Geology of the Western United States,
With emphasis on Tectonics, Basin and Range
And Suspect Terraines
The following is based on a conversation/lecture? Ozymandias and I had while traveling through the desert, he thought I should share.
Part 1
I was a science nerd from about 6 years old, Apollo and such, then we had a big earthquake in ’71 and I asked “WTF?” and added Geology to my bag of tricks. Astronomy, chemistry, electricity, all fun things but this Earth stuff was very cool.
At the time, that would be the early ‘70s, plate tectonics was not quite accepted in the science world, and it had been roundly criticized when the idea was first broached in 1912 by Alfred Wegener (others came before him, but he was the loudest) and then was “cancelled” by the scientific community for his troubles.
In the glorious 1960s we were going places, the moon, into the micro realms of quanta, electronics and submersibles. Taking these minisubs waaaay down in the Atlantic Ocean we found something curious, the seafloor was erupting with lava and spreading, this gave geologists a lot of evidence for the actual mechanism behind Continental Drift.
Next came satellites and sensors, that’s when we could begin to map the seafloor and lo and behold, we found a series of ridges to the east and the west, proving the expansion of the Atlantic Ocean, now we are getting somewhere..but where?
The west coast of the continental plate is actually subsuming the Pacific plate, and the heavier, basaltic Pacific plate rides down under the continental plate. This does two things, one, the plates enter the asthenosphere, which is below the crust, and sections melt as chunks of stuff; and two, the entire region is uplifted by the extra volume, creating basins, now we are getting somewhere.
Believe it or not, the Rocky Mountains are only about 85 million years old, this iteration, truth is, they have grown and eroded several times, again due to two things, constant uplift by the Pacific plate melting under the continental plate, and the fact that granite is lighter than basalt. Basalt is the real dark rocks you may see, and granite has big crystals in black, grey and blue, like a polished counter top. That doesn’t stop water and wind, so the Rockies have been built up and worn down many times, hence the wonderful soil of the Midwest, that’s for the next part…
Looking forward to the series, Bob. Idaho is a geological wonderland.
Idaho is a geological wonderland.
I’m hearing that as being sung by John Mayer.
Or They Might Be Giants.
Thank you.
That recently?! I was taught about plate tectonics in the early 80s.
More, please. 🙂
I was into geology by about 6 years old, so I knew this stuff early, honestly, and being a Glib, I questioned…
I remember I got a big bag of rocks from somewhere during a brief interest in this stuff. Must have been around 12 or 13 years old. Like, samples of everything. Even some geodes. No idea what became of it because I lost all interest pretty quickly.
in the Western US, the ground is basically stripped down, I.E not much vegetation, so the geology is apparent if you bother with such things, like me!
I see the influence in your models.
I had no Idea this was posted but I will add this,
Please help me get my Grandkids see Grammy, one more time
“In the glorious 1960s we were going places, the moon, into the micro realms of quanta, electronics and submersibles. Taking these minisubs waaaay down in the Atlantic Ocean we found something curious, the seafloor was erupting with lava and spreading, this gave geologists a lot of evidence for the actual mechanism behind Continental Drift.”
They also found entire ecosystems based on chemosynthetic bacteria.
So the curious were erupting with lava? And spreading?
If you get my continental drift, and I think you do……
The west coast of the continental plate is actually subsuming the Pacific plate, and the heavier, basaltic Pacific plate rides down under the continental plate.
So California won’t slide into the ocean like the mystics and statistics say it will?
Actually it will be subsided by the North American plate,then will become the next Rocky Mountains
So Californians will be invading Colorado, just like now.
I have 2 more parts to this article and already have to Write one for AZ, amazing Geology, uplifts, Tuff fields and Metamorphics right on the River, Way cool!
This has nothing to do with impeachment!
A successful impeachment will cause California to slide into the Pacific Ocean,
See you down in Arizona Bay….
This is just a start, there are many things happening at once, and it takes Geologic time to make them happen, I’ll get to it For sure!
Some of those signs in VA were savage
Fuck the old East Coast, we are talkin’ West coast Baby!
Fair. I enjoyed the article. Sorry for OT. Just thought the pic was funny
I liked learning about how the Finger Lakes were carved out when I was a kid.
East Coast FTW 😛
“My last girlfriend was so old, she had geologic periods!”
/be here all week
But Jugsy don’t…..
Curiously, at one point 97% of scientists thought that plate tectonics was a bunch of hooey. At some distant past, they probably all thought thunder was some Dutch guys bowling in the clouds, too. And frightened and frightening 17 year olds led them too.
Exactly why I don’t do AGW, science is ALWAYS wrong, that’s why we learn new things, Consensus is for fools…
Geology is interesting to me, but I don’t geek out over it.
I like touring caves and such and I enjoy buying cool looking rocks and minerals to put on shelves. That’s my level of engagement.
Like this
linky no worky7….
4 pics
it wants me to sign up, and I’m a P_rime member WTF?
Dunno. Seems to have worked for Spud…
Also, rocks are good for door stoppers:
I have a Prime membership.
I don’t – links work fine for me. Even all adblocked up.
You need to do some caulking and painting. Nice Adventures of Baron Munchausen book, I haven’t read that, did the movie do it justice?
I never read that book and I recall the movie was manic as all get out.
I’m putting off the caulking and painting as long as possible. I mean, the Earth is going to end in like 10 years. Why bother?
You display books that you haven’t read?!? Charlatan!
Technically, those books belong to my gf. Take it up with her.
How do I get in touch with her?…so to speak.
Go on.
Your girlfriend reads Kipling?
Very nice.
So when you dust do you get your rocks off…the shelves?
Interesting collection, Sean
I’ll bet he listens to Rachmaninoff while he’s dusting.
Those are lovely – perfect idea for bookends!
Ozy and I were driving through the desert, and I described what we were looking at, he was amazed because it made sense, Look around you, the World is awesome!
Jeez my 8″/3 way speakers are moving air in my Face,Awesome!
Finally got caught up on todays articles. My contribution:
The best apples are:
1. Gold Rush
2. Snapdragon
3. Sweet Sixteen
4. Zestar
Also, the realtor that brought strangers into my home in an effort to make a sale made peace by giving me this, so I let them pass unmolested. Never had it before, about to recitify that situation now.
That’s a very fair trade.
I’m doing this because time is short, some kids are in Cali, and I want them to see Grammy, I fear for my Wife,
Jesus. Hakeem jeffries is still talking.
I only caught a few minutes of the black woman Senator attempting to read. Just proves any one can grow up to be a senator. This truly is the land of opportunity.
Ugh that hack. Please continue enthusiastically supporting policies that make your district a shithole.
Talking where?
Impeachment trial. He’s not making a lot of sense.
Good lord, you’re watching that?? What the hell is wrong with you?
I personally have a fetish for watching others masturbate on camera.
Yeah, I don’t even read the impeachment headlines anymore. I don’t need that shit in my life.
Brief bits here and there. It’s a sickness.
Hakeem jeffries? sounds like Yusef Adama to me,
As a deplorable flat lander I enjoyed your discussion. A little concerned now that I learned that Cali won’t be falling off
I had such high hopes
The next installment will explain much,
Stuff can be scraped and shrugged off the surface by the earthquakes as the plate subsumes. Do not lose hope.
Took family to Phoenix years ago to visit my MIL. We go up to the Grand Canyon, get out of the car at first Vista and I’m in total awe of the Canyon. I tell the kids to get back in the car so we can go park and hop on a tour bus. Oldest teen daughter says “you mean we’re staying?”. I confirmed we would be spending the day. Her response was “it’s a hole, we’ve seen it”. Teenagers.
For you and Yusef.
Awesome thanks! One thing that I found really cool about it was that the sun’s reflection and the shadows created a completely different view of the same canyon walls as the day progressed.
Dana Carvey hits it on the head regarding teens
Lol. Yeap, that’s pretty much how it is:)
So if California grows the next Rockies, that’s better than a wall. Unfortunately, it will be way too late.
Well, it goes under the American plate, so it gets obliterated anyway, good enough,
So far so good, I have almost enough to get my oldsest G daughter out here to see Grammy, but I cant find my Son, and it’s his Birthday, Bummer….
WRT nothing, but I thought it was cool-
Smooth Criminal M.Jackson à l’orgue de barbarie
Way Cool!
Tall Cans!
You can call me “split-gut” if you want to…
Look at all those punch cards going into that computer!
Thats exactly what I was thinking…..”who cut those?”
Tres Sr. would come home from work with shoeboxes of punch cards that me & my brother would used for scrap paper.
My first programming experience was “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” on a Commodore 64 in 1986.
If this, then that…
I remember the ear-muff modems for phone receivers…..
Ridiculously awesome 🙂
Haven’t drank for a few days but yes, yes indeed the mountains make the feel! We’re between the Rockies and the sweet sunshine.
Which side? some are sweeter than others…
The coast ones are taller but the spine abides. We’re in the valley.
Colorado is on my to do list. I have cousins there so good excuse to visit.
C’mon down. Titties and beer.
My 3 favorite things!
I’m thinking of doing a trip out west this summer on my motorcycle. Utah and some other states on the way.
Titty Tuesday with bonus redhead for Yusef.
Those Natural Reds are Beautiful, thanks!
Good Heavens!
Well, I have just about enough to bring Riley (Cindy Loo Who) out to see Grammy, now for the other three kids, which is a logistical nightmare in itself…
Mount Massive from Leadville.*
*not a euphemism… for once.
Uncompahgre Peak.
Mt. Sneffels.
Pretty awesome pics
Thanks, Q. Always wanted to visit the area around Walden.
SilverCliffe, Copper Gulch, South Park, I worked them all, they view are unbelievable
Did you have yourself a time?
I worked in Leadville in February once, a wild place to drive, for sure…
My buddy lives in Leadville. There are some great folks there. I spent a week there after his wedding.
My surgeon’s assistant seems to really like me for some reason or other. Hard-core flirting. It’s nice to hit a decent shot after all these years. Yes, she is my kryptonite…
I had a female smile at me today. Clearly she wanted the dick.
That was funny. I snort-laughed.
i shy away now, it embarrasses me, Women? frightening..
She probably wanted out of the oubliette in your basement.
He forgot she was there.
*golf clap*
Don’t be a God, and hit that!
i get to get my Gdaughter out to Vegas to see her Grammy, thanks to all of you!
Should I take it for granite that there will be more of these articles? ‘Cause that would be gneiss.
/Ducks, runs away before Swiss gets tired of this schist.
These puns are schist.
d’oh, didn’t read the second line
It’s not your fault!
Granite, we all seem to be a solid bunch.
well, some löß than others
My sediment exactly.
They’re just an excuse for Q to post some cleavage.
Hopefully, the GoFundMe will work out. One thing that’s always impressed me about this group is how magmanimous they are.
Of course, talc is cheap.
Squinty-eyes and slow-claps for all.
Yeah–they’re all are diamonds in the rough
West Texas is interesting turf in a related way. I married into O&G once upon a time, and my son is named for a geologist out of TCU. I noticed some things.
a/ Carlsbad Caverns is the stop of a lifetime. Even claustrophobic whiners can whip through it on their worst days. It’s indescribably beautiful and wondrous.
b/ Big Bend has two distinct geologies competing in the same space, particularly obvious in the Chisos formation. Don’t trust my description, but there was a huge lateral magma flow through that spaced when what we think of as the surface was a stratum thousands of feet down. That seam was later caught in the upthrust of the Rockies in the normal way and several layers blew away (to become löß in the Chickasaw Bluffs, but I’ll wait that explanation for the Eastern Geology edition of this fine series). So the Chisos has bits of the old lateral action blowing out at weird angles and breaking off from the normal tilted foothills . . . . it’s like walking on the moon. Rio Grande runs through the area (the bend in Bend), and part of it cuts through Cañón de Santa Elena: yummy cliffs painted by eons of splashes of minerals from above to create the rich desert patina (see also similar beauty in the Rio Brazos Cañóns such as remain unflooded by dams).
c/ The Balcones are less shocking (Anglos say “thuh Escarpment”): it’s a huge wall-step that runs across the state. The popular view is at Caprock Park. While you’re there, you might as well head over to
d/ Palo Duro Canyon: a red sandstone wonder and the first reason the Rio Rojo is rojo. There’s a lighthouse formation that’s pretty, but mostly it’s just a study in erosion and a cheap “hotel” if you’re ever cutting across I-40. Mijo y I got run out of there by the rangers ten years ago during a storm that snowed down DEN; we were having a great time stomping around in the snow with the turkeys, but the rangers couldn’t stay, so we couldn’t either.
but I’ll wait that explanation for the Eastern Geology edition of this fine series
It’s inscrutable.
Alpine, Tejas is the kinda place I could retire to
Sweet, li’l Alpine. Got caught in a microburst there, after some decent Mexican food for lunch.
And, no, not a euphemism.
I love geology. The East has somewhat boring geology compared to the West and most of it is covered in dirt and green.
The cool bitS are all of the plant fossils you could find in the coal and sedimentary rocks.
The highway cuts are cool too.
Highway cuts seem to be where Geologic finds are often made, My Brother found some Fossilized Shark teeth at work one day, and pocketed them before the Archaeologists came in and fucked up his jobsite…
I got one tooth….
“I got 1 tooth”
-everyone in east Kentucky
Not everyone
Coal mines and caves are fun to explore as well.
Soils are more interesting east, especially in alluvial plains. I worked in a soils lab when I was a kid in MEM: you’ve got to figure out what caliber of duck shit your foundation is floating in: the blend of silt, clay, and sand is critical here. Bedrock is a zillion miles down: even driven piers are really just swimming around in geologic terms; it all washes away at some point.
I live on a sandbar in the Mississippi that didn’t exist a century ago; the 100 year flood line runs through my front yard. And the roads on the island are pure garbage: they might be to code, but the garbage five feet under that simply doesn’t care.
These are some of the places we like to go play.
That’s awesome.
The last one is our view from the firepit at the cabin.
Wish I was there right now. That’s definitely my jam.
5′ of snow on it right now. I’ll open the beginning of May.
Something to look forward to:)
Where abouts?
Central Idaho. The cabin is in Lowman, and the rest of the pictures are in the high country.
Beautiful country
Nice! Looks like Central Oregon too.
Wow. Now I know why people visit and move to Idaho.
Nice. ?
Raining Lizards would be an excellent band name.
First Album. Florida….
And drugs fell out of all of their butts.
Hmmm…another album title? Song title?
The wife is a geological engineer. Whenever we’re on a road trip and she starts geeking out on geology stuff, I just roll my eyes.
I wanna gang out with her,
/In a Geek way of course…
Aww. I’d geek out on that! My Judi is interested in stuff that I give not a shit about. Lucky!
Hang, not Gang… jeez,
Good save.
Why can’t it be both?
/Inquiring minds, and all
You’re on a roll.
::doffs bowler::
Too kind, sir.
Oh, hell yeah.
So close.
Hey Yusef!
I missed out on the local eats post from last night. At the risk of doxxing myself, have you ever tried:
Kool Kaktus in SB (before they closed down)
Gourmet Pizza Shoppe in Redlands
Rama Garden in Redlands (I believe that they are also closed down now due to some family issues or something)
Also Ranch Market in Redlands. Point at the carne asade, and then indicate with how many fingers how many pounds you want. Plus, tortillas made on site,
Ranch Market rocks!! like an old school store,
Missed em all, San Brdoo sucks as a place, we avoided it,
Juanitas in Ont worked well, My GSon recommends Avila’s on Hancock in BhC, street tacos and such, yum,,,
I ate at Gourmet Pizza Shoppe years ago.
Aww. I’d geek out on that! My Judi is interested in stuff that I give not a shit about. Lucky!
And here we are.
So Say We all
The cool part of growing up in California is getting to know the food, I can make anything I ever bought, as long as I can get the ingredients,
it’s a style,
I need to write up the next one, you need to know…….
Oh, all hell is gonna break loose,
NO ONE, from my Wifes family has bothered to ask about her condition, even though everyone knows she’s in hospital for 5 weeks now.
i’ll wake tomorrow, and it’s time to go off! a bunch or pieces of shit that are going to hear about it, fuck them!
Is it worth it?
POS #1 oh, yea, uh huh, oh Moms home, uhhuh, oh is there a number I can call her?
Did anyone listen to what I said? No… I’m truly alone, except for a certain group of individuals….
Reminds me of the hospital scene from Million dollar Baby. Seriously, fuck them.
It’s interesting how much the rocks in a certain area can tell you about the history. In Wisconsin there is a lot limestone, which forms on sea floors, thus at one point this area was under tha sea!
I once saw a doc that claimed there is some area in southern Africa that has the oldest rocks and is also the only area studied that has never been underwater as far as geology can tell.
Also, there were two things set Wegener on the path to thinking about plate tectonics, I’m not sure which order they occurred to him in. One was that similar fossils were appearing on separate continents in areas that if you pushed them together would connect. The other was something I noticed at a young age and so when I learned of plate tectonics it was something I had just assumed, that the east coast of South America and the west coast of South America looked like puzzle pieces that fit together.
Well, the plates have been Rolled over, in a way, so the limestone you see, could be Old stone pushed up over young Stone or vice versa, thats the fun part
I don’t know if it’s an exaggeration to say that CGI has killed movies. I think the only reason there was ever restraint in Hollywood is because of budgetary reasons.
Not an exaggeration for most action movies. Oh, that explosion you made on a computer? Wow. Or, that robot that turns into car? Wow. Total waste of time.
2012 was a great time waster, an extreme example, but a fair example of the West coast falling into the sea,
don’t even think it can’t happen that fast,
Relying on it has certainly shown who has a vision and who wants to create spectacle. Sure, Guillermo Del Toro can make Pacific Rim look great, but the same tech in a another schlub’s hands gives you Pacific Rim 2. At least we’ve bounced back from ‘FILM EVERYTHING ON GREENSCREEN!’ Lucas prequels approach, but then again schlub directors over-correct by focusing on ‘real’ stuff while still telling a shitty story with bad techniques *cough JJ*
The irony about CGI is that it looks fake within a couple of years. I watch the original Star Wars trilogy and it looks more real with the models and puppets even though it’s decades older.
When America had sensibilities.
/HT to prince Andrew.
We don’t need to be sensible, We’ll just kick your ass! that’s why we measure units in Who went to the Moon, and who didn’t
Now the US leads in gubmint debt. Record in world history! Congrats? 😉
In debt to who? ourselves? let’s just plead Bankruptcy, everyone else does….
I want to smoke thousand dollar cigars, don’t you?
Speaking of da fault lines…
We’ll just mint a coin and put eleventy bajillion on it!
Alternate take: Think of how many fake terrorist hostage situations defaulting on all those bonds would stop! Nakatomi wouldn’t have ever been in danger!
And here we are. Kirsten Dunst up-skirt.
No Kirsten Dunst in the video, but this was on the soundtrack to her movie Crazy/Beautiful.
That’s her in the blue wig.
I finally rewatched Beastie Boys’s Intergalactic video for the first time since it first came out 20+ years ago. Was filmed right in Shinjuku Station (among other places). The reflective belts in the Youtube thumbnail looked kind of Asian, but about a quarter of the way into it, I see a sign for Odakyu. Holy moly, never put it together.
Bonus Irony: She’s wearing really damn long shorts.
Short short for the time. What were you expecting, a thong?
I’m not a pervert, just sayin’.
Again, Why can’t it be both?
It can be both, just sayin’ I’m not. Sup Diggy. I was impressed you found a backwards recording of a Sesame Street album. Though not the one I used. I wish I remembered which one that was.
Here is one version I remember – better?
85? They musta run that pert near a decade, or my memory in my younger years is better than I remember.
Nair used the song in commercials for thirty years or more, starting in the 70’s.
You damn kids and your rock and/or roll music. Now get off my lawn.
A veritable Garden of Eden
Garden of Eden.
Love that GnR song!
Now, the song it inspired:
I look forward to more. (Geology major waaaaay back). John McPhee did a great job on describing the geology of North America on a transect along I-80. He combines science, history and a featured geologist for each part of the continent. The complete volume won the Pulitzer for non-fiction. I can recommend, with enthusiasm, “Annals of the Former World”. If there is only one part of the story that you are interested in you can read that section without loss.
It’s getting to be ‘that time of the month’, you know
when aunt flo comes to townwhere I write a new cartoon. I’ve got something in mind, have yet to gather audio clips. Not sure how much of idea will make it to the final product, it’s always a discovery process.Well, you have some added possibilities, what with the backwards SS clip (thank you, btw).
Tonight’s winner by a mile.
On the road again, one more night to home.
Love that lo-fi sound. Boston was in mourning when Mark Sandman died.
My goodness, how much do I love Morphine. Let me count the ways…
I have to thank Ian Rankin for pointing them out to me in the pre-Youtube days. Lots of good music in his books.
Maybe this will help you get home.
My favorite ‘bonus track’.
Moar cowbell!