Final Dem debate tonight. Will Warren bitch slap Bernie? Will Joe stutter and forget where he is? Will Andrew Yang chug canned whipped cream? Will Klobuchar pick her nose and eat it? Will Booty-gag remind the country that he served in the military? Only time will tell.
In the meantime, chat amongst yourselves.
A little Zeppelin.
Missing the debates tonight because of an airport run. You’ll have to do my drinking for me, which I know for a fact you can do.
Oh, and no Yang tonight. Dang.
Oop, that’s right.
Reminder: You no longer need a color TV to watch the Democratic Debates
Even better! The Bee never misses a note
I’m pretty sure you won’t be missing anything.
I will miss much. It’s hilarious listening to SP’s commentary, especially after the fourth drink.
You know who else missed democratic debates?
Robert Kennedy?
Some roly-poly little bat-faced girl?
Um, I mean Marianne Williamson?
Leaving california with an aching, in my heart…. First!
First Loser…
Equally relevant musical selection
Also relevant
Somewhat-relevant-to-the Democrat-debate musical selection
Baboons are far to intelligent and organized to be the picture for a Democrat debate thread. May I suggest Ypestis?
“Going to California” is a great song.
PM from one of our local friends who teaches 5th grade. She had her students on a field trip today.
I should mention that Spud is half mandrill.
Which half?
The rock-humping half. His face is not particularly colorful except for the gin blossoms.
Hey, jealousy doesn’t befit you.
One of my 90s highlights – such a great song
Oh he’s jealous alright.
You glorious bastard!
Which half? Seems it could be tough to discern.
Everybody YANG chung tonight!
That’s my jam.
Sup Tres! you OK?
So far….I got your email tho. Much appreciated.
And in #oscarssowhite news:
Stephen King ignites online fury over controversial Oscars tweets
“Controversial”. I see the NY Post has let their new millennial stringers loose again.
The do quote a person who doesn’t like his tweets.
King is such a dick. He deserves whatever flak he gets.
You’re not wrong.
OTOH, I’m so fucking tired of this shit.
I tend to agree, but when he’s reasonable for a change I’m going to cheer for reason.
For about 20 seconds I was on his side, then I read this:
Fuck off, you arrogant prick.
Gay people are under represented in which arts? Black people are under represented in which arts? Women are under represented in which arts? This whole narrative depends on so much cherry picking of data it is insane.
The arts that are widely/’universally’ consumed, and then, awarded somesuch.
“When you wake up, meditate, stretch, reach for your phone to check on the world and see a tweet from someone you admire that is so backward and ignorant you want to go back to bed,” she wrote.
So much fury!
I can’t even! I can’t believe he’d make me compete on an even footing with my peers! I want these awards to be even more meaningless than they are! Oh the humanity! I’m going back to bed!
But, you left out the money shot:
D’ya hear that, Henry Ford? You white male bastard….
There are new levels of obnoxious, bilious, loathsome stupidity quoted therein;
No it doesn’t, you infantile moron. What sort of anti-logic mental contortionism is required to reach that interpretation? TRUTH TO POWER SPEAK TRRUUTH TO POWEEEERR111111oneeleveneleventytwelve
Poor Meghan.
It isn’t just the “super-rich” who incorporate in Delaware, The Independent.
Trump in Milwaukee tonight.
Trump is going to curb stomp whoever the Dems put up.
I’ll almost feel bad if it’s old Joe. The media has been covering his senility. Trump will expose it and mock him to his face.
Interesting article about the music industry, maybe?
Ever watch Artifact?
I found it strangely fascinating. It’s all about the music industry.
The Hunt Brothers also tried to corner a market.
With OMWC being out, will anyone be watching the debate tonight, & hopefully posting the updates here?
I’ll hang as long as I can.
Bless you friend, bless you.
Not like that lazy Leon *spits*
What? I have fools like Tom Woods, Dave Smith and the Lions of Liberty to do that for me. Do i look like a chump?
Hard pass.
Things Winston’s Mom has never done?
*standing applause*
I’m glad someone appreciates when the riff train rolls into the station.
I just hope there is no snark involved because politics are no laughing matter.
I am so disappointed to miss the Sanders-Warren bumfight.
Sanders-Warren bumfight
Really? I have it on good authority that Sanders is strictly a “belly button” only man.
Good Lord no.
I’ll just wait and check the vodkapundit feed at pjmedia tomorrow at lunch.
Titty Tuesday sez: ”Great anger leads to madness, therefore we must avoid anger, not for the sake of moderation, but for the sake of sanity.”
She’s no Marie Curie, I can tell you that much.
She invented radiation, making her history’s greatest monster.
Leading to the invention of x-rays, saving like millions of lives makes her a monster?
Hrrrrrumph, sir.
But did inventing x-rays make up for all the damage they caused?
11 & 36
Has anyone seen that McGinty feller? I want more pic-heavy random carpentry posts.
So, hard would?
Fir what it’s worth I never thought my carpentry post were that poplar.
I like the series on home building.
I pine for them…
Damn it. Puns. I’ll show myself out.
No need cedar the ground like that.
No worries, It’s Oak eh.
No, don’t go. Having you around spruces up the joint a bit.
Donald Trump wanted to have the US Ambasador to the Ukraine assassinated!!! PROOF!
Only a guilty man wouldn’t want someone to testify against them at a trial:
Wouldn’t those people be testifying for Trump?
Honestly i don’t know who anyone in the picture is.
You must be joking. The only one I don’t recognize is in the middle.
Is That Guliani on the right?
From left to right: Pompeo, Bolton, ? (Mnuchin?), Giuliani, Trump.
Mulvaney in middle.
First question, Biden invokes Obama.
Did someone say “Hey man Obama refuses to endorse you cause he doesn’t like you”?
I side with Bernie on the Iraq war.
The bad Muslims get sent to a gulag?
We shouldn’t have gone in in the first place.
Bluegrass meet Airplane,
Oh, not sappy Mo….
Who are going to believe? Me, or your lying eyes?
You can’t Hide…
I’m watching the mandalorian right now, and I have to say that I don’t hate it. Tons of old western tropes, limited cringiness, at least for the first episode and change.
I don’t want to spoil anything, but they do have a lady tough, but at least they cast a MMA fighter in the role instead of some 90 pound waif.
Top 5 favorite DeNiro performances:
– Jake LaMotta
– Rupert Pupkin
– Ace Rothstein
– Jack Walsh
– Travis Bickle
I like the one where he plays a crazy old man with TDS
Fuck that shit. Rupert Pupkin.
He’s on the list, Pops.
Never seen it.
Vito Corleone. Max Cady.
That one time he played the gangster was my favorite.
Des Spellacy
Those you mentioned plus Neil McCauley.
And Al Capone.
And Frank Sheeran.
The dude hangs dong.
Captain Shakespeare or go home.
Popular conspiracy you know probably isn’t true but you believe anyway:
Kennedy was not killed by Lee Harv
Well, my CJ (ahem) instructor in college, who was a m/c cop in the motorcade, said there was a 2nd shooter.
Mind you, the man ran the DPD academy for several years in the late 70s, so he was fairly well ensconced in the department. And, he made the statement about the 2nd shooter in a very matter-of-fact, no-b.s. way that indicated to me, when I heard it, that it was simply fact for him–not conspiratorial at all.
Yay! I’m met up with Ken from Kingman today, and we played 9 holes, and i gave him my card, this is good, he knows people. We are playing tomorrow, if nothing else I made anew friend.
Bonus! I get my oldest Grandson on Saturday, and we have McDonalds and fun on the schedule, I miss the Boy…
The PizzaGate people would have a field day with this post.
Shit, to be fair, His Name is Kent Houston, and he is opening a course in Kingman named, Houston hill, i cant wait to get crushed…
So – interesting video: – looks like another fun game to pick up at this point if I ever upgrade to an Xbone.
Steyer is hanging on to the ‘climate issue’ in Australia, and not the 180+ arsonists that set the continent on fire
Cause that is a false conspiracy theory. Google it, you won’t see anything about it.
Vegas is full Steyer Billboards, and Help A/ US Billboards as well
I see the Bern is all in on klimate krisis too. Man, they really don’t want to win.
They’re all trashing Trump’s decisions and then taking the same position he has.
Crush box, make millions?
My Kia Travels through time, if I’m in it does Bella get younger?
Yes but only if the car is in reverse.
If you throw an Anhyzer, does it go into a Busch?
Heaven help us #PresidentElizabethWarren is trending on facebook.
If Water is wet, why isn’t air dry?
Aren’t you in Arizona? I’m pretty sure it is.
Yes to all of the above, Volcanic as fuck, Tuff everywhere, but where from?
I’m about to tap out people. Reality has no place in this debate, nor any of the other ones.
First is the Solar panels, then left past mars toward the fields, a quick spin and lnd in Vegas 20 minutes bfore you took off….
I finna bust a nut.
You can Finna nut on the moon, i suggest the Dark side first,
Which Democratic candidate did you arrest?
They all Committed suicide, so HilDog needs to WIN!
I tell ya–that tranny is almost convincing.
Good for you:
Also A$AP rocky has a porn channel.
And Hell Yes!
LOL these jokers apparently want to end trade with China because klimate.
But trade wars are bad when Trump does it?!?
I think Greta has been gallivanting about the globe via sailing ship (credit where credit is due I suppose for not hypocritically flying hither and yon), so I wonder if they’d be alright with it if we just fitted all our cargo tankers with sails?
I smell a business opportunity!
For all your shipping needs. ™
Nope. She has a whole support staff jetting around at her whim. She is complete and utter fraud.
That’s a shame, I was trying to find one nice thing to say about her.
Oh well, I believe I can confidently state that she has never tortured a cat or dog to death.
Have you seen her facial expressions? I would not make that bet, just sayin…
Woah, wait, is it cool now to admit the US doesn’t own the global climate thermostat? Isn’t that like racist or something?
Pointless girrrl power stat!
*seals cheer*
Holy shit this is unbelievably stupid.
Warren making the case that women are driving the proggification of America. Yay?
Joe counters with “what about the blacks?”
Holy shit LOL
I don’t know how you’re doing it.
I’m just waiting for another interesting tennis match to come on and then I’m out.
lol “the blacks”. Oh man Grandpa Joe, I bet he was *thiiiiis close* to saying “negroes”.
To be fair, that was not a literal quote.
CornPop hardest hit.
Oh, nm then. : (
I suppose it says something about the man that it’s totally believable for him to have said that.
The sentiment is bad enough regardless of the euphemisms.
Women do do that.
I recently had cause to do a bit of research on Prohibition in Sweden, which never happened because a 1922 referendum rejected it 51-49. Men opposed prohibition by about 59-41, and women supported it by about 59-41.
Girl, it’s alright.
Ah, good ol’ Stiven.
TBF, ‘Stiven’ is fairly accurate, considering Steve :: Action stars, as Stevia :: good-tasting sweeteners
I’ll give credit to CNN for lafftastic commercials. “Ron Reagan – lifelong atheist. And I look like a corpse.”
Aaand, I’m out. If I lose any more brain cells, I’ll forget how to breathe.
You keep saying that….
I apparently have more than I though I did. Go figure.
Neil Peart is dead,
Bloomberg twitter account hacked, read it while it lasts:
“When choosing your candidate, remember…Mike can fit nine D batteries in his mouth at one time. #BloombergFacts #DemDebate”
Thats good stuff
Series, or Parallel ?
Team Bloomberg
Verified account @Mike2020
9m9 minutes ago
Mike can telepathically communicate with dolphins. #BloombergFacts #DemDebate
And I just became a Bloomberg supporter:
By advised, you mean had his henchmen choke the life out of people until they stopped?
Team Bloomberg
Verified account @Mike2020
29m29 minutes ago
The first candidate to say tonight’s secret word, “motocross,” receives a brand-new Kia Rio. #DebateFacts #DemDebate
4 replies 11 retweets 59 likes
Motocross I Love Kia!1111!1!!!!11
25” single truss
Workshop series with frosted replacement panels
Maple with wheels and lockable storage area
Open back shelf mahogany
Self shooting .45
Holy shit it’s been hacked for 2 hrs and nobody from this guy’s team has shut it down yet???
It’s pretty amazing.
That’s so bad I thought it must be a parody account but no, scroll far enough down & it’s his legit campaign twitter feed. WTF are his staffers doing right now?
Getting fired?
Michael Flynn withdraws guilty plea
I hope he wins.
“HE PLED GUILTY!” say the people who, weirdly, are all about the FBI and CIA, and prosecutors, for some reason?
Wait, is this like the big switch between southern Dems and Republicans in the sixties? Are Dems now the party of Law & Order and ‘pubs are the party of seditious illegal anarchism?
Flynn is the poster boy for everything wrong with the Great Coup Attemp. Lieing FBI, shit charges abusive prosecutors the whole deal.
Did the DNC schedule this dumbass contest opposite the GOAT Jeopardy matchup on purpose? I imagine they’re still campaigning for the Twitterati vote, not for actual nine to five voters.
Are you in one of those weird time zones where the prime-time schedule is all fscked up? No overlap here.
Of course, I haven’t watched Jeopardy in 25 years so IDGAF.
“for 10000, who doesn’t give a fuck”
I got a question right, for once. The answer was “Arcadia.” The question was, “What’s the one thing from AP lit you remember all these years later?”
I don’t remember that.
Tom Stoppard. I like it better than any Shakespeare.
Right before the “hack” they promised to tweet fun stuff, so I wonder if the campaign really just told them to go nuts?
Aw. That would be too bad. But I bet you’re right.
If so, I wonder if they knew how far this person would take it.
That’s a good question. But now, thinking back, all of them are in “good fun” I think. Nothing mean-spirited?
Yeah I think I’m seeing it. They make fun of him, but never in a really hateful way. Probably just really good social media management on his part, to make a bunch of legit funny tweets poking fun at himself.
Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!
You can search Twitter using the search box below or return to the homepage.
Taken down.How many millions has this idiot payed to campaign so far?
I take it back, actually. This might be an
ingeniousattempt to gain notoriety.Huh, it still pulls up for me.
A lot of the replies are people wondering if it’s a hack or not, and saying it isn’t funny, etc.
Then there’s this.
I don’t know what Zelensky is, but if it involves Michael Bloomberg setting his dick on fire, I approve.
Well thank God, I thought this asshole might have run out of money.
Sometimes the slime falls away from my Eyes and i can see clearly, doom and sadness abound, let life finds a way,
then everything goes to Shit, SMOD style and you are left alone and scared…..
What’s up, bunky?
Go to Bed my Friend, we are OK
Still a couple of hours before I fall asleep in my chair.
Helpers who now need help, getting beat down, can’t stop, gotta go, Why?
Gotta move, or end up on the street, gotta save my life, while I still can…
I Am Yusef, I do not Fail!!!!11111
But Damn , my Brain is getting tired, so many things, and my Helper is fucked up in a Hospital, I miss the Wendy Queen!
Goodnight Glibs, sorry to complain so much,
/No I’m not!
Good night. Mike Bloomberg will send you your Kia via Amazon drone.
Somehow I’m not comfortable with this,
Just make sure your roof is up to code.
My wife just sent me this. Lol.
Love it.
I guess she has his balls but how can she weaponize them?
Meh, an earlier American actually took down a King, not some cadet prince of no import.
From my limited understanding, if she deserves the credit, she did the Empire a huge favor.
I couldn’t even remember which Edward it was, so I don’t know much about his character.
Check out his post-abdication shenanigans later on in the Wiki article. He was pretty despicable.
Of course how much of that is because he wasn’t wearing a crown and didn’t have the government of the day’s hand up his posterior?
First, you know who else, and random dig at some autistic teenager.
Hello everybody, I hope the night finds you well.
BTW, I had a bald eagle perch on top of the tree outside my balcony for about two hrs Sunday. It was cool but made the kitty nervous, even though he’s a main coon- big cat.
Also, I may be drunk.
I love raptors.
Welcome to the party.
“Also, I may be drunk.” Since you aren’t sure, drink a few more to make certain that you are.
The best advice yet from the internet.
Yay more climate change horseshit now with more black & brown.
I’m not watching, honest. I literally just flip over once a half hour or so.
Anyone post this bit of derp yet?
A modest proposal to save American democracy
So Vox admits that their positions are so unpopular they can’t win honestly and have to change the rules of the proceedings.
Isn’t that what authoritarians always end up doing in the end?
Or they could give the rest of DC back to Maryland form whence it came. Virginia got its slice back long ago.
Yeah, and now look where they’re at.
How to start a civil war in 5 easy steps.
If these fuckers had two brain cells to rub together, they would realize that radical decentralization would grant them all their socialist dreams.
Oh Vox, never change.
Winner take all system guarantees not all citizens will be represented equally. I suppose you could pay a lobbyist.
Anyone who ever uses the words “modest proposal” and doesn’t mean it in parody should be slapped.
In 12 years, we’ll be beyond fucked. Climate Change alarmists are almost right. Just not using the correct units.
Fortunately, Trump saved us from this sorry fate by pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord.
Chow mein without noodles isn’t “just as good” if you double up on veggies, especially if you double up on sauce. It’s just a salty, soy-y mess.
I believe that’s called a stir fry. I’ve learned over the years to be judicious with sauce ingredients.
I often over-season, over-salt, over-sauce etc. It’s difficult for me to hold back. I blame all the bland food I grew up with.
The problem is adding ingredients and tasting at the beginning of reduction, as opposed to letting it reduce a bit and then adjusting.
Yeah, I’ve figured that out too.
Yep. Get yourself a wok and heat it up as hot as you can get it. Toss the veggies vigorously while adding soy sauce.
Hello Ma Bell!
No need to go past this one.
I don’t always listen to Thin Lizzy, but when I do, so do the neighbors.
dammit! Thin Lizzy
I think Thin Lizzy was an underrated band.
Really? That’s a very quiet song.
I was trying not to piss them off. How’s this?
Sweet guitar intro.
And this is Wendy’s song about me,
I see a few of my links in there. ?
3 beautiful couches/ slash comfy chairs, and where are my animals? On my chair arms and the back,kicking me off,
Spoiled Animals!
LOL I’ve mentioned that after more than a decade mine have discovered the joys of jumping onto my desk and bugging me. They take turns at it all day long now.
Hell yes!
Pardon me for taking your link as my cheap, tawdry excuse to confess to my first musical passion. (I was very young and almost certainly very weird.)
I heartily approve of musical selection.
No longer young. : ) Thanks! The redhead is who I desperately wanted to be when I grew up – tall, willowy, amazing voice, and a gifted comedienne. Oh, well…
Here’s a little “young music story”
In the sixth grade, we had a ” bring your album to school” day. I was, I think 12. I brought my favorite record. I know, I was a weird kid. Anyway This vato kid named Jimmy brought led zeppelin’s 1 st album. He kept calling me a pussy for liking pussy assed music. The teacher was kinda hippy and he was really impressed with my selection. I got sick of him taunting me and we ended up having one of those fights out at the back of the field after school. Somehow, after that, we became best friends for the rest of the year. We smoked a lot of cheap Mexican pot and ate the best Mexican food, I’ve ever tasted (cooked by his mom.) Anyway, the whole album is pretty good.
Especially Prison song
Nice! Trying to ID the Eastern European-sounding instrument in the background later on. Balalaika?
Maybe the lap steel. It’s Jerry Garcia playing it.
Nevermind, I hear it now. Not sure exactly what it is.
My favorite album (when I was 6).
I actually also had an 8-track mix tape that my artist, non-conformist uncle made for me probably right around that time. Beatles, The Who, Moby Grape…good time, the 70’s.
The very first Sesame Street album is probably the first record album I ever bought myself – mainly to get “Rubber Duckie.” (NOT the disco version!)
When I heard about backward masking I played a Sesame Street record backwards and it said ‘Meet Colonel Mustard at the Bus Stop.” No lyin. Played Helter Skelter backwards and nothing.
The Disco version is the one worth having.
/yeah, I said it!
Euphemisms for death?
/this is the funniest damn thing I’ve read in a while!
I haven’t lived an exciting life, but I’ve lead an interesting one. Or maybe it’s only interesting because I’m telling the story.
Dispatches from Airstrip One.
I’m afraid that I didn’t say anything about the BNP possibly being correct in some of their positions, because I didn’t want to provide the proof of them being right.
/”journalists ARE supposed to be partisans”
Sometimes I wonder, why I’m stil alive, amazing really, I missed all the wars so I hve that, but why, as a Cylon, do I worry about death?
I have some business in the Am, then a Play date for golf, Yay!
Put down the pipe/bong/edibles and get some sleep.
Not happening, but I’ll be up way before dawn drinking coffee, and doing bongers…
And playing..
Rock on ?
Nothing better than walking your Goat….
What? you don’t own a Goat?
Bella Identifies as a Goat, No Dog shaming!
That’s a fine line they’re walking. Satire?
“”What were we talking about again?” he asked, snapping out of a daydream and realizing he’d been addressing a blank wall the entire time.”
That was right advice my balcony
Them fuckers are always in the sky here in the summer, got a nest on my island. (That’s right I (well not me, but the family) own an island, out-shitlord that)
Manhattan Paper Shredding Company? More like Paper Street Soap Company.
Meh…not enough golf balls.
+1 gallon of lye
You know, I live on the lake/river, but I’ve never gone ice fishing. When I moved back here I said I wanted to just sit on the dock with a case of beer and fish. I’ve bought the case of beer many times over, but I haven’t gone fishing and even took the dock out.
Oh, that was supposed to have this link.