Like all real science, Astrology is based on math. The tracking of the motion of the planets and developing the equations to predict where they were or would be was of vital importance for an astrologer who’s client needed information about people born in the past or events happening in the future. And during all of these mathematical studies, correspondences were noticed. There are seven planets, there are seven days of the week. Is this a coincidence? No. Is it a coincidence that there were seven metals know to the ancients? Also no. I’ve alluded to how you can use these facts to improve your situation but haven’t explicitly laid them out for you before, so here’s a quick and easy chart to amplify the celestial influences you may need:
Using this in conjunction with the Sephirot that I published earlier can give some powerful resultsNow there is some controversy about that last column. You can find many sources that will disagree but these sources are obsolete and contradictory. But this isn’t really their fault, because the correct correspondence couldn’t be made until the great Alchemist Isaac Newton discovered the color Indigo. It is telling however, that The Mars/Venus Red/Green Iron/Copper alignment has been known since the very beginning. Even though the ancients didn’t have the mathematical tools that Newton invented, they were still able to divine quite a bit about the nature of the universe.

Without this guy, you wouldn’t have blue jeans.
This week has an interesting construction, and frankly I’m having a hard time nailing down exactly what it means. We’ve got the Earth-Moon-Mercury with the Sun and Venus in opposition. At the most basic level, you’ve got news negatively affecting your domestic situation, and this news is either about or will be delivered by a woman. But as you abstract out the signs, you pass through such stages as “the discovery of bastard offspring” and “memories of a beach vacation” while at the most general it’s just generally contradictory higgledy-piggeldy. The most likely reading of this is that an ex, with whom you’ve had lots of really good sex, gets in contact with your current partner.
The indications for good fishing are increased this week, and everyone get their 5th Dimension on as Aquarius is in the sun starting now. Aquarius also gets Mercury, so roll a few dice. All the other visitations are the same as last week, so go copy-paste that if you’re curious.
Aquarius: 10 of Swords reversed – Temporary advantage, profit or success, favor, power, authority
Pisces: 4 of Coins – Security, holding on to your gains, gift, legacy, inheritance
Aries: 2 of Wands – Riches, fortune, magnificence, physical suffering, disease, chagrin, sadness, mortification
Taurus: The World reversed – Inertia, fixity, stagnation, permanence
Gemini: The Hermit reversed – Concealment, disguise, policy, fear, unreasoned caution
Cancer: Death – End, mortality, destruction, corruption
Leo: Page of Swords reversed – The evil side of authority, unforeseen, unprepared state, sickness
Virgo: Queen of Coins reversed – Evil, suspicion, suspense, fear, mistrust
Libra: The Fool reversed – Negligence, absence, distribution, carelessness, apathy, nullity, vanity
Scorpio: Knight of Cups – Arrival, approach, advances, proposition, demeanor, invitation, incitement
Sagittarius: 8 of Wands reversed – Jealousy, internal dispute, stingings of conscience, quarrels
Capricorn: 2 of Coins – gaiety, recreation, news and messages in writing, obstacles, agitation, trouble, embroilment
ok then!
Second, ? what?
What was unclear? The same underlying math that gives rise to the motions of the planets also establishes the color spectrum, the days of the week and the periodic table of the elements.
What color is Technicium?
One of the impossible ones.
Nice to see that the HK protesters are drawing inspiration from the Taliban.
Related: Patient Zero identified.
He has good taste in backing tracks. I’ll give him that.
Virgo: Queen of Coins reversed – Evil, suspicion, suspense, fear, mistrust
Not really my jam, but I’ll give it the old college try.
Warren 2020!
I’m sure this is mostly sports related. Except for Illinois who hates Indiana because of their guns, without which, Chicago would be a socialist utopia.
Missouri hating Kansas, and vice versa checks out.
California hating Texas probably translates as: “Quit stealing our tax cattle!”.
Surprisingly, everyone within a thousand miles of California hates California.
Kansas is jealous that KCK is a suburb. Missouri’s pissed because Johnson County doesn’t have to help pay for the sportsball teams.
It’s a love-hate relationship born of extreme jealousy.
The methodological rigor seems legit.
Not really, Twitter is the currently approved source. Polling Instagram is just carzy!
I don’t know anyone who voted for Trump.
PA hating NJ, can confirm.
Don’t think of it as hate, more as accurate factual assessment of NJ and an unavoidable emotional state that follows.
Most libertarian state?
Official state song
The entire mountain West hating California Checks out.
And PNW too.
Florida hates itself?
Large Jewish population.
Florida Man hates the transplants, and the transplants hate the natives.
Fake news. Or should I say, Faux News. Washington hates either Texas, or anything in the SE US not called Florida. California is the gold standard they seek to emulate, unaware that the climate is, um, a bit different in the Pacific NW.
Among Fox News viewers in Washington, California is indeed the correct answer.
Michigan, however, does hate Ohio. Between butthurt Wolverines being upset about not being relevant anymore and everyone else being upset about the vigorous enforcement of speed limits, Ohio is indeed the villain.
As for the Orange states – they claim to hate Alabama but don’t hesitate to chant SEC SEC SEC when Saban beats up on some Big 10 school in a bowl game.
Everyone in New England hating Massachusetts except MA and CT is the least shocking thing ever.
“There are seven planets”
What about Uranus?
+1 Pluto
“Cancer: Death – End, mortality, destruction, corruption”
I want a recount.
Good luck. Looks like common core math.
Gemini: The Hermit reversed – Concealment, disguise, policy, fear, unreasoned caution
I got nuthin.
“favor, power, authority”
All shall bow before me.
How to interpret column d of the chart
Some of those colors are very similar, and liable to be confused depending on lighting, etc? I have no idea what the context of that is and I don’t want to Ask Jeeves.
The back-pocket hanky is supposed to have been a common code for gay guys looking to hook up in the seventies.
The More You Know™
What does an ascot or a front pocket hanky mean?
Ascot = into autoerotic asphyxiation?
ascot = morning wedding
Ding dong the wedding bells will chime….
Just get me to the church on time.
“an ascot is where a donkey sleeps”
-Benny Hill
Well that’s all BAU but the “distribution” part is nice. I have to send some parcels. Of course it never says that at any other given week when I’m sending any parcels. I’m intrigued to find out what the “nullity” might sync up with.
Happy New Years everyone. Keep me in your prayers as I sit here at a large family dim sum staring at my phone while everyone yells across the table in their heathen language because apparently no one can simply talk to the person next to them.
*edit* Food’s good, though.
That’s right. It’s not Not Adahn’s year!
Tonal languages… So loud.
Particularly painful on a train.
I am always tempted to believe astrology when it is done by math and pins me pretty well, especially by someone who doesn’t know me.
Yet there’s a bigger portion of me that wonders: How does this work? Why can positions of the planets determine my characteristics or do they just describe a loose correlation of observed behavior over centuries?
Tarot, I can just dismiss as too general, too much dependent on body language, subtext, and whatever information the charlatan can steal.
Posted too soon.
Predictive astrology I don’t buy.
I can make all sorts of excellent, well-documentable predictions. For example, where you are I predict that planting corn when the sun is in Capricorn will give a terrible crop.
How does this work?
Pareidolia + confirmation bias = self deception.
Meh. Got nothing to lose, so I’ll take what hope I can get. If that means Jesus Toast, that’s what it means.
How does it work? It doesn’t. But it can be fun if you don’t take it too seriously.
How dare you!
That’s awesome.
It’s wonderful.
That is hilarious
How dare you!
“ Libra: The Fool reversed – Negligence, absence, distribution, carelessness, apathy, nullity, vanity”
Looks like I’m going to have to ki…never mind.
Yeah so I took XY to get a haircut and he’s being a little ass about stuff and I’m distracted. I park and try to turn off the car. It won’t go over. It also will not now turn back on. XY says “Can I try?” which is like, his answer to everything we, his parents, are being stupid about. I’m panicking because I’m seeing $$$$$$ and call my husband.
It was not in PARK.
So I was, indeed, at a standstill and stagnating.
XY says “Can I try?” which is like, his answer to everything we, his parents, are being stupid about.
To be fair, this one is normal teenager behavior.
With him, it’s extra irritating.
If he knew so much, he’d have said, “Mom, you’re not in park.” So, he missed it.
I will admit he has been helpful in the past, and I acknowledge it. In our house, the person who was proven wrong has to say, “You were right, So-and-So.” So I say it without reservation.
It’s just … he’s not right that often. He overthinks everything and makes shit 10x harder than it has to be and all the while, he’s trying to explain to me how it is superior than anything I could do when he has no idea that you don’t use a hammer to work a SharkBite.
If he knew so much, he’d have said, “Mom, you’re not in park.” So, he missed it.
To be fair, this is exactly how every tech support call with family goes. I have no freaking clue what’s wrong with your computer, but I can go through a series of steps to find and fix the problem. It’s not magic, it’s attention to detail.
Also, “let me see if i can get it to work” is my way of letting people save face when they’ve done something obvious.
Yeah, to me that’s the opposite of saving face. That’s saying, “You’re never going to understand that.” My way, when someone calls me in a panic, is to say, “Okay, I’m going to teach you how to do this. First, go here and do this.”
I have lots of older clients who are tech ignorant. I often have to teach them things from scratch, and to them, it’s very empowering. If they don’t feel like learning it, they say “I’m not interested. Please fix it.” No problem.
I had a client call me and he couldn’t figure out what he’d done to his Word DOC and couldn’t describe what it was doing. I had him send me the document and tell me where the problem was. It was a simple fix and I taught him how it worked. No more emergency tech calls.
With my son (14), here’s an example. There is a shopping mall with a hotel attached catty-corner from Union Station. They are connected by a very long walkway that goes over the street. It is half the distance if you walk out the hotel’s front door and cross the street with the lights.
We were coming back from Union Station to the hotel (parking garage on the other side of the hotel and mall) and I refused to walk BACK to the back of Union Station to get to the walkway entrance. We were walking away from Union Station and he’s starting to get a little panicky that we weren’t going to be able to get into the hotel. He’s getting nasty about it and I stop and ask him if it ever occurred to him that the hotel has OTHER ENTRANCES besides the walkway and that I HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE. He still wasn’t processing that and I got mad and just said, “Trust me.” We get across the street and lo and behold there’s a front door. He was mumbling, “I should have thought about that.”
I left it there, didn’t rub it in that he was wrong, but I was mad and STAYED mad because he’d been so nasty about it and refused to listen to me.
Stuff like that. Happens all the time.
I know this is normal teenage behavior, but piled on top of all the other more serious and abnormal problems we have with him, it is maddening.
Teenagers are establishing independence from their parents. It is what they HAVE to do if they are going to become mentally healthy adults. Holding on to anger over that is not good for either of you. It is why I barely spoke to my Mom for 20 years after I left the house.
My way, when someone calls me in a panic, is to say, “Okay, I’m going to teach you how to do this. First, go here and do this.”
Yeah, I’ve never had that work. Ever. I’ve discovered that my communication style isn’t conducive to tech support, thus why I unextended the invitation to provide tech support to family. It has also gotten me in trouble with various other social obligations, including the church commitments I just backed out of.
I say what I mean and mean what I say. Every statement includes with information that is useful, if not mandatory, to achieving the goal. For example, this morning we had to make a last second change to a song. I walked the guy through every click he had to do to make the change, and it took four or five times at each step before he got it. “Right click on the last slide of the song” turned into left clicking on the last slide of the service, left clicking on the blank space after the last slide of the song, right clicking on the blank space, and finally right clicking on the correct slide.
I try to be patient with people when they don’t have the same level of attention to detail that I have, but when it comes to the technically illiterate, I’ve found that, more often than not, the issue isn’t that technology is confounding, but that there is an inability to read, comprehend, and execute instructions at the level of detail required to successfully configure a computer. It’s like if the instructions were to say “text the word ‘baboon’ to (800)445-2322, and you will receive a reply with your access code”, all they see is ‘baboon’ and the phone number. So, they call the number, say ‘baboon’ and wonder why they’re not getting the response that was expected.
Sorry for the rabbit trail rant. Had to deal with exactly this issue this morning.
Once at work, I had an extra PC. The woman that handled payroll (on of the owner’s daughters) had lamented that her machine was slow and too old. Always knowing which ass needed kissing (in this case the broad that cut my paycheck), I cheerily offered it up, and told her I would ship it to her office. So in getting it ready, I was going to reinstall the OS, and take off the junk from my office. I may have been WinXP. So I get out the CD, do a reinstall, and on the initial screen to set things up, I realized that no matter how many time I clicked ‘next’ it stayed on that screen.
So I call tech support (I think it was Dell) explain, and was told that they had problems with that particular hard drive, but it was warrantied, and they would ship me a replacement. Only they were back ordered for over a month. Knowing that little Miss CheckWriter was the impatient sort, I made a trip to MicroCenter got a new HD, installed it, put my OS in and… the 1st screen, NEXT wouldnt work.
I call tech support again, and this guy tells me the CD was dirty, and to clean it with alcohol and try it again. Which I did. And I didnt solve anything.
So Im staring at the damn thing, and I notice the NEXT had an underscore on the N. So I hit ctrl+N and VIOLA! The next screen!
“Jesus, Tres” I said to myself, “all this fudding around, and its the damn mouse. You dumb-fud.”
And then I thought….”is it the mouse?”
Bringing this wagon back around the barn to HE’s question about handed-ness: I use a mouse left handed. The default setup is right handed.
/genius off
IOW teenagers annoy you. 😉
Your teenager sounds more annoying that some but less annoying that others. One thing for certain the person most annoyed by any teenager is that teenager’s parents.
When ours was at his worst our next-door neighbor was always telling us how proud we must be of our son – he was such a mature and well-spoken young man. I’d say “Tall, skinny red head? Drives a shitbox Ford pickup? Him? ” “That’s the one – one of the nicest teenagers I’ve ever met.”
I actually never had much problem with him. It was he and mother that went at it. They’re very much alike. And now they’re best buds.
My husband is perpetually pissed at him and can’t talk to him without screaming. I’m a lot more understanding, and pretty much the liaison at this point, but my patience is gone.
He has problems I’m not going to talk about in public, but they are disturbing and we are having a hard time.
When my son was 17 I was pretty sure he wouldn’t live to 18 – if he didn’t kill himself, I would kill him. That kind of thing. We all survived, and now he acknowledges what an asshole he was back then.
This is what I’m praying for, that it’s just teenager bullshit.
I need lemon cookies. I have no lemons.
“The most likely reading of this is that an ex, with whom you’ve had lots of really good sex, gets in contact with your current partner.l
The ex, she dead.
So Love with her is crazy?
Are you Whoopi Goldberg?
Obviously, you are not important enough for the stars to concern themselves with.
Is that good or bad for job interviews?
Of course it is!
So, a good week to do my taxes?
Paging OMWC, OMWC to the camo courtesy phone. How much was the ticket?
Uh, he was the skeleton.
Without this guy, you wouldn’t have blue jeans.
Free exchange of ideas is authoritarian.
Listening to Clinton, I was struck by how remarkably similar her account was to something Zuckerberg had once told me. Facts, Zuckerberg had suggested, are best derived from foraging many opinions, ideally from the billions of humans who use his publishing platform, so that each individual might cherry-pick what to believe. (Cherry-pick is my word, not his.) If journalism’s mantra is “Seek truth and report it,” Facebook’s might be “Seek opinions and react to them.” “It’s not about saying, Here’s one view; here’s the other side,” Zuckerberg had said when I’d asked him to reconcile the apparent contradiction between fact and opinion. “You should decide where you want to be.”
I wrote at the time that Zuckerberg’s interpretation was unsatisfying for one thing, and Trumpian for another. When I asked Clinton today whether she too sees a Trumpian quality in Zuckerberg’s reasoning, she nodded. “It’s Trumpian,” she said. “It’s authoritarian.” (Facebook did not immediately provide a response to my request for comment from Zuckerberg.)
Fact is when I state something. Opinion is when you state something.
If only.
*Not* forcing one opinion down people’s throats is authoritarian?
Hillary is an expert on authoritarianism.
And she really wants to put that expertise to work!
Kobe Bryant dead.
I was about to post that.
Thankfully, I didnt. I dont want all the drugs to fall out of my ass.
What did he have on Hillary?
Was just looking at my calendar and realized I put off seeing Kobe’s last game in Denver to go have dinner with a colleague. Dammit. Shoulda coulda woulda.
It may not be accurate — TMZ may have been hacked.
ESPN is confirming. Damn day after he watched LeBron pass him on the all time points list.
Kobe was one of the players who convinced me to stop watching the NBA.
I didn’t mind Kobe, I stopped watching when the NBA outlawed defense.
^^ this
Ah, the glory days of Jordan and Pippen.
Rapist piece of trash.
The Jordan rules killed the NBA for me, and it had always been my #1 sport.
And the Lakers weren’t really NBA champions until the put the stake thru the heart of the Celtics in the finals. Gods what a hangover I had the next day.
Beat me to it. I’m looking at the smoking wreckage on tv.
“I didn’t know he had dirt on the Clintons.” – Banjos
Goddammit Gustave and his nimble fingers.
No credit for me. It’s what everyone is thinking.
Way back in Trump’s Atlantic City days my family knew a fair number of execs who worked with him.
One bit of trivia was that he wouldn’t ride in helicopters with after a certain number of flight hours. Didn’t matter if they were overhauled or not.
Kobe’s helicopter was 29 years old, original engine, flew in it almost every day.
The S-76 has two engines
People are talking — seriously — about not playing any games today. Not being followed but will be interesting to see what happens.
They had a pretty decent moment of silence before the Rockets — Jazz game. Huge flag, video. Especially considering how recent the news is.
As opposed to an indecent moment of silence.
Too soon?
Murktastic • 28 minutes ago
It’s the only kind of passing Kobe would ever do.
Reports are that his 13 year old daughter died as well.
Sheriff’s department said the manifest said there was 9 people on the helicopter, including the pilot.
Not confirming any names yet.
Back from the steel shooting. I did really well this week, second in my division (behind the club president) and completed the stages in the fewest shots yet. I shot my first clean stage and a new record on “Smoke and Hope” of 4.44 seconds.
Sweet. I’m going shooting Tuesday. Going to test some SD ammo through G22 for accuracy. Prolly take PX4 Compact 9 as well.
FYI: The Witcher 3 is on sale today pretty much everywhere, You can get it for $12, or the GOTY for $15. Toss a coin to your Witcher.
NPR had a segment about how that was such a great piece of music. I had to pull over because my eyes were rolling too hard to see the road.
FFS. It’s a catchy tune, and made for a surprisingly good metal cover, but come on.
I’ll take the musical stylings of Riverside over that one, but the song they did for Witcher 2 wasn’t their best work.
This one’s a bit better
Ha ha.
More importantly, how is BRC’s coffee? Any recommendations?
A bit Hoppe
What you did there. It was noticed.
In fact, it was pretty slick.
Shoulda been comment No. 9
Not bad, but I can do better and cheaper locally.
OT [I can’t tell when this post went up]
Fist just got full-username cred on the Fifth Column podcast
admittedly, I could be weeks behind: I save such things for airtravel
I caught that too the other day.
What luck that Mercury, the planet, lined up with mercury, the metal.
Luck had nothing to do with it. It’s math.
You should have some quicksilver.
And a side of Bacon.
Well he was quick enough to grab his choice on both.
This is your daily reminder that if you are a US citizen who had the audacity to be born elsewhere, you can be imprisoned for 82 days while waiting for trial when cops misidentify the bottle of honey in your possession for “liquid crystal meth” and even though the cops are happy to have you stay at home with an ankle bracelet, ICE prevents them from letting you.
Hope neocon apologist David doesn’t get hoisted on this petard
Wouldn’t he have to have some shame first?
If you don’t look like a white upper-middle class person, that’s on you.
I’ve tried my best, but I just can’t fake liking The National.
But there was no error made in this case, the prosecutor’s office said.
Oh, so no errors were made? Fine, arrest everyone involved including the person in the prosecutors office making that statement for false arrest, false imprisonment, kidnapping, unlawful use of force, conspiracy, use of public office for personal benefit, accessories to the above, and weapons enhancer,ents for the charges/penalties.
Yeah, that story is just filled with shining examples of government competence. But, hey they’ve got “increasing professionalism” which makes all those pesky rights the little people have moot.
I was pondering the other day how much pseudo-science that would be laughed out of consideration in another other context is acceptable in the legal system – Drug dogs, polygraph “lie detectors”, body language “experts”, etc.. It is depressing to think how many people have been convicted on the basis of a “If she’s a witch, she’ll float to the top” test 2.0.
Was alerted by whom?
The media is so used to using passive voice to cover up cops’ actions that they use it even when it’s grammatically inappropriate.
Isn’t honey pretty much liquid crystal meth?
I like baklava as much as the other guy, but I wouldn’t go that far.
He wasn’t a US citizen, but that’s still messed up.
Yeah, according to WaPo he’s got a green card.
You’re right. He’s an LPR.
Fucking autoplay video!
Gotta love the War on Drugs.
No kidding. As wrongvas this is, I think this is less about nativism/anti-immigrant sentiment and more about everybody gets fucked in the ass by the WoD.
*makes note to not bring honey back from Tasmania this summer*
I brought honey from Kangaroo Island a few years ago. I had no idea how dangerous it was.
As I understand it, one can get in some real trouble if caught transporting honey, honeycomb, or used honey containers across certain state lines.
It’s like if the instructions were to say “text the word ‘baboon’ to (800)445-2322, and you will receive a reply with your access code”, all they see is ‘baboon’ and the phone number. So, they call the number, say ‘baboon’ and wonder why they’re not getting the response that was expected.
And that made me think of this
I am having a back and forth literally as I type this via email with a client who does not understand the difference between buying a tax lien certificate at the sale and paying the taxes. She thinks if she pays someone’s past due taxes she can then ‘step in’ to the County’s shoes and foreclose. And she is arguing because she wants to do this. I have spelled out every way I can think of to explain why this won’t work, but she is still hung up on “why do I have to wait for the certificate when I could just pay the taxes now?” Umm, because giving the owner a nice gift doesn’t get you the house?
Hope you bill her double for Sunday work.
I’ve been trying to help my mother with her computer long distance. She used to accidentally delete something even if it took 12 steps to do so. She got better but seems to backsliding recently. I’m mentally drained after talking to her.
I know what you’re talking about. I had gotomypc installed on my mom’s computer for many years. That made everything so simple. But last year they quadrupled the price to something like $400 a year and I cancelled it. I’m not going to pay the price of a budget laptop for this every year. Just yesterday my mother had a serious problem with her computer and I couldn’t figure out what it was.
Was Kobe Bryant a cancer?
A cancer on the game, maybe.
A cancer to Shaq.
And also to cleaning ladies in Colorado hotels.
No, according to MSNBC, he was something else offensive.
Randy Marsh – People Who Annoy You
Call me when blood starts raining from the sky.
Just wait until gay frogs start falling out of their bums.
Did drugs fall out of the crickets ass?
Really nice one, too!
I’d tap that.
With our luck Spud she’d turn around and have the face of a goat.
Don’t care would tap.
Don’t let her turn around.
Seems even goats don’t like to look another goat in the face during sex.
Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah face?
Its not so baaaaaaaaaaaad
That sir is quality content
Good Lord, not only is that gorgeous, but the photographer actually did some honest-to-God work and planning to capture it like that. I would’ve been so proud to do a shot like that in my studio . . .
[crickets chirping]
Hey as a firstborn son, I do not find this funny!
Sanders now topping betting odds for the nomination.
I pay attention to that more than the polls. I still think that Biden is the likely nominee since the DNC will find some way to torpedo Bernie. Interesting that Bloomy is cutting into Bidens’ “moderate” voting bloc.
With the line-up that they have I’m seeing a Canucks, Islanders tilt circa 1982.
I just hope nobody gets a majority of the delegates.
This concerns me greatly.
Look at Bloomberg kicking the shit out of Steyer in the squillionare race. Tom better step up the spending.
And given the ads I’ve heard for both here in California, they are both spending a squillion dollars too. I saw yesterday some note that Bloomberg’s spent 250 MILLION already. Burn away, fellas, but it does seem a bit… dubious. I wonder if – for Bloomberg esp — if he’s in the race as a sort of stealth PAC, spending money he wouldn’t otherwise be able to donate once there’s an actual nomination, and in return for this largess there’s some promise for him to be SecState or something later.
Or maybe they’re both just such narcissists they figure if Trump can do it, certainly they can being both richer and smarter.
I’m sure some of this creating jobs for people, but think of the good this money could do elsewhere as well.
He is a class A douche with horrible ideas (but so are most Democrats) but he is neither a communist like the Bern or a senile gropey old bastard like Joe. I would not be surprised if he skyrocketed when it gets closer to the wire unless the super delegates have already chosen the groper. I am convinced DNC primaries are pretty much a show and the candidate is decided behind closed doors.
As well they should be, do yo really want the rabble deciding who gets the nom?
Good point. Look what happened when the R’s did that.
He won’t win early enough to be a factor and will have to drop out.
As the linker of the worst music ever linked on this site has pointed out, split count/delegates could happen. At that point I might put money on Bloomberg.
“Or maybe they’re both just such narcissists they figure if Trump can do it, certainly they can being both richer and smarter”
The only three with an upward trend are Bloomberg, Biden, and Grandpa commie. I would honestly look for Bloomberg to start increasing the slope on that graph.
I agree. Although Bloomberg’s ego won’t allow him to admit it, there are a lot of people that don’t know who he is.
What’s the pizza in your avatar?
Papa John’s with pineapple on top.
Papa John’s deep dish with pineapple?
Pepperoni, sausage and caramelized onions I think. Pic is from a few years ago. I had some fire wood delivered yesterday and wood dude threw in a bit of apple. I am set for pizza cooking now!
On the warpath
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Thursday called for former Wells Fargo executives to face arrest after a federal bank regulator announced its intent to charge five former bank officials over a series of abusive sales practices.
“Giant banks like Wells Fargo will only clean up their act when their executives know they’ll face handcuffs when they preside over massive fraud,” Warren said in a Thursday night statement.
Just think how great it would be to have four years of her as Vindictive-Harpy-in-Chief. She’ll make the world a better place.
Maybe she and Richard Cordray can face handcuffs for their abuse of power.
Given her role in crafting the regulations that destroyed the midsized banking industry and concentrated banking in a few big banks she has a lot of nerve.
Malthusian dipshits gonna Malthusian dipshit.
‘And that’s just the beginning. Ideally, we would reach a global commitment to conserve half of all the land and oceans on Earth. This so-called “Half-Earth Project” was developed by internationally renowned conservation biologist, E.O. Wilson, and has been increasingly embraced by scientists and conservationists.’
*Stormfront readers nod slowly*
“We need to reduce our footprint or the Earth is in peril!” “Sure thing, Toots! You first!”
Nah, it’s those pesky brown people. Breed like rabbits, they do.
“Bluidy Wogs!”
Yep. 1935 again, it sure is.
How about the next time these morons fly they get a window seat and look out the window? Even along the East coast it’s forests and farm land. Nevermind Deplorable Land.
Troubleshooting advice from the gunglibs:
1. Gun is a 5.56 upper, milspec carbine lower. Made my MAS defense and Anderson Mfg, respectively.
2. Yesterday, the gun would charge, and upon firing would eject the spent casing but would often fail to pick up a round before going home. Sometimes, the round would only be partially stripped, and the bolt would not close.
3. Thinking it was a too-heavy BCG, I replaced it with one from my Wyndham Weaponry carbine. When I took that to the range, it would not pick up a round at all, even when initially charging the rifle.
4. Re-replacing the original BCG, I tried manually cycling rounds through the gun with the charging handle, but it would not correctly pull them from the magazine.
WTF is going on?
Did you check the thermostat?
It was about 34 degrees Freedom.
I think his cletus shaft is jammed in the whirlywrangler.
then it’s the filter, you did change it, right?
WTF is going on?
Where’s your astrology now!
Late January is Aquarius, it is a hippy peace sign and disapproves of guns.
Mag issues?
When was the last time you broke down the bcg and cleaned & lubed?
New build.
Four different brands of mag.
I think — somehow — it’s the lower.
I have two lowers (one with a fixed mag) and three uppers. Playing mix-and-match shows that all three uppers will feed/eject from the Wyndham Weaponry (fixed mag) lower, but none will feed from the Anderson Mfg lower. Although, it could still be a magazine issue.
Try different magazines? Sounds like it’s not seating properly. Either a defective/non spec mag, issues with the magwell, or both.
Weak spring?
Yeah, that could be. Bent feed lips?
Feed lips
Jiggle the handle? Wd40 that thing that goes up? I got nothing.
Step 1: Reboot the damn thing.
Trade it out for that umbrella murder machine.
Magazine springs weak? Stuck? Magazine plate jammed? Charging handle thingy ma bob not going back far enough? Magazine not seating well?
but they can build a hospital in 6 days because they have TOP MEN….
Well sure! It’s easy when you just pour the foundation over the ants.
Funnel cake, cheese danish, or lemon sugar cookies?
Dammit I hate being able to bake.
Lemon sugar cookies, I eat danish and funnel cake all the time,
Mmmmm, Lemony goodness…….
But you DON’T eat MY danish or funnel cake. ?
is that an invite?
someday 🙂
is that even a euphemism ?
Funnel cakes aren’t baked though.
I know.
So, unless you are deep-frying something else already, the other two choices would make less of a mess to clean up.
Lemon sugar cookies.
Lady’s choice. What do you want , Mojo?
I want toffee but that requires me to go out and buy chocolate and a candy thermometer.
Also, I want fruit Tootsie rolls, which ALSO requires me to go out.
See where I’m going with this? Which is NOT anywhere outside my house.
Ah. Just do what’s easiest. XX and XY are teenagers. It will be gone come the ‘morn unless you hide some in the crisper behind the broccoli.
In honor of Kobe:
I finally decided on a vacation. I’m going to Hungary
Bring us back some paprika!
And beef stroganoff
Nice! I’ve always wanted to visit Europe but pesky passports and all…
I just renewed mine. Wasn’t pesky at all.
I have… a history.
Ah, well then, that can be a different matter entirely.
Why there? Not passing judgement, but that would not be my first choice.
Thermal lake, spas, vineyards, etc.
Aaaah. I trust you will have fun!
And porn and strippers.
Go on.
Congratulations! I hope it’s even better than you expect.
I have always had a certain level of interest in Hungary. Please do a travel diary with pictures if you can; they would be most appreciated.
What a fine, upstanding citizen. Oh, convicted felon? Nevermind.
Wendy’s HR must be real woke.
I’m thinking about the neighborhood that Wendy’s is in and how many people were on their short list for manager for that particular location.
How does a fight break out in the kitchen? Was it… employees?
Umm Freudian slip?
I dunno. It sounded like “nakers” to me, but CNN’s racists are now confirmed!
Also drugs falling out of butts. My bad.
#metoo Sounded like nakers.
Ya it does sound like Nakers.
We don’t take kindly to naker guys round here.
Fuckin naggers*, man.
*Meaning gf’s and wives that could nag the paint off the walls.
I see no reason to get your knickers in a twist.
Have some Kafka with your DOOOM!
“unfalsifiable” Someone has been watching the Schiff-Show and Mom lost the remote.
“Strange game, the only winning move is to not play”
Too bad “not playing” will lead to “you’re fired”. Which means instead, everyone mouths the right platitudes and invokes the expected incantations to go along.
Well, given that every aspect of employment in Chicago is based on corruption, including the fuckers elected to run the whole thing. The only sensible thing is to be at a safe distance when it all implodes.
I actually enjoy that movie.
“Shit, son. I’d piss on a spark plug if I thought it’d do any good.”
#metoo – It’s a lot of fun.
My daughter LOVES that movie.
Hey, kids! How about a cool game of Kafkatrapping! It’s fun and all the rage!
Funnel cake, cheese danish, or lemon sugar cookies?
Lemon cheesecake, duh.
Dude, cheesecake is a 2-day affair and I don’t have all the ingredients. I’m going low-effort here, which means I do not want to leave my house.
Order the ingredients to be delivered. You live in America, right?
Lemon cookies. Where do I sign up?
Not here. I had to clean the kitchen first because I didn’t want to scream at my children for the mess they made. Nothing got baked. I had an English muffin with grape jelly.
Very often, screaming at my children and looming over them to nitpick every detail is a lot more work than it’s worth.
And when I say “nitpick,” I mean things like pointing out the huge splotch of dried egg on the counter than they do not even SEE, much less clean. What part of “Make it look like it’s ready for a magazine shoot” is ambiguous?
And now i want lemon meringue pie.
Dead sportsball person twitter is even crazier than normal Twitter.
Wife was watching live figure skating, US Championships, which was pre-empted for breaking news coverage that confirmed nothing but a chopper crashing in SoCal. While that urgent coverage was in progress, Nathan Chen turned in a performance for the ages – which no one watching on TV got to see.
Um, it was figure skating?
Please tell me the marbled beef of the same name is still ok.
A bit well done, but it was extensively tenderized so probably.
One could say chopped even.
Really it’s not…
Kobe Beef in the U.S. Is Basically a Huge Sham
For a while until they could grease the palm of the USDA you couldn’t get it at all in the US. I’m sure around 1.5m people aren’t too concerned either.
It was a joke. We have the equivalent anyway.
Was joking back at you.
By the way I actually like hidagyuu better.
ok. you can send me some.
Holy crap, from the picture it is all marbling. Where’s the beef?
you know what? i’m sometimes a fan of leaner cuts but i don’t mind the fat .
bring it.
and damn that cow had a good life
Once you cook it – it melts in your mouth.
(BTW – I’m in the US of A – see if you can get one of our Glib expats to send some to all of us in the comments!)
You can order A5 in the interwebs in the US.
It’s an unfalsifiable idea
The very best kind. Heads I win, tails you lose.
Why are lying, P? You lying fucking liar!
Pot roast in the oven, cheese sauce made, cauliflower cut. Did some tidying, took a shower and shaved. I earned this nap.
Italian meat sauce simmering on the stove. Sweet and hot Italian sausage, pork short ribs, and the tomato sauce and paste were grown in the back yard.
So what is the proper etiquette when one notices what appears to be a scheduling conflict on a site that one sometimes contributes to but one doesn’t want to seem all pushy and shit? For instance one’s latest silly little piece is scheduled to post the at exact same time as a better authors work and normally TPTB don’t drop two things at once so one thinks it is probably an error. Should one shoot of an email or post a veiled comment in the latest thread and use ‘one’ as a pronoun a lot.
Let SP know.
That seems kinda lame.
Since you have a day, tell SP. There’s plenty of room on the schedule. If nothing pops up at 7, I’ll be throwing up an open post.
Why not do both!
Regardless of the content it takes a bit of time and effort – may as well have both people’s work get appreciated.
Hard to say Aunt June. Usually I’d just sniff and turn but you do you.
Not catching the Aunt June reference but I dig the snark.
I believe TPTB posted back to back contributions last week. Plus there are like three people who are serious about Glib Fit. The rest of us are lying to ourselves.
Oh, it wasn’t Glib Fit, They have me up against Sugarfree, and I really don’t want to steal his thunder. Also there’s no Sunday night thing scheduled and I think maybe they meant to post mine tonight as it’s pretty much just a filler bit.
Oooh, I thought you meant tonight. And I honestly like reading the glib fits, Chafed is doing a good job in spite of my lying to myself. I like reading whatever you weirdos submit, even the filler bits. I need to write another filler bit.
“They have me up against Sugarfree”
I’m not sure what happened to this week’s Glibfit. I submitted it late so that may be the problem.
TPTB are partying, yo.
They’re drunk, buddy.
Probably the Euro-visit resulted in TPTB being too intoxicated to add it to the schedule.
I was trying to be serious about it. I had been doing great for about ten months, but around October just started cycling weight.
That was a joke I have no way knowing who is serious or who isn’t. I just know me. I am always trying to be serious about it and used to have no problem doing so. The older I get the less I care but I want to be able to do fun things outdoors and I feel that slipping. I have to get my shit together. I have been off work for four days and I bet I put on 5 lbs. Stacking wood today was my only physical activity in 4 days. I hate my job but at least I am active.
Honestly, I didn’t know if there was a set window for each phase of Glibfit, so I set a goal based on what it might have been (imo). I completely failed that. However, if this session extends, I might actually show a wee bit of improvement.
I definitely have Wuhan Coronavirus.
I’ve been bored and lying in bed for 3 days. So I was bored and paranoid enough to read the CDC description of acute respiratory coronavirus.
The symptoms and progression match perfectly.
Pretty sure these things are like horoscopes.
Also, according to WebMD I have 6 or 7 types of cancer.
Can I have your stuff when you die?
unfortunately for your sake, I think Wuhan coronavirus is overrated. Already through the hard part.
Maybe, but you never know. And Plinker is being greedy. If you die, may I have your guns?
Alas, I am not a true libertarian and only have a single shotgun that I sometimes shoot clay pigeons with.
If you live in California it is definitely cancer.
Voting for Democrats causes cancer.
100% mortality rate for all people who vote Democrat.
It was nice knowing you. I will weep upon your passing, as far as you know.
Be sure to celebrate my life as at least somewhere between a subpar and adequate poster here.
Oh, I’ll definitely raise a glass to your time here. Or something.
You forgot lupus.
Sweet Home Chicago was written by a fellow Mississippian who I doubt ever set foot here.
Trivia: its original title was “Insert 15 minute guitar solo”.
I can do without the suffering and disease. Oh well.
Doctors beg men not to masturbate with banana peels
It’s been my go-to technique for decades.
Tip: don’t do this before visiting chimpanzee exhibit at the zoo.
Well ya can’t get a banana peel pregnant.
Speaking of food-
As some of you may recall, last week I mentioned stumbling over a method of tenderizing cheap cuts of meat with baking soda. I tried it yesterday, and it works. It doesn’t turn the sinewy pre-packaged “stir fry beef” into tenderloin, but it definitely has a beneficial effect.
Mix baking soda and water in plastic storage container. Add beef, slosh around to thoroughly drench. Repeat occasionally over fifteen or twenty minutes. Drain, rinse in collander.
After that, I melted some butter in a pan and tossed some pieces in to brown. They definitely came out more tender than the previous untreated batch of the same beef. Not fabulous, but would definitely be useful for soup or stew. It apparently works on surface contact (duh), so thin slices are recommended. I have some treated beef left over which is marinating in balsamic dressing and will go into a little beef and rice concoction I am thinking about for tomorrow.
Bon apetit.
When I did low carb (which worked great, and I liked except cutting back on beer intake and switching to a light beer, except it was too costly) I bought cheap frozen steaks. Every weekend I’d pull out a week’s worth of steaks for dinners, and marinate them in a bag to start thawing. (Worcestershire, hot sauce and seasoning). That last steak by the end of the week was so tender and juicy you’d be hard pressed to know how cheap it was.
Frozen steaks marinating while frozen in a bag in the fridge?
I used teriyaki on cheap steak. Thin slice, throw in a bag and leave for a few days. Yeah, days. When I was single and seriously low-carbing, I ate less and less as time went on.
My go-to marinade for most cuts of beef I’m gonna grill is 50/50 Worcestershire and Kikkoman Teriyaki sauce. Minimum marinade time is one hour, but if you leave the meat in too long, the acids start to turn the meat “mealy.” Makes a great grilling steak, and works really well with cheaper cuts of beef that benefit from medium-rare (at most) cooking.
Plot line developed. Audio clips selected. Now to write a script. Let the drinking commence!
It turns out that not all gun owners have a wee wenis.
O seventies, bless your heart.
Paul Newman, 80s trash.
Cool Hand Luke
I approve.
“Adam Schiff was bombarded with a small crowd calling him a liar and they demanded he move to Venezuela!”
That seems like an odd thing to say concerning impeachment.
Yeah, I don’t get it. The Venezuela part; yeah, he’s obviously a liar.
“Adam Schiff was bombarded with a small crowd calling him a liar and they demanded he move to Venezuela!”
A small crowd like this?
Seven colors? I thought that violet and indigo were basically the same color. And what happened to brown? You know, the color of dirt and tree bark.
The way I memorized it was black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, grey, white. I acknowledge that black is absence of color and white is all colors but that still leaves eight, not seven.
I haz a confuze.
“Color” is notorious for having wide differences in semantics across time and cultures. The ancients might not have even recognized “brown” as a separate color.
Colors of the spectrum, as defined by the great alchemist Isaac Newton. If you look at the rainbow, you will not see brown, because it is an impure color which results from mixing other colors.
And honestly, Indigo is much more like blue than it is violet.