is trying out a new gimmick to earn back some desperately needed support ahead of the Iowa caucuses. Warren is pledging that if she’s elected in November, her administration “will be committed to diversity and inclusion, starting on day one.” Warren intends to assemble “a Cabinet and senior leadership team that reflects the full diversity of America.” To accomplish this, she promises that at least 50 percent of her Cabinet will be “filled by women and non-binary people.” She will also ensure “representation of LGBTQ+ people across all levels of government, including in leadership roles.”
She is not the first candidate to pander this way. Hillary Clinton pledged to have a Cabinet made 50 percent of women, and Pete Buttigieg did the same in October. Bernie Sanders has not made any specific pledge but has said, “I believe and know that my administration and my Cabinet will look like America looks like.”
You know, for a group of people not wanting to be pigeon-holed, they sure are looking for specific words to slep on their own foreheads.
Nobody needs 23 different kinds of American.
Mikey Bloomberg is sure spending a lot on ads. I just saw one on Foxnews.
I’ve seen a few on YouTube and they don’t seem to be able to skip.
Bloomberg to Google: How much extra to prevent people for skipping? I’ll teach them.
That’s a plan sure to back fire. Anyone who is interested would watch the video and people that aren’t went from indifferent to pissed.
$200 million and counting
I just saw on on Willy Wonka.
A water buffalo in every garage
I mean, it’s impossible for him to believe that he has a chance, right? You can’t be that self delusional and make money like did. Is he mentally ill? Is it Brewster’s Millions? Is there some weird ta advantage to spending half a billion on this nonsense? I have no idea.
Doesn’t matter. I have no problem with asshole statists like him losing money.
While I disagree with morons like AOC who claim the only way you can be a billionaire is to steal the money, there is something crazy about people who make that much money. Most of us would have called it a day and cashed out long before hitting $100 mill. Only a nut would keep working really hard and taking risks at that point.
Some people have a motor that won’t shut off. And that’s a big part of why they are billionaires.
Yes – Saw an interview with Ross Perot where that’s pretty much what he said.
You can’t be that self delusional and make money like did.
Actually, you totally can. In fact, sometimes it helps, as a lack of self-doubt can encourage risk-taking that can, when accompanied by skill and/or luck, result in great reward.
Protests in Puerto Rico
Things have been rather dicey down in the US territory of Puerto Rico since…well for generations now. While the island has been dealing with the aftermath of significant earthquakes weeks back, compounding ongoing stresses brought on by the massive hurricane last year, things are starting to possibly reach a breaking point for citizens.
They were marching on the governor’s mansion, setting up a guillotine in the capitol square.
This week came news reports earthquake victims in need of emergency provisions raiding a warehouse that had stored relief supplies following Hurricane Maria’s devastation. These supplies had been sitting dormant, never getting distributed. This echoes similar stories that came out after the hurricane when aid remained stagnant at the ports. It now seems the residents are not as eager to believe leaders pointing the blame at the White House.
Trump’s fault
We should see if we can pay Spain another 20 million to take it back.
Offer it to Denmark in exchange for Greenland.
Now you’re thinking. Trade the cold, dreary island for a tropical island.
Global climate warming chaos will make Greenland highly desirable real estate!
Make Greenland Green Again!
Greenland and a conditional pick in the second round.
Something, something, magic dirt…
Of course the “tragedy in Puerto Rico” has disappeared from the MSM since they can no longer blame it on ORANGEMANBAD. The smart thing for the US would be to grant PR independence.
“They were marching on the governor’s mansion”
Top-down approach doesn’t work. Get back to me when bureaucrats start getting threatened.
Nature is disappearing!
Humanity will have given up on planet Earth if world leaders cannot reach an agreement this year to stop the mass extinction of wildlife and destruction of life-supporting ecosystems, the United Nation’s new biodiversity chief has warned.
The ongoing destruction of life-supporting ecosystems such as coral reefs and rainforests means humans risk living in an “empty world” with “catastrophic” consequences for society, according to Mrema, who is responsible for spearheading a Paris-style agreement for nature that will be negotiated this year.
“People’s lives depend on biodiversity in ways that are not always apparent or appreciated. Human health ultimately depends on ecosystem services: the availability of fresh water, fuel, food sources. All these are prerequisites for human health and livelihoods,” she told the Guardian in her first major interview since taking up the role.
In May last year, the world’s leading scientists warned that nature is disappearing at a rate tens to hundreds of times higher than the average for the past 10m years. Experts have previously warned that humans are driving the sixth mass extinction event in Earth’s history, cautioning there is a short time to act.
Now you’ve done it. You’ve used up all the nature, and we’ll never be able to buy more.
Calling these people retarded is an insult to honest hard working retards everywhere.
There’s a saying about when the continued existence of your job requires you to see hobgoblins, all you see are hobgoblins.
I read that as “biodiversity chef” and thought: I think I see part of the problem.
Holy shit me too i read it that way.
/makes appointment with optometrist.
One Endangered Species kabob platter, please.
with a side of Coronavirus?
only if you have lime wedges.
I mean, the oceans already died in 1998 according to noted oceanographer Ted Danson.
It is not even entertaining anymore. Tedious really
Anyone have Ecosystem Services’ support number? I need to put in a help request.
Well, there it is, the stupidest thing I’ve seen today.
Just wait. Something equally or higher-level stupid will be along any time now.
Nature is dying! Is a believable narrative when you are driving through Death Valley or wandering the Dakota badlands, but a quick visit to Glacier Park (yes the Glacier is still there and yes they took down the sign), or Yellowstone, or Yosemite, or basically anywhere that isn’t a desert or an eroding mass of alkaline soil, should dispel your fears.
Wow, that kid is going places.
I’m sure you’re thrilled with the Millman result.
The game wasnt much so many unforeced errors. Old man federer looks old
Ugh. So close to a happy dance.
Wait, aren’t they both girls/women/female? Now they’re an item? I gotta get out more…
I see Peyton is pushing for his brother to get into the Hall.
See, this is why I hate when average QBs win a Super Bowl; let alone two. Yeh, he has the rings and yeh he played pretty well in both – helps to have receivers making ludicrous plays. But when you examine his numbers and regular season play, man to me, he’s no Hall of Famer.
Unless the football hall of fame is less strict than baseball in that they let the subjective and post-season play into the criteria, I don’t see how he is one.
Even the hallowed baseball HoF has begun to get a little too loosey goose with the indications these past few years.
Harold fricken Baines. C’man!
Read Bill James’ book on the Hall. It isnt anything new. The problem is the writers have always been fairly tight and then the Vet committee lets in anyone with a pulse if they have friends on the committee.
Yeh read it. I know. That’s how Baines got in.
Oh well.
You hate a lot of things rufus yoi need yoga and meditation
iI hate anyone in the NFC East. True.
Make that, I hate anyone in the NFC east except the Philadelphia Eagles.
Committed fan since 1980.
The derpiest QB to ever play the game is quite an accomplishment.
I wish….just peruse the Bears QBs of the last 30 years.
Whoah, whoah, whoah. Smokin’ Jay was not derpy, he was apathetic.
Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Its the Hall of Fame, not Hall of Skill, not Hall of Statistics-most-predictive-of-future-wins. Eli fits what the hall is – an astounding narrative.
It’s a joke until Jim Marshall gets in.
Well, I think the football and baseball halls are both jokes, so strictly speaking I agree. But I would also think its a joke after Jim Marshall gets int.
Baseball is still the best one of the ‘Big Four’ sports though imo.
I look at it a bit differently. For me, it serves as a time capsule of the game as it existed in that era. Granpa? Who were the great quarterbacks when you were a kid?
Somehow Eli doesn’t do it for me in an era when guys like, say, his brother, were tearing up the record books.
Bill James taught us ‘peak and ‘career’ value. Eli was durable but never dominated his position.
You can’t say that
“Steve Mnuchin suggested that Greta Thunberg should go to college and study economics before offering policy advice. Perhaps Steve Mnuchin should go back to college and study environmental science before he enacts additional environment-destroying policies,” Ken Caldeira, an atmospheric scientist at the Carnegie Institution for Science’s Department of Global Ecology, told Salon by email.
After describing how President Donald Trump gutted the Treasury Department’s Office of Energy and Environment, Caldeira pointed out that “every thoughtful economist knows that there are environmental costs of economic activities that are not reflected in the prices of the goods and services we consume. Thoughtful economists focus on how these costs can be reflected in market incentives.”
By contrast, Caldeira argued that Mnuchin “has demonstrated only contempt for environmental concerns and is apparently interested mostly in lining the pockets of wealthy Donald Trump supporters, including Steve Mnuchin.”
Mnuchin needs to “develop an understanding of the environmental threats posed by his economic policies,” while “Greta Thunberg’s remarks on climate science have been accurate,” Calderia concluded.
Thunberg herself replied to Mnuchin’s comments on Twitter, writing that “my gap year ends in August, but it doesn’t take a college degree in economics to realise that our remaining 1,5° carbon budget and ongoing fossil fuel subsidies and investments don’t add up. So either you tell us how to achieve this mitigation or explain to future generations and those already affected by the climate emergency why we should abandon our climate commitments.”
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., also tweeted her support for Thunberg, observing that “if you don’t have an economics degree like Greta, they’ll mock you for not having one. If you DO have one, as I do, they’ll claim it’s illegitimate.”
She added, “Haters gonna hate & deniers will deny. They will deny logic, science, and environmental consensus in order to protect oligarchy.”
Da noive o’ dat guy.
When I think of logical thought processes and the scientific method, Gulag Barbie is not the first person to pop into my head. Nor Saint Greta.
After describing how President Donald Trump gutted the Treasury Department’s Office of Energy and Environment,
Why the fuck did the Treasury Department have an Office of Energy and Environment in the first place?
First thing that struck me as well.
Soon, every department will need an office of environment and climate change, including the department of environment and climate change. For the
sinecureschildren!Hrmm there’s a posting for a job in the office of environment and climate change for the office of diversity in the Department of environment and climate change.
That’s currently your position.
Cool! Sweet, sweet settlement money for not following the rules of termination as laid out in civil service law and the contract.
How do I write that sentence to better convey the Shamalan though?
“It was your position THE WHOLE MOVIE”?
That ought to increase energy consumption.
in order to protect oligarchy
Odd coming from a member of said oligarchy.
If you DO have one, as I do, they’ll claim it’s illegitimate.
She Guevera’s is a minor for which she apparently never showed up to class.
I almost have an economics minor. Didn’t get the last few classes, so I have a criminal justice minor instead. Yet, somehow, I seem to not be as clueless as she is on economics.
An undergrad in economics does not make you an economist.
And even being an economist doesn’t make you qualified to plan the whole economy.
I can’t even plan breakfast and I make my own.
“Greta Thunberg’s remarks on climate science have been accurate,”
Not a damn thing she says is supported by actual facts and evidence.
No, she accurately read the card that was given to her.
Mnuchin is the last guy who should be lecturing about economics, but he’s not wrong here.
“As someone who doesn’t know shit about economics, I can tell you she doesn’t know shit about economics.”
I read that as “biodiversity chef” and thought: I think I see part of the problem.
I saw that movie.
“White people ‘can’t dance’ because whiteness is a traumatized state that is disconnected from the body.”
Fred Astaire hardest hit.
Um Michael Jackson?
I told people the other day when they asked me for my pronouns that I identified as a Micheal Jackson and my pronopuns were “Hee-Hee!” and “Atcha-Oooh!“…
Fuckers all gave me shit for playing that game and making fun of their stupid shit..
My pronouns are “Fuck off” and “Shut it Commie”
The Bolshoi isn’t really dancing.
You’ve never seen a Russian twerk while doing a plie? Neither have I, but I’d pay good money for it.
The Bolshoi is more of a brothel these days.
It’s always been a brothel that puts on ballet shows.
I always wonder about the wealthy people who push their daughters into Ballet and get all excited about them dancing with the professionals in the Nutcracker. Do they not know the history of ballet?
How else are they supposed to get their daughters snatched up by some prince or playboy millionaire?
No, it’s singing.
At least some people admit it.
wow, is that peak derp?
Speaking of dancing:
Buttigieg won’t hold events if there’s a stripper pole present.
Just finished watching Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Somewhere between good and great, but fuck Polanski.
I think you have to be 13 to do that
Not in that movie. *Sigh*
I’m planning to catch the Gentlemen tomorrow night. So far the reviews have been complaining that it’s just a riff on Ritchie’s early British crime films. And if that’s what it is, I’ll be happy.
Snatch is a fun film.
I think I prefer Lock Stock over Snatch, but both are fun and entertaining films.
To be honest, the two blur together in my mind. They’re too similar in style and structure. You could probably cut them into a single film and not break it.
Do you like dags?
Bullet Tooth Tony and Big Chris are two different characters. I doubt Big Chris would have had any issue taking a knife to the dag to get the diamond. As are Bricktop and Alan.
Look, there are a few sets of twins running around.
We need more of this. The people that run on promises to forgive people that make bad decisions for their choices need to be shamed.
The Joe the Plumber moment didn’t work, right? This is Public Choice theory in real life practice.
We need code that replaces Bloomers ads on YouTube with videos of events like this – just so normies might see the unfiltered views of the candidates.
Good one.
I’ve said it before but kids with student loan debt are particularly some of the least sympathetic people you could campaign on behalf of.
“Kristi is a slave to get 50,000 in student debt she accumulated giving drunken blow jobs at the campus library when she was studying elementary education, we need to band together to help the millions of Kristi’s across the country”
Do you have her number? I might be able to throw a few at a Kickstarter depending on what the funders receive.
I live pretty close to a library if that helps.
Going into debt by giving blow jobs. I swear, this generation has no business sense.
That’s why there are so many Sanders and Warren voters out there.
If Warren had any guts she’d say “Too bad you made the wrong decision to be a responsible person and save for your daughter’s education. It isn’t my fault you couldn’t see the coming of the glorious socialist state.”
That’s exactly what she was thinking. That and “Fuck you for calling my shit move out in public, you fucking asshole. I should scalp your ass and force you to eat my yeast infected nethers.”…
*hurk hurk hurk*
I mean she kinda did. She said he wouldn’t get any money back. Fuck the Savers.
Look, she worked in higher ed on a tight salary of $400k. She knows the struggle.
Fuck the Savers
Oh man, did I miss something again? I thought JsubD’s phrase was “Fuck off slaver”. But looking at Leon’s comment, I am worried I misread things again.
No, JsubD was too good of a guy to every say anything as evil as “fuck the savers”. *pours out 40 for JsubD*
The really stupid thing is that there are a (perhaps small) number of college students who actually work their way through college and either don’t take out loans OR pay their loans back without any problem. These people are not going to vote for her.
I was thinking about this, yesterday: some of you have said you have been getting Bloomberg’s ads on youtube. I haven’t. But I don’t watch any political stuff. It’s all cars and machine tools and casting concrete into furniture and stuff like that. Maybe youtube’s algorithms aren’t completely useless.
Speaking of- I stumbled across a youtube channel called “visegrip garage” (I think). It’s a Minnasoda car guy. The first one I found was about doing a cheap(ish) performance build on a 307 Chevy. It dynoed at almost 1hp per cubic inch. His patter is pretty amusing, and he knows what he’s doing.
BUT ANYWAY- on the shop wall behind him was a great big Gadsden flag, and another with a cannon which said, “Come and take it.” Keep an eye out, Twin Cities glibs.
There’s a house near mine that has two flagpoles. On one he flies a US flag over a Gadsden. The other one he flies different ones, but never a NY one. I don’t know that the current one is, it’s per pale white and light blue with something in the center but there hasn’t been any wind for me to see what it is.
like a six sided Pentagram?
Do you live in a super Tuesday state? That’s where he’s focusing his ad buy.
I run uBlock Origin and haven’t seen a YT ad in probably 5 years.
That said, I probably average 1 or 2 videos a week on YT.
The cannon one is the Gonzales flag. First flag flown in what eventually became the Texas revolution.
Thanks, Brooksie!
I found his web site.
I might have to get me one of those cool hats!
Did you Glibs already discuss the revelation that DOJ Rules Comey’s FBI Had ‘Insufficient Predication To Establish Probable Cause’ In FISA Scandal, yet?
I thought keeping things like this from coming out and becoming known by the people was why the whole circus shitshow in the senate was about? Who failed?
HEPL edit faerie!
It’s amazing that most people don’t know this already. Hit job from the start and now the DOJ is trying to put a few bandaids on the the gash to convince the public that is watching that the process is legit still. The FISA court should be abolished.
“The FISA court should be abolished”
SOOOO fucking much this….
The public doesn’t care. They aren’t paying attention to all that business. What they are paying attention to is all the ways their lifestyle is being severely negatively impacted by stupid shit. Rules (don’t say this—wait, that was yesterday, now say this—or get fired), insults (stupid People of Walmart voting against their interests), working hard to get ahead while others loaf (see student loan forgiveness). They know who is doing this stuff to them and the impeachment, Kavanaugh, etc., are just window dressing.
Jordan Peterson pointed out many times that the left should serve a valuable service in the political landscape. They need to stand up for the little guy, the poor guy, the powerless. Problem is that the left is now haranguing the little guy and calling him a bigot. Everything is warped and it will be fun to see how it shakes out. Or the whole thing comes tumbling down.
I think a civil war is going to happen before it gets back to some equilibrium.
Sounds like you’re saying Democrats are bad at math.
Math is racist. Democrats aren’t racist, therefore must be bad at math, not that it matters, since math is a social construct.
Incidentally, this is why Asians are the worst minority. /s
Scientists discover ‘why stress turns hair white’
Mine started going probably 4 or 5 years ago.
Now do why fugly people turns dicks limp….
I’ve got a few grey hairs here and there. Life will catch up with all of us. The trick is to enjoy the trip.
I wish mine would make up its mind. This streaky half white* bullshit in strawberry blonde hair is bullshit. I look like I have DIRTY hair. My brother said it didn’t look dirty, but it didn’t look like anything recognizable. AND it’s striking in its unrecognizability. It catches people’s eye BECAUSE they can’t tell what color it is, so they stare, trying to figure it out.
*Gingers don’t go gray or silver. They go white.
Dye it into a skunk trail, like this. Doesn’t look bad. IMO.
I would LOVE to do that, but white/gray/silver hair with my complexion? Oy, what a cadaver am I.
I thought you had a picture of yourself up as your avatar, your hair is an interesting color, if I’m remembering correctly.
I did, but my hair is dyed (although it’s my natural color) and that was a couple of years ago now. I’ve gone whiter since.
Until Pepe LePew comes after her.
Transparent, you can see through mine in the sunlight….
so they stare, trying to figure it out.
Mojeaux: The Human Stereoscopic Painting
I started going grey at 35. By 38 I was completely grey. My hair (what is left of it) is now going white.
In contrast, when my maternal grandpa died at 80-something, he still had a full head of dark hair with just a few sprinkles of grey.
All the men on my mom’s side of the family went bald.
I’m in the early speckled stage, but at the rate it’s going I should be mostly bleached out by my 40s I figure.
My mother died at 94, and she had but a few gray hairs around the temple. Her hair gene was crazy strong.
My hair didn’t go white, it just started retreating from the front of my head. My beard on the other hand now has some streaks of grey in it.
Too late 🙁
Global warming is causing my hair to become infected with gray hair. Doesn’t bother me so much on my head, what gets me miffed is the gray in my beard.
And Freedom is Slavery.
We need to purge that wilsonian bulshit
Oh how I wish America was “doing what it needs to do”.
Anyone here surprised to find out that dnc operatives with bylines killed a story that hurt team blue in order to keep the charade that orange man is the bad guy going?
“All The News That Fits The Narrative”
Hold my beer.
Can I work remotely?
What kind of vacation accrual is there?
Any insurance coverage?
Am I going to have autonomy, or will the position be subject to micromanagement?
These are not the woke candidate questions we expected, so you are not diverse enough for the job.
*files NLRB complain in preparation for lawsuit*
*NLRB notes your race, sex, and gender presentation*
We rule against the complainant, costs and Attorney fees to be charged to complainant.
How dare you assume my race and gender!
*sues NLRB*
You can work remote, UCS, but you’ll have to have a cube and a camera in your house , so the other workers won’t feel bad.
Don’t put your feet up on the dashboard in a moving vehicle
You’ll fuck yourself
“Kristi is a slave to get 50,000 in student debt she accumulated giving drunken blow jobs at the campus library when she was studying elementary education, we need to band together to help the millions of Kristi’s across the country”
I could maybe see my way clear to throw a little something Kristi’s way. Needz pix, first.
I was going to spoil the punchline. But decided against it.
Go ahead and spoil it. Read all his books, but forgot them.
One entertaining part of Viva every year is watching the Brits get confused when the Americans don’t just queue up, and instead form blobs of people in some semblance of a line.
The oddest queueing behavior I’ve seen was when I was at NY Ren Fest in Tuxedo. The people would queue straight out perpendicularly from the food vendors, regardless of the foot traffic.
Because I love stereotyping….
Lining up is a giant difference between Korea and Japan. Anytime I notice a big glob of people milling around a ticket window (or something) I always tell my wife it is an “orderly Korean line” and she punches me. Japan on the other hand will line up in a super polite manner and are always paying attention so that they don’t accidentally hold up the line when it moves forward.
Subways/trains are another good example. In Japan, they let people off then surge onto the train. In Korea, it is full on salmon mode where you have to push through an onrushing wall of water(commuters).
so you’re a fish getting onto the train, but water when you get off?
Asia is too complicated for me to visit.
I chuckled.
I did something similar once. Job interview with a wealthy author but who has almost no general name recognition (Warren Adler, he of War of the Roses). He was quite dismissive of my romance writing. I don’t know how the subject came up, but I gushed about Tom Wolfe for about 5 minutes before I saw the look on his face.
Public Service Announcement: 24 hrs of Daytona is this weekend.
24 hours of left turns?
No. Eight hours of right turns.
Cause if you ain’t first, you’re last!
/Ricky Bobby
Oval tracks are the worst thing to ever happen in the history of racing.
But it’s an easy sport to follow if you’re drunk.
No. They use the road course. Its IMSA, not NASCAR.
In local news… how dare a company cancel a contract with a union shop! And why do I doubt that this:
Is actually allowed by the contracts.
but that these conversations should have happened on an individual basis.
Something, Something, Sole Bargaining agent whether you like it or not.
There’s a meme floating around right-wing twitter: “I will not live in a pod. I will not eat bugs.”
I had no idea where that one came from.
Then I started noticing just how many news outlets are inexplicably doing stories lately about the joys of living in pods or eating bugs.
It’s been staple of the watermelon movement for at least 20 years now. About every 2-3 years there’s stories in all the major outlets about how in 10 years most of the world will be eating insect protein because meat is going to destroy the planet.
PAUL EHRLICH WILL BE RIGHT….one of these times.
Indeed, have we all already forgotten Watery Shits Future-Boy?
Damn, that was seven years ago. Many here were probably not around H&R then.
I can isolate my arrival there at 2013 or later. I was looking for someplace pro-gun after the passage of the unSAFE act.
I got drunk while fishing and ate a couple of crickets once for the hell of it. Very unappealing flavor…
24 hours of left turns?
Moar tyranny.
A Virginia House committee is set to hear a number of gun bills on Friday, and the worst appears to be HB 421, which would absolutely gut the state’s firearms preemption laws and allow localities to set their own laws regarding the possession, carrying, storing, and transportation of firearms and ammunition.
Right now, the state legislature sets a uniform law across the commonwealth, but if HB 421 becomes law, we would immediately see D.C. suburbs like Alexandria and Arlington adopt restrictive local policies aimed squarely at legal gun owners.
Of course this only works in one direction. If a city wants to pass more restrictive local gun laws, that would be allowed under HB 421. If, on the other hand, a county decided to become a permitless carry county, you know darn well that the state would try to step in and quash the move.
Seems to me that something that is explicit in the state constitution should compel locality compliance with the state constitution.
“Seems to me that something that is explicit in the state constitution should compel locality compliance with the state constitution”
Clearly you’re not a scholar versed in the invisible FYTW clause.
He’s not accounting for the penumbras and shit.
Friday Funbags puts A1 on filet mignon.
Archive F’ed in the A.
i’ll stick to 1
VICE Reporter Gives First Class Lesson on How NOT to Handle a Firearm
Paywalled. But not surprising. Gun-grabbers know dick about guns/safety, which is probably why they fear said inanimate objects.
in tweet form
In TEXAS??!?? Really?
Not Texas. Austin.
*There’s a saying out here: Bozeman is only ten minutes from Montana, in any direction.
Indiana guns kill six in… Baden-Württemberg?!
Every one involved was “German” I bet.
Hoosiers. When will they learn to love life more than the money they get from gun running?!?!
I’ll let you know as soon as it happens.
Dude, look at Indiana’s neighbors. Ohio is the GOOD one. Think how bad that is!
RIP you crazy Hoosier diamond.
Attn: CA Glibs
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and Hatsune Miku help Coachella’s Japan contingent to grow
I can’t think of a better live show than a completely computer generated artist and an artist whose voice is almost completely computer.
How about a vocaloid concert with a fighter-jet dogfight?
The internet always delivers…
I haven’t seen Kyary PP on TV for a couple of years. Guess even dead fads need to make a living.
I struggle a bit pronouncing her name which puts me in the same group as my Japanese friends.
She notes that the over 40 crowd struggles saying her name, but not issues with the under 40.
The three headliners for this year’s Coachella are Rage Against the Machine, Frank Ocean and Travis Scott, with much of the other names belonging to a similar sized popularity sphere.
Talk about a backhanded compliment.
a well-received performance from Perfume at last year’s edition of Coachella
Stop, you’re killing me now.
And for those who need ear bleach
Sorry, should have said those who have ear bleach.
Full confession – I actually don’t mind Perfume.
They actually really dance (in quite the heels) and sing. The breath control required to do actually requires talent. Although, like everything today, their music is electronically processed within an inch of its life.
They were on Kohaku this New Years. Getting old. Still, I kind of dig their music.
At some point some of these young women are going to want families.
Many of the voice actresses who started in the industry at just about the same time I started learning Japanese are getting married which generally really slows down their careers. What a brutal industry…
For example for example 3 of the 5 voice actresses in K-On! have gotten married in the past two years or so. And one of them is “taking a break” and studying in the US.
Also this weekend
WRC Monte Carlo Rally
I love it.
that sounds like fun…
Im still a big fan of the Isle of Man TT
Possible STEVE SMITH sighting.
In case you’re interested, Hickock made a video of him shooting a CMMG in .350 Legend. He was making 200+ yard shots offhand.
Self identified libertarians are terrible people.
Consistently Bolshevik?
Do you sign paychecks on the front or on the back. If it is the former you get to make the decisions.
I both recieve my pay and pay my contractors electronically. I only have to sign a physical check when I get a STAR rebate from the state.
Sanders got woke after bowing to Hillary. He hasn’t been that consistent since, adopting whatever positions are fashionable lately.
What? Open Boarders? That’s a Koch Brothers Talking point! No we don’t want open borders.
– Bernie Sanders circa 2015
Yep – He used to be the old union type who didn’t want too much competition for blue-collar jobs.
DMT is a helluva drug
What’s a few gulags between friends?
utterly horrible
NPR was running an obituary on Jim Lehrer. And even after running clips of saying his name, they kept mispronouncing it. Can a linguistic glib tell me: can they literally not hear what he’s saying, or is there just such a deep anti-bumpkin bias that they refuse to allow themselves to reproduce the sounds?
The fabulous detail in Suetonius’ biography that Tiberius could push his finger through a ripe apple…
Plus the truly shocking detail that the Claudians were fans of the mullet (by which I mean the hair-style, not the fish).
Total b.s., but cool.
It’s been 2.25 hours since I got up and you people have sucked me in. Time to break my addiction to this place and get to work.
At least until 11.
it’s a public holiday. No work today
I bet we can get her to stay. Save by Zero > White Wedding.
This is true. And true.
What’s the holiday?
the unification of Walachia and Moldova
So…Walachia Regret day then?
*runs from room*
I thought Lek Walachia was that polish union organizer….
Vlad the Impaler’s old stomping grounds.
From the looks of things, he’s the villain Europe needs again… even if they don’t deserve it.
A Closer Look At The Iraqi Immigrant Woman Challenging Rep. Ilhan Omar
She doesn’t have a prayer, but I wish her the best of luck. It will be fun to watch Leap’s neighbors wrestle with the web of intersectionality.
Times Square Billboard Runs Joe Biden Clip Threatening Ukraine
I would save it until Biden gets the nomination.
On the other hand, an ad during the Super Bowl…
I think he’s a lock at this point. Sanders is polling well and Clinton hates him, so it’ll be her boy Joe. Warren’s currently living in VP territory if you go by the numbers at this stage of the game.
White Hispanic claims to be black; citing “one drop rule”.
Stop the world, I want to get off.
He’s doing it wrong. He should identify as a woman and then sue the department for back pay to make up for the 20% lower salary he’s getting.
Also, I love the NY Post precisely because of stuff like a story about Rachel Dolezal in the sidebar.
Mike Bloomberg✔
Why am I tough on e-cigs?
“There is limited evidence that e-cigarettes in general help adult smokers quit and no credible evidence that flavored e-cigarettes do so. In contrast, there is clear evidence that flavored e-cigarettes attract kids.”
You are a petty tyrant nanny. And nice non-sequitur.
The only purpose of e-cigs is to get people to quit. The idea that someone might be enjoying themselves whilst doing something that you think is harmful is abhorent. People should not be allowed to make decisions i think are bad.
In contrast, there is clear evidence that flavored e-cigarettes attract kids
I’m still stuck at how this is a problem. Would you rather they smoked?
It’s never about the kids.
Also, maybe raise your kids and don’t rely on the regulatory state to do it for you.
“Why am I tough on e-cigs?”
Because, Mikey, you’re a statist asshole. /answer to all questions about Mikey
Anybody have any experience with those “copper compression” gloves?
I wouldn’t expect a miracle, but I’m tempted to order a pair and see if they help. In the interest of… you know… SCIENCE!
::all Glibs’ heads simultaneously turn toward UCS::
Never heard of them.
I’m not sure Brooks is sober.
“Anybody have any experience with those “copper compression” gloves?”
What are they supposed to do?
Crush pipes?
Trashy, didn’t you say you went to HSE? I’m headed there tomorrow to watch some donkey basketball game.
Yep, that’s where I went. I remember the event, but I think I was too angsty to ever go. Have fun!
Happy birthday, Neil!
Southern men don’t need you around anyhow.
“How To Avoid Toxic People Who Are Right About You”
“Do you really need to spend so much time with people who claim they like you if it only ends with them questioning your choices and asking questions like, “Do you think you should be drinking so much at this children’s birthday party?” Think of what you could be doing with all the time you sink into these pointless endeavors. Think of what you could accomplish if you stepped away from all that negative talk that may or may not be completely accurate and well-intentioned.”
you could get a lot more drinking done
If you’re not drinking at a kid’s party then you’re not having fun. There’s a reason why Chuck E. Cheese serves beer.
I have a really good friend that starts every sentence with “What you should do…” He does it to his grown up kids and they, like me, ignore him and go about their own lives. Still a good friend though
“I Went to The General To Save Some Time, Why Didn’t He Save My Dad in ‘nam?”
“Everyone needs affordable car insurance, but in a sea of confusing contracts and misleading commercials, how do you pick the right provider? We turned our team loose in an effort to identify the best insurance at the best prices, and we’ve got an answer that might surprise you: For a great low rate you can get online, you should indeed go to The General and save some time! That’s right, even if you’ve got poor credit or a bad driving record. And trust me when I tell you this wasn’t an easy thing to accept, because while The General offers great insurance for as little as $17 a month, he’s also responsible for the death of my father.
The year was 1967. Pops’ mission was to proceed 30 klicks into the Binh Duong province, deep into the Iron Triangle to map the tunnel system the Viet Minh had weaved through the area like a gateway to Hell.”
You got that, deplorable? Not only when you vote the way I don’t like, is it racist, but it’s ILLEGAL! /NBC
And obviously, the link is illegal.
I got it the first three or four times it was posted.
But did you clean up the drugs that fell out?
Some of us have to work.
Wait. I gotta listen to fucking Supertramp?!?! This place is doing downhill fast.
At least it’s not Autograph. I watched nearly a minute into that, expecting it to turn into something else. “Ok guys, play the instruments, but, like, don’t actually pick the strings.”
And now I have a box full of papermate mechanical pencils.