I came across a disturbing article yesterday. I am almost glad I found it because I was getting ready to talk about Trumpgazi.
This is my review of Four Peaks Kühl Beans Vanilla Coffee Porter.
The article is here, and should you prefer not to give these people a click, or even that I not enact your labor to actually click (lazy bums) I have it quoted below with some commentary. At least the parts that warrant some commentary:
Measured by organic support, libertarian philosophy appeals to almost no one. It nevertheless exerts an outsized influence in politics because it is a useful weapon for a hypocritical ruling class, that wields it selectively and in bad faith.
Whenever someone questions the tech companies’ right to censor right-wing opinions, for instance, liberals suddenly turn into Murray Rothbard, proclaiming that a private company can do whatever it wants with its own property. It does not bother these people that this same argument was sharpened most effectively through white resistance to the Civil Rights Act, in defense of business owners’ right to exclude blacks from their property. Unlike libertarian autists, the liberals who invoke these principles don’t really believe them, and feel no need to apply them consistently. They are simply weapons to use against their enemies, free to be discarded whenever new weapons may be found that work better. And of course, libertarian arguments that would seriously challenge the ruling class—not only in opposition to the Civil Rights Act but even on more innocuous issues like constitutionalism, states’ rights, a peaceful foreign policy, or an end to business subsidies— do not get the same treatment. They are totally ignored, ridiculed, and driven into conservative ghettos like Breitbart.
Let’s ignore the ad hominem argument this piece begins; not that it matters how much popular support an idea has is in any way evident of the merits of the idea. If one wishes to be taken seriously when making an argument the merits of the ideals of another, it does help to attack the ideas and not the person him/herself. Simply saying, “hur dur, nobody likes you”, is not much of an argument.
That said, it is true. Being a political movement of convenient fellow travelers to statists is a frustrating reality to libertarians. For several issues across the political spectrum libertarians find themselves allied with larger political movement–in terms of outcomes or conclusions. The rationale to get to this outcome or conclusion often differs dramatically with those whom they agree in the larger political movements. For example, legalizing gay marriage has been part of the Libertarian party platform since it’s inception in the 1970’s, as is unqualified support for the 2nd amendment. It is the ideology’s appeal for many that the exact same logical process, that is the maxim of the right to swing a fist ends at the tip of another’s nose, can be used to determine the morality of situation. It is not however, the left that typically co-opts libertarian arguments when it suits their purpose, for them it is more often popular culture that drives their social agenda. Indeed it is more often conservatives are keen to make libertarian arguments their own, as the right’s contribution to culture is often limited to maintenance of institutions deemed useful.
This consistency in applying an identical principle to an nearly infinite number of circumstances, even by its detractors, speaks to the merits of libertarian ideas.
The now-familiar dialectic of “tactical libertarianism” has reemerged once again in the debate over banning porn, which rages on right-wing Twitter. In any healthy society, there should really be no debate that the type of hardcore pornography found online should be banned. Everyone knows it is disgusting; none but the most deranged leftists and cumbrains try to defend it as valuable in itself. (Who after all, could seriously defend the merits of a film showing close up anal penetration, or 15 furries masturbating?). Everyone knows also that it is addictive, that it drives an alienating wedge between the sexes, creating false expectations on the nature of sex and incentivizing young men to spend their most virile years masturbating at home instead of interacting with women on healthy terms in the real world.
Not only is that…oddly specific, why not embrace the healing power of “and”? It brings to mind the question of whether or not the writer came across such a video and was ashamed to be aroused by it. However, let’s not stress the point because that would technically be an ad hominem. Principles and all…
Its long-term effects can be summarized from the fact that, even as all aspects of society have been entirely sexualized, more and more men in their twenties are suffering erectile dysfunction. Lastly, the pornography industry is notoriously cruel and exploitative to its own workers, even to the point of child sex trafficking,
Citation needed.
The libertarian’s role is to effectively frustrate the normal human desire to ban such an awful thing, by reframing the debate to a narrow argument over procedure. Any time that someone proposes against this clear moral and public-health menace…in swoops the libertarian, to somberly inform us that doing so is simply impossible. That would be tyranny and violate our most cherished values, don’t you see?
Often, this is accompanied by a pseudo-masculine posturing. If you want government action, the libertarian adult-in-the-room tells us, that’s really just a sign of your inadequacy, that you can’t control your own urges or protect your own children without help from Big Daddy Government.
Of course, there is nothing masculine about letting the world degrade around you just because you think that you
personally can survive it. The purpose of life should not be to set up a series of hurdles that only the strongest can pass. People are flawed and sometimes need help. If the government can shape the law to make their lives easier, then it should do so. Why let a bad system persist, just because the stronger citizens are able to overcome it?
All of this should be common sense. Indeed, it would be common sense for most of American history. It is libertarianism, by contrast—with its demands for total government inaction as a categorical imperative—that is the outlier and demands some explanation. Does anyone seriously believe that societies are duty-bound to watch themselves decay, just because of some abstract idea of liberty?
Why present this as a Hobson’s Choice? Society as a whole is not necessarily in decay because something undesirable to parts of it exists. The appeal of liberty is the undesirable aspect of society is best remedied by the actions of citizens willing to help out of their own free will–either by offering the remedy as a service for profit or by charity. It is not posturing to point out advocating the government handle the undesirable, removes the incentive for such citizens to continue finding the best way to provide that remedy.
Furthermore, the examples of successful government provided remedies are dubious or trifling at best (i.e. School Lunch program growing from studies by the War Department after WW2 that found many draftees were too malnourished to be of use to the Army). Typically, they lead to unintended consequences statists on both sides of the political spectrum simply address by creating solutions to problems created by their previous actions (i.e. Student Loan Program, Medicare/Medicaid). At worst they result in moral atrocities, Japanese interment camps being an American example.
The answer, of course, is no, they don’t. Outside a few ideological cliques, no one really believes in libertarianism. The people most loudly defending porn online today—people like the gay twenty-year-old atheist “conservative” Brad Polumbo—should be considered less as offering political “opinions” and more as the mouthpieces of a rich and well-connected ruling class, which benefits financially from the porn industry and—more indirectly—from the general sexualization of culture, with its corresponding atomization. If Polumbo lost his job as a conservative mouthpiece, his donors would easily find another college student to ply with money, adopt their positions, and play the same role. These positions do not need to be rigorous or even intellectually defensible. They just have to lay out the party line that conservatives, libertarians, and others on the right are required to take.
Conservative =/= Libertarian. It never did. A citation from an academic source is also requested for this, “rich and well-connected ruling class, which benefits financially from the porn industry.”
Whether Polumbo actually believes this line of reasoning is also inconsequential. His handlers—for whom porn is a lucrative business and a great way to keep young men distracted and pacified—certainly don’t believe it. The whole show is a big put-on in the hopes that you, white man, will be stupid enough to believe it, and that through a decontextualized focus on rules, fair play, and procedure, you will come to believe that, dang it all, it turns out we just can’t address important social problems after all. What is most galling about this whole charade is the enforced passivity. It is built around the fundamental lie that we are not really the masters of our destiny, and that we must be chained to outmoded rules, even at the expense of a diminished quality of life, out of some kind of principles.
Ideological principles should serve people; people were not made to serve ideology. If your ideology no longer addresses the important issues, then you should reject it. The State can be whatever we want it to be. Yes, that means we can use it crush bad things and promote good things. Libertarianism is useful to the ruling class because it tells the masses that we have to accept the situation we have now, and can never use hard power to make it better.
That line of thought only becomes powerful if we let it. The true right should just ignore libertarians or treat them with contempt, and then go about fulfilling our obligations to society. We have nothing to lose but our chains!

Even if its just $15, she got paid for her work. Good for her.
The libertarian ideology does address the question of pornography. It addresses it by allowing those that wish to produce, or consume it to do so–provided it is between consensual adults and they are not harming anybody in the process. The specific charge that porn is produced by exploitation of workers and children is simply untrue in reality, because yes there are indeed laws against it. Libertarians typically accept these laws under the premise that exploiting a sex worker goes by a different word (rape), and exploiting a child for sex is as inhuman an act one can conceive, neither of which will be defended by actual libertarians. That is often the line libertarians draw with the violence inherent in the state: only that it be used strictly to enforce the rights of others.
The anarchist take on the other hand is another story.
But the advocacy to use the state to, “crush bad things” does indeed portend to an inability to control one’s urges. This urge being one of violence, to enforce morality on personal terms. Forever crushing with boots the faces of whom they find jacking off in the bathroom, to once again demonstrate the right is still no different from the left.
Seek assistance from a mental health professional, immediately.
Is this beer any good? Yes, but not HELL YES. It is not heavy at all, but still full flavored with coffee and vanilla. Nice for a cool, but perhaps not a cold day. It is a limited release so get it while it is out. Four Peaks Kühl Beans Vanilla Coffee Porter: 3.5/5
(Who after all, could seriously defend the merits of a film showing close up anal penetration, or 15 furries masturbating?)
Me. You don’t like it, don’t watch it.
/continues reading
Oh… you do too.
Nice write-up.
The beer looks good.
I always knew you were into furries.
I will admit to thinking Cheetara was good looking but that’s the closest I get to being a furry.
You know how there is a furry at your party?
He’ll tell you.
Not Nazi-sounding at all.
But, but, but…WE will never abuse it, because we are in the right!
Ruling classes being notorious for advancing philosophies that limit their power.
Good one!
Just saw OMWC posted The Cleverlys in the morning linx, so I’ll just drop this here in my yard.
Let’s not forget that Jim Crow laws (laws!) were enacted to prevent private businesses and parties from conducting voluntary transactions, and undercutting one’s that chose to put their racism above profit.
good article
good thinking
lousy bait: how ya gonna convert anyone if your religion doesn’t promise to smite thine enemies, make you rich, and give you power over your neighbors’ every move ?
My religion allows blackjack and hookers?
I worked in a book store company, where the owner proclaimed “We buy anything printed or recorded, except yesterday’s newspaper”. Note: We buy does not include sell. We sold any softcore that came through the door but stopped at hardcore. Of course the employees had to check….We had a separate closed in area for the Playboys, Hustler, etc. At the time there were collectors of various mags, adult printed material. We policed it fairly well but of course kids are curious and we’d find the mags scattered throughout the store. There was a rare perv that hid stuff in the children’s section but not much of a problem.
At some point the boss succumbed to employee pressure and gradually the adult areas disappeared. Sales didn’t seem to change much, any loss was made up by the use of the prime area for higher end product anyway. In spite of (or because of) me leaving the company has grown and prospered.
Other than that no material was banned because of content. A Muslim complained we shouldn’t be selling the Koran but after I explained that other people were interested in his religious beliefs he agreed and left happy. It was absolutely amazing to see the eclectic purchases of customers, much like the wide and varied views of the Glibs.
It was the exposure of so many views that I discovered libertarianism and had an opportunity to read the Mises/Hayeks/et al.
Good article, MS.
Is selling the Koran forbidden in Islam?
Apparently it is to be given away, according to my Muslim friend.
Never heard that.
Apparently it can be sold, Amazon has different styles available
There were ads on TV decades ago: git yo free Book o’ Mormon.
So I called, but they couldn’t just take my address and fire it off: the invasive questions started and I just quietly hung up. I was curious at first, but I’m not that curious about anything.
Just stay in a hotel in Utah.
Or any Marriott.
When they walk around your neighborhood, they’ll have a few on hand to give you.
Of course they will also talk to you for some time.
We hung out with the kids on bikes one day. It was very informative.
I bought one in Saudi Arabia. In a book store. If those tight-assed fuckheads in the Kingdom think it’s OK to sell a Koran, I’m guessing it’s not a huge deal Islam-wide.
It was absolutely amazing to see the eclectic purchases of customers, much like the wide and varied views of the Glibs.
One of my favorite things to do while waiting in the supermarket checkout line is to observe the purchases of those ahead of me and try to imagine their corresponding lives. People have very eclectic interests, as you say.
You probably look in people’s medicine cabinets, too.
I worked in a video rental store in Memphis back in the ’90s. Blockbuster had come out and proclaimed they would NEVER carry NC-17 movies, so our small indie chain got some pretty good coin by renting some risque stuff. Nothing hardcore but some Playboy videos and such. This was pre-internet, so vcrs were the #1 tool of the devil according to the local baptists.
It was eye opening to see who exactly rented those movies. A lot more middle aged women than I would have ever guessed.
You cis-shitlord, assuming their gender!
There was a rare perv that hid stuff in the children’s section
It’s not neccesarily a perv . . .we used to put open nudie mags on shelves in the kids section when we were teenagers. Looking back, we were little assholes, but it was innocent fun in our minds at the time.
Sharing the wealth.
In any healthy society, there should really be no debate that the type of hardcore pornography found online should be banned.
Bow down before the self-evident truth of my words.
“No debate”
How many people in the world are watching porn right now. Hell, I was looking at porn earlier today.
Wha- what do you mean, Jar?!?
*tugs at collar*
*skulks to the bathroom when no one is looking*
I’m not almighty.
This is wonderful.
If you believe otherwise, you’re CLEARLY a pervert…and what upstanding person would listen to the arguments of a pervert?
Case closed…ban porn!
Strangely, 30 years ago one of my co-workers said the same thing. Because of him and others like him (mostly women) the adult areas of the stores were closed. I was the last to yield but the owner gave me directions.
instead of interacting with women on healthy terms in the real world
Do those terms include being arrested for touching a woman’s arm?
I have never known a young man or woman who required any outside influence to masturbate. It is almost like having internally sourced hormones activated, an imagination, and pleasurable physical responses sell the activity.
And that’s fine so long as they feel deeply, terribly ashamed of it.
“some abstract idea of liberty”
So you won’t mind being my slave then?
I suspect that an asshole like that would mind being your slave, and he’d fight you over it. In fact, he’s the type of person who will gladly make war on anyone who’s not exactly like him. His notion of right isn’t based upon whether an action causes harm to others. His notion of right is based on his particular belief system and there is no room for anyone else’s. A guy like that won’t end up a slave. A guy like that will be at war with everyone for his entire life because he’s so certain of his own righteousness.
Puritans and SJWs are two sides of the same coin.
They were bound together from the beginning. Nfrom the beginningotice it also was bound up with the first feminists – the real ones – fighting for women’s suffrage.
We should never lose sight of these origins. It’s why we have statists on “both sides” now. They split when post-modernism begat purges between ideologies: e.g. good commies are godless; and civil rights sliced the populace in odd ways, too. For example, it was inner city Irish in Southie throwing bottles at Black Kids that made the headlines, yet urban northerners still consider themselves morally superior to “poor southern racists.”
Note that from both sides of the spectrum, the calls for state power over “leave us the fuck alone to sort it out” won out, both in the legislature and the courts. Goldwater was deemed a racist for pointing out how govt’s use of the commerce clause might end up.
“ A guy like that won’t end up a slave.”
Until he normalizes slavery (as he is doing, whether he knows it or not) and winds up on the losing end of his war against the unrighteousness.
People are flawed and sometimes need help. If the government can shape the law to make their lives easier, then it should do so. Why let a bad system persist, just because the stronger citizens are able to overcome it?
Yes, yes, of course. If something is too difficult, or dangerous, or distracting for somebody we must assume it is too difficult, dangerous and distracting for anybody, and ban it. Because social contract uplifts us all.
This conservative sounds an awful like a liberal.
This totalitarian sounds an awful lot like a totalitarian.
Fair point.
” Mandrake, have you never wondered why I drink only distilled water, or rain water, and only pure-grain alcohol?”
Translation: Conservatives and Progs love looking at porn and want it to stay. But they want to social signal to everyone about how horrible and degrading it is. So they blame Libertarians who garnered 1% of the vote in the last Presidential election for why it can never be banned.
She looka lika mon.
instead of interacting with women on healthy terms in the real world
Marry, settle down, get a real job, get a house; enslave yourself to the collective.
I love how someone’s hobbyhorse is the cause/solution to all of life’s problems.
Everyone knows . . . .
Some of the most dangerous ideas in the world follow this phrase.
Chomsky used to start a lot of arguments with that or something similar.
Everyone knows https://youtu.be/2hY0bFCtZbA
? Love them
Speaking of which- I have not read any of that girlsdoporn lawsuit stuff, but this question popped into my head:
Is/was there one of those disclaimers like the NFL uses for their teevee broadcasts?
*This broadcast is the exclusive property, any other use or rebroadcast, et c, et c?
“Ideological principles should serve people; people were not made to serve ideology”
Except for his ideology evidently.
“we must be chained to outmoded rules”
Like censorship?
I… what? The whole thing is such a steaming pile of brain-dead it’s hard to choose just one sentence.
The libertarians are obviously suffering for a form of drapetomania.
“From”, not “for”, of course.
Did Ted just Ted himself?
Ewwwww! Ban him!
I’m sorry I’m not perfect and sinless like you, MS. 🙁
Free of sin? No. But I do admit I have an edit button.
Apparently this guy jacks it to the thought of banning porn. It’s a weird fetish, I’ll admit, but definitely not the weirdest.
Nice write up MS. It’s amazing how terrified some people are of freedom. I might have to give that beer a try. I like vanilla but the only vanilla Porter I’ve had was Breckenridge and I wasn’t into it. That was many moons ago though and my tastes have changed.
Its local to me, so it may be a bit of a challenge to find.
Then again, I may or may not have picked this one because its obscure and people looking for it might come across my article within the first few search results….
It’s a trap!
I’ll try it, it’s local to me…
It’s amazing how terrified some people are of freedom.
Yeah, people don’t want to see you shake your ass.
This is true. It would be a waste of their time as well as mine.
Person ignorant of what libertarianism is trashes libertarianism. Film at 11.
You know what, I agree with this guy, things I find disgusting should be banned. There are these disgusting videos I see online that just make me want to vomit, what’s worse that content has seeped onto television shows as well. It’s something that people are addicted to and is causing a health epidemic around the country, and I just don’t think we can allow it in a civilized society. What is this modern plague you ask? Dessert. It’s fucking disgusting, people stuffing their faces with unhealthy sugary venom, leading to heart disease, diabetes and obesity. The thought of it makes me sick, and then I come across all these disgusting videos online of people making and this disgusting substance. I and I think, but at least if I watch TV the FCC will surely protect me from seeing these vile concoctions, but it was corrupted long ago by Big Sugar, and now there are baking shows on almost every TV channel.
Headlines: Porn cures arthritis in men’s hands!
/character off, real person on
I spend a lot of time on the internet, ranging from professional research to commerce to news to social interaction to information gathering to entertainment to… well, you get the idea. I have never specifically tried to search for child pornography, and wonder of wonders, I haven’t ever seen any since the 1980s and Traci Lords, pre-internet. I am having some difficulty accepting the common assertion that it’s “everywhere.” You’d think I would have accidentally stumbled across it.
/real person off, character on
See? You’re not looking in the right places.I’m thinking its like buying a lottery ticket. Because someone, some day, will win the lottery. In my old work day persona I never ever saw the kiddie stuff come into the store. That’s not to say it doesn’t exist but a person has to be diligent (and perverted) to be looking for it. Sort of like libertarianism
Had it come in it would have been destroyed immediately and the seller rejected from the store with a warning.
Back in Okinawa (87-ish) someone had a Traci Lords tape and it was played in the barracks quite often. Mostly because guys couldn’t believe she wasn’t 18 when she made that stuff. No one really worried about being busted for kiddie porn back then.
I wonder if guys today would be a lot more scared of being rung up on kiddie porn charges today.
Also, think of the legal repercussions if a Traci Lords situation happened today. How many guys would be sitting ducks for charges because they have “kiddie porn” in their internet cache or they downloaded it not knowing she was underage? I’m guessing it would give a prosecutor like Preet a permanent woody thinking of all the people he can charge.
Hunting through a thumb drive, I found some wild but not illegal stuff not of my viewing/downloading. It’s no mystery: I shared a desktop with a 12-year old in a past decade, and a backup from those days swept up those files.
But it’s worth thinking about who could be prosecuted for “possessing” what, especially content from a life spent at 333MHz where, sure officer, I’m responsible for everything because I had complete possession and control.
This, among other more theoretically principled reasons, is why I think laws against possession of even the vilest kiddy porn are evil. Mens Rea is important.
If someone does anything sexual to a child, yes, they should be doing hard time. But I think the heavy-handed prosecution of possession is probably just scaring people into going further underground with it. What if someone has those thoughts, knows they’re wrong, and wants to get help? Are they going to be comfortable going to a therapist when they could get reported to the cops and busted?
This 19-year-old pedophile has never gone near a child. And he needs you to hear his story.
The audio is no longer there, it looks like, but it was a fascinating interview.
I’m afraid to hit that link, maybe a cop on the other end. Paranoia is real if someone really is after you, trying to trap you.
Oh, there are no pictures and the article is short enough and doesn’t go into detail.
Basically, the kid was on a telephone interview and said he understands his problem and he has not nor would he ever act on it, and he keeps himself away from kids altogether, but that the attraction is real and it is difficult to fight it and he kinda wants to kill himself because a) it’s difficult, b) he knows he’s going to live the rest of his life this way, and c) he wants to save the world from himself.
And oh, he can’t get any help at all because he’ll get turned in. For him, everybody’s a mandated reporter.
Also, think of the legal repercussions if a Traci Lords situation happened today.
Look at what happened in this case of a guy who had Lupe Fuentes tapes. She was 19 at the time of filming. An actual Traci Lords case would turn out a little differently.
A New York City man dodged the threat of a 20-year kiddie-porn prison sentence — all thanks to the kindness of a porn star.
Carlos Simon-Timmerman, a pizza-delivery guy from Brooklyn, was put on trial in Puerto Rico for allegedly transporting child pornography after US Customs agents found a dirty DVD called “Little Lupe the Innocent” in his bags as he passed through San Juan Airport security on his way back to the city.
The agents said the actress in the video, porn star Lupe Fuentes, was underage, and they cuffed him.
But Simon-Timmerman was sprung earlier this month after Fuentes flew to Puerto Rico and proved in court that she was 19 at the time the film was made.
Porn is an evil that has an outsized influence in our society. The proliferation of porn is a symptom, not a root cause. Regardless of the moral status of porn, it is a consensual vice and is not within the scope of authority of the government.
Is it really an evil (not sure if sarcasmo meter is broken)?
I’d almost say that the explosion of pr0n has made a lot of people much happier than they would have been earlier. My theory is that internet pr0n has shown a lot of people that they aren’t hopeless weirdos who for some reason are turned on by dressing up as a furry. Nope, there are lots of people out there that have the same kink and it really doesn’t hurt anyone.
Like anything, I’m sure there are cases where pr0n has led people to bad outcomes that wouldn’t have happened if they didn’t have access to pr0n. Doesn’t mean that it needs to be banned though, or even denigrated as an evil.
Is it really an evil (not sure if sarcasmo meter is broken)?
I’d almost say that the explosion of pr0n has made a lot of people much happier than they would have been earlier.
Yes, to people of my faith tradition, it’s considered lowkey adultery. Being an adherent to my faith tradition, I believe our morality to be universal.
Regarding happiness, there is plenty of evil out there that makes people happy. That’s why I’m not a hedonist.
I heard being a hedonist is almost as exhausting as being a nihilist.
Being any “ist” is exhausting.
ites and ishes are even more exhausting
semites and fishes??
This is typical, everybody get pissed off at libertarians for selectively supporting certain issues and not being fully behind “the cause.” Just goes with the territory.
Sure would be interesting to ask this goof how he explained the explosion of pr0n (vcrs then the internet) with plummeting violent crime rates.
I doubt he’d say that it wasn’t pr0n, it was violent video games that done it. He’s probably big time against those too.
Nice to see you cleaned up your counter.
How’s it going today, man?
Sitting at our favorite bar, waiting for food. It’s a new day. Sigh.
Sounds alright.
Better than last night.
Yeah. Stay strong, and enjoy the “good” times.
🙂 I’m glad.
Enjoy the day!
This is typical, everybody get pissed off at libertarians for selectively supporting certain issues and not being fully behind “the cause.” Just goes with the territory.
“Right for the wrong reasons” won’t get you into Heaven.
Tell that to Pascal.
Dr. Phil’s weird ugly house is for sale
Somebody explain to me how a wall of guns is somehow “anti-gun.”
I’m sure he doesn’t own them, the trust owns them. That way he can shoot the guns (ironically of course), but still decry the plebes owning guns.
I LLOLed at that.
Sure, buddy. An anti gun art installation.
Some of the guns had the thing that goes up, looked like one had a 30 rounder in it, assault weapon emporium. He doesn’t have very many guns though, maybe he recently had a yachting accident.
I read (not on LA Times article) that they were intentionally disabled. So purposeful irony, I suppose.
Get with the program, libertarians
I wouldn’t ordinarily order a porter, but this brew has piqued my curiosity. The wife and I are going bar hopping today/tonight in Seattle. I’ll keep an eye out for it. Should go nicely with a shot of Jim Beam.
I will:
Not every single person is capable of pairing off with a partner and having a happy family life, such as ugly and/or socially inept people. But these people still have sexual urges that have to be dealt with, and pornography may be the only way to do that. Without this “safety valve”, you might have these people doing things much worse than masturbating in the basement.
I knew somebody here was up to the task of white knighting for Furries.
Can someone explain why furries are particularly icky? Their costumes aren’t any weirder (or probably smell any worse) than latex getupstaht someow are more respectable. And dressing up in a costume to boink has got to be vastly less icky than any fetish ending in “showers.”
Plus there’s crushers, feeders, vore…
Obviously the “impeccably dressed rat” bit isn’t just a joke. :-p
Blame Beto.
I see that as being totally irrelevant, and arguing on the prohibitionist’s terms. It’s pure and simple – whatever those people/furries are doing is none of my business, none of anyone else’s business, and I or anyone else doesn’t have to watch it, let alone seek it out. Once you start trying to argue via common good, sociological, political, etc arguments, it just spirals into absurdity.
^^ this. Something doesn’t need to be justifiable as “good” to be justifiable as legal.
AKA Government sanctifies Nothing. It would be nice if the religionists on both sides would realize that.
such as ugly and/or socially inept people.
Hurtful Akira, downright hurtful.
We have an abundance of pornography on the internet and yet Twitter still exists.
Explain that.
Rule 34
Pet crab eating chips.
oddly satisfying
Which, by the way, was my nickname in college….
Are you sure it wasn’t “man with crabs, eating chips”?
That is adorable.
Well, that was kind of adorable.
I’m with this guy:
That was fun.
Tell me one good thing that has resulted from porn.
I’ll wait.
Nobody’s arguing it’s good.
The argument is against prohibition.
If it’s bad it shouldn’t be legal.
Are we sure it’s not good?
Teenage boys learning to do their own laundry?
You find out that your palms really won’t grow hairy…
How else do you learn the proper stance as the anal partner in a triple penetration? Without porn balls might touch and gay might occur!
It’s not gay of there are tits anywhere in the pile.
So if Moobs is spit roasting you with Bernie…
Should I list them by their stage names in alphabetical order? Or movie titles?
Angela White.
Barbi Benton taught me to sympathize more.
She’s Hef’s “girlfriend?” All through high school she dreamed of being nude for the nation? This is her plan and her actualization?
I defend her right to pose, to claim a fee for it, for Playboy to publish it, and for anyone to buy it. But, legal and ethical stuff aside, I don’t believe for one minute that’s the best thing for her. Her sweet smile pushed (pushes?) all my hero buttons: my first thought was always to ride in and save her. But she’ll hafta save herself – from herself – and that ain’t none of my business.
For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good. Can I save them all ? Can I save myself ?
“I don’t believe for one minute that’s the best thing for her”
I don’t believe for one minute that I know on way or the other.
oh, I don’t know and would never assert that knowledge
I never implied it was my call; I stipulated it’s none of my business. I’m open to the possibility that she’s living her best life.
Not Mariel Hemingway?
It gives people pleasure. Pari passu, that counts as a good thing in my book.
If you think sex not intended to result in pregnancy is a good thing, I don’t see how you can argue against porn.
Bring back temple prostitution. Put the Gods back in sex!
That’s ’cause you’ve never been 80 years old. You can stop waiting.
Men Are Scamming Crisis Hotlines to Masturbate on Calls
This is what happens when there is too much porn.
“You’re sick! Just kill your self!”
*squints* Can’t tell if serious
It is a crisis when I finna bust a nut.
Because of porn our college-aged young women film themselves doing things like this.
BAN IT!!!111!1one
Plus it’s responsible for the Sperm Holocaust.
You know who else killed a bunch of swimmers?
Whalers harvesting sperm whales?
The Isaac Walton League.
Any African swim coach?
Hell, the dating app profiles of 20-somethings females are borderline porn.
So, I had an interesting New Years. I hung out with a girl that I’m definitely doting over. She’s not romantically into me like I am her. But I really enjoy spending time with her, So, I’ll do the friends thing until something else comes along. Anyways, she doesn’t drink, I do. We went to her sister’s house for a little bit. Her sister’s white trash boyfriend got me pretty loaded and gave me an adderall ( haven’t had one for a few years, but why not, right?). At some point she decided she wanted to do Karaoke. So we went to a little bar nearby. She sang, I had a few more beers. And then, an old friend of hers asked if we wanted some shrooms. Now, I’ve read A LOT about the benefits of shrooms and taken them before for depression issues. And it’s actually worked in the past (that’s a story for another time). So we took them and went back to her place. She passed out much earlier than I could. So the comedown was mostly by myself. As I couldn’t sleep (I’m sure due mostly to the adderall), anxiety came over me. I never did fall asleep that night. I was anxious all day on New Years. I figured it was mostly just the lack of sleep. That night I still didn’t sleep well. So on the 2nd, I was still full of anxiety. Something about the adderall, booze, shrooms combo has had me anxious as shit since. I finally slept well last night, but I’m still anxious as shit. Not over anything in particular. They think Psilocybin helps to “reset” the brain and that’s what helps with depression and anxiety. I’m wondering if I reset it to a different state due to too many substances at once, I’m tempted to get more shrooms and trip again to reset it, but I also have an innate fear of tripping while anxious. I guess this all comes down to I’m a fucked up person and I’m scared I’ve made it worse and i don’t know how to fix it.
scrambled eggs
orange juice
start over Monday
I’m utterly unqualified (never done illicit drugs), but I think I’d pick one thrill for any given evening
Sound advice.
“I’m wondering if I reset it to a different state due to too many substances at once,”
Based on my experiences, psychedelics deserve more respect than to be treated as purely recreational drugs.
^this. I always thought the whole “This drug causes religious enlightenment, visions, and permanently alters your mind. Let’s toke up, slam some shooters then drop and watch the wall!” was kind of imbecilic. If it is truly mind altering wouldn’t you take it seriously?
I’ve taken enough in the past to know what I was getting myself into, And I think my mindset started off right for it. What I wasn’t prepared for was the way booze and amphetamines would effect that. I will admit it was a bad decision. I don’t think I realized how drunk I was. And I think lack of being able to fall asleep had a large part on it too.
I feel fortunate that me and my college friend read Timothy Leary and adopted his “set and setting” approach to psychedelics, and something of his “have a purpose” attitude. Although we dropped acid at a few Dead concerts, psychedelics were generally given the whole day, (well, after the morning) and at least a semblance of a plan. Some very interesting experiences, and I do think they took us in some good (or at least desired) directions.
I should clarify that my attitude at the time was less we must do this sacramentally and more “you hippies are nuts, it’s just another high”
I’m glad that other than drinking once or twice before I was of legal age, I never did any illicit drugs.
I did shrooms once in college, other than that, booze, and some weed, I haven’t done much. I had friends in the drug world, but never really went there myself. I was turned on to shrooms again a few years ago in the bouts of some severe depression. After a good bit of research I decided to try it. I won’t call it a miracle cure, because it isn’t. But for about a month after each trip, I usually notice decreased depression and anxiety. It has medical benefits, of course we don’t know them fully because of the drug war. I also tried microdosing, which didn’t do much for me, but seems to help a lot of people.
It’s important to have a plan and then a few backup plans when you’re doing hallucinogenic drugs. I used to do a lot of acid, and the only times it went south was when some unexpected crazy shit happened and there was no contingency, like cops showing up to a party I was expecting to spend the night at, that type of thing. As long as there was a general “if it goes to shit, just do *this*” plan–maybe process is a better word–everything was great.
Okay, so. Having some (quite a bit) of anxiety that is marginally medicated (anti-depressant) (anti-anxiety meds flatten me out and I’m no longer anxious and I have my shit together, but I can’t write, can’t feel any amount of joy)…
Eat a big steak. No, I’m really serious. Get some animal protein in your gut.
Drink some milk. Yes, I’m serious about that too.
Shut your phone off.
Close your curtains.
Take a very long, hot shower.
Take a nap. Find your favorite resting place and sleep. You may or may not want to have some white noise.
When you wake up in the middle of the night, go find a comfy chair and watch Bob Ross videos until you fall asleep again.
Lather, rinse, repeat until you have to go to work.
Go rub one out, eat some ice cream, and watch some South Park.
^^This guy gets it^^
Don’t blame the shrooms, that shit wore off 2 hrs (that seemed like 6) after you took it. Don’t take shrooms while anxious, that’s just a bad idea. The addy has got you jumpy. Pick any one of the other ideas that doesn’t involve substances that works to get some rest in you. Shrooms are great by themselves, don’t mix them with stimulants. Stimulants should only be used as performance enhancers for alcohol. I graduated from the Gary Busey school of hard drinking. Part of this is gospel, the other part is Old Testament, it’s up to you to decipher.
The notions of good or bad are irrelevant to the topic of legal or illegal.
Sexual relations of any type between any collection of consulting adults should not be illegal.
Paying any collection of consulting adults to have sexual relations of any type should not be illegal.
Recording any collection of consulting adults while they have sexual relations of any type should not be illegal.
Paying for recordings any collection of consulting adults while they have sexual relations of any type should not be illegal.
Watching recordings any collection of consulting adults while they have sexual relations of any type should not be illegal.
If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. It just that fucking easy.
Porn’s negative influence on our society has lead to the literal ruin of numerous young men.
But sure, porn is great.
Three and four can ruin my life anytime they want.
hahaha. Funny stuff
Aidan Castile sounds like a cunte.
Yo, CA Glibs, how you feeling about the state’s new water budget of 55 gallons a day, enforced by a $1,000/day fine, increasing to $10,000/day when the governor declares a drought?
Cause the water you use is gone forever when it goes down the drain. Can someone convince Trump that the new Iranian Terror boss lives at 10th and L Streets
Sacramento, CA 95814
If I use less than 55 gal., can I sell the rest to my neighbor?
Of course not, that is like icky capitalism stuff… the glorious state will simply fine your neighbor for going over his ration of water.
No. That would be black marketeering you wrecker.
And will Jesse have to divest of his lube supply so that he has a vessel with which to measure?
Do you really think he doesn’t have empty drums sitting around empty already? how long do you think a drum lasts him? I’m guessing a week at most.
You guys are hysterical. Sure I buy a costco 12 pack of Passion 55 Gallon Drums of Natural Water-Based Personal Lubricant whenever I’m there, but I don’t go *that* often.
I really, really, really feel for the people who can’t afford to just pack up and leave.
You can’t get blood out of a turnip. What are they going to do, put you in jail? At least you’ll have food, water, shelter.
“Whattaya in for, man?”
“Can’t pay my fine for water overage.”
*everyone retracts in terror*
Abuse of showering rationing is punished by a dry shower.
What’s that? Talcum powder?
Zyklon B
That’ll get you clean, all right.
It takes the fillings right off your teeth.
Well, at least you’ll have food and shelter, anyway.
Note: to comply, you won’t be able to do two loads of laundry in a day, or take a shower on laundry day.
And every fucksicle who voted for this will get reelected. It will be ratified, in effect, by the CA electorate in the next election.
Ain’t machine politics grand?
Is it really measured daily or are they going to spread it out over the billing cycle? I don’t imagine I use that much through the week, maybe on Tuesdays when I shower, so by laundry day I’d have a enough ‘credit’ to do my three loads of laundry.
There is a ton of intentionally misleading information on this. It’s not under effect. My guess is it gets repealed or unenforced when the fines kick in at some future time.
I have an agricultural exemption anyway for the water I use for my 50+ fruit trees.
The real problems are unwillingness to build more water reservoirs, and the basic fact that we have a salt problem, not a water problem.
To our west, right off the main population centers, we have this big blue wobbly thing that mermaids live in. Just need to get the salt out efficiently enough to at least break even.
I’m going with selectively enforced.
Good move with the fruit trees, BTW.
I think your real problem is less lack of water infrastructure (which is a symptom), than CA government and the voters that facilitate it.
Yeah, makes me wonder when enough people are forced to leave that the place could flip back to Red.
It’s the Dems who tend to stay, I suspect
we have a salt problem
I’d argue you have a people problem, in more ways than one. First, there’s too damn many of you. California would be great if all the people were gone. Second, the people there (in general, not meaning you) want things like this . . . at least for their neighbors.
WhatwhatWHAT??? Misleading information in the news?
Buttering them up for future rationing of power, food, and housing.
Duh. Rationing just makes sense. Sure maybe there was a time when we were foolishly wasteful, but throughout history rationing has been a way of life.
*insert picture of ration coupon books*
It’s definitely going to get worse before it gets better.
Im going back one more time for the rest of my Stuff on Monday, then I hope to never enter California again…
/I can see it from my house though, right over the River…..
Think of the glory Gov BigBrother will bask in when the daily ration is increased!
From 55 to 50 gallons/day?
That there source is full of derp. I poked around looking for the usual editorial info – not to be found. So this is some vanity project run out of a LOT of basements.
It’s hilarious when 20-something Nazi incels play dress-up with daddy’s turtleneck and pipe, pretending they are public intellectuals.
One of my friends from back in the day used to spend most of his time thinking up names for people, and the one the author of that piece reminds me of is one of the better ones: “Retardo Montalban”.
Although, the core arguments he’s making aren’t unusual in some conservative circles. I remember even when I was young hearing that the only real distinction between “liberals” and “conservatives” is what part of your life they want to control. That dude’s a little more honest than others, but the dominant opinion in American (and probably all) domestic politics is that the purpose of government is to keep people from doing things you don’t like while making it easier for you to do things you like, without your having to do anything.
XY rigged up plywood walls for my pickup bed and put hooks on it to carry his lawnmowing equipment.
While I am impressed by his creativity in not putting holes in my truck, his persistence, and the skill he has shown, I am upset that he appropriated my truck AFTER I told him not to do that (“I don’t remember you saying that!” “But you remembered I told you not to out holes in it. Sure.”). He destroys or loses or otherwise ruins everything he touches, and therefore, I don’t like him touching my stuff.
I have doubts about whether I can see anything to drive with those walls up, but I’m about to go take him to his yard appointment. Pray for me.
Good luck.
He reminds me of me . . .and look how good I turned out!
How are you still cutting grass in M…….never mind.
He’s raking leaves and then he loads up the truck with leaves and dumps them in our terraces.
I know you’re a scooch S of me in SW Ohio…but leaf handling has long been over
Its the snowy “wintery mix” here now
I’m in Kansas City, same latitude as SW Ohio. “Wintery mix” doesn’t last past 10:00 a.m. here. The leaves are undisturbed and suburbia doesn’t recognize “poor man’s fertilizer.”
We’ve already had 2 snow days and the lady’s lawn is still half green. If you don’t get your leaves done by the first snow, that’s okay. You’ve got most of the winter to do it—generally in 40-degree weather—between snows.
Nice! and Thicc!
Well well well. It started to snow about half an hour ago. Visibility is now about seventy yards and everything is white. Not supposed to get a significant accumulation, but it kind of took me by surprise.
15 furries masturbating
Now do “eleven lizards lounging”.
jesse.in.mb has agreed to make this is avatar:
I wot now m8?
I’m literally crying right now.
Wendy is alive and resting comfortably, she came off the ventilator this morning, color is good, BP is fine. They replaced 2 valves in her heart and some other stuff, now is Recovery time, its not over by a long shot…
Whoa, I need to catch up. But that’s great news!
Chest fluid
heart damage
Every time the medevac chopper flies over, all I can hear is “cha-ching”.
Dayum. She’s one tough woman.
Continued prayers and thoughts for ya.
That’s great news!!!
Excellent news!
Thank God, that’s good news. It sounds like there’s a long road ahead but being in recovery is better than the alternatives.
This is good news!
Excellent news indeed.
Deep breaths, tall cans, and get some rest. Yusuf needs cared for too.
Take Ozy kite flying if time and wind permit 😉
If we have time, I’d love to see the look on his face the first time he launches!
Wow, Yusef. Hang in there.
Yo, CA Glibs, how you feeling about the state’s new water budget of 55 gallons a day, enforced by a $1,000/day fine, increasing to $10,000/day when the governor declares a drought?
What happens when some rich techbro just keeps right on watering his lawn, because he can afford to spend $1000/day on his Olympic croquet court?
HARD TIME will be required.
Well played, HM.
*hat tip*
So went into the butchers to buy meat. And the only bags available now (at a nickel apiece) are paper. No plastic. Paper for meat products that leak raw meat fluid and contaminate your car and other surfaces. Good job assholes. Same with takeaway from Chinese restaurants.
Like the straws, can’t just speak for yourself and turn down whatever pet cause you have. No, must make everyone else play along with your delusion.
I will start a mail-order business for used plastic grocery bags.
It’s rubbing off here in flyover country too. I can still get plastic bags, but I have to pay for them at many places now. Sav-A-Lot just stopped offering free bags . . .the “environment” was the excuse, Yet they are still for sale for a nickel each.
Dont they use the wax shiny paper? I know Stater Bros still does, as do most Carcinerias I go to, thats weird…
At least the law my state keeps threatening to shove down our throats has an exception for meat/frozen food bags.
There is. But apparently it’s seen as those produce style bags, not ones at checkout. And even if they’re not true believers or wanting to cut their bag costs by charging, the fines are enough to make them err on the side of not providing a bag.
That lunacy has not yet affected my area.
What’s the problem? Once you put the meat in your portable cooler it isn’t going to leak all over your car and other surfaces. You’ll have to wash out your cooler but you should do that anyway.
It’s not summertime and I’m not doing a Lewis & Clark length drive.
All right but don’t come crying to me when you catch the salmonella.
So went into the butchers to buy meat. And the only bags available now (at a nickel apiece) are paper. No plastic. Paper for meat products that leak raw meat fluid and contaminate your car and other surfaces.
No wax (or whatever that old-timey butcher paper was treated with)?
Oh yeah, the meat is inside, but folded waxed paper slows it down, not stops it. And the outside paper is often less than clean.
Most common SP utterance today: “Shut the fuck up, Booger.”
He’s not bright.
And never, ever shuts up, not even for a second.
“The way you beat man to man coverage is to run away from it.”
Go Bills!
I’m happy to see Smoke doing well there. Seems like a good guy.
I’ve been listening to the game on the radio.
Various thoughts on this subject:
-Drawings and statues of naked people are older than writing.
-The Romans had a pretty relaxed attitude towards sex, and their military and empire flourished for centuries.
-The anti-porn guy’s thesis seems to be that porn prevents men from marrying, thus leading to declining birth rates as they shirk their duty to propagate the Teutonic race. OK, he didn’t say that last part, but I got a certain hunch.
-Below replacement fertility is a problem in the long run, but countries with high birth rates are poorer and less stable. Women are usually worse off in such places as well.
-The main reason for declining birth rates in rich countries is that women are choosing to marry later and have fewer children.
-During WW1, before the bodies of dead soldiers were sent to their families, their pockets would be checked to make sure they didn’t have any porn on them. WW1 was the first war with cheap photography and pornographic pictures sold like hot cakes.
-Porn was even easier to get in WW2. In Slaughterhouse 5, there’s a reference to a US soldier whose prized possession is a postcard of a woman having sex with a Shetland pony.
-Porn is illegal in many countries, yet somehow the market finds a way.
-The rise of the welfare state and easy divorce makes marriage practically optional. For most of history only a small percentage of adults never married.
-Throw in all the ways guys can get screwed over by divorce and child support, it’s not surprising that so many give up on it.
-Another factor that is not discussed often is the sharp increase in single motherhood. Single moms usually have a hard time getting married.
-I’m almost 35 and I’ve been trying to get the ball rolling on marriage and kids for 10 years. I have a date tomorrow. If nothing else, at least I will eat lobster. While I breathe, I hope.
Below replacement fertility is a problem
enjoy the lobster !
The only thing that matters is that per capita cost of living continues to decline. Half as many people making twice as much each is not a problem . . . I’d go so far as to make it a goal.
There’s pretty funny book by Evelyn Waugh called Black Mischief. Anyway, the reformer king of a fictional African country decides that the key to development is to decrease fertility. So he organizes a parade where women carry signs that say things like “prosperity through sterility” and “women of tomorrow demand empty cradles”.
Oh, how I laughed as I read that book. Meanwhile, in real Africa, there are presidents saying things like this:
‘Set your ovaries free:’ Tanzania leader seeks population growth
President Magufuli, citing India and China, said having a big population helps build the country’s economy.
[head desk]