Keeping the brand fresh!
We here at Glibertarians.com have listened to our focus groups and our consultants! We are going to be making an update to our Cryptid cast. After a long review process, it is our great pleasure to introduce THE MASK. We would like to thank ZARDOZ for all his contributions over the past years, and wish him well in his new endeavors.
Take it away, MASK!

[Is the teleprompter working?]
[WTF is wrong with the MASK?]
[@#$%ing stage fright? Didn’t we have a screen test?]
[Get it out of here. NOW!]
Um. Heh. Looks like we might just need the BIG Z to …um, stick around a bit longer. So, no hard feelings, ZARDOZ?


Back to the boneyard.
I’m seeing both. I’ve already grown to accept the Mask, he is one of us. Thanks Mr Servator and entourage for updating.
There is room in the tent. It’s a cramped tent but if STEVE SMITH would control himself there would be room for plenty more. No Steve, EARECTION is not a funny pun and even less amusing IRL! Fucking cryptids…
That was a great series! I especially liked the part where the….
All hail Zardoz!
Was that Mask played by Jim Carrey?
This is the worst chatroom, ever.
We should impeach the Mask.
Nope, Swiss. He’s too effective. He needs to go.
We don’t need to impeach Swiss, just train him to do our bidding. When he does what we want he gets gifts of raclette and premium whisky. When he doesn’t,we pun ish him.
That was noted, what you done did do.
How do we do that? He has the narrowed gaze.
Hey Not Adahn, was it my imagination earlier or were your sights on backwards?
…I didn’t think so initially. The rear sight insert was in the same orientation as in an A2 rear, and the front angle was the same as on an A2 front. But now that I look at them, the mounting and adjustment screws are on the other side on these. I guess I should see how HK sights are supposed to be set up. Beautiful sight picture the way they are tho.
“Beautiful sight picture the way they are tho.”
Well there ya go. Hendrix played his Strat upside down.
Thus making it easier to play behind his back!
He’s got an old fender strat
Plays behind his back
While he sings out Louie, Louie
Ok, based on the windage markings, I’m going with they’re on backwards.
However, that does make the aperture different than A2s, and it also makes the manufacturer’s logo upside down from the shooter’s perspective.
Of course, when I go to zero it in this week, I’ll know for sure 🙂
Ok, now let’s talk about that charging handle…
It’s got a ginormous extended latch… on the left side. I am a southpaw.
It was actually the cheapest option because it was “blemished.”
I also find it amusing that when I shoulder it, my index finger goes to the bolt release (from practicing with the Tier 5)
Sometimes you need those extended latches to clear optics.
Oh, that I understand. I’m not planning on putting any optics on my speed guns, at least not for a while. I’ve got a magnified scope for precision shooting, and a red dot on my bullseye pistol, but that lat one has only improved my slow fire scores, not my timed or rapid. It does annoy me that I need to have my arm locked out longer than I should because of the two seconds it takes to acquire and approximate the red dot.
Nah. Those are called Pelosi sights.
You going for the oyaji gag with the new avatar?
I saw a homeless guy the other day wearing a “I ? Swallows” baseball hat and tried to find it online. It was the next best thing.
That’s the straff I know!
Free delivery.
PIECEPEACE!!I think Yakult Swallows by itself is a gag.
Jittery and out of focus? Shit. I wear dentures and a little adhesive goes a long way, Ms. Pelosi. We had an art teacher in high school that everyone called ‘Dragon-Breath”. Coffee and cigs. She liked to “help” the attractive boys.
Go on…
No, really–go on. I like to live vicariously. Yes, I’m vi-carious.
It was shriverally rather than sproingy. Imagine a world where the Art teacher reeks of coffee and cigarettes. This is the Drawing and Painting Zone! That bitch made me fill my sketch pad in two days in order to gain a pass. I wouldn’t do that to a kid.
Mind you, my teacher from the year before had a prominent display in my adolescent fantasies. “I’d like you to stay after class, Mr. Ross!’ Gulp.
Like all things sexual; I didn’t realize that one horny *ok looking* teacher was hitting on me until she was gone.
Change “Art” to “Geometry”, and I know what you mean.
/Dr. Kresta, you were not a good HS teacher
Had me worried there for a second that ZARDOZ was gone.
Thankfully, all is well.
Right?? I would have had to cancel my subscription.
Damn straight!
NJ, generous with other people’s money.
NJ, the only state that can make me feel good about living in MD.
I lived in NJ 3-4 different times, actually took some classes at Seton Hall and Monmouth College, before they upscaled. Met, married and divorced my ex there. Sure glad I was able to escape, on all fronts.
Guess there won’t be many companies doing a Tesla like start up in New Jersey, it’ll give folks there more opportunity to work in their gardens.
They also put more restrictions on toy guns.
Fucking ass clowns.
No one needs a garden. The state shall decide what food you need, how much, and when you need it. Anyway, that space you’re using for your garden could be converted into a migrant camp.
People caught gardening will participate in a cultural revolution and go down to the countryside.
Actually, you are required to garden, and your yield will go to government warehouses, where they will determine who gets what.
Zardoz approves
So companies will lay off 49 people at a time.
We’ll make it illegal to lay people off. /the left
“Good news employee! You’ve been promoted to head toilet scrubber. Due to environmental regulations, all toilets must be cleaned with a toothbrush. On taco Tuesdays expect overtime.”
Then they will get you for
depositing less than $10klaying off 49 people at a time.Cryan said he hopes companies will think twice about whether layoffs should be “their go-to solution for every problem.”
Yes. Every large company fires all their workers to make more money.
…to locate in New Jersey.
Nothing mafia-like about that statement, is there?
There is lots of free money recently
That’s just a trick to make it harder to escape NJ. After a good traffic accident on 78, your car will be out of charge and you can’t get to PA.
Womp womp.
There is a charger in Basking Ridge, followed by Allentown and Harrisburg and York.
I’m getting used to this with my son at Gettysburg.
Un-fucking-real. Don’t ever let it be said that it’s just the poors getting welfare.
I like to point that out all the time to EV subsidy crew. My Tesla shouldn’t be subsidized.
I thought it was bad enough with no sales tax and the reduced a Federal credit. But this is fucking ridiculous.
If I was a large employer I’d avoid the state if possible. Also, have trying to enforce that law when the company declares bankruptcy.
I predict that this
lawlegislation will work exactly the way the critters intend, with absolutely NO negative repercussions whatsoever!All hail Zardoz!
I’ve had that programmed to record on my Dish DVR for a year now. It’s never shown up. Maybe someday I’ll get to see Connery in a diaper.
Didn’t someone post same thing about Zardoz film rights being in the wrong hands? Or limiting distribution? I think a bought the DVD as a result of that post. Or I was drunk. 50/50 odds.
I saw it on some late night cable channel last year. It’s out there
Every time I see your avatar I keep reading 中. I’ve been studying Japanese too damn long…
I do remember watching the show when it first ran, however.
Does that character mean “awesome defender of freedom” or “colossal douche”?
“colossal defender of douches”, duh.
It’s available for rent on Amazon. Break a couple orders into single items, choose the digital credit option for slow shipping, and it’s a free rental.
Not surprising: https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/with-the-gun-rights-rally-over-virginia-senate-passes-red-flag-confiscation-bill/
It’s either ‘shall not be infringed’ or ‘shall be infringed’. Looks like the latter is the case. People laughed at me when I said the passage of the Brady bill was the beginning of the end of gun rights’ in America. All they needed was a foot in the door and it was only a matter of time. There’s no in between and when people accepted that ‘well, in this case’, that was the writing on the wall.
It started in ’68 with the creation of the Firearms/Alcohol police.
When I was a teen in the 70s, you could walk into any department store like Kmart and buy all the guns and ammo you wanted, no background checks and no questions asked. I never once in my lifetime until the mid 90s ever even heard a single American even question the right for every American to bear arms.
When I was a kid we went to the corner store for all of our plinking and smoking needs. Mind you, we were just far enough out of town to be not suburbia. 65 cents for a flat-pack, forget how much for 22lr. Not very much if 12 year-olds could afford it.
Yeah, I was given my first rifle, a 22, when I was 10. All of my friends had one too. And you could buy ammo pretty much anywhere.
Growing up in AZ every Circle K had piles of beer and shotgun ammunition by the entrance so you could fill up on both while dove hunting.
In high school I used to ride up to one on my bicycle with a shotgun slung over a shoulder. Buy a few boxes of ammo and keep heading out to the desert to hunt. Nobody said shit.
Extra points to the skinny redhead who let me buy adult magazines as well. She never blinked at my purchases.
’34, with the unconstitutional NFA.
FTA, Firearms, Tobacco, Alcohol
We would never have thought that Tobacco would ever be regulated almost out of existence. Now, 21 to buy a pack of way over taxed smokes? Cigarettes/tobacco is way, way down the substance non grata list, maybe the very bottom item. How can a legal product, a product more dear than money at times, be made almost illegal ?
Bars in MN can’t have windows that allow drinking to be seen from the outside. 21 to buy ammo? We are truly a bunch of weak sisters, pussies, if you will. The more I think about it the more I can see a day of reckoning coming. There is a breaking point.
I want to be a judge at the re-education camp.
$13.50 a pack up here in Coomie-da.
One of the worst parts about the package. All a person has to do is piss off the local politicians at a public meeting and there’ll be visitors to insure that that person is no longer a threat to himself, which of course he never was. I can see this affecting me.
“The old man is a threat to himself and others. We need to protect him from himself”
Not even that. All it will take is an X GF or a neighbor pissed off at you and there goes your 2nd amendment rights. But don’t worry, they’ll give you back your guns as soon as they’ve determined you’re no longer a threat, lolololol, yeah right.
Hmmm, that’s right
/digs out phone book, starts with aardvark and a red pencil/
Aaron A Aaronson
Peter Ian Staker
Nope, the dems didn’t care. At least one republican even crossed lines to vote for some of the gun control bills.
I went to a gun store near me the day before that was having a great sale and it looked like a hurricane tore through. The shelves were bare of ammunition, 30 rd pmags were sold out, and at least half, maybe two-thirds, of the rifle/shotgun racks were empty. I haven’t seen a gun store look like that since I went the day before the 2012 election and bought the last boxes of 9 mm still in the store.
Added another XDS to the family. Need a new holster though and am leaning towards CrossBreed. Anybody use one?
*the day before the rally
The ATF is working on digitizing their illegal collections of firearms purchase records. I’m sure they’re also scraping NICS approvals.
At least one republican even crossed lines to vote for some of the gun control bills.
The head Republican in the nation has crossed that line.
Take their guns first, due process later – Donald Trump (paraphrased)
Many Republicans are no good on this issue. Assholes.
YES! I even got a meme!
Man, Jim Carrey looks like shit.
Could be a dehydrated Eric Stoltz.
Honestly, I’m getting a CROOOOW vibe from the fella. Picture him incased in cheap plastic…
er, encased…
Damn you straffinrun!
Truth in advertising?
Remember his love letter/video trying to win the heart of Emma Stone? That’s what I thought of when MASK took a swing and a miss.
Apparently Magpul will be putting out a 50 round drum mag for the Scorpion.
I have wondered how you load those. I assume you just keep cramming them in from the top like a normal magazine.
I think there’s a little ” button” to press that takes tension off the top.
So you’re saying a ‘bullet-button’, presumably with that ting that goes up, and also a Velociraptor-launcher attachment.
The fuck? I routinely find it amazing that I mostly tag correctly but miss letters here and there because I didn’t strike the key hard enough. And I use a low-profile keyboard.
I miss entire words all. the. time.
But I blame my aging brain.
With my keyboard it’s half-assed drunk and the rest debris. Be like Leon and revel in the misspelling!
Drum magazines are known for jamming.
I’m quit willing to be the TestGlib on this one.
I trust Magpul.
I also have a 110 round drum for my 10/22 that I haven’t tried yet. That’s a lot of pews.
You trust Magpul over Gun Jesus? Even H-fucking-K reveres Gun Jesus!!??!?!
Also, Paul Harrell was pretty happy with his 10/22 drum mag https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fcga_efvk_Q
As a Virginian, I, for one, do not even know what Magpul is, let alone own several of said brand magazines that fit a non-descript rifle.
Herr Gov Juicebox thanks you for your diligence.
I remember such small capacities, then I discovered disintegrating links.
You need to watch this Gun Jesus video! https://youtu.be/J50N5lQoAFw
The cleansing that never was.
So what exactly is the difference between “white supremacist” “white nationalist” and “white nativist”?
One goes to the gulag, one goes against the wall, and one gets hung from a lamp post.
Red hats? I swear I could switch colors if that’s all it takes!
People who disagree with Democrats? The ironic thing is that actual white-whatevers are collectivists/socialists that are basically in line with modern Democrats except for their racialism.
Nitrogen content of the respective piles of horse manure? Could be important for fertilizer selection.
Nitrogen causes Global warming!!!!!!!
/inert gas…
I still roll my eyes when I hear people speak of CO2 as a pollutant.
Me: “Oh you mean that naturally occurring substance in the atmosphere that is necessary for all life on the planet?”
Look at Fig 6 in particular. Really doesn’t matter. The increasing solar activity will fuck CO2 off to the point where photosynthesis will end on this planet.
A white supremacist believes that other races are inferior. He or she may want to live in a whites-only state or like South Africa or the pre-bellum South, be happy to be an elite majority or minority.
A white nationalist believes that different races should naturally live apart from one another. He or she may also believe that one race is superior to another or not.
A white nativist may or may not have any problem living in a country with difference races and ethnicities, but believes the government should specifically promote the interests of native-born citizens over newly arrived individuals. White nativism assumes the founding population of the nation are white, of course.
HM is right and probably has a sore thumb from hammering the point home.
If by “hammering the point home,” you mean “jackin’ off,” then yes.
Quite the multi-tasker.
“should” as in, “believes someone will make sure it happens” or
“should” as in, “believes it will likely end up that way, if everyone is left to their own devices”?
Good question. I’ve seen both kinds of animals in the wild.
Which leads me to my followup question:
If a person believes that races would likely end up segregated if everyone’s left to their own devices, is that really white nationalism? Or a reflection upon human nature?
Well assuming the person is white and they advocate that individuals should be free to follow what they perceive as “human nature”, then I would say yes.
I don’t think they would end up segregated “if everyone is left to their own devices” assuming that government is the thing forcing policy. There’s a reason prisons are essentially segregated and they just happen to be run by the state.
I am not assuming that.
I am assuming, per HM’s definition, that an individual has a certain belief system by which he can be labeled.
My clarifying question was to determine if HM meant the white nationalist saw “should” as an imperative (someone will make sure it happens) or as a mere opinion (yeah, probably people want to be with their own).
I am the one who is making that assumption. Sure, there may be some people who just prefer to live among their own kind and aren’t going to use government force to achieve the goal. The nativist that does, indeed, prefer to use government to achieve that goal is all around the world. Granted, where I live may have clouded my judgement. And you are right in that the “should” needs to be sussed out.
I do and do not believe that, left to their own devices, people would congregate with others who looked like them. It depends on where they live.
For instance:
If you live on a coast or are a traveler and/or trader/trapper/merchant, you do not care with whom you mingle or live because the only color of any consequence is green.
If you live inland, you might be more suspicious.
Historical example:
Merchant and pirate ship crews were amazingly heterogeneous, with many languages being spoken, as were the ports they would put in to.
Inland and particularly upland (as altitude rises), people are going to be more and more homogeneous as a group gets away from ports.
I dunno. Some swarthy chicks are totally doable. I’ve a weakness for red-heads but some dark meat is always welcome at the table (back before I actually caught up with the car).
I think you would have various degrees of segregation in various places if you truly left people alone to do as they liked. We would not mix uniformly, nor would we segregate into pure enclaves. Trade would do some mixing, human nature would do some separating. I don’t think either end state is in and of itself all good or all bad.
I agree, which is why I am kind of pushing back on the notion that a white nationalist is a person who simply holds an opinion of how people might congregate if left alone.
In Libertopia, I’m sure you’re right that there would be people that choose that lifestyle. But, we live in a world where the government gun is on the table and people are going to reach for it so that the other guy doesn’t get it. Basically, I don’t see any meaningful distinction between “white nationalist” and “white nativist” in the situation we’re in right now.
I am negatively reacting to the label “white nationalist.”
I’m not talking about Libertopia, either. I’m talking about a label on a person just walking around minding their own business with a random opinion he might hold.
To me, “white nationalist” is a person with an agenda to exclude other races.
Thought policing is much worse than having bad thoughts.
Merchant and pirate ship crews were amazingly heterogeneous, with many languages being spoken, as were the ports they would put in to.
Inland and particularly upland (as altitude rises), people are going to be more and more homogeneous as a group gets away from ports.
Some historical examples work some don’t. Economic classes congregate far more than skin color classes imho and lived experience. We aint pirating and trapping much these days. Rules to make all trapping be done by live traps have ruined trapping around these parts from what I hear. And pirating where it occasionally happens now will get you shot.
I’m just a simple despondent grocer. So I’m confused as to how ethnic determinism (blood is destiny) squares with nationalism (soil is destiny)?
Infinitely worse. Philosophically the concept of bad thoughts bothers me. There are definitely thoughts that lead to evil when acted upon, but I am convinced the whole concept smacks of Calvinist theology and doctrines of the elect and predestination to damnation. I know I have thoughts that I would never act upon and that would qualify as ‘bad thoughts’ and I suspect every single human does as well. You can choose to think, but most of your thoughts happen without your deliberate choice.
It is also by no means clear that desiring to segregate is necessarily evil. It has certainly led to evil, and it is certainly frequently allied with ideas of the lesser rights of other groups, but I do not think there is a necessary connection. For an example, would you regard the Amish as evil? The Orthodox Jews?
Nationalism is not based in geography. It is based in ethnicity. A nation state was intended to be a State with boundaries drawn so that a specific nation (ethnic group) could self govern. Despite the hostility to the concept in libertarian circles it arose as a liberalization in reaction to multi ethnic empire like the Austrian and Ottoman in which almost invariably one ‘nation’ oppressed the others.
Not evil. Just backwards and misguided. I don’t put racist thoughts as the greatest danger to mankind and so I’m not a progressive. If I were a sensitive soul that wilted at hints of exclusion by others, I wouldn’t live here. Will say, however, that collectivism and projecting characteristics based solely on race is at direct odds with how I want to live. From slavery through JIm Crow to affirmative action today, tribalism/racism is being exacerbated to a much bigger problem than what would happen if the government’s sole role was protecting property rights.
There’s a model of segregation proposed by economist Schelling that shows that if people are fine living around people of the other group but not if the share of others is too high then they will end up moving to more segregated neighborhoods. If I recall correctly, the preference for your own group doesn’t have to be high.
The second link has a simulator:
South Africa is a Commie, Racist POS country, that wants to eliminate all White People, you are OK with this?
I’m old enough that apartheid SA is my default, btw. I should have specified I’m not talking about modern SA.
I wonder how the RSA would have turned out if Grey had gotten his way in the 1850s?
Without being defeated militarily, there probably would have been conflict at some point between the Boer states and British rule of the federation, judging by how other federations usually end up.
Quite possibly, but his desired federation would have included the Zulu and Xhosa as States, and the franchise. It was probably a pipe dream but it would have been interesting.
Yes, or would they have slowly disenfranchised their black and coloured population as SA later did (and parallel to Jim Crow in the US)? Which competing vision would have won over time? Boers as the Quebeckis of SA with demands for Dutch language equality?
Who is Grey and what did he propose?
George Grey, governor of the Cape Colony in the mid 1850s. He gave natives the vote, and proposed a federation between the Boer States, the major Bantu tribes and the British Colony, while working to achieve this he was appointed Governor of New Zealand to resolve a Maori rebellion and it fell apart.
He wasn’t much for natives either in SA or in NZ/Australia, but Cape Colony didn’t restrict the vote either
I would disagree that he wasn’t much for natives in either place. It is an error to judge the actions of a Victorian by modern standards, for his time he was regarded as dangerously radical in his treatment of the natives.
White nativism assumes the founding population of the nation are white, of course.
Interesting. By that criteria, the accusations of white supremacy and white nationalism by the left are wildly unfounded. You could make a case that the right is white nativist, but it would still be a massive stretch if they tried to include the average conservative.
The unfoundedness is a feature, not bug.
Which one doesn’t want to be persecuted for being white, and would like freedom of association? I’d like their newsletter.
How many black, brown, etc….. nativists are out there? I got a wrinkled ten that it gets close to the number of white natavists by that definition. Sans the last sentence of course. I am inclined to believe nativist has no racial descriptor.
Russell Means?
I had to DDG who Russel Means is and lol. (big fan of that movie) But you know what I mean. And seriously you don’t think some in the native born black and hispanic community have a problem with new arrivals takin er jerbs as much as white people in that job market?
No, I’m serious. Russell Means was a member of AIM and long-time big-L libertarian who campaigned on creating an Indian homeland in much of what is the Rockies.
The things you teach me. I had no idea. He was political when I was not. I might pick up one of his books because one of the things I honestly struggle with is how the land here was just flat out taken from the Utes and this is an awesome place and very short on Ute. On a related side note, if I take a similar take on family lore as a certain current Democrat candidate did, my grandmother and untraceable stories come from SD, where it is rumored someone shagged an Indian into the bloodline.
I’d add that in the North American context, it is a rare bird, but more common in Europe, which makes sense.
Ass Wednesday gives you ripe and juicy posteriors for your viewing pleasure.
Nope. Too big.
There were some pretty skinny ones in there, unless you like ironing boards, I’m not sure what you’re on about.
Gah. Never going to be a fan of the big back porch… Give me lithe or give me death!
Hear hear
And Hear!
Q brings the T&A, so speaking of melons. . .
I know I’m on a list up here for watching videos like that and I don’t even own a firearm.
I was under the impression that we are all responsibly unarmed because commonsense or somesuch…
You know how it goes. Turn your back for an instant and the fucking things start ambulating about like Hat and Hair!
Well, I went to see Wendy today, she’s OK, and they moving her to a Long term facility on Flamingo ave.(Vegas remember)
and instead of playing Disc golf, Guilt overwhelmed me, so I went home……
Go fund me is a piece of work, they are slamming me with Shill reminders, as long as they get their Vig, I guess,
I hope things get better soon. Take care of yourself. Play disc golf, it gives you something to talk about with Wendy, and she can look forward to going to watch you play when she is better.
It’s an improvement buddy.
it is,
Best wishes Yusef. You must feel gutted but remember to take joy in the little things. A wee bit of tom-foolery might take your mind off the troubles that besiege you. In other words, go fly a kite!
A big announcement! CHange has come to Glibertarians.com
CHange? Gazier, narrow thyself.
Heh. +1 ??
Is Eric Stoltz our new avatar?
I was thinking about that movie when I saw the the headline. For some reason there was a poster of it in my school. I have no idea why.
Someone at your school liked Cher?
Maybe. It’s too late to turn back time.
Even if you could find a way?
Wait til I strut across the deck of a battleship in a fishnet onesie. Hissing would be the least of it.
I would pay to see that….
Then how am I going to make the singularity? You’re totally harshing my buzz, bro.
Ugh. I avoid “Oscar Bait” movies like the plague. Mind you, ugly on the outside but soft and squishy within? Yep, that’s a Glib. You guys are the best people that I don’t know.
Ugh. I avoid “Oscar Bait” movies like the plague. Mind you, ugly on the outside but soft and squishy within? Yep, that’s a Glib. You guys are the best people that I don’t know.
I am disappoint that no one mentioned that Olivia d’Abo had a voice role in the climax of the new Star Wars movie along with Freddie Prinze Jr.
new Star Wars movie
The one that was like bad fan-fiction written by a manic twelve year old trying to fit 3 movies into one (that also destroyed the entire arc of the Skywalkers in the first 6 films…)?
Somehow, Palpatine Returned
Dark Science, Cloning, Secrets only the Sith knew!
I’m going to save a proper rant until I view the movie for myself (I’ve seen a number of plot breakdowns). But I am waiting until it comes out on Netflix or something as to not give Disney any more money. The only decent SW they have made is Rouge One (because the woke bs did not permeate on screen and it actually felt like a SW film with the appropriate action/character arcs/comedic relief). I couldn’t even get through Solo… And it appears that they have spent a trilogy breaking every established rule and destroying the original characters as far as the “main” story line goes.
Well it was enjoyable enough on first viewing…as long as you didn’t think about it too much. Then you would realize the script is bad, they shat on the Skywalkers, undid the other movies so they could rehash them but in a lot worse fashion and “The Skywalker Saga” ends with them all dying and Palpatine’s granddaughter being the true hero.
Like I said. Disney broke Star Wars.
I’m really baffled at what they did. If they didn’t want to continue the Skywalker story then maybe….not make another series of movies continuing their story?
It seems Lucas wanted to do an Edna Ferber-esque Family Saga IN SPACE but someone thought that was too predictable so instead we have some a story of feuding families inserted at the last minute that isn’t really relevant to the actual story. I mean Rey being Palpatine’s granddaughter doesn’t really have anything to do with her loving Ben Solo or her killing Palpatine or anything else really.
JJ Abrams is Hollywood’s most successful hack. He only knows how to do one thing – make shitty quasi-reboots that change everything to appeal to the Millennial aesthetic.
Yeah, It’s a jumbled mess. Jar Jar Abrams fucked up. But Ben Shapiro actually had an idea that could have worked, even if executed poorly.
Ironically his Mission Impossible Movie has had the greatest success in rebooting a franchise. Maybe because he only directed one of them…
Instead of 12 minutes, what Shapiro could have just said was “Disney should have had Dave Filoni write the new trilogy.” Cuz that’s what he basically said.
It seems that Lucas intended his sequel trilogy to focus on Han and Leia’s son and daughter. And it seems early drafts of the Force Awakens had Rey being their daughter but this got changed by the time of the release. Who changed that and why I have no idea.
Why the hell they changed that I have no idea. Weird that it is the opposite on what Lucas did with Luke and Leia. He envisioned them as some sort of Gone With the Wind-esque love triangle only to resolve it with them being made into twins.
Love triangle with Han I mean.
Instead of 12 minutes
I linked it to the relevant point.
Who changed that and why I have no idea.
Disney bought it, declared that all of the EU was not canon, and ignored any input or prior work from Lucas.
No, I was talking about the early drafts for The Force Awakens which occurred after the EU was ditched and Lucas’ treatments.
Rogue, not Rouge,
Whine, now Whinge
Dang it I was going to point out that he misspelled Rogue.
It’s late. I’ve had a few. Deal with it.
Shit excuse, autocorrect is the right answer,
Spelling is important.
The new SW movies are such rotten ass it makes me wonder if the originals were just as bad but I was too young to notice. Rogue One was…fine, but that’s because I’m a Donnie Yen fan and I just pretended it was Ip Man 45. I got a 4k TV over Christmas and since I’m up until 3:00 AM with a newborn and ran out of series to watch I started The Mandalorian. Which is basically just hour-long segments of taupe.
I recommend doing what I did with my first kid. I watched Babylon 5 reruns and watched CNN waiting to hear we found Saddam’s WMDs.
No, the orig trig had it’s problems, but what they are putting out now is even worse than the prequels. It’s really fucking sad that the same company that handled Marvel so well fucked up Star Wars even worse than the old bloated Lucas.
as to not give Disney any more money
I’m guessing you’ll need Disney+ to see it streaming.
You could always take a cue from this guy.
Sure. That’s um, how I saw it…
Too busy being hopeful for the last season of Clone Wars.
Well that is why d’Abo is in it since she played a character in the Clone Wars/
Yes, she voiced Luminara Unduli, one of the greenish-yellow skinned Jedi.
A Mirialan, if you’re an OG.
OT – in case you missed this from the links:
Enjoyable on many levels!
OT- thanks for the good wishes. Got the JLPT results and will be taking it again next December. Surprisingly squeaked the listening portion but failed the other.
Sorry. You could always try 4 if you feel that you’ve progressed enough.
Hah! That’s what one of my other classmates is going to do, pass or no. Our teacher suggested going that route as the big difference is just more vocabulary and kanji. And since they don’t double the test questions…
And I have baseline to move up. I’m actually kind of surprised I did as well as I did.
You had me at “Olivia D’Abo” and “Climax”.
Does anyone know of a place that is doing writeups on the events of the impeachment. I’d rather read than watch the garbage.
Maybe try here?
(Sorry, in a deep snarky mood tonight)
Remember those old flicks from the 20’s and 30’s wherein the male lead would sweep the female lead physically off her feet? She’d pound away at his manly chest, crying out “You Beast!” That’s today’s Democratic Party.
It’s the last week of me leading AV at my church. As much as I don’t want to leave them with a ticking time bomb, here I sit watching the utterly unqualified guy completely hose up the system, knowing that they just started looking for a replacement for me last week despite knowing the date of my departure since Halloween.
It’s hard watching people I care about set themselves on a course for a slow motion trainwreck, especially when the trainwreck will destroy tens of hours of my effort. On the other hand, there are only so many ways that I can tell them that they’re heading toward perdition. Sunday at noon, it ain’t my problem anymore.
10 hours? try 30 years…..
Rhywun, maybe take cabs for a while…
OFFS. Here’s a mask – do your f’in job.
Hail Zardoz.
Smite the Philistines.
Purge the Unworthy.
Cleanse the Brutals.
Oh, what’s that? The same bs as before? Carry on wasting time and taxpayer money, I suppose.
9:25 PM: Schiff predicts more emails and witnesses will come out and asks the Senators if they want to know the full truth now rather than later. He says the “full truth” about the “scheme” and “corruption” will come out.
8:50 PM: Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) now up, says even before Trump’s freeze on the aid to Ukraine became public, Congress started to become concerned. She says when news of the frozen aid broke, congressional scrutiny increased. She says Sens., including Sens. Durbin, Shaheen, Portman, Blumenthal, and Johnson sent a letter to Mulvaney expressing “deep concerns” that the administration is considering not obligating the Ukraine security funds.
8:45 PM: Schiff describes Trump’s Ukraine “scheme” as “dirt for dollars.”
8:25 PM: Schiff asks Senators if they want to know what Sondland told Taylor they are going to want Taylor’s contemporaneous notes. “Demand those notes,” Schiff says. “Demand to see the truth.” He says they are “yours for the asking.”
8:00 PM: Schiff says if the Senators want to read the first-person cable from Bill Taylor, they could do something about it to get the document from the State Department.
Wow. Just… wow.
I think I’ve seen a version that new glibs logo somewhere before.
Just go with Zardoz’s head and we’re all good
Introducing Chick-fil-A Prime
So basically Amazon, they don’t deliver on Sundays..
That was fantastic!
Biden is legitimately senile.
The inevitable Trump/Biden debates will be something. That said, I was hoping for Trump/Warren debates because she is so easily flustered. Challenge her in any meaningful way and she becomes a deer in the headlights. It would make for great television. I fear that the Trump/Biden debates, while possibly fun, may end up just being sad.
“Look, Joe. Lemme tell ya somethin’.”
BTW, only 25% through Dunham, so far because work has been crazy but I am loving it. Nothing better than a romance that doesn’t hang on deliberate miscommunication between the protagonists. I’ll definitely keep reading, and the rest of the series is on my ‘next to buy’ list.
Deliberate miscommunication as in, the author deliberately makes them miscommunicate or because the characters are lying and/or withholding information for their own purposes?
Trigger warning: You apparently haven’t gotten to the miscommunication part yet.
And oh, Elliott’s ancestors (Tavendishes) and Celia’s ancestors (Dunhams) make an appearance in Cods & Cuntes. They’re actually pivotal.
Mo, can we (the Gliberati) please have that set to this number?
Pretty please??
I presume you want that without sugar.
Ummm…excellent point, actually.
A combo of sucralose and honey will probably be sufficient.
Diggy, so what were you trying to link me to?!
Sonofa…..the hell is wrong with my link-fu?
I’m talking the really obvious, if anyone just stated what they wanted up front it would all work out, miscommunication. That’s a huge point I’ll give to Carrie Vaughn, her Kitty the Werewolf series never depended on the characters refusing to talk to each other to raise tension or move the story along. I love that you worked out a romance (so far) that doesn’t depend on the protagonists deliberately refusing to tell the other what they want. And fuck whoever said it read more like a history than a romance novel. It’s definitely a romance.
THANK YOU!!!!! Hrmph. I really don’t care what they think it is, so long as they enjoy it, but I really don’t like it when people bring expectations to the work and then get mad at the work for not being what they expected.
I use deliberate deceit and/or deliberate withholding of information for both valid and stupid reasons the characters have. I did this a lot in the Hamlet retelling (but that play is built on miscommunication–did we HAVE to have a play within a play?).
Mild example: One character needs another character’s phone number but nobody who has it will give it to him because he was an asshole and deserves to have to work for it.
Moderate example: One character has an alter ego. He wants his love interest to figure it out because he’s not quite sure how to tell her, but there is no reason she should be able to. The reader is in on it so the reader’s all, WTF isn’t she getting the clue?*
Extreme example: One character (the Hamlet character) doesn’t explain himself to his love interest. Ever (until the Big Explanation). And the reader is not in his head, so the reader is also like, WTF is wrong with you?
*So I got a lot of reader email on this and how upset they were that the heroine was clueless and never figured it out. She came off as stupid. So in the re-edit, I actually addressed that question because it irritated me so much that ANYBODY would expect her to put totally random things together. “That’s called fantastical thinking! People take drugs to keep them from making those kinds of leaps!”
Well, I’m certainly enjoying it so far, and it will be the last thing I read as I go to bed for the night.
Meh I’m too down to even make bawdy joke here.
Yeah, I was totally implying that I’ll play with myself while I read. What’s wrong with that?
My work here is done.
Nothing. You do you.
What you did there. I saw it.
Were you sufficiently embarrassed by what you saw?
Dude, I hang out here.
What is this word, “embarrass”?
My bunk…in it I’ll be…assuming gender…
Eh, something to do with ‘naked buttocks’, I think.
The Trump/Biden debate will devolve quickly into Biden challenging Trump into a pushup contest, and Trump actually accepting the challenge. Regardless of who wins or loses, I will drink myself to oblivion to forget. Warren would have been no fun. She’s desperate to prove she’s cool, but can only come up with zingers that a shitlord would stomp all over, and I’d fall asleep before I drank myself into oblivion. Fuck it, either way, I’ll be drinking during the debates.
I’m thinking medicine balls and other gym-that-time-forgot amusements.
If they drag out the medicine balls, I hope they have appropriately fitting old timey music. Maybe they could challenge each other to a performance on the pommel horse!
I would pay per view the two rope skipping.
Ditto! Or let’s up the ante and get them into a double-jump competition. I’d buy front row tickets to that.
That’s actually quite a good term for a Trump/Biden team-up.
That’s something I would do if the kid was pestering me every day about why she can’t eat ice cream for breakfast. And then I’d apologize. “Sorry, let me explain why because I didn’t do a good enough job so far.” Biden’s an asshole and thinks he can mock people the way Trump does. It comes off as petty and condescending if not just flat out weird.
Just got out of a gorgeous 4k digital restoration of “Thoroughly Modern Millie ” (roadshow edition). Can’t believe I’d barely heard of this before. Great flick, lots of fun and Julie Andrews and Mary Tyler Moore are both great…although Carol Channing does kinda steal the show. Apparently this edition was just made available last Nov – so hopefully a BR edition in the near future.
A bit of a sour taste in my mouth going into the theater though – I guess some other org had a reserved event in there… the placard read:
“Funding abortion is a radical act of resistance and community care – Blue Ridge Abortion Fund”
It is funny that a flick like TMM is about as un-woke as you can get…basically trad to a T – and that much more entertaining.
Did you leave a Benjamin with a note, “Please accept my contribution so you will soon be advocating killing all kids. They are evil and will kill the planet.”
I like how James Fox was once young and is playing an American.
Oh Lord I hate that movie! “Raaaaazzzzzberry”! Carol Channing can go sit on an inverted Christian cross! Sorry, Sir but I saw that at a particular time, place and with company that makes me want to burn it down. Down the gawound.
Palmetto State Armory ‘For When the Music Stops’, not that I know anything about such things, especially since the boating accident.
It’s weird how common boating accidents are among Virginians. I had a terrible tragedy on Lake Anna just last year and now own not one single firearm, not even a bb gun. Someone should tell the Virginians to stop taking their arsenals out on a boat to clean them.
Two shooting deaths in daylight hours in downtown Seattle in two days. Shit covered sidewalks nor corona virus are the worst threats.
Wow. I am the dumbest, least popular Glib. https://youtu.be/mvZiqpjLZaA
No you are not, but I won’t tell you who is, because we are keeping it a secret.
You get points for linking to Kids In The Hall at least.
…Seems transphobic to me…
Eh, it’s a fair cop.
Is it?
I like you,
/least popular Glib, cause I’m a Ginger….
No way! Anyone who is anyone loves gingers!
My Kryptonite.
My first serious girlfriend was a red-head. When I broke up with her she wouldn’t let it go. Phone calls and crying jags. She wouldn’t go “all the way” with me but over the summer she sure did. Named her first-born “Darryl”. She was one of those pregnant girls in high school that get a lot of attention and a lot of judgement. I was 15, what the fuck did I care? Decades later Facebook was a thing and she never forgot. Facestalk.
About a year later I slept with her step-sister. Not cool. Not cool in the least…
Dear Glibertarians,
I never thought it could happen to me but….
Not a word of a lie. I kept bumping up against that family for 25 years. Buddy that I was in jail with hung himself and he was best friends with Ashley’s brother who also hung himself. My ex brother in-law filled his pockets with rocks and went for a wade in the river. He was good pals with all of those people. Went to the 30th reunion and I was stone-drunk. Ashley has never let it go.
I love Gingers, the Queen of England,not so much….
It’s a popularity thing…
Snow day here in arkansas. A rarity the past few years, but enjoyable none the less.
Zoinks! I’m sure that your photo would have filled me with some Mojo envy until I gave my head a shake and just felt happy for you. The weakness is bred into me.
Big one looks like my Grandson, little one is CUTE!
I’m Talking to my dog, I need Humans..
But Seriously, this place is my home, and you are my Family, and I am the Black sheep/
/Not drunk, yet
Used to play this when I was a DJ.
where? Mississippi?
More like this,
You play what the job allows.
As a Musician, You always play to the crowd,,,
In that case.
Jesus Bob, Ixnay on that shit.
What shit? did I offend you?
You, or anyone here, are incapable of offending me. No man, that is a depressing song. Listen to this. The more I see the less I know. To those paying attention that is life.
His daughter
I assumed it was this
I was a classic country DJ; I only wished I could have done the Classic Rock station; but they left it on full-time automation.
I’m drunk! Anyone else a Flying Dog fan? Raging Bitch is my namesake, but for daily drinking I try to stick to Bloodline since it’s slightly lower alcohol content.
never seen it, but Enjoy!
I’m stuck with Natty Ice right now, no worries,
Tall Bottles!
Short cans and angry wives!
Short cans and Alive Wive’s!
You should definitely try them out. Flying Dog made headlines when they defeated the state of Michigan in a lawsuit of their use of the word bitch. It was already fabulous beer, but that definitely put the cherry on top.
I cant justify begging for money, and buying expensive beer, that’s just wrong,
But… you drink less of it since it’s like an 8% alcohol content. Or you get way drunker… whatever floats your boat. I find that financially, it works out.
mmmm,not so much, Imperials are so easy to drink, i run out, then, 25 Dollars later….
I’ll stick with Natty til I have a decent job again,
Gah. I remember when “Ice” beer started being a thing. I could down twenty beers at 5% but as soon as I had one of those things, I’d wake up. Tomorrow.
I’m on number 10 right now, maybe 2 more then bed, no hangover,
/not a drunk, just experienced
Dayum. Just four Bloodlines, and I’m off to bed. Have a good night, all!
I get paid at the end of the month. Keep the fundraiser up and I’ll contribute. Wishing you and your wife the best of luck.
I will, and would appreciate the help, and four old Rasputin just makes me want more, gorgeous beer,
Fuck off! You’re no black sheep. We lurve Bob!
We are all Black sheep ’round these parts, I wear it as a badge of honor,,
Baaa, Baaa, Baaa…
/Knock it off, I dare ya!
and Conrad had the tightest Flight suit, gotta show the package….
And like Pernell Roberts, Robert Conrad was Bald as fuck,
BTW, I did contact the family yesterday and got the response I expected, “huh” and variations of the same…
after lighting up my BIL, what did come of it? a Facebook post, real personal there bro, they can fuck off as far as I’m concerned.
My next move is driving,
Bullhead to Barstow,
then to Vegas,
back to Barstow,
then Bullhead
But My oldest Grand daughter gets to see her Grammy so its worth it, and I’m also making peace with my “ex” Daughter in law, thats a good thing,
Great googly-moogly!
OMG, nice! Twice!
Fave of the list. The chick below her is up there, too, but I suspect she’s incredibly high maintenance.
Joanie the Jehovah’s Witness Stripper
Paul Thorn is THE BEST!
Your a Jack Mormon eh? Thought so…
No, I am not a jack Mormon.
Huh, sorry, all of my Mormon friends were Jack, and you fit the bill, at least here,
Have some Coffee!
/Much love Mo
LOL I don’t drink, don’t smoke (What do you do?), don’t drink coffee, and let’s just say the doctor didn’t believe me when I told her I couldn’t have gotten pregnant before the wedding.
Cool, I didnt want offend, Adam ant is an old friend of mine IRL, its been 30 years,
/Subtle innuendos follow
Must be something inside
Really?? I would love to hear about how that came about, and any anecdotes worth sharing.
No Digby you don’t, ’80’s, wild times for Sexuality, We’ll leave it at that
Yusef is the original Goody Two Shoes.
That says it all.
Even Adam? I mean, I’m sure he had plenty of C &/or C offered…
Anyway, I’ll leave it be. Still, cool for the friendship.
Gustave, you win a prize!
Is it Adam’s entire music library??
Yeah, that is one of the things that freaks people out the most now a days.
I had to explain it to them slowly and carefully. “When a man and a woman love each other very much, they get engaged. And when they think God told them to wait until marriage, they do that.” They never believed me.
Yep. When I tell people I’m not married, that reality never hits them.
This is why I love this place. For all the squamping and squishing that I did I never managed to make a facsimile. Except for that one time… A kiss goodbye and never talked to her again. Heard she got knocked up, later.
Well, if she got knocked up later….
It was probably mine. Awkward and unappealing. No wonder her brother always took a run at me on the rink. My third sex.
……..So, ‘shim’?
Or, should I expect to see 1 out of 6 feet tapping?
“T’was like this!” https://youtu.be/GH1ruMGpTVY No fun, no fun at all.
Ewww! I’ll take the tapping foot….
/Larry Craig would probably be funnier, anyway.
Funny. I’d completely forgotten about that which happened nearly forty years ago and yet, here we are. Gah. Now I feele like a cunte.
You were saying something about “40 years ago”?
Well, you learn something new every day on Glib Street.
I will presume you’ve already googled it, but I wanted to note something in the article:
I got married in Hancock County, Illinois.
Thus, the ‘not pregnant before the wedding’…
/ducks, runs faaaar away
“jack” Mormon is like anabaptist.
I only know the term jack Mormon from Edward Abbey books.
That was great.
Oh no! Monty Python’s daddy died.
Yeah, it was an addendum to the morning links. As long as Terry Gilliam is kicking that what matters.
Which part?
Of all the assholes in the group, I consider him the assholiest. No doubt he’s done good on some of his movies (Yay for Time Bandits!), and, I’ll give him a pass for that alone. But, him still kicking is low, low low, on the list.
He seems to be the only one who actually understood the comedy though. the rest have seemed to admit they were doing it to ‘punch up’ while he did it because it was funny. And he has an amazing directorial eye.
Oh, I think they understood it–their work kinda speaks for itself.
I think they tended to view it as more silly = less enjoyable, at times. And, based on what I’ve seen, it seems Gilliam is the one trying to punch up. Still, he can direct–no doubt about it.
Did you read his interview at The Independent about his Don Quixote movie he’s been trying to make for the last 20 years? I find him much more honest than the cow towing the other Pythons have been with recent politics.
Like, with a U-haul?
J/K! Although, I can’t help but feel a bit of schadenfreude about it for him, since he’s been so disdainful of the U.S.–as if we’re beneath him.
Like John Cleese?
Well, certainly a segment of the pop, yeah. Then again, he isn’t an American*, like Gilliam is/was.
*native-born, at least.
Also, I expect that from Oxbridge limeys. I suppose I should expect it from Oxbridge yanks.
New, stupid way to die discovered!
When I was a kid we stuck the penny in the socket, while licking a 9 volt. These kids are so weak.
The Outlet Challenge. That made me ?
Yeah, it does give everyone a warm, tingly feeling.
Mine just happens to be emotion-based.
Scampers over…
I’m having a hard time balancing my misogyny, racism and classism. Should I just focus on one or try to have it all?
Life is buffet of hate. Have at it!
I would go with, “stay classy”, but, the others can provide some fun, too.
Case in point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01mllqnJkHw
Also, anagrams.
Get a dog to beat?
You took the JLPT 4, right? I could probably dig out some good prep books to recommend if you’re interested. Even if you didn’t pass that one, you still should take 3 next. I’ll assume you were close and the difference between 3 and 4 isn’t that big. It’s just different vocabulary and kanji. If you’re gonna study, may as well take 3 given it takes about the same amount of study.
I took 5. I don’t think I was that close at all, but with a scaled score, I can be
delusionaloptimistic. Taking the next level up was the teacher’s suggestion to another student.Got plenty of material, just need to spend more time studying instead of glossing through it. I wasn’t a very good student in school and didn’t develop good habits.
For 5, just do a buttload of practice tests and take notes on the grammar (ask your teacher if you have a question.. or you could ask me if you want).
On the plus side, when I retest I won’t have the 8 year girl whip through the test booklet in front of me. Well, not the same 8 year old.
Heh. I tried a piano lesson for the first time about 6 years ago. Felt like an idiot waiting in the lobby with a bunch of seven year old girls. Gave that up quickly.
Very tempted to make a “So, tempted?” joke, but I can’t do that to ya.
Go for broke, Straff! Dip those nards in the undeniable!
It’s like a ball of fury in chest. I am Ironman.
I’m not sure if that is a free floating thought or an offhanded comment given due to discussions above. I am so vainI think it is about a comment I made. Probably due to being accused of being misogynistic, racist, and well, never classist because I am lower caste. But forgive a venting here. I am taking the next two days off. I don’t really have a reason to other than I just don’t want to go to work. I have a week before the argumentative fuck nut know it all of a kid leaves, (he quite and I am glad) the other three I am in charge of are half speed slackers at the moment and I am just tired of baby sitting. Christ sake, does a person have to be told every moment of every day to do something when they damn well see things that need to be done? I have been dealing daily for months with man childs who metaphorically have to be told to clean their rooms. And this is where this comment becomes relevant to straff’s. This is my first position supervising people in the US. Ten years I supervised guys in the shitholes around the globe, and I have to be honest, I will take the guys in the shitholes over these fuckers I have to deal with right now.
(That video I linked was a youtube search and I was waiting the whole time for carly to unhinge her jaw and eat Tay Tay. Bitch be part anaconda is what I say.)
Well, I live with a kid who never saw a chore she didn’t try to find a way to get out of, and I’ll be damned if I know how to motivate a person with NO goals or ambition or wants whatsoever.
She’s a kid. We were all shitheads when kids.
*deletes comment
No, no–let the comment stand.
Free floating. I’m just letting off some steam. If I thought any of you were those things, trust me, I’d say so.
Ya, I figured so but you gave me an opening to bitch about lazy Americans. Christ what assholes.
I miss being the boss. I’m really good at it. My eldest daughter said when she was an insufferable teen “You should be a teacher!” I can teach and this blade will cut!
I miss being the boss. I’m really good at it. My eldest daughter said when she was an insufferable teen “You should be a teacher!” I can teach and this blade will cut!
You post like a boss, so, I concur.
/seriously–beats my shitty link-fu
Aww…*turns toe into the ground a little*
Kittah is 21 today, I was petting her and noticed her whiskers are LONG! like longer than her head, they still work too, i wonder if they grow long like people’s ear hair?
neat discovery for me anyway…
I think eyebrows are the most analogous.
Being a Ginger, I don’t have any eyebrows, you can see, so I can’t compare,
but her whiskers are long!
I just started getting those super-long eyebrow hairs like an old man. They’re very blonde, so people don’t see them, but when I notice them I’m all ‘Holy Hell, that’s 3 times the size of every other eyebrow hair!’
yep, and Ear hair, Ghaaa, I’m not a Hindu!
No ear hair, yet. But long eyebrow hair, long nose hair, yet the hair on my head is thinning!
I still have a massive amount of head hair, but the hairs themselves have become thinner, my skin too,
But Bob, you have Transparent Hair, how can you be a Ginger?
Pardon me while I whip this out,
I’m not sure I like any of the people in this story…but, why on earth is the ‘paper’ reporting this to the town officials??
It’s one thing to read about it in the paper, and another to have someone go to the town officials and tattle.
When will this plague of white supremacy end!?
Bella is so smart, she walks to the slider, taps it with her nails and does a low Ruff, Good Pup!
Our little doggo knows at least one hundred words. Bulb-headed pain in the keester.
An attack on Mr. Peanut is an attack on us all!
unless you have allergies, then it’s
/I like peanuts…
Good point,
AnnetteBob. I actually hadn’t thought of those geneticcharity casesabnormalities./I enjoy the legumes, too.
Everyone involved in that commercial and press release should off themselves publicly to atone for that garbage.
Didn’t completely give up sketching, yet. Moved on from coffee mugs and tried a glass of water. My eyes aren’t good enough.
I thought it was a glass of water and you did the reflection, Excellent work straff!
As Festus duly noted, I’ve never tried drafting and I can’t draw a straight line to save my life.
Mine say it’s ab-fab.
I write good songs but with straffs talents i could be the next Hitler,
I’ll be here all week,try the Fish….
Sieg Heil…er, Sigue Sigue Sputnik!
Fucking Weirdo
You are younger than me, right? That’s hilarious, Bro!
And then some.
Better than I can draw, and these
idiotsGreat Americans pay me to make cartoons.Thank god you aren’t going for realistic drawing for those. Keep it up.
Sketching and animation are usually different things,
both your works are great in their own way,
Good on both of ya.
One realization I had was that I must draw what I see, not what I THINK I see.
Hmmm, music is different to me, I write what I hear in my mind,t hen expand on it,
i don’t start with a vision, IYKWIM
I’m a decent draftsman with a few clever ideas. Last time I arted it up was with mechanical pencil and funny imaginings. Been awhile.
If I could draw what I see IN MY HEAD, I would not be a writer.
This is what I’m trying now. It’s fun.
Perspective drawing is the only thing I remember from the few art classes I have ever had.
That is a great sketch nice work. Why did you drop an egg in the glass though?
Took about an hour. You’d think water was transparent, but…
You are getting shading/shadows down. I might have to join in on your sketching I used to love it. I missed your series here. I say that after five tequilas so don’t hold me to it.
Shading just takes patience it seems. Have to work in layers and keep looking at the reference. I’m going from zippo to 5 mph. Just muddling through.
Go for broke, Straff! Dip those nards in the undeniable!
WTF does that mean?
Bob calling ME a weirdo is the cusp of hilarity.
‘night Mien Froinds!
Good night, friend Yusef.
Night, Yusef. Have good sleepybyes.
Meanwhile, I will wait until the Tylenol PM kicks in.
‘Night, Yu-Bob.
Mo, you can keep us night flyers company. I re-linked up thread, btw.
A medieval knight dancing to “Hooray for Hillywood”? That’s … interesting and unique.
Tylenol PM starting to work its magic now.
Well, making a ‘musical’ book, with knights and wenches singing “Cods and Cuntes!” at some point in the narrative….
Yeah, interesting and unique.
Okay, I had to finally unfollow the chick who rants about the correct way to tell a story, which is the only way she prefers.
Other people’s preferences that are different from yours != bad writing.
The end.
You be you, Mojo. Fuck her with a bob-whared fence post! You are the Author. Not her, not me, not anyone else. You!
Seriously, you know who gets to decide if a story was told well? The reader. It’s like a joke in that if it lands, I don’t care if it followed some critics rule or not.
You be you, Mojo. Fuck her with a bob-whared fence post! You are the Author. Not her, not me, not anyone else. You!
I could say that again!
Started awake. Realized that I am, indeed a cunte. Feels bad for himself. My Judi deserves better and so do I.
Beer is delicious and I’d sink to the bottom and never come up! It’s called disthymia, low level depressive disorder. All the cool kids are doing it! I’ll be fine, just give me half an hour.
Ah…yeah, the depresser effects of booze. Let’s get you set up with a healthy course of uppers.
All in for Festus’ uppers regimen! Who’s with me?!
Nah–Meth. I think you could do with a little more paranoia.
No. I love my pets. I don’t want to eat them. The last time I did coke it damned near finished me. Forty year-old man stroking out. Foot dragging is the real deal, Grasshoppah.
::scratches bath salts off the list::
Duly noted.
Also, “foot dragging”? I never heard of this.
Is meth an upper? I hear it is the rage around here. Might be the one drug I never tried.
Seem to recall reading somewhere that alcohol releases the same chemicals in the brain as regret. ?/ ??
It certainly releases some chemicals…’beer rentals’.
I ‘member my psyche nurse babbling about a blood/brain barrier. We got together. It ended badly.
Dayum….I shoulda had you as my wing-man. No offense to my Bubba, but…dayum.
Finnish girl, about two years older than me. Her pubic hair resembled a white rabbit’s tail. If she were any more pale she’d have been Janey Winter. Turns out thirty years later SHE was a tippler. Hah! The whole time she was judging me she was half in the bag. No wonder she liked me.
I…..I don’t know how to take that.
Wouldn’t you feel some power if you held someone’s fate in your hot little hand? Especially when he avers undying love? She had the power but I came through the backfield. They couldn’t keep me in there forever. We fucked each other up, equally.
You nasty!
Plus, how did you know my hand is both hot AND little??
No, I was talking more about liking you due to being soused. I find you just dandy*, and I wasn’t under any chemical influence.
*not ‘a dandy’, mind you.
I’ve got the kavorka. Ever since I remember it’s all been about kissin’ girls. Of course I keep my dick in my trou, nowadays but I had a power. A special power. When I walked into the surgery wing the girls all piped up “Eight, eight, eight” and when I removed my dentures it fell to “Seven and a half”! I know chicks.
Funny how this all comes together (ahem)…
And so it goes…
Dig mentioned baths salts. Not been there either. Or PCP, or to be honest X. Pretty sure I have the rest covered. Granted twenty plus years ago but still.
All the fun but no bath salts. Usedta do everything but no intravenous. Even I had limits. We ate mushrooms like Bourdain.
I’ve had….Amoxicillin. And, Cyclobenzaprine. Might have had something “iffy” when I had oral surgery, but, never actually needed it.
And, tequila.
I have had multiple tequilas tonight plus lime and soda because hydration is important. @ Festus name one muthafuckin reason mushrooms should be illegal. That is the worlds most harmless intoxicant. (place driving under the influence idiots disclaimer here)
You’ll get no argument from me. Charlotte shrooms sent me off one time and I needed talking down but we used to eat those Messican ones like candy. It was like buying a case of beer when you met up with your friends. Poor Mikey never handled it. Came over to my parents’ house and started in about demons and some-such. Blew himself away not long after.
Yeeesh! “Poor Mikey”, indeed…
From about 16 to 25 I was the go-to for coffin carry. Never asked, just assumed. Not fun.
Oddly enough, that was my go-to policy for the military, if I were ever Presidenté.
Don’t do drugs anymore. Some edibles awhile ago but that didn’t yank my crank. Just a beer-hound.
Remaining night owls: I did get a Night Shift post submitted last night, so, plan accordingly.
Sorry man, my plan is to go to bed. Leave this though Have a great morning. Ish,
Wait—you know I’m talking Saturday night(s), right?
Aw Diggy… You know I’m going to break your heart come Saturday night.
hElLo sMITheRs ! yOu ArE very Go0d @ TUrniNg mE on!
Um… you probably should ignore that.
Mornin’ Glibs. Looks like today’s the day Part 1 of “Banker of Stirnberg” drops on this site. It’s got the lunchtime spot, so you’ll get lulled into a siesta from how dull it is…
Mornin’, UCS. Thanks for the heads-up – I’ll plan my lunch break accordingly.
I’m a bit afraid to tempt fate by saying so, but I think I’ve finished all my month/quarter/year-end gotta-do’s, even the census for my employer’s annual “profit sharing” 401(k) contribution. I keep waiting to find out I’ve forgotten something critical.
Ah. Waitin’ for the hammer to fall! Sheer toe-curling bliss, I tells ya!
Perhaps you should store the hammer on a lower shelf instead of balancing it on the edge of the top shelf.
I’m being self-depricating with the description, but Part 1 of 5 is mostly setting up the stage for the remaining parts to play on.